| It bothers me a lot when women post pics of themselves on the men's miscellaneous page or men post pics of women. A LOT. Just to clarify I'm talking about women ONLY; the only person in the photo is a women and I know this because I can see breasts or a vagina. Not a guy's nice ass in panties but a woman for sure. I also know that these photos are posted by men too. Usually their girlfriends I assume.
I don't want this page being taken over by photos of women because I have photos of my ass, cock sucking and other photos that I can't post on the main page. If I post these pics on the main page they rightfully get evaluated into the wrong category which puts them into "not categorized" and seen by people who visit my page ONLY. The way to prevent this is for the men who post on the men's misc page, and all men who post pics, is to "evaluate" them and say that they are in the "wrong category" and they will drop off. I spend a lot of time taking photos for my page and I deserve to have them seen in the proper forum.
There is another site called "Show Your Cunt" where men can go and see all the women they want.
So, starting today, whenever I see a pic on the men's misc page I'm going to click on it, find the "evaluate" button and click on it and click "wrong category".
There, I feel better. |
What is a pet peeve of yours Bella?
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