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BASIL contains things that can be used as disinfectant!
Trump ask of we could use disinfectant to help with the virus and was ridiculed.Basil is used to flavor food.
Karyn Siegel-Maier, author of The Naturally Clean Home, suggests making your own disinfectants by combining vinegar with essential oils such as rosemary, thyme or basil. In studies, basil oils have been shown to kill E. coli, listeria and salmonella bacteria.
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Vets join with demonstrators in Portland. They want to protect the free speech of demonstrators. So, all you "Demonstrators are a bunch of nogoods" suck it up.
Sad that common sense is so absent that folks don't realize,they don't HAVE tO CLIC on any thing they consider offensive.
"who is making the money on the mask and the medicines? We need that info. then we'll know who's pulling the strings"
Um, raises a lot of possiablitys doesn't it?
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3M is going to start up a plant to make N95 masks in Brockville, Ontario, Canada. They're also making a shitload of loot from this. They plan on making 100M masks a year for Canadian consumers.
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--------------------------------------- added after 889 hours
3M is making a shitload of money from this. It was announced recently that they will be building a new plant in Brockville, Ontario to produce 100M N95 masks for Canadian consumers.
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Liberal news source,
what say ye to this? I have been discredited here for trying explain this for over a week now.
This is an article on the CBC site. If you scroll way down to the comments you'll see how Canadians feel about it. You won't see this on American news, fake or otherwise.
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The last time this border was closed was during the war of 1812 before Canada was even Canada so it's correct that the Canada - US border has never been closed before now.
Billions of tourism dollars cross between our border in the summer when it's open. Hundreds of thousands of people care because their jobs are related to tourism.
Take Banff National Park and Niagara Falls Ontario for instance. Both of these areas are being hammered by the lack of US tourists not coming to Canada but the Canadian government is paying people who are not working because of COVID $2,000 per month and of course we all have health care so we're not that bad off. Businesses are also being helped.
American border cities are not getting the Canadian "day shoppers" that they are used to so their stores are dying, particularly in Buffalo and Niagara Falls NY where $10B is spent annually by Canadians. Las Vegas is also missing Canadians. 90% of Canadians live within an hour drive of the US border.
So that, Phart, is why people want the border opened but Canada won't open it at this point because we have COVID-19 under control and we don't want Americans coming here to fuck it up!
It seems like I will have to wait until they come up with a vaccine for Covid-19 and then hope they start working on a vaccine for STUPID.
You managed to cram about a dozen wacko conspiracy theories into one rambling brain-fart.
Nice work!
Why is it that none of you people can organize your thoughts and present them in a logical fashion?
I was not aware that crazy people were considered to be a race of their own.
Thank you for noticing that I practice what I preach!
That was easy!
I had no idea that all of those people had been confined since the Kennedy administration.
Where are they keeping them?
Change for the sake of change is not always a good thing.
Unless it is change for a dollar, which is always handy.
The Deep State is a mythical creature--like Big Foot or all those "people keep saying" people that Trump always talks about just before he tells a lie.
Why do you never mention the Martians?
They are sneaky bastards, and are behind most of the world's problems.
Why is everyone who used to work for Trump "disgruntled"?
If he is such a stable genius, shouldn't he hire people who don't have issues with their gruntles?
Sad to break it to you, but Donald Trump isn't qualified to blow his own nose.
You keep throwing around the word "TRUTH", but it does not seem like you are really interested in that at all.
What you believe to be TRUTH is only the stuff that fits your unhinged conspiracy theories.
I am not sure how else I can reason with you.
Oh--I used the word "people" because I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I just assumed that you were a people. Sorry about that.
I know that English is not your native language, but you REALLY have to try harder to make sense if you are going to use it to communicate here.
Unfortunately, the "typo" was the only part of your rant that was coherent enough to understand.
Your writings are so alike that one might suspect that you are the exact same person.
All of your writings are the same as that fucking jew hating bitch, bella and all other fucking retarded fuck faces.. Just a total waste and it is PEOPLE like you that makes the world more difficult to make sense of how stupid your kind truly are..
Who is this "we" you speak of? The voices in your head?
What are "jerkoff names"?
How does one go about "jerking off of the computer"?
Why do you hate the Jews so much? What have they ever done to you?
You obviously have not been paying attention. MY writings are completely different from the writings of anyone else around these parts. I know because I wrote my writings.
I believe that "fucking retarded fuck faces" is a very mean thing to say. Shame on you!
My "kind" would never say anything as stupid as "fucking retarded fuck faces".
I still have questions.
How, exactly, does one shove a "mudhole" up an ass?
Is "fucking stupidity" the same as regular stupidity, or is it stupidity exclusive to the subject of fucking?
Is the "mudhole" created by the river, or are the two located in different places?
The fact that you don't know how to reason,,, and/or read to realize how much you hate this man makes you too irrational for any thoughts on a productive manner.. You are your worst enemy,,, YES we all are to a certain extent but you are on the profound extreme level.... There is nothing I can write to you that will help you to understand me or by any means a contitutionalist or one that desires to understand pure justice,,,, Only your justice,,, for you, right?,,,
1. Who LIKES to be "pushed around"?
2. Thank you for the compliment. I AM quite smart.
3. I don't "think" I am smarter than you. Think is not the accurate term to describe the truth of the matter.
4. I wasn't here to talk about Trump. I was seeking clarification on the "mudholes up the ass" thing.
5. Besides, YOU'RE the one who brought up "mudholes", not me.
6. I "focus" just fine, thank you very much.
7. My reading comprehension skills are actually top-notch. Your writing ability, on the other hand, leaves a lot to be desired. (This is constructive criticism--to help you to communicate better.)
8. I told you before: STEVE is my worst enemy.
9. The reason I can't understand what you write is because you do it so poorly.
10. When did JUSTICE become part of the discussion? Is that the name of the town where the "mudholes" are?
At first I approached friendly and asked questions with giving facts.. You repaid my diplomacy by calling me names, illiterate and stupid.. But here is the problem with you.. The silent majority is not the ones that are arguing with you.. Why is that? Yet when the election was over the win was so overwhelming for Trump even IF the blacks voted with the same numbers as obama in 2008 she still would have lost anyway.. So what is this saying. Think of this,, during his campaign the lying media tried so hard to slander this man.. Every single network and yet some aspects of Fox News.. Why is that?? But for dropouts like you you maintain that you are right and smarter than the silent majority.. Sadly, since Trumps base is even more solidified with conservativism with blacks and minorities solidified in battle ground states it is almost a matter of time before the election is over and the democrats continue in trying to continue with the impeachment process.. BUT this time when they lose the house because their approval rating is less than 5% with Trumps approval ratings over 50% it is only a matter of time before this sequence becomes reality..
You can't understand me because you don't want to understand and that you are stupid.. Any other person would say they understand me.. Now there may be some possibilities,,, you are foreign to this nation and your native language is not English.. OR you are English and dropped out of school during 1st Grade,,, OR you do understand but will politically spin your bullshit to prove you are right but the one's that vote just laugh at you...
JUSTICE is everything... Just like Piety, just like national sovereignty and wisely choosing the president.. Its all about morals, ethics, piety.... and yes.. JUSTICE... The only way you can understand it's definition is to learn about humility. but you don't have the balls to understand it.. You are always right.. always. especially on the fuck site like this..
So you say I'm stupid,,, well so be it.. 1st amendment right.. BUT the silent majority also has 1st amendment right and will only utilize this come November 3rd..
2. I am pretty sure that the "entire educated world" hasn't read your post. You give yourself way too much credit.
3. If the majority is "silent", how can you hear if they are arguing with me or not? Do you have magical powers?
4. "the blacks"? Seriously?
5. It wasn't "overwhelming". She won the popular vote by several million. He just squeaked by in the electoral college.
6. You just made up random numbers on the approval rating part. Trump is tanking at around 38% with Independents and at 5% with Democrats. His numbers with Republicans are in the mid 70s.
7. I didn't drop out. I have a college degree. Wherever did you get such a silly idea? I teach English for gawd's sake.
8. You left out the possibility that I am just fucking with you because you are a tool.
9. No. STEVE is my worst enemy. Seriously, how many times do I have to say that?
10. My balls are very humble. That's one of the many things I like about them.
11. Are you seriously going to discuss Trump AND morals, ethics, humility and piety in the same rant? Are you sure we are talking about the same Trump?
12. If any other person says that they understand you, they are lying.
13. What color is the sky in your world?
In California you have dead people, even dead cats voting for them,, that's why the mail in ballot is popular in Oregon. The rules are simple,, 270 votes - presidency.. What is so hard about that? You have liberals like you in corrupted states with their base.. Yes they outnumber conservatives but are confined into cities because the democrats make sure they don't get education or qualified for the job market.. The democrats feed on one thing.. HATE.. You're lack of education like I said is not your fault.. This is how you were taught.. If you want a valid constitution, stay here.. If you don't then move out..If you want to change it then do it legally,, not through terror and hate. There is a proper way to do it. Another hint is after every single time the democrats used riots for an election year they have lost every single time. They don't know what to do because they can't compete on the same level so they resort to tactics ...
Nobody is keeping you.. And I hate to tell you but my numbers are correct.. If not exact for the moment you can clearly see the message..People read these posts,,, this is not between us only..The silent majority doesn't have to read this because it is just redundant truth..But they do.
Thank you for playing our game!
It's a rhetorical question so don't bother answering because you are obviously unable to carry on an intelligent conversation.
I'll just pretend that you said okay and go for it.
He would say:
Trump and the Deep State made CNN confine the Kennedeys because of the liberals and their left wings but pizza is good with peppers and cows dance on my nightstand when the yellow bus goes up a hill.
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Obviously, he would use a lot more words than that, but I think I captured the essence.
If I was going for verisimilitude, I should have left those out.
Do you know what sanctuary means? Especially concerning undocumented aliens? I doubt it
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So why don't the Democrats focus on taxpayers that are having trouble making ends meet at work?
Is someone stealing their lunch?
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This is a global movement it isn't between the United States Canada Mexico this is global this is what the Vatican tells you to do this is what the Bilderberg Group tells you to do and this is what the Bohemian group tells you to do. This is where pay-to-play comes. What about the AngloFrench group? And that Vatican with its bread and wine, powerful,just powerful.
Well, pay to play. Banco. Ace and a ten. (End of sarcasm)
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Betsy DeVoss, our current Republican Secretary of Education , has fucked up education in this country that will take years to fix
87% of Mexico’s exports are bought by the USA
The following is a list of exports to us. There’s also a list of imports from us bought by Mexico
Vehicles: US$121.3 billion (25.7% of total exports)
Electrical machinery, equipment: $81 billion (17.1%)
Machinery including computers: $80.7 billion (17.1%)
Mineral fuels including oil: $26.6 billion (5.6%)
Optical, technical, medical apparatus: $19.9 billion (4.2%)
Plastics, plastic articles: $10.8 billion (2.3%)
Furniture, bedding, lighting, signs, prefabricated buildings: $10.3 billion (2.2%)
Vegetables: $7.8 billion (1.7%)
Beverages, spirits, vinegar: $7.5 billion (1.6%)
Fruits, nuts: $7.4 billion (1.6%)
Oh you have noticed the numbers of cases strangly have not went up in places of riots to uh? odd,very odd.
When I read the virus can be caught from the eyes I lost alot of faith in mask.
There is a tear duct that leads straight into the throat and the virus can hit the eye,get washed down and you have the bug. I am glad they are putting in air purifiers,that is great.Should be doing that in all public places. Most of the mask people are wearing are designed to work in sterile enviroments. And they are cheaper,so if the air is clean,mask wearing won't break the bank.Of course,when doctors and nurses wearing full gear,are dieing in droves,makes you wonder about how well the mask really works.https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/health/healthcare-workers-death-coronavirus/
newest numbers I could find. Strange how that info is suddenly not avaliable when it could be used to debunk the value of mask.
IF you fear death to the point that you think everyone else should modifiy thier behavior for YOUR safety, follow the early guidelines of STAYING AT HOME.
Your health and safety are ultimatly YOUR responseablity.
You DO NOT have to leave your home for food.Grub hub? Delivery? Ever heard of Amazon? Pizza hut?
You can live at home.Hey,even our government thought we could live at home for a month or more without going out.
Besides,no,you don't have to tell others to stay out of the store,you put on your mask and you go in.You take responseablity for Your safety. You are already doing it,why is it you are complaining? Is your mask the wrong type? Are you admiting the mask ineffective and are asking others to wear 1 just to make sure you stay healthy? Get a better mask than 1 made from worn out fruit of the looms!
Before the pandemic had you walked around in the hospital with a piece of cotton over your face from a freinds tshirt,you would have been ask to put on a approved mask for your work enviroment.your peers are dieing wearing approved full protective gear,but yet,folks are telling me to cut up a pair of socks and put it on and I am suddenly bullet proof.Yea right.
Fucking ass theories, most of us, me at least are totally confused. I have to say, out of all the rabid right wingers on site, you win hands down the prize for stupidity,and ignorance. No matter. In early November lots of things will change and we will be able to flush the stupidity down the toilet.
The Clinton's and the DNP fucked up. But, polls are never exact. There's always lots of wiggle room. However, when the polls say that Biden is 15 percentage points ahead of the Clown, even if the poll is way wrong, it's still very creditable. By any standard, the Clown has acted as if we don't have a Constitution. BTW Nazis or Fascism as they are correctly identified, are as right wing as it's possible to be. Nazi cunt shows two things. First, you are an uneducated slob. Second, you can't stand a woman can argue with you.
Anyway, you keep wishing and we'll see on Nov 3 who's right
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One more thing, FAKE NEWS has been overworked. News is news. There are no meetings of the news organizations to bring fake stories to the public. Fake news is a convenient way to fool the fools. You fool
Sociopathic Orange Jeebus didn't have to build his ridiculous Wall after all. All he had to do was totally botch the handling of a pandemic-- and Mexico closed the border for him.
-US Doctor
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Everyone has more respect for medical professionals after they or a loved one has had their life saved by one. I know. Nurses are the heavy lifters in every hospital.
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