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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By bella! [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 11:06 other posts 
Although this is not about Donald, it is about Melania's trip to Africa. What I enjoyed was the montage that Jimmy Kimmel put together about "Melania HERE, Melania THERE". The saying; "a picture is worth one thousand words" is so true! Just focus on her face, her expressions.

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By phart [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 11:25 other posts 
I can't believe people are so hung up on her hat.It is perfectly normal in that hot desert environment to wear a wide brim white hat to stave off the heat and sun from the skin. Would 1 of those big Mexican style hat's have suited everyone better?
By #562152 09,Oct,18 14:22
yes,,it would have,,,it was like flying the Mexican flag in the middle of Austin, Texas
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 16:31 other posts 
But if, in fact, the choice of head gear is a representation of colonialism and the exploitation of blacks, surely her stylist could have guided her to something different. No?
By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Oct,18 17:58 other posts 
Bella, I'm sure that when high ranking officials travel there are people either on ground (maybe the Ambassador or their subordinates) or travel with them to prevent fashion faux pas and ensure proper etiquette, it matters. I'm not sure who's job that is but regarding the white hat, they did fail. I do wonder who gave her the hat though.
I watched the bit on Jimmy Kimmel last night and it certainly was a happy face that she's had in Africa.
By #562152 09,Oct,18 14:21
HAHAHA,,,loved it,,

By #568832 06,Oct,18 09:13
"Donald Trump has turned America into a place where victims are mocked and being merciless is a virtue"

What's your views on this statement .
Are the victims just namby Pamby wingers . or have they got a valid point?
By #562152 06,Oct,18 09:52
Victims always have had a valid point when they asked for justice. There's many types of abusers in this world. Getting mugged, beat up, assaulted verbally, the list is long, but, there is one type that is different. Sexual assault or sexual harassment has been treated differently. Think what would happen if your s.on goes to the principal's office and accuses little Stevie of stealing his lunch money. I think we know that little Stevie is in mucho trouble and it was not stealing harassment, it was stealing.
Women, as one half of the human reproductive team, have been viewed for ages as being the ones to expect and not complain when men f.orce themselves on them. And how do you prove that. Sexual assaults do not happen in the middle of crowded street. There's no money taken, the bruises are in a very private place, and the perpetrator can claim it was consensual. That makes the victim a slut. The people doing the mocking are mostly men. Women have more understanding as they probably went through something similar at work, school, or any other place.
I wonder what men would do if the woman boss made them masturbate n the middle of the work floor and several people.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 10:08 other posts 
I totally agree with what you say. But, since on my horny mood now, I'll reply yo your question "I wonder what men would do if the woman boss made them masturbate n the middle of the work floor and several people."

I'd be ok with it, so long as the people watching were (mostly) women.
By #562152 06,Oct,18 10:11
Leo,,,,what if they were all men??
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 10:12 other posts 
No, that's a big no.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 10:12 other posts 
"Donald Trump has turned America into a place where victims are mocked and being merciless is a virtue"

He hasn't turned into America into this kind of place. Parts of America (same in many other countries, by the way) were like this before he became president and that's why he became president. Those people who like to mock victims, those who are uncultured, those who are uncouth, those who can't utter any sentence without filth or idiocy, .... those are who elected Trump. Unfortunately, he has also been supported by more "respectable" people too.
But he hasn't turned America into this place you're saying, the damage was there already.
He's just helping promote ****, filth, inhumanity, and so on.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 11:08 other posts 
There are legit victims and there are copy cat's trying to get their 5 minutes of fame.
And there is alot of viscous women out there that get a thrill out of ruining a mans reputation and life in general.
Those are the bad apples making it a hard row to hoe for the true victims of crime. If proven liars, they should go to jail.
For decades some women have lived slutty lives in their youth and are being taught by today's media and the METO movement that they can come out with the facts that they fucked anything warm and hard and the guys that didn't make the cut in number of orgasms are rap1st.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 11:18 other posts 
There are many women who have taken advantage of the system in order to promote themselves. But there are many women too, a lot of them, who have been harassed and abvsed and ra.ped. Trump, as a president of the US, should not make fun of disabled people, of harassed women, etc. He's done that in public many times. He does not know how to behave. His not a gentleman. Neither gentle nor man.
By #562152 06,Oct,18 11:18
phart,,few women are slutty whores like me. What you just said is that's if i say i was raped it's because i didn't like how they fucked me? I suppose you mean i have no right to say no to some dude that thinks he's G.OD's gift to women??? Did you complain to the cops after you grew up that your mom dropped you on your head???? SERIOUSLY?????
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 14:29 other posts 
My mom did drop me on my head,literally .Nothing i am proud of either.I don't discuss much of how I was raised.Put it this way,if she did the things to me now that she did then,she would have died in prison instead of a nursing home .
There are more whores than folks realize.
You have the right to say no.But during the events in question,did the women say no,or did they just roll with the flow?
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 15:13 other posts 
Men in power do women (and other human beings) all the time. Look at what has happened in the catholic church: the institution was set up so that anyone could have sex with ch1ldren and it was covered by the church. Likewise, men in politics do take advantage of vulnerable people. Mostly women, but not only. It is much more likely that Kavanaugh abvsed that woman than not because he had the power to do so. One should be constantly suspicious of people who have power and who pretend to be ethical. Power and ethics contradict one another.
I agree with you that there are many "whores" around who have taken advantage of one's protectionism, have sold their bodies in order to achieve their purpose.
But NOT every woman who is abvsed is a whore.
And, in any case, a supreme court judge should be clean of all suspicions. This Kavanaugh is not.
They can find another person to do the job.
He is not unique.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 15:26 other posts 
As i mentioned elsewhere,it would be difficult to find a "clean" person for any job in Washington. And it seems if you send a clean 1 up there, they come back dirty.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 15:39 other posts 
Then we agree. Politicians are, in general, unclean.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 22:46 other posts 
I am sure over half the people in that hearing room were scared to death the skeltons would come out of the closets on them.BUT the dems would defend their's to the max,but yet,let the repubs do it and they are just vile! Double standard.
Last I heard the liberal lady judged mentioned retirement and said they could have another round if they wanted! holy crap again?
Who could Trump nominate that the dem's wouldn't try to clean their clock?

By #551226 06,Oct,18 12:59
Let's talk your pussy ass prime minister Trudeau.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Sep,18 22:28 other posts 
Trump said: "Judge Kavanaugh one of the highest quality people I've ever met."

That coming from the mouth of a sleazeball is the best proof there is that Kavanaugh is not exactly of high quality...
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Sep,18 22:36 other posts 
Do you know to tell if Trump is lying? His lips are moving.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 27,Sep,18 22:40 other posts 
Actually, he's NOT lying when he says that K is of highest quality.

Highest quality for Trump means exactly someone like K. The sleazier, the better.
By #562152 01,Oct,18 18:00
A real piece of work,,
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,18 18:39 other posts 
Ok,present us with a better candidate.
Be sure to run him,she or it,thru the same wringers you all want Trump's picks ran thru ok?
By kebmo [Ignore] 01,Oct,18 19:13 other posts 
Phart, Judge Judy?
By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,18 20:04 other posts 
I don't know she was on the front of 1 of those "news" papers in the walmart check out line a while back.She may have something in her closet!
By #562152 05,Oct,18 10:48
At this point i'd prefer Mickey Mouse to any Trump nominee,,
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 10:50 other posts 
But Mighty Mouse would come out of the wood work and claim they had a "affair" and that he was given a hoop of cheese to shut up about it!
By #562152 05,Oct,18 11:03
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 11:09 other posts 

By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 10:20 other posts 
Unemployment is the lowest in 50 years at 3.7%. Stock market continues to break records since he came in to power. No more missles from little rocket man, Middle East basically quiet, Iran who knows! Russia, other than hacking also quiet. Most importantly his wife Melania is the hottest first lady ever......
By phart [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 11:01 other posts 

By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 23:39 other posts 
"I have interviewed more people this week than the FBI did."

-Jimmy Kimmel on the Kavanaugh investigation.
By #562152 05,Oct,18 10:43
We interact with more people in one day, here, than the whole FBI investifuckup of the "GOOD JUDGE"
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 10:47 other posts 
FBI, Friggen Bunch of Idiots.They can't get anything right unless there is some money or assets to be seized.
There was nothing really for them to gain with this investigation so they didn't really put in any effort. I seriously doubt they would have found much regardless.But again,I doubt they put in much effort.
By #562152 05,Oct,18 10:52
You have to remember that FBI stands for Federal Bureau of Intoxication.

By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Oct,18 20:57 other posts 
Oh no! I just saw on the news that the President can now send EMERGENCY alerts to every cell phone, tv and radio in the USA. It's for weather, terrorist, war or health emergencies ONLY!! It was made clear that it's not for political messages but who wants to guess how long that will hold out? I guess that before the mid term elections Trump will abuse the system.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 11:50 other posts 
I aint to happy about this.I despise text
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 15:19 other posts 
We already have such systems in Canada but it's not national, it's regional and it's not run from the Prime Minister's Office. It's for weather emergencies and Amber Alerts.
An Amber Alert is when a ch.ild is abducted and is in immediate danger. It goes out over all cell phones, tvs and radios in a large geographical region around the crime.
I think it's a great idea...when used properly.
By #562152 04,Oct,18 10:12
Kebmo we have those too
By #562152 04,Oct,18 10:13
phart, be happy it's not a mind meld thing
By #491031 03,Oct,18 15:34
I can just imagine his announcements: "Crooked Hillary and the "Deep State" are sending a tornado to your area. Sad!"
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 16:00 other posts 
I'd love to know who decided that the actual message should come from the President. Eric?
By #562152 05,Oct,18 10:47
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 10:49 other posts 
nothing around here started beeping so apparently my old flip phone can't catch the signal or I wasn't meant to get it.
The Civil Defense system on my old Am radios probably would work better in this less populated area anyway.

By spermkiss [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 15:47 other posts 
" seems apparent that his jihad against Barack Obama was fueled by envy: Obama was a black man who was also a class act, with all the grace and poise Trump lacks. And Trump couldn't stand it." Paul Krugman, The New York Times, Tuesday, October 2, 2018.
By kebmo [Ignore] 03,Oct,18 16:02 other posts 
You can't buy class.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 08:32 other posts 
You can't buy manners.
You can't buy culture.
You can't buy education.

Trump lacks all these things. Indeed you're right. He's jealous of anyone who has them.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

He behaves like an 8 year old spoiled ****: when you're 8 and are jealous of a k1d you use childish methods to express your anger. The expectation is that an old man, especially when he's the president of a country, he has grown up.

That's not the case with Trump.
Drvg dealers, mafiosi, gangsters, ... all have better manners than him.
By #562152 04,Oct,18 10:18
Manners, culture and education,,,many US Americans lack these. Sadly, it gets passed to the next generation. It's easier to watch Dancing With the Stars or NCIS than to learn where the capital of the USA is at. And when was the last time you saw someone sneeze in public and cover his mouth?
By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 14:23 other posts 
No 1 carries a hanky to sneeze in anymore,so they would have a buggery hand to wipe off on something if they covered their mouth perhaps?
If I sneeze I try to go outside or away from others if time allows.,I also try to fart away from other people unless they are smoking in a non smoking area then I just let it roll!.
By #562152 04,Oct,18 16:01
Not carrying a hankie is no excuse for being uncouth or a danger to other people
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours

I just read that last year 2.2K people died of the flue. The flue is an air born decease.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 20:16 other posts 
I know,I was just giving a possible theory as to why some folks don't cover their mouths when they sneeze.It is not my normal course of action to just sneeze all over the place.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,Oct,18 11:19 other posts 
You can buy two out three of those leo!!
Go to an auction you can buy art, that's culture,if you want to become a doctor,you have to pay for that education..

And trump is not gonna change, you've got more chance of finding hobby horse shit that trump changing...
By #563485 05,Oct,18 00:48
Krugman LOL that ass knows nothing worth knowing
By #551226 05,Oct,18 10:36
Yeah, he WAS a black man until he figured out he has a white mother.

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