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Started by #559941 [Ignore] 21,Jul,18 00:24
Donald Trump won fair and square 2 years ago and dumb-asses can't get over the election? lol

When Fox News Posted that at 2AM on November 9th 2016 it wasn't fake news...

Donald Trump won November 8th 2016. Hillary will not be president ! She has more chances to go to jail than the White house....

It's over ! get over it..

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By #485312 23,Feb,20 03:47
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By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,20 10:09 other posts 
Here is a fine example of Trump doing the right thing despite alot of liberal hoopla.
Would you rather your state burn for weeks on end,have parched lips and your farm land dry up to a dust bowl,just so a few finger size fish can swim happy and not have to fight a bit larger water current? Or would you rather eat,and your farms be green and productive because all the water bottled up somewhere else is finally able to flow to you?
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By #610414 20,Feb,20 11:05
It's dubious but, perhaps, some good may come out of this. The central valley region of California is the biggest food producing region of the country. Fruit and vegetables being the biggest crops. It's true that California's water policies may be a bit draconian, but, they have reached a mayor compromise between the little farmers, the cities like Los Angeles and the big farming combines. The big boys in the central valley consider 160 acre plots to be back yard plots. These huge conglomerates have sunk loads of cash to the elections. Much money is riding on this, hence, Old Donny to the rescue.
It's funny that he is always spouting how state rights are paramount. Always saying The Feds get too involved in state matters and here he is, jumping in with both feet.
By phart [Ignore] 20,Feb,20 16:33 other posts 
Sad that he had to really. You would think the states governement would put the needs of it's people above that of a small fish that will simply modify it's methods.1 thing I do not support Trumps ideas on is using corn for fuel. Sea weed or something,fine,but not corn. We humans can eat corn,and there are to many people hungry that could be eating that corn.Some will tell you the corn they use is the wrong variety to make human food with but the cows we eat could be eating the corn.
I am a second hand vegitarian.Cows eat grass and corn,I eat cows.
By #610414 20,Feb,20 17:07
California is a state that really cares about it's people. If a state passes laws to protect a species and the estuary they inhabit and the people were against it, don't you think that after 30 years (how long it's been around) the people would have petitioned and voted that law out? The people supported it. Big business did not but, since they couldn't get it off the books, they got their buddy to get involved. Some president.

By #591921 17,Feb,20 11:47
Its hilarious to me that now the associated press is reporting that the stands at the Daytona 500 were nearly empty because Trump was the Grand Marshall of the race. However before Trump showed up when I was watching they claimed it was time biggest crowd that had attended the 500 in over 8 years. Its so petty but the associated press made a point to say it and its a flat out lie. Hahaha
By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,20 13:11 other posts 
They don't know their ass from third base!

By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,20 20:12 other posts 
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--------------------------------------- added after 16 hours

kinda hard to reject the facts aint it?

By #610414 10,Feb,20 13:22

WASHINGTON — President Trump released a $4.8 trillion budget proposal on Monday that includes a familiar list of deep cuts to student loan assistance, affordable housing efforts, food stamps and Medicaid, reflecting Mr. Trump’s election-year effort to continue shrinking the federal safety net.

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By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,20 13:37 other posts 
Well think about it,if they can't afford college,or a house,how will they afford to pay back what they borrow?
And he is putting money into different programs that should improve things quickly.Have you not read or heard about the black college funding? Have you not read about the justice reform which consist of helping prisoners get jobs when they get out of jail? Those programs need funding.So you take funding away from what hasn't worked for the past 3 or more decades and you put it somewhere else.
By #607191 10,Feb,20 15:27
If you travel in western Europe you hardly see any itinerant or homeless people. There are some of course but you will have to look for them. In general cities look okay, with no real ghetto's or no go-areas. The safety-net is more or less working. No ostentious wealth, no obvious poverty in general

If you travel through China you'll be astounded by the amount of expensive, luxury cars (Mostly Mercedes, Audi, Volkswagen or the big Japanese SUV's.) People are well-dressed, you will see no graffity anywhere, the streets are very, very clean and there is well-kept green in abundance. Public transport is clean and very modern.
People look quite happy and on Sundays come out in drones with the whole family. Well dressed and looking quite salubrious.
In the bigger cities there are loads of dealers of Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolls Royce and Bentley. It's not difficult to find a street with 15 or more shops in a row selling luxury watches like Rolex, Cartier, Breitling, Patek Philippe, Lange &Sohn etc with each item costing $50.000 or more.
It's a horrible country in many ways (the state and it's camera's are everywhere)but it's a society with a booming economy and many people seem to profit.

If you travel the USA you see derelict buildings on the outskirts of every major city.Industries in decline. There are many beggars, homeless people line the streets in certain areas. It cannot escape the eye that there is a lot of misery next to great wealth and that society is unsafe in many places (locked storewindows, gated communities, armed guards). Graffity abounds, there is unsafe drinking water in many places and in some parts of the bigger cities the streets are full of rubbish.
The number of terribly obese people is staggering (you won't see any cops with big bellies in China or Europe) and in the country you can see lots of young people walking nowhere with all their belongings in a rucksack and a dog without a lease to keep them company.No happy furure for most of them on the horizon. It's easy to find drugs and the relics of it's use.
It's a society seemingly in decline on the whole with patches of prosperity.
The USA doesn't look too good in comparision with other industrialised states.To fall into poverty is easy, to realise the American Dream never a prospect for many. Dismantling a safety-net that isn't really there, doesn't seem like a good idea.
To make America great again for everyone seems like an impossible task.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,20 19:32 other posts 
I worked with a black fellow for a short time and we got along great.I could ask him questions I would not feel "comfortable" asking other folks of color.
We were in a predominatily black neighborhood 1 day and there was trash everywhere.Bottles, cans, paper. I ask him,"why don't these folks clean this place up a bit?". There was trash cans there put out by the city. Some of the garbage was actually bags. But he said, "these people are poor" I ask how that prevented them from picking up a empty bag,and putting trash in it and putting it in a provided can along their way around the block.He really couldn't answer it.He thought about it alot after that.
It does not make sense to some folks about poverty being a exscuse for filth.It is not.You can live in a camper trailer on a vacant lot and keep it clean,the trash picked up,and so on.A mansion can fall into disrepair quickly.So can a camper or mobile home.
No home,still does not mean you can't go shit in a local service station and FLUSH.You don't have to squat and shit and step to the side of it and sit down.
People on drugs created alot of the homelessness. You have to fix that first.No need to put a filthy drug addic in a new house.He will just trash it up with his shit and needles.You have to clean up his ways and his mind first for any help to do any good.
The finished product of a Happy,Productive,American,requires good stock to create it from.
By #591921 10,Feb,20 19:51
The person who caught her should gave asked for a selfie with her hahaha
By #607191 11,Feb,20 03:49
"The finished product of a Happy,Productive,American,requires good stock to create it from."

I sure hope this doesn't mean what it says.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,20 16:28 other posts 
Well what do you think it means? You can't send a drug addict to college and he really learn anything until you get him cleaned up? Kinda hard to send someone to college that made straight D's in high school and expect them to make A's in college. Remember,a doctor that made all C-'s could be your next heart surgeon!
By #607191 11,Feb,20 17:42
I read "good stock" as genetically superior.Glad I'm mistaken

I have been in teaching most of my career and agree with the above.
Fortunately I have had my four bypasses and valve from a well qualified team
By #610414 11,Feb,20 18:49
Phart, how many straight D students do you expect to be accepted into college?
By #591921 11,Feb,20 20:11
Probably depends on how rich the family is look at the scandal thats evolving now with celebrities. And they aren't the only people with plenty of money in the US. Just have to buy some grades now days get you in any college.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,20 21:14 other posts 
Ding ding we have a winner.
No I did not mean eugenics wise on "good stock".
Some princeables of the science of eugenics have merit but it can't be used in modern society due to the stigma placed on the entire concept by Hitler.
By #591921 10,Feb,20 19:39
Well with only a 3% unemployment rate not lots of people need food stamps now anyway. He is also starting a opioid recovery program to help people who had addiction problems so they dint fall back and so those who have drug addiction of all types can get help recovering. That alone will help the crime that by the way is at the lowest level in 40years now.
By #610414 11,Feb,20 18:59
Overeight, Food stamps are mostly used by families that work. As a matter of fact, now, Don't they have to show they are working or looking for work? Food is one of the biggest expense in a household budget. You really think a single mother working at a fast food joint and supporting kids can make ends meet?
Look, if your Messiah is able to help any part of this country's ills, so much the better, but, you have to stop assuming that because this is now, that is helped. The crime rate has been falling since the early nineties. That's Clinton twice, Bush twice, Obama twice and now Trump. Of course, as usual, he tells you a partial truth.
By #591921 10,Feb,20 19:48
Well people could just vote for hipicritical Elizabeth Warren. She preaches tax the rich they have it made take there money and go e it to the poor. Then she gets caught taking her private jet to Iowa and to New Hampshire. Then when she got off her private jet she saw a person recording her getting off the plane and hides behind one of her campaign workers and then put a jacket over her head. But they clearly caught her in her Private Jet. Hahaha yeah right like she is going to tax people who have private jets and have access to live the high life. Hahahaha yeah right.
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Yeah go get another free grant for school Elizabeth and say you American Indian on your paperwork again. My ex wife is native and calling someone American Indian is a very big insult to natives.
By #610414 10,Feb,20 20:12
OVEREIGHT, I gather you don't like Elizabeth Warren. Will you vote for her? I'm betting NO. And that's ok, but, in order for most of us to decide whom we are going to vote for, we must know know what she wants to do. You don't like her? Vote for someone else. You don't like how she refers to your native American ex-wife as American Indian? Call her campaign and complain. Now, Mr Trump, being super rich himself, gave corporations and top 1 persenters, a huge tax break. Are you saying that if he had increased their taxes he would be just like Elizabeth Warren?
BTW. If your ex is highly insulted about how she's described, she might consider that most people have no knowledge what the proper terminology is. I would be very highly insulted that a member of American society had such little knowledge of how other groups, without malice, refer to her. Perhaps, if she would tell us from what nation she's from, we could address her that way.
By #610414 10,Feb,20 19:56
Why do you always think that help has to be conditional on the ability to pay back? Would you agree that a family that has a roof over their head will probably be less dangerous to society than a homeless person? Would you also agree that a college trained engineer would contribute more to society than high school graduate? Would you not agree that a hungry person is more apt to hold up a liquor store? Could you not agree that children who lack the proper, minimal, nutrition would be more sickly and be a heavier burden on public hospitals?
As far as the system reform for ex-cons, I'm all for it, but, it's us liberals that support that. You conservatives don't want to help ex-cons. Heck, in Florida, just last year they allowed ex-cons to get their civil rights back. It took a well know liberal lawyer to mount a petition for a referendom in the 2018 elections. Even though it passed there were a lot of blocks to getting it passes.
Public housing does work. The section 8 program provides lots of housing in big cities. @ow cost public colleges and tech schools are always full. They just need more help not less
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,20 20:16 other posts 
It is a commitment.It is letting the people giving the help know that the person being helped is serious about making a change in their lives. If you start handing out college degrees like candy on the corner,first off companys won't see it as a asset like it used to be,they will know it was a freebie and not really earned.And second the people it was given to won't appreciate it.
It is hard enough to get kids that are paying somehow to go to college to actually pay attention and study.

You need to ride thru the "projects" sometime. Not a pretty site.
I know someone whos son lived in section 8 for awhile. Rats running everywhere,filth everywhere,he left and gave it up and lived in a tent for a while until something better came up.Cleaner.
Why is a hungry person holding up a liquir store? UM, should be holding up a grocery store for milk and beef jurky or something. As for the cons, IF the idea works and the con actually wants to improve I have no quams with it at all. but it is those people that so much effort gets wasted on that prompt me to think there should be a limit on how much help is doled out before the plug gets pulled.
By #610414 10,Feb,20 21:45
You are giving one-off examples. There are plenty of apartment complexes in Miami that are section 8 and very nice. You also ASSUME that someone that gets financial help with their college are going to be lazy and not study. Where I come from students like that get kicked out of their learning institutions. Perhaps you live in an area that has more rats and schools are for partying
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,20 16:30 other posts 
That section 8 housing that looks nice right now,check back in 5 years.
By #591921 11,Feb,20 17:50
Latest food stamp fraud case in history Imoclee Florida. A middle eastern guy who owned multiple convenient stores and a flea market busted with 1.3 million in food stamp cards. He traded any items at his flea market for immigrants food stamp cards and bought supplies for his stores with the cards he also had a food stamp acceptance registration and took food stamps for beer and cigarettes in his stores. Here in the small town I live in 13 people were arrested for food stamp fraud having 4 or more food stamp accounts. The way they got busted was because they worked 6 days a week at the employment agency because to get food stamps you must work 20hours a week trying to find employment or have proof of legal income that isn't sufficient to meet your needs. My city just outside Tallahassee only has 42,000 people. So you can't say everybody that gets it needs it. Yes people need it but they should have to be kept track of. If they need it they wont care. If I'm starving fine track me I don't care just give me some food. Plus here in this small town 8 shootings in section 8 housing last year. The US mail refused to deliver mail there for 3 months.68 drug arrest if babies daddies 36 arrest on running a drug house. Now all that activity has moved out in the county not in town anymore. Section8 apartments are at a record low. In my county unemployment is only 7.3 % down from 4 years ago at 27.4% so I went down 20.1%. Just in my little county.
By #610414 11,Feb,20 18:22
Overeight, I don't get your point. If you are saying that crime happens everywhere than I agree. I also agree that it's easy to waffle the food stamp program. The scam where recipients that sell them for a portion of the value to use it for booze or drugs is as old as the program. And a grocer that accepts food stamps for beer or wine is also as old as the system, but, in this case, I can understand it. I agree that if a house is a den of drugs and violence the US postal service should cut delivery
What I want to know is this. Is every operatio, every account, every recipient crooked? In your area yo have Publix, Walmart, and a few other supermarkets. Are they crooked? Are their millions of food stamps gotten illegally?
I don't know why you are bitching about a program that helps the public.........unless you don't qualify and are envious.
By #591921 11,Feb,20 21:11
I'm not envious at all I simply think if you can get a job that has enough income you shouldn't be on food stamps. I bought my house at age 24 so its paid off. I was disabled at age 48 I was denied collecting SSDI because I had a retirement that I put 20% of my income into since I was 25. That I actually had yo give 33% of yo the government because I was to young to collect on it. So to be honest o was penalized for doing the right thing. I worked my butt off for over 30 years a full time job. Raised my kids on my money. Saved and suffered paid all my taxes and then had to give 33% of my money I put up after taxes in taxes again. Then had to pay 12% in penalties for early withdrawal. I'm just pissed I was taxed twice for doing what your supposed to do. So just what will you do when income taxes are raised to 62% for working class like Bernie and Warren want to do. You fo know thats what he said he wanted right. Then Warren is promising she want to give everybody in America free medical,free college,free prescriptions,free free free. Claims she will just tax corporations (except George Soros that is) and just what do you think will be the result if raising corporate taxes to 60%. Hmmm lets see what we can cut from the budget here hmmm lets see how about the labor we can cut that drastically to pay the extra taxes eureka. Oh we have to pay people 25 an hour cool cut labor again. Hmmm well we are losing to much money I the US lets just pack up and leave before the tax hoes up to 75%. Did you know in Denmark what Bernie wants to model the US after for example yes average annual income is over $100,000 a year,income tax is 62%. One gallon of gas cost $22 dollars,that pays for dental. Electricity the bill is 32% higher than it us here. All doctors get $ 1 million a year before taxes because its state run and controlled,you are required to take a two year rest after every 15 years without income reimbursement you have to just save up to get by. All corporations must turn in a true profit report to determine how much tax they must pay based on profit above the corporate tax. Just think about it. How many people in the US can corporations support without any if them working,and for how long. How ling will ylthey stay in the US having to do that
By #610414 11,Feb,20 21:22
Overeight. After reading your post I've come to the conclusion the moon is made of cheese. Elvis and Kennedy are alive in a Greek island. We never made it to the moon. The world is flat. Thank you for a great story.
By #610414 11,Feb,20 18:13
Phart, I'm sorry to disagree. These properties are kept up very well. I don't know how they do it in your are, but in Miami-Dade county, they do inspections and if the tenant is a real pig, he gets thrown out,
By #591921 11,Feb,20 20:19
I had a friend who owned 7 section 8 housing complexes,they get inspected once a year. They hire companies to come in a couple of months before inspection to make repairs to make inspection. The rest of the year they don't give a crap. That is until now they have quarterly inspections since Ben Carson started running it.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Feb,20 21:20 other posts 
Ding ding again. It is all setup so the renovations are done shortly before inspection so the place looks sharp. Someone at the inspectors office typically leaks out when they will inspecting certian places. In the case I am aware off, drugs were exchanged for a heads up on when inspections happened.Sad,very sad that it is true,people get bribed in all lines of work.
I know of folks that rented mobile hoomes out and when they finally get the trashy people out of them,they just burn them down for practice for the fire department as they are to rough to repair.Plumbing stolen for scrap,holes in walls and crap all over the place.
I am glad the section 8 is good in your area,maby that news needs to spread so they can move down to the sunshine state!

By #610494 10,Feb,20 09:16
Can't get away from politics no natter where you go. Keep politics off the site. It's for fun, not starting arguments. Go onto Facebook if you really need your dose of politics. You really think arguing with people about politics is going to change ANYBODY'S mind? FUCK NO! So what's the point?
By phart [Ignore] 10,Feb,20 09:49 other posts 
the point is people that are making stupid mistakes when they vote,like voting democrat,don't go places where you would normaly seek truth and guidance.So you have to attempt to bring the education to them.And hope they at least take a second look at reality and think for awhile about the consquences of their actions.
Had Hillary been elected in 2016, the terrorist recently killed because of orders from Trump would still be reeking menance to society.North Korea would think the US was a bunch of pussy's, and the mexican border would be like the doors of walmart on friday before Christmas.
You can lead the horses to good water,but they have to decide to drink or perish.
By #610414 10,Feb,20 12:36
Jimbo, why don't you go and jackoff? The forums has alway had politics and arguments about everything since day one. You now cum here and want to impose your ideals about the site? Like Phart said, we don't think we will change minds , but, we make undecided ones to think. It's better than having a thread that asks, "Am I gay because I suck dick?" Yeah! Right.
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You are brand new to the site so I won't berate you much, but, I will ask you, "If you find it objectionable, why not go to another site? This site has many members and we show off and sex chat all the time. It's funny, sexy, and varied. Why not politics too?

By #485312 09,Feb,20 00:25
yeah that Pelosi woman has that derangement disease for sure... someone shoot her, shes not worth a retirement cheque after the millions shes wasted already.. *lix*
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By #607191 09,Feb,20 00:38
someone shoot her??? You've totally gone off the rails posting something like that and joined the community of loonies on the internet.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 09:25 other posts 
Naw,don't want to see her physicaly in any way shape or form. I would much rather see her become minority leader this fall for 4 years under Trump.
By #610414 09,Feb,20 12:24
That, Phart, is the way we do things in this country. WE don't try to cheat to get elected.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 16:41 other posts 
Well,don't get to happy yet,I say that because 1,if a person is dead and gone,there is no fixing that person.Also,I don't want another Brady bill or similar going on.That is the knee jurk results of actions like mentioned above.
Besides,I think it would do her good to have to look UP from the audieance instead of down from her perch onto Trump. ANd being miniority leader for 4 years under Trump would remind her everyday her party lost their little costly game.
By #610414 09,Feb,20 12:23
sven57a, I didn't think you had it in you.
By #485312 09,Feb,20 21:52
no, lm just having my say on all this bullshit you all go on with, who cares what these idiots do in their spare time, while theyre supposed to be running a country..so if you can buy a gun and legally buy it bullets, why not shoot some of these air supping idiots ... its not like the world is short of idiots and overpaid politicians. all routing the system, all taking and not caring about the jobs theyre supposed to be doing. in my world, if it don't work, chuck it out, and if its lame, shoot it .. *lix*
By #610414 09,Feb,20 12:21
$10,000,000 for high energy cost grants within the Rural Utilities Service (RUS)

$9,000,000 for a fruit fly quarantine program

$8,000,000 for the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) and the Delta Regional Authority (DRA)

$303,500,000 for the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program

$65,000,000 for Pacific coastal salmon recovery

$7,876,000 for fish passage and fish screens

These are some of the pork barrel spending by Congress. They are pet projects of some congressman and get voted as a "favor"

The impeachment process and trial of President Trump cost less than 4 million dollars. I think the effort to remove a traitor from the highest office in the land was worth it.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,20 16:43 other posts 
If a batch of fruit flys hit America from somewhere else it could wipe out our fruit trees.And that would be bad.Push come to shove they can print 9 more million.
4 million dollars for all this time and effort on impeachment,that is not a conceivable fiqure.I would say closer to 10 or 12 million at the least.
By #610414 09,Feb,20 16:47
Phart, look it up in whatever search engine you like. I didn’t make it up

By #607191 04,Feb,20 23:44
From here in Europe it's a gruesome sight how the USA is tearing itself apart. It's the Civil War all over again. No states this time but neighbors hating each others guts.
United we stand, divided we fall?
What once was an insipration to the world (Make Love, Not War) has turned into a nightmare. Both sides to blame.
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Anyway, the witnesses presented for the eye of the world the very best the USA has to offer while the representatives who defended Trump looked like the scum of the earth. Jim Jordan, that's human filth.
By #588327 05,Feb,20 00:39
That's all the Trump haters. They are mad Hillary did not win.
By #610414 05,Feb,20 12:16
Wrong Petro. Only half of your statement is correct. The Hilary thing is not the real reason as she is old news. It's the lying, cheating, backstabbing and selling out of the next elections we don't like.
By #588327 06,Feb,20 02:07
You can vote for anyone you want. All that other stuff. Let's see if we can remember any past president cheating or lying. Remember this line, No New Taxes and other president said, I Did Not Have Sexual Relations with That Woman. Ha ha

You don't have to like the guy. You should vote for the person you want and see who wins. I really like how they would say No Man is Above the law. When it come to illegals in the USA, now enforcing the law is not far or the right thing to do. If we can pick and choose the laws we follow. I have a couple I don't like.

I know it doesn't matter what I say, I can't change you mind. If you don't want Trump to win next election. Just vote him out. Stop believing it's selling out or some or thing. Just like the impeachment thing is all over. They tried but failed once again.
By #610414 06,Feb,20 08:48
I don't vote for the candidate that has the best chance to win. I vote for the most righteous and that one that shares my views. If it was the other way I would be voting for Trumpo. The biggest liar in the world is the one that states "I never lie". Every one does and presidents are no different.
But, if you are honest with yourself, you have to admit this President has taken un-presidential behavior to a brand new level. The corruption in his administration is unprecedented. The lying is world class. His impeachable offences were much more serious than having oral sex with a White House intern. And he was not exonerated by the Senate. Many Republican senators admitted he did do what he was impeached for.
As far as "the illegals" are concerned, why is a humanitarian effort by good Christian people be viewed as an unlawful support of lawlessness and invasion to the country? Granted, it costs us money, it puts a strain on public services in the Southwest. We even have to put up with the likes of Sheriff Arpaio, but, there are 11 million illegals give or take a million in the United States. There are over 320 million citizens in this country. That amounts to less than 3.5% of the total population. And, they are distributed all over the country. Granted, big cities with large Latin population get the brunt, but, so what? The majority work. The majority pay taxes. The majority raise a family, open small businesses and become good citizens. The only thing they don't have is a stupid little green card that sees the light of day only when they change wallets (or purses). Trumpo goes after them because it makes good copy with his base. The base that hates Spics, Ities, Kikes, and liberals. In short, biggots. Otherwise Trumpo couldn't care less.
By #588327 06,Feb,20 14:16
Because we have laws you make sounds like the illegals are all hard working people. Remember the one that kill a cop and made a run for the boarder They should follow the same rules we have to. If you want to let more people in the USA you should work on changing the laws. Don't ignore the law you don't like. I'm tired of people running for office and not doing what they say. If Trump gets some stuff done that other people won't do. I'm ok if he not presidential.

Just because some people don't like him it's does not make them correct. I'm not working 70 hours a week so the government can tax me more so illegals or anyone can have free health care or free college education. I'll just stop working like everyone else.
By #610414 06,Feb,20 15:24
I also remember the guy that ran his car into a crowd and killed a lady. What does that prove? There are evil people everywhere. Legals and illegals. Tell me this. Why are there close to a million Cubans in Miami? They arrived illegally and got money and food for free. And why do you think your taxes will go up? Your taxes are at a rate set by the IRS. To change it it has to be passed by Congress (controlled by the Republicans). Why are you against free healthcare or college education? Don't you want to live in a better country? Isn't your Savior spouting "MAGA, MAGA"?
By #588327 06,Feb,20 23:32
If our taxes don't go up how do you think we will pay for it ? We are currently 21 Trillion in the hole and you thing free health or free college is an option. If you want to pay the current tax bill off. I'm ok with looking at free health care or college. I got a deal for you, you figure out the money side of it. You can cut any spending the government does now. You can raise the taxes if you want. I don't think you can afford to pay back the current 22 trillion. I'm more then happy to let you figure out the numbers. What do you want to cut in spending now to pay the 22 Trillion.

You MEGA by letting people work and choose how they want to work and live. You don't take away their hard work(money) and give it to someone doing nothing. Because people just like me and you will stop working if you going to take it away from me. I work 70 hours a week to benefit me. Lots of people don't want to work the hours I do. That's their choice. If you or the government can give me heath care for the same price I pay today. I might go for that deal. The truth so far seems it can't be done. They are claim like 3 Trillion a year more in taxes for heath care. That's about $12,000 more in taxes. Can you pay $12,000 this year extra in taxes ?
By #610414 07,Feb,20 00:39
You have no idea what taxes are for and how the system, including the deficit works, do you.
By #588327 07,Feb,20 08:25
I understand how the deficit and taxes. I don't think you do. Because you just want to keep spending money you don't have. Do you understand we have to pay the current 22 trillion back ? You can get the money from the people or business. Do you understand other countries loan us money ? Do you understand if they don't, we don't have any money to keep spending ?

Since your so smart, tell use how you plan on paying the current 22 trillion back, plus the extra 30 Trillion for 10 years for free health care. We are putting you in charge of the money remember corporation don't really pay taxes. The just add the price into a product. They can also move if you tax them to much. Apple computer is pretty good example. If you did not know Apple had like 300 billion cash in Ireland banks keeping it away from USA government taxes.
By #591921 07,Feb,20 01:06
That exactly why your wrong right there. I have great neighbors all up and down my street and they are all Hispanics. I have nothing at all against them. I have nothing against them coming here nothing at all. Just do it legally. And if the democrats who control the house rich now spent one fifth of their time doing their jobs working on immigration policy instead of spending three years investigations and wasting our money plenty more could have come into the country in the last three years. Like I said border patrol newsroom reported that 2 out of every 5 illegal immigrants have sexual assault of a child under 12 records. Thats what we dont want here not those escaping the drugs and gangs.
By #610414 07,Feb,20 01:19
How about the fact that the house passed over 100 bills on multiple needs for the country and Mitch McConnell refuses to bring them to the floor of the Senate? And did you forget that until January of 2018 the house was controlled by the Republicans? So the last 3 years is really 2 and the Senate has blocked all efforts to move along. You also forget that the Republicans in the Senate spent months and months during several tries to repeal Obama-Care. One of your own, the great and noble John McCain voted his conscience
By #610494 06,Feb,20 09:09
How do you figure it's all the trump haters? Y'all acted the same way when Obama was president.
By #591921 06,Feb,20 18:54
Thats why the treasury dept turned Hunter Biden financial records over today for suspicion of illegal income. Looks like the FBI and CIA will get to investigate anyway
By #610414 07,Feb,20 00:40
And then what? Will they call the Ukraine to help out? HAHAHA
By #607191 07,Feb,20 06:21
Anyway, the witnesses presented for the eye of the world the very best the USA has to offer while the representatives who defended Trump looked like the scum of the earth. Jim Jordan, that's human filth.
By #610414 07,Feb,20 07:00
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 10:10 other posts 
I do wish someone would call Putin and find out who won the Iowa cacuos.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Feb,20 08:55 other posts 
Those that hate me for wanting a good President,I couldn't care less. We that are happy with the progress the US has made in the last 3 years are united,we will stand.Those that are Pissed off and mad because they can't use the excuse,"I can't find work" to draw a free check don't matter.
By #607191 08,Feb,20 08:26
Hating and assuming to be hated seems to be a Republican trait.
There's no argueing with the economy booming but there is plenty to be despised in the way a PRESIDENT is behaving. It's way below what may be expected from someone in that office.
Moreover, firing truly outstanding civil servants is a sign of revenge from someone who cannot stand any form of critique.
If Trump would have his way he'd be president for life just like in a dictatorship like Russia and China.

There is an eerie movie describing the fate of people who sell their soul to a ruthless dictatorship called "Mephisto".
Whatever you do, it's never enough and your miserable fate is sealed.
The USA under Trump presents a horrifying picture of a country destroying itself, leaving nothing but losers.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,20 10:00 other posts 
We all know that there is no chance of Trump being a life time dictator. The constitution protects us from that.
It also protects alot of other things.
Killing terrorist without letting the leaky democrats know is a good thing.

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