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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 05,Aug,18 04:29  other posts
I love trivia. When I was growing up my four brothers, my parents and I would call out "TRIVIA" then state some tidbit of information that we had just read or was related to the current topic of discussion.

If you have a piece of trivia for trivia lovers to enjoy, share it here!!

Make sure you share factual information though.

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By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Oct,19 21:55 other posts 
In a list of China's 50 largest cities, the smallest one has over 1.5 million people.
The second and third largest cities have a combined population equal to that of Canada's.

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By kebmo [Ignore] 22,Sep,19 17:35 other posts 
In a double rainbow, a second arc is seen outside the primary arc, and has the order of its colours reversed, with red on the inner side of the arc. This is caused by the light being reflected twice on the inside of the droplet before leaving it.
By #551147 22,Sep,19 17:58
I have only witnessed them twice in my entire life and both times I was driving an unable to get a picture. 😏 That certainly is fascinating and the next time I will look for that feature. One thing for sure... Nature, NEVER ceases to amaze and awe. Thanks for that fact!
By toohey [Ignore] 28,Sep,19 01:31 other posts 
The sky between the two arcs is a little darker than the rest of the sky. This is called Alexander's Band, after Alexander of Afrodisias who described it around 200 BC.

I think I would not mind living in a place called Afrodisias myself.
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Sep,19 02:08 other posts 
You would probably be required to have curly hair to live there.
By #551482 28,Sep,19 16:49
There are two pots of gold at the ends of the rainbows, you need to catch the leprechaun though

By #584883 27,Sep,19 16:05
Heres some useless trivia: The Partridge Family, is a true story!

By #551482 30,Jan,19 16:42
50% of People are below average height (this is subtle...)
By kebmo [Ignore] 30,Jan,19 17:01 other posts 
I don't know about that. Some people ARE average height so they would be subtracted from the 100% that you start with. If 20% ARE average height you only have 80% that are not average.
By #578610 01,Feb,19 19:05
If half the people are shorter than the median hight, then the other half has to be taller than the median hight. This has nothing to do with how the median was calculated.
By #23212 31,Jan,19 21:47
Actually not really. In English, 'average' usually is used for 'mean', which is NOT 'in the middle'. 'MEDIAN' is the 50% mark, but not necessarily 'the average'.
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,Jan,19 22:23 other posts 
What is average height I'm 6ft 6in were do I fall
By kebmo [Ignore] 31,Jan,19 23:21 other posts 
You, dgraff should fall on your knees in front of me!
By dgraff [Ignore] 01,Feb,19 05:55 other posts 
Mmm mmm my pleasure
By kebmo [Ignore] 31,Jan,19 23:20 other posts 
Sinaff, average, mean, median, regardless, some people will fall exactly on the line leaving less than 100% to be less than or greater than that so to say that 50% are less than that is incorrect but I really didn't care to start with.
By #551482 04,Feb,19 16:37
I bow humbly to your comment, median is of course correct. Average or mean, would not be representative of the "middle" height since the statistical distibution of height of People in the world may not be Gaussian. Very tall people such as Robert Wadlow (Guinness Book of Records 8ft 11,1 inches) while being nice and tall, do tend to have such an effect.
By #23212 04,Feb,19 17:29

By leopoldij [Ignore] 03,Feb,19 19:07 other posts 
Number of American civilians who died in WW2 1700 (one thousand seven hundred)

Number of Soviet civilians who died in WW2 15000000 (15 million)

Number of American soldiers who died in WW2 416000 (400 thousand)

Number of Soviet soldiers who died in WW2 9000000 (9 million)
By #578610 03,Feb,19 23:03
Thank the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.

By kebmo [Ignore] 26,Jan,19 21:08 other posts 
Juno is the largest capitol city by area in the US AND the only one not accessible by road.
-Alaska Mega Machines
By #23212 27,Jan,19 01:11
Most Alaskans spell it, 'Juneau'.
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,Jan,19 10:06 other posts 
Oops, my bad. Thanks, I knew that but my brain was thinking of the Canadian Juno music awards.

By #562152 11,Jan,19 23:38

By kebmo [Ignore] 31,Oct,18 14:42 other posts 
Smoking kills 45,000 Canadians every year.
-Statistics Canada

By #188992 20,Oct,18 17:56

By kebmo [Ignore] 20,Oct,18 03:40 other posts 
From 2017:
What countries have a negative population growth?
This means more deaths and emigration, or the leaving of a country, than births and immigration, or entering of a country. Examples of countries experiencing negative population growth include the Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Hungary, Japan, Italy, Bulgaria, and Greece.

By Louis [Ignore] 13,Oct,18 07:50 other posts 
John Wilkes Booth was the b r o t h e r of Edwin Booth, the most acclaimed actor of his day. Edwin just so happened to be Abraham Lincoln's favorite actor.
By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Oct,18 14:26 other posts 
And...Edwin Booth saved Abraham Lincoln's son, Robert, from serious injury or even death. The incident occurred on a train platform in Jersey City, New Jersey. The exact date of the incident is uncertain, but it is believed to have taken place in late 1864 or early 1865.

By Louis [Ignore] 14,Oct,18 07:11 other posts 
Interesting, I didn't know that.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Oct,18 15:56 other posts 
Booth was also a member of the Confederate secr@t Service.
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By kebmo [Ignore] 13,Oct,18 07:13 other posts 
Combined, the Great Lakes make up 18% of the world's fresh water.
By #562152 14,Oct,18 13:09
Lake Okeechobee, also known as Florida's Inland Sea,is the largest freshwater lake in the state of Florida. It is the ninth largest natural freshwater lake in the United States and the second largest natural freshwater lake (the largest being Lake Michigan) contained entirely within the contiguous United States

By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Oct,18 03:18 other posts 
The Underground Railroad was a sec.ret network of abolitionists who helped African Americans escape from enslavement in the American South to free Northern states or to Canada. It was the largest anti-slavery freedom movement in North America, having brought between 30,000 and 40,000 fugitives to British North America (Canada).
By #562152 08,Oct,18 08:48
If you ask modern people in the USA, you'd be lucky to find someone that can tell you anything about the Underground Railroad. Most don't even know what it is. Those that do generally think that it was in place during the 10 to 15 yrs prior to the American Civil War. That's only a part of it's run. This **** network born to help slaves from the south of the USA reach the north, was in place, at least since the war for independence from England in the late 1700's

By #562152 08,Oct,18 08:37
Bluefin Tuna Sold for $320,000 in Tsukiji's Last New Year. This is an auction house for seafood in Japan,

By #562152 06,Oct,18 08:54
This is for all of us that wallow in self pity. Trivia comes in different flavors.

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My new hero is amazing,,,
By leopoldij [Ignore] 06,Oct,18 09:07 other posts 
THANK YOU for posting this!
It's so inspiring!
I love it, I love the little g1rl!
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Listen to the words she says around 1'05'' :
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So wise!

OK, maybe she was coached how to speak but she definitely believes in what she's saying and she's saying it so eloquently and wisely.
By #562152 06,Oct,18 09:10
By kebmo [Ignore] 08,Oct,18 03:05 other posts 
"This is how it's going to be and I just have to deal with it."
Mature words from a mature young lady.

By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 00:47 other posts 
Canada celebrates Thanksgiving on October 8th. Because we're further north our summers are shorter. I'll be having turkey on Sunday the 7th with my family at my parent's house. Can't wait!
By #562152 05,Oct,18 11:17
Happy Thanksgiving, Kebmo,,hope you and your family have a great, safe, day,
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 11:25 other posts 
Thanks! I’m leaving this morning to spend the weekend with my parents. On Sunday we will be 15 for dinner, 13 of whom call me Uncle! 👍❤️
By #562152 05,Oct,18 11:35
Congratulations and buy a TV for the other two,,
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Canadians celebrate with turkey or ham??or something else??
By kebmo [Ignore] 05,Oct,18 16:37 other posts 
By #562152 05,Oct,18 18:18
Well,,eat a lot,,love a lot and be safe,,

By #562152 24,Sep,18 21:43
Steak trataré is finely chopped raw steak
By kebmo [Ignore] 24,Sep,18 21:53 other posts 
In the better restaurants, steak tartare is finely sliced beef served raw and is usually tenderloin.
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I just googled it and images and they all show ground beef. I have worked in two restaurants that serve it and both times it was sliced tenderloin.
By #562152 24,Sep,18 22:00
We are poor, tenderloin is too expensive
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Steak tartare is a meat dish made from raw ground meat. It is usually served with onions, capers, pepper and Worcestershire sauce, and other seasonings, often presented to the diner separately, to be added to taste. It is often served with a raw egg yolk, and often on rye bread
By #562152 24,Sep,18 22:07
I suspect your dish was tenderloin, a much better cut
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When I was a little girl I used to go home for lunch from school. My Mom would make me a tenderloin sandwich on French Baggett with home made French fries. It was delicious
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 00:17 other posts 
That sounds like a nice lunch! Aren't all baguettes and fries French?
By #562152 25,Sep,18 07:56
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 11:07 other posts 
When I was in Brussels my friend ordered steak tartare and received what he anticipated which was raw, sliced beef.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 14:56 other posts 
Maybe it's a European vs American thing.
The end of the tenderloin was frozen and sliced very thin on the slicer and placed on the plate where it thawed before serving. Frozen meat is easier to slice very thin.
Eating raw ground beef with a raw egg in it is something that my mind would reject outright.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 15:03 other posts 
Well, there has been problems with beef and it seems more so with ground beef than with a, let's say, good steak. Try to go out and request a burger medium, medium rare or rare, it ain't going to happen.
By kebmo [Ignore] 25,Sep,18 19:59 other posts 
I worked in Banff Alberta for ten years in restaurants. We could always identify the American tourists when they ordered their burgers medium rare. We always declined because of the E.coli risk. Some of them got a bit overly vociferous about it but in the end their burger was well done or they ordered a steak done how they liked it.
By #562152 26,Sep,18 11:35
The 1938 edition of Larousse Gastronomique describes steak tartare as raw ground beef served with a raw egg yolk, without any mention of tartar sauce.

that's from wikipedia
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what ever the name,,,,YUCK!!!!
By leopoldij [Ignore] 28,Sep,18 16:49 other posts 
It's raw ground beef.
I can't stand it.
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It is served with
-- toxoplasma gondii,https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasma_gondii
-- taenia saginata, only registered users can see external links
-- e. coli only registered users can see external links and
-- salmonella. only registered users can see external links

Enjoy your food!

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By #562152 28,Sep,18 16:57
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Sep,18 19:43 other posts 
Leo, that's why we didn't serve medium rare burgers. Explaining e-coli to tourists that wanted their burgers medium rare was an ongoing exercise in futility.
By #487013 28,Sep,18 20:18
I have never been able to eat it, same with prime rib. I can’t stand the sight of raw meat. Where I’m from there’s a particular cut called milanesa, I like to marinate it in mojo criollo and then grill them. So yummy.
By kebmo [Ignore] 28,Sep,18 21:19 other posts 
More Trivia: Milanesa is borrowed by South Americans from Italian cooking (Milan). The citrus juice in mojo criollo breaks down the meat fibres and makes the meat tender.
By #562152 28,Sep,18 21:23
So,you like milanesa, thin steaks from bola or cañada? I bread it and fry it. Sometimes after light frying I cover them in tomato sauce,green olives, onion and artichoke hearts and cover that with mutzarella cheese and stick it in a 350* oven for 20 min. That is milanesa a la Napolitana
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Oct,18 23:49 other posts 
I had to Google mojo criollo and it comes back as being garlic sauce. Is that correct? Garlic is always good with beef!
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Oct,18 00:35 other posts 
Bella, garlic is good with anything, just like vodka.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Oct,18 00:50 other posts 
Over the summer, I acquired a taste for vodka after I had a vodka and water while out to dinner. The brand I had was Deep Eddy and was lemon flavored. I have since purchased the Deep Eddy brand in lemon, grapefruit and peach. The grapefruit vodka is out of this world delicious paired with a grapefruit bellini
By kebmo [Ignore] 02,Oct,18 01:10 other posts 
A friend and I got into some serious vodka and grapefruit juice for about six months.
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Oct,18 01:42 other posts 
I love citrus anything, whether it be lemon, lime, orange or grapefruit! I like the way citrus makes my tastebuds come alive!
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Oct,18 00:55 other posts 
By the way, bacon also makes MANY THINGS better. Just sayin'.......
By #487013 04,Oct,18 21:57
There is different variations, the ones I like are made with oranges.

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