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Started by #562152 [Ignore] 15,Sep,18 08:57
New Comment Rating: -1 Similar topics: 1.this is how the fakes on this site see you. 2.Promote\help keep solid eretcion. any ideas 3.Self-Appointed Site Police. 4.A new feature 5.Request me to shoot ANY original videos doing NON-SEXUAL things. I will post them all in my page Comments: |
started at 28,Dec,18 16:41
There's a member that can only be described as a one eyed, broom riding Bitch. She is nothing but double talk and innuendo. if you know whom I'm talking about then, I'm sure, you have an opinion. If you don't then this poll will be meaningless to you.
NO, I LIKE HER EYE. 8.3% 1
Total Votes: 12
It really is kind of sad and pathetic, actually.
Sure, Twits is in her mid 70's and has issues with dementia and alcoholism, but watching her dance like a geriatric monkey in the Forum just to get a pat on her addled, little head from the Sea Cow and its crew is depressing.
Would someone PLEASE pay a little attention to her?
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She's copied your post and it has been reposted in 6 additional threads.
I just cannot understand why admin doesn't stop her crap. She is a straight up whack-a-doodle!
I might consider stopping my crap if you two assholes stop your crap
She doesn't like people having sex.
She's spending enormous amount of time to discourage people from showing their genitals.
She's still pissed off,,,,or is that pissed up? The smell of sulphur must be overwhelming.
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So funny, ,,her new minion already cancelled his account. Maybe HE was a fake? Her regular minions have been pretty silent except for Little Willie JustWill
Apparently, there are some members that think they are "Kool Kids". HA! Maybe their boss thinks they're "kool", me, I can speak only for myself, I think otherwise.
Hey, I'm one of the "Kool Kids". Can you name this "Boss"? I get tired of being told I'm under someone's orders. I'd like to know who is paying me. Why is it so hard for people to believe I'm a whore and I'm nasty all on my own. BTW...if we are the Kool Kids, then your 10 plus yr old group must be the "The Creepy Assh*le" group
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[deleted image]
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Actually, I think it's Janice
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But,Leo,include a URL so we can find her
I'm blocked so I can't give it direct.
Mr Scorpi69
I'm afraid you misunderstood the meaning of respect as used in the mantra "Respect has to be earned". What the lady whom you opened the door for, or the gentleman you pulled from the burning car, owes you, is gratitude. If they gave it to you or not has nothing to do with respect. You, opening that door is the respect you give to your mother for teaching you to be a gracious gentleman. You are paying homage to a woman that wanted you to be a better man and a champion of women. You, saving that man from a horrible death is the respect you bestow on your father and other people in your life that taught you that life is valuable and worth risking life and limb to preserve it. Respect is not something you accumulate because you need the recognition of doing something right. These days it seems people want to be first no matter what. Win at any cost. The me first generation, right? And you think that other generation was "the greatest generation"? There's nothing new in the world. It just seems like that. And you wanting or expecting a thank you for doing something that you should do no matter what, makes you one of them.
But! Friends don't let friends have a boog hangin when they're about to go out. Real friends dont lie to one another. Besides... It's not like it's HIS pussy. Can't hurt his feelings. Maybe he needs to clean his bifocals off...
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Ok, here it goes. Leo, I love you like,,well,,a lover. And, believe me, I am proud of you for being good to a sister pussy, but, Leo,,,In all sincerity, and from a woman that has a fairly nice looking pussy, She's ahhhh,, looks challenged, baby.
[deleted image]
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different girl
[deleted image]
Anyone feel free to check out my page
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He has a very sexy and HOT page
ain't it the truth
Every word below is 100% true.
1. A federal judge in Maryland on Friday ordered evidence-gathering to begin in a lawsuit accusing President Trump of violating the Constitution by maintaining a financial interest in his company's Washington hotel. The plaintiffs are seeking records that could illuminate potential conflicts of interest involving Mr. Trump and foreign and state officials. This is true in spite of Trump calling it fake news.
2. The world's oceans may be heating up faster than previously thought -- meaning the planet could have even less time to avoid catastrophic global warming than predicted just weeks ago by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. According to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature, ocean temperatures have been warming 60% more than outlined by the IPCC. This is true in spite of Trump calling it fake news.
3. Trump surrounds himself with criminals. Cohen, Manafort, Flynn, Papadapoulos, list goes on. These criminals are not witches in spite of how many times Trump says they are.
4. Trump lies constantly. Several databases track his lies but you won't find any on Fox News. One database has over 6000 lies and falsehoods.
5. Trump loves to take credit when the stock market rises but he never takes blame when it drops.
6. Stocks under Obama had much higher ROI than under Trump. This is true despite the recent record highs. To date the Dow under Trump is up 27% vs. up 37% under Obama same period.
7. There's no evidence of Middle Eastern criminals in the caravan. Trump admitted it. He's using his imaginary threat from the caravan as election hype.
8. Trump's hateful rhetoric has emboldened far right wackos like Sayos.
The president who insisted Mexico would finance a border wall now wants American taxpayers to pay as a condition of keeping their government open. Congress doesn't intend to build the wall, so the government could shut down next week.
Thus completes the chaotic circle of governance by Trump and the GOP Congress: fanciful promises, contradictory priorities, presidential provocations that Republicans won't rein in. Voters responded this month by handing the House to Democrats.
Obamacare survived. The better, cheaper Republican alternative never existed.
The infrastructure plan Trump promised business and blue-collar supporters has not materialized. GOP congressional leaders prefer to spend on tax cuts.
Republicans delivered tax cuts, but not as advertised. Proceeds profited the wealthy far more than the middle class and ballooned the budget deficit, with no evidence of giving the economy more than a short-term stimulative boost.
Trump's abandonment of the fight against climate change has not revived the coal industry, which keeps closing unprofitable facilities. The president answers his own government's warnings about the climate by saying he doesn't believe them.
Seems that what you say is quite contrary to what Cohen is now saying. He lied to try to protect LYING TRUMP and now his ass is going to jail where LYING TRUMP should be his room mate.
What is the reason behind LYING TRUMP siding with the RUSSIANS on the question of whether they intervened in our elections, and with LYING TRUMP siding with the cut throut sand monkey from Saudi Arabia, even though that ass stole the kingdom from his own father, and sadly saying, that those Mid-Easterners are nothing more than murderers, and thieves and have been for thousands of years. We don't owe them shit, but LYING TRUMP seems to love any and all DICTATOR TYPES, like he loves his whores. Why does he put them above our own intelligence and make a mockery of our own government officials, casting doubts on them, calling them corrupt, when he can't be beat at the corruption game.
Trump will get his comuppence very soon, with Mueller, and if he tries to stop the investigation, then he will be Impeached, starting with his own party. I really doubt that any of them will be willing to "take a bullet" for a stinking lying sack of shit. They know all too well that if they continue to support that ass, that come 2020, they will not have a chance in hell of controlling anything more than the where a bear shits in the woods.
LYING TRUMP wants to be a DICTATOR and we will never allow that to happen in this country. NEVER! Not even the persistence of 1 party stealing power from the other.
The President pinned the cancellation on Russia's refusal to release Ukrainian Navy ships and sailors seized during a maritime confrontation between the two countries on Sunday.
But while Russia's position on the incident has not changed since it attacked Ukrainian ships on Sunday, the President's abrupt move came after his longtime former attorney Michael Cohen leveled fresh allegations in court about Trump's business dealings with Russia.
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I wonder what the real reason was.
Brace yourself Margaret! 🤔🤔🤔🤔
Included in your own thread. He's obviously NOT happy with the actions that were taken against the Ukrainian's. Duh! 😉 Not sure how much more, black and white, black and white, you need... You really outta find a news source that just spouts news. NOT their warped opinion. Just saying...
A car fire occured yesterday, it was quite spectacular. No one injured. Cause is still to be concluded.
A spectacular car fire was witnessed yeasterday, if Donald Trump had more regulations on the automotive industry this would not have happened. It is unknown if anyone was seriously injured this time. Republicans demand more lax regulations. This is going to cause thousands to DIE!!
Quit being so gullible... Take several! NOT just one source, then make a conclusion.
I dislike Trump because I think he's a pervert, a crook, a racist, a bully, and an uneducated,uncouth individual.
Every time I state these views I'm either ignorant, unable to know witch news source to properly use, I'm a woman so I don't understand politics, or bias. The truth is that I've been critical of Trump since he married Ivana Trump many years ago. Way b4 he even though of running for president. He was a dishonest, draft evading, pervert, racist bully, male chouvinist pig who thought he could get away with it because he had daddy's money
Here's the part your not going to like...
It was stated that YOU were found to be... "Foul mouthed, unimaginative, and vulgar" amongst other things. DIRECTLY to YOU, no less! Did that individual(s) go around spouting that all over the site? NO!
Now! Let's think about this for a moment... You and many like you go around bashing YOUR President. And he's supposed to, what... Stand by idly? Did you stand by idly? Quite a bit of the shit slinging he does back, is much deserved.
So... You go on these tirades and bad mouthing people, whether it's the President of the United States, or members of a porn site. Once something is said negatively about YOU, it's then and ONLY THEN, not so fuckin funny anymore is it? You say you aren't trying to "sway anyone" yet almost every thread I was opening had your campaign against another member. Did you forget about that?
Lastly... I haven't personally attacked you yet, and don't care for the insinuation of such. You don't want comments about whatever it is you want to say. Then start another thread and set the rules straight.
Something like... These are MY thoughts, MY opinions, MY tirades. NO DISSENSION or OPPOSING VIEWS ALLOWED. Only locksteppers may comment and be in complete agreement with me at all times. CAPISCE!!
OR... Don't post anything that might upset you, should you not like the response. There's always the unimaginative approach.
By what I deem the tone of your message, I won't bother you anymore with my nonsense. Hopefully all you'll get are the responses you seek. Ciao Baby!
Another thing, I started this forum and I loaded this thread. Since I believe that forums, by definition, are public, you can comment to your hearts content.
If I read you right, I think you believe I was going after you. Not true. I was stating my argument. I capice what you are hinting at, but, I won't hold back because you don't like it. That was the same thing I told Bella.
If you think your ideas are nonsense, you didn't hear it from me. El mundo está llenos de Boludos. Ciao to you too.
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IF your "blocking, blacklisting" someone. Why the need for kindness? I think a "fuck off" button would be more fun. 😀
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