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Started by #562152 [Ignore] 15,Sep,18 08:57
New Comment Rating: -1 Similar topics: 1.this is how the fakes on this site see you. 2.Promote\help keep solid eretcion. any ideas 3.Self-Appointed Site Police. 4.A new feature 5.Request me to shoot ANY original videos doing NON-SEXUAL things. I will post them all in my page Comments: |
What Columbus actually did was bring disease, death, slavery, and genocide to the Americas.
Those are some really cool accomplishments...
There's a fair bit of competition, but that may well be the stupidest thing ever written. It helps, of course, that accurate punctuation seems to be an optional extra for you.
As far as the punctuation is concerned, I'm in a porn site, chatting with several people at the same time. Comas separe thoughts without me having to think about it (that means I can type faster)
Now, we or I can address the main thing I wanted to address. You have the right to express your opinion. This forum is open for that to anyone. Insulting someone by calling their ideas or opinions stupid is not the way to do it. Next time see if you can get the context, right, do some research so you don't come through as an uneducated person, and be nice when you express your opinions.
Separe is not a verb I have, personally, come across but I'm pretty sure a coma (sic) would have at least SOME impact on your thoughts!
By the way: I call BS on your sarcasm claim. Post facto BS, in my humble opinion.
Well done for Googling Chris' real name. If, as some suggest, he spoke a Ligurian dialect you could also have gone for "Cristoffa Combo". For further erudition can I suggest John Cabot, Amerigo Vespucci and Richard ap Meryk?
You are right,,separe is not a regular verve. It’s what us, lousy typists call a faux pas verve. I think you know what i meant.
I did Google it (actually, I did research it in the search engine, Google. Google is not an action verve). I was raised in a very latin area of the US and his name, and the one I have always associated with bim is Cristobal Colon. Since he was born in the Republic of Genoa, he might well have been known by his Ligurian form of his name. Since he lived most of his life in Portugal and Spain I wanted to know if he used his Italian or Ligurian form of his name. He didn’t. Now, I “Googled it”. But, how, explain to me, would you have found that out? Special letter to the Vatican asking for research? Almost all forms of research is done in Google these days. Does that make me dumb?
Cabot explored the northern part of the Atlantic coast and Vespucci lent his name to what he thought was two new continents. Does that change my original premise? Especially since they did their deeds after Columbus?
The laughable part though is this :
“By the way: I call BS on your sarcasm claim. Post facto BS, in my humble opinion.”
That part I can’t refute. Humble opinions are allowed here. So, let me say this about that.
Kiss my ass,,,,,,,,,,
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Chupete,,i get where you are cumming from,,,what would you like for me to do???
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And I reallied donda kno what you meany,,
1)Learn the difference between the words "verve" and "verb".
2)Spell isthmus correctly.
3)Spell wannabe correctly.
4)Explain why you use multiple commas, when one (or none) would suffice. How that helps you type faster is baffling to me.
5) Explain why you talk about your "kids Great Grandfather", rather than just saying your Grandfather. By the way: congratulations on dodging the tricky conundrum of where to put the apostrophe when writing "kids".
6) Learn the difference between a coma and a comma.
Seriously though - do what you like! It's just the Internet. Have a good weekend.
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Click on the image below.
But make sure not touch much. It gets wet.
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Please don't continue to babble on and on by reposting things that you've already said. It makes you sound really crazy.
What do you think???
his page is a hoot,,(he speaks gibberish and with a forked tongue)
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@_Bella, JustWill, CC54, Mr Blue and anyone else who has a sayso
Like I said b4, you guys can't go for long without pissing yourselves over any contrary views, and, in a place that is, by it's creator, a place to bring "stuff" out. B4 I said I'd keep giving you grief but playing with fools is,,,,,well,,,,foolish, ,so.
Here goes. If you people don't want me to visit here then say so. Answer under this and I'll go. I'll tell as many people as I'm able to what great people you are
This concerns your forum, Stuff, Just Stuff. I have never wanted to be annoying. I certainly don't try to be but the crowd that visits your forum and you are always insinuating I am. I also noticed that I'm not the only one that surf the forums. You are welcome here anytime. I wouldn't dream of blacklisting you or anyone else. It's cowardly and doesn't solve anything. However, if you don't want me to visit "Stuff, Just Stuff" the Bella version, just say so. All I ask is you do it in your forum
I have NO IDEA what you mean by "you guys can't go for long without pissing yourselves over any contrary views, and, in a place that is, by it's creator, a place to bring "stuff" out." IF I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU, I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU. PLAIN AND SIMPLE! If my not agreeing with you is something that bothers you, then YOU can do one of two things, 1) YOU can continue continue to post wherever you like and think to yourself, "fck her" OR YOU can choose to post elsewhere. It is YOUR choice. Just because I don't see eye to eye with you on whatever it is that you believe that I disagree with you on, that does not mean that I dislike you. Sometimes I feel that you have an agenda but whatever! Currently, there are 25 members that have blacklisted me so I apparently annoy the crap out of 23 of them, the other two are just a piece of work and I DO NOT give two shits what they think.
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This from a lady who's sexiest pic is an eye from the Internet, a gay guy who wants to show everyone that he knows it all but can't see that both sides of the site is more homo than hetero, a couple who gets trofies month after month thanks to the beautiful wife and still complains that Lix gets too many, and several others that are obsessed with Internet pics in other member's pages. As if they were elected sheriff.
Everyone is here for different reasons...
Some people decide to show themselves all over the web,some prefer to share with people they know and trust...
And I don't think I am better than anyone here, that would be pure arrogance on my part...
And you keep going on about popularity, that's shallow...
I never expect any accolades from anyone here,I post,if people like me or my comments,then can show their appreciation by voting and such..... that's how this site works.They don't like it,they can blacklist me..
Also ,everything is a competition,you get support,you get to the top of whatever it is,main page,pic of the month,top of the month,excitement meter,etc
If you have time to spend chatting with all the members that interact with you,fair play,I limit myself to a few...maybe that is my problem....who cares really...
Just the internet..
But it's ok, it's what the site is about...showing your stuff and getting attention..
I don't think I'm a macho guy at all, that's your opinion of me..
You said that you thought there was a group that was ignoring you deliberately...
Has anyone noticed?? The forums are full of grumpy people and silly stuff. We have a crap load of gay forums and weird threads, but, the worst are the ones that think they have a “serious” forum. One not meant for the great unwashed, only certain stuffed, silly people, with their nose up in the air. And, yes, I've noticed that many times people's posts are ignored. I have a theory about that. I believe there's a group in these forums that have a private GROUP and there, they agree to ignore certain members that either give them grief, an opposing view or maybe don't like the usual subjects these members post.What do you think??
And if that wasn’t enough, these “forum owners” think that a public forum, a forum they post for others to go and participate, are theirs and want to sensor what goes into it. They pay their 15 point and believe that entitles them to be rulers of their forum. People, once you post in the public forums it becomes public property, You don’t like it?? Suck it. The 15 points rule was made by Admin to keep you from starting countless threads.
So,,,if you have a silly, gay, funny, or serious post to start,,go ahead. I love that, but, remember, it’s public after you open it."
Maybe it's your problem....
I've never thought my comments or threads are better..
That's your opinion... it's not a fact...
You think people are ignoring you,maybe they were busy...
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And, yes, it is my problem. Why would I complain about someone else's problem? Also, as you have your opinion, I have mine. What's more, I don't care if they ignore me. Maybe they were busy. And I would be upset if I cared for these people and their input, but, I don't. That doesn't change the dynamics of the thread. My opinion could be true anyway. I must have hit a sore spot. You and your friends/fellow members are following my argument across 3 forums.
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