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Started by #559941 [Ignore] 11,Dec,18 14:01
Trump Derangement Syndrome
The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonize anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoiled brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

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By #709631 22,Feb,24 02:04
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And so it begins. Civil war.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Feb,24 09:02 other posts 
HELLL YEA! THat's great news!
Send new york to hell.
By #709631 22,Feb,24 15:10
CAT and I got into it. She called me a jerk.. then when I said she sent me the message to Get my penis circumsized down to my balls it was an antisemetic attack. Skittles can verify this.
She called me a racist so I put rats on her page. Now she is the victim and pretending I was in the wrong.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 21,Feb,24 22:47 other posts 
Putin's diarrhea-drinking cumdump can't die soon enough.
By #610414 22,Feb,24 11:07

By #709631 16,Feb,24 17:17
I do not suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome
By #610414 17,Feb,24 09:39
No. Just derangement.
By #709631 17,Feb,24 16:05
So funny.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 17:19 other posts 
I think the hatred for Trump has caused mass derangement among liberals and democrats in society as a whole.
They hate Trump with such gusto they can't see the country is falling apart, the world is at war, and all they can think about is some other way to harm Trump. the derangement is not with Trump supporters.
By #709631 17,Feb,24 17:29
Whenever I turn on the lights the liberals scatter like crazy..
By sherryann [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 17:41 other posts 
! And phart, yes, their immense hatred is unlike anything in history.
By #709631 17,Feb,24 18:17
Common sense and people that create excess carbon dioxide only showing how selfish they are. One's that dont give a shit about anyone except themselves and never taking responsibility. Instead of creating solution they destroy by blaming groups that causes their misery. We are not their mother or babysitter. Their problems have been caused by themselves.

Politics is based on who can lie the best. When you have one candidate that speaks the truth, and the people believe him creates hatred within the trailor park junkies

. Naturally if you are true to yourself, you can't hate even if you wanted to. But they do. Why do I disrespect liberals and progressives? That's why

100% of Liberals say Joe Biden is not fit to stand trial because he is senile. Yet 34% of intelligent liberals say he is fit to be president. Can you explain this one to me.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 21:52 other posts 
The only logical explanation I have for biden being ran for a second term is they have him trained pretty well now to "go here,go there" and babble some stuff and go back home.
No one in their right mind would allow themselves to be controlled like a rc car

Well another explanation perhaps, who the hell else can they run? Crooked hillary? Oh, she aint old enough yet, when she hits 89 maybe!
By #709631 17,Feb,24 22:01
No republican in his right mind would run in the primary against Trump. Haley is being funded by democrats to tarnish him. She knows she isn't going to win so it is NOT her money she is using.
The only way the democrats can win is if they cheat. Trump said he's keeping an eye on it. I hope he's right.
By #709631 17,Feb,24 22:03
So what you are saying is that the liberals other than scattering when you turn the lights on are potty trained the DEMOCRAPPPP way..
By sherryann [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 23:14 other posts 
I believe they know Trump will win so they will cheat and steal the upcoming election again.
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 19:40 other posts 
Do you trust the results of any elections here at this point? Both sides cry when they lose, and I don't doubt any of the claims of fraud. "Collusion" is the deciding factor in '16, but I should accept the result of this past cycle without question
By sherryann [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 20:02 other posts 
In a I believe wholeheartedly that the 2020 election was stolen from President Trump.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 20:23 other posts 
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 20:59 other posts 
I don't know what to believe, I feel like everything is fake and even the democratic process can't be trusted anymore.
By #610414 17,Feb,24 22:52
Phart, don’t you think there’s a reason for this mass hatred of that Jerk?
By #709631 17,Feb,24 23:52
By #709631 18,Feb,24 00:41
I hear people with trump derangement syndrome are the most incompetent people on that planet. So what's your excuse?
By #610414 18,Feb,24 07:39
Incompetent? I doubt you can match my life. You assume that my dislike for The Clown amounts to a deranged syndrome. What it is is staying informed, and before you say it comes from liberal media, I don't pick and choose. I get my information from many national and international news sources.
Now, let's get back to you. Any member that joins a porn site where the posting of nude pics of that member is the main thing and doesn't, shows how incompetent that member is. He doesn't have the smarts to follow simple reasoning. There must be a reason for that.
By #709631 18,Feb,24 14:55
you're right. I couldn't be possibly be as stupid as you. Even if I tried. You got me there.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 07:47 other posts 
cat don't you think there is a reason for the hatred of biden? But has it got rid of the old fogy? No.
Some idiots like the roller coaster ride to hell he is taking the country on.
I don't nor do half the people in this country.
That's why we will be voting for Trump.
He is the only 1 that is in the running that can fix the mess.
Nothing deranged about wanting our country back.Did you see this link? a illegal place on a board in in san fran. this is the crap that is tearing America apart,when you let folks run it that don't even have a stake in it.
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By #610414 18,Feb,24 07:50
Ok. You have your opinion, but, like you just said, "Half of the people don't like Biden." That's only half. The other half like him. Let's see who gets elected.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

And yes, I saw your post and I commented on it. Again, the people of San Francisco VOTED for that to be possible. It's their choice and it has nothing to do with Biden or Trump
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By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 08:18 other posts 
May not be illegal but is it the right thing to do? Letting Chinese immigrants become a part of our government?
And I think you will find the other half don't all want biden.Alot of your democrat cohorts think he is to feeble and old.
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"A new Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that 78% of respondents - including 71% of Democrats - think Biden is too old to work in government."

Um, does that sound good for your bumbling leader?
By #610414 18,Feb,24 11:31
Baby, that’s why we have elections. If Biden is too old to serve then, us, the voters should have the last say so unless the candidate himself says so. And, do I think it’s the right thing to do? I’m divided on that. On one hand I like my representative to be a US citizen. On the other hand, in a diversified city like “Frisco”, where there are so many interests, I can see why opinion from everyone would be important, and that’s what governance is, opinions on what’s good for the public.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 12:07 other posts 
but what happens if the idiots are out reproducing the smart people? and the idiots keep winning because of numbers?? how long can it go on? At some point the idiots will vote themselves back into the stone age.
By #610414 18,Feb,24 12:22
That, baby, is called “voting in a democracy”.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 12:38 other posts 
but the question is,how can it be a democracy if idiots outnumber smart people? Or non workers, outnumber workers?
By #610414 18,Feb,24 12:54
That IS democracy. It doesn’t warranty a good outcome (ex: Trump). Non workers outnumbering workers will never happen.
By #709631 18,Feb,24 18:32
Is it democracy if someone says this person farted in a crowded elevator when it breaks down? 1st amendment right? Wrong.
1st amendment is necessary for freedom but it is not permissible when purposely disturbing the peach. You say Trump has broken the law knowing he hasn't just because you don't like him? Disturbing the peace. You've been granded this platform but like any platform which is out right comes with responsibility. You are not worthy of this position as long as you constantly disregard that responsibility. The proof here comes as you calling me a jerk? I could be or not but just to say I'm a jerk because I don't fall into your political agenda of stupidity doesn't mean you can attack me personally.
What's happened is you've shown the world how ignorant and stupid you actually are. What's even more alarming is that you don't even care. What a waste.
By #610414 21,Feb,24 10:01
I did not call you a jerk. I called Trump a jerk and, I think, I can just by bringing up ONE thing about him. He raped a woman. This is not conjecture. It’s true and ratified by a court of law. There’s many more “things” but, that’s enough. Are you going to refute that or are you going to exit stage left and counter with your usual platitudes?
By #709631 21,Feb,24 16:19
If he was guilty of **** he would be in jail. Just like you and your buddy you give cheap shots then you don't finish or follow through with the evidence. Joe Biden can get away with murder, Hillary Clinton can get away with murder and there are quite a few she kills to keep from testifying.
How can one dude commit suicide by shooting himself in the back of the head at a perpendicular angle? Others the day before they testify, they suddenly get killed by suicide.
I've said this to you more than 30 times now. Trump is innocent. Just because you do not like him nobody is forcing you to vote for him. Worry about yourself, NOT displaying your hatred towards an innocent man. Just because you hate him it doesn't mean you slander him. This shows very very poor character.
Stop insinuating. If you post a topic of discussion, then do it right to show the evidence you support. Not by just shitting out the mouth bullshit.
By #610414 21,Feb,24 17:48
The statute of limitations was up so the victim sued him and he was found liable. The judge agreed he committed **** and was sorry he couldn’t do more than find for the defendant and awarded her millions of dollars. We’re have you been?
By #709631 18,Feb,24 15:18
This is why I disagree with you vividly. You won't believe it but I've done research on you. I know you. I've seen your photos and they are photoshopped which means you are not the person you claim to be. You come on here and you do not speak truth from the get go.
Yeah I have no pics. I used to participate here because I love sharing my nude body while aroused but realized the majority of the participants here were fake. I got freaked out because if you find out these members are fake how do I know they are of legal age?

You did not come on here with the same intentions. You lie and you are totally filled with hate based on how you look at other groups especially with Jews. These were the same pictures of a different name used on the time that showed violent discontent of this particular group. Therefore you are not part of a democracy. For people like you there is no justification for you until you die then judgement comes into play for real.

I used to show my naked body using this platform. Not anymore. This is the only name I have left. I've tried reaching out here through inspiration but your constant hate towards a man that wants to be president for the only reason to help our country get back on the right track is disgusting for at least with me.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 20:33 other posts 
this thread is so long, which person is this post replying to?
By #709631 18,Feb,24 21:33
its a discussion that the topic portrays. It's quite a broad subject.

Nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It's an expression of one's heart. The Unite States of America is my heart because our constitution guides us to moral perfection. One nation under God. That is its true meaning. Just like the bible for Christians, 10 commandments and torah for Judaens. When you combine all bibles of each group, they only point towards one thing which stems from the heart. Without that then then idea of a nation is NO idea. Without that we cannot exist, in anything.
By #610414 19,Feb,24 16:01
You don't know💩 about me. When I first joined SYC, 7 yrs ago +/-, I went under "TWOWARMTTS". Since then I've had two other accounts under the same name. Now I'm CAT and have been for a few years. I've posted my redacted Florida Drivers License on my page to prove who I am. My pics have always been the same. I've always said that my pics represent my life. My first pic here was from when I was 25 and the rest are from different times in life. Some are very recent, some are not, but it's not only your business, you are not even right. So do me a favor and go fuck yourself. Your excuse not to post pics is allowed but, I believe you are a woman or you are a fake account of a male member.
You've done research and "know I"photoshop" my pics. What an idiot.
By #709631 20,Feb,24 01:32
I know all about you. and if you are stupid enough not to believe its your problem not mine. But here's the catch. Everyone knows it too. Skittles stays up all night exposing you constantlly but you are stupid enough.. In fact every time you open your stupid mouth you just make yourself look worse and worse. From your religios hate I could have reported you on what I saw. Since your paid bullshit membership covers for you I didn't even bother but I could have sued the site. I chose not to. I let you hang yourself. If you're stupid enough to show your hatred towards Jews in wide open public form you are stupid enough to hang yourself.
Best thing to do is to shut your fucking mouth or I promise you it is going to get very very nasty.
By #610414 20,Feb,24 09:38
Skittles? That botched abortion? Listen, STUPID, I am not nor have I ever been anti-Jewish. I HAVE BEEN AN ANTI-JEW, THAT IS SINGULAR. I'm assuming you've got your knickers in a bind because you are a Jew too. If so, I'm also ANTI-YOU TOO.
Now, you just try to shut my fucking mouth and we'll see where it gets you. Go and play with your Mama's pussy or, maybe Skittles Mama. Kiss my ass, you uneducated, filthy piece of trash.
By #709631 21,Feb,24 16:26
You should get circumcised balls deep and you posted it many times. That is antisemitic. I wouldn't kiss your ass if I had a choice of licking a dirty toilet or that. You literally disgust me.
You know what you did. You have fake pictures, you lie, you should have been the product of a sperm burper before insemination. Just a filthy piece of excrement you can't flush. Just a normal karen.

It's not fault you're a fucking moron with a nasty attitude. I blame your parents for that.,,,that puts up fake photoshopped images pretending to be real. You think you have people fooled because you are stupid that's why. Not calling you stupid after this passage. Now I call you very very stupid.
By #610414 21,Feb,24 17:57
Ok. I’ll call your bluff. Right here, right now, bring up witch pics on my page are right photoshopped or fake. You just can’t take it. You think, like all bullies, that you can steamroll anyone that disagrees with you.
Put up or shut up.
--------------------------------------- added after 22 minutes

You are also ignorant of what is anti-Semitic. Personally, I wouldn’t like a toilet water drinker like you to kiss my ass. So, have you been licking toilets? You just said you prefer to do that.
By #709631 18,Feb,24 15:04
Anything I say on here is not based on opinion. I develop a thesis and collect evidence hence facts to back up my thesis. I draw conclusions.
I'm educated. The reason I voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 was because I am educated and develop and maintain my critical reasoning. This part is alien to them. I'm an independent. I hated Both Bush's and Reagan was no picnic for me either after he visited and prayed to the nazi's. I have independent reasoning.
Although I hated the republicans and democrats I still try to have an opened mind. Our country is important to me. BUT even though I can't stand narcissists literally I consider all people here as Americans. Unfortunately, they do not consider this as importance. All that matters to them is their egoism and hate. They were born, they will breathe x amount of times then they will die with no memory left behind. I find this sad and it bothers me. What can I do? There is nothing I can do besides offer inspiration.
That's all God can do. He's always here for you but if you only think about your selfish pride then what can he do about it? Nothing
By sherryann [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 16:17 other posts 
"He's always here for you" , God. Perfectly said!
By #709631 18,Feb,24 16:36
Thank you my darling. I can understand your love for God and love through each others hearts. You are one of God's children. I'm so happy to meet you.
By sherryann [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 17:34 other posts 
Thank you my Trump supporter, I am so happy to meet you too.
By #610414 20,Feb,24 09:44
"your love for God and love through each others hearts." YARAYARAYARA.
You don't know what love for God is. You are just a bully trying to sound smart (sic). You are nothing but a filthy dumbass conservative ass.
By #610414 20,Feb,24 09:41
"Anything I say on here is not based on opinion. I develop a thesis and collect evidence hence facts to back up my thesis. I draw conclusions."
You filthy piece of trash. Go home and sue your Mama for botching your abortion.

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