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Started by #559941 [Ignore] 11,Dec,18 14:01
Trump Derangement Syndrome
The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonize anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoiled brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 13:34 other posts 
Putin will bail trump out of his lawsuit losses, because trump sucks diarrhea from Putin's ass in videos.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 14:13 other posts 
I know this may offend alot, but maybe it’s time to put a kennedy back in office, all he needs is 34% of the vote to possibly get elected. 33 trump, 33 biden 34 kennedy as an independent. My views are, biden isnt doing anything, trump wants to dismantle nato. Its time for someone new and i cant think of anyone i can say i would vote for.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 16:03 other posts 
No argument from me, but he'd need to take a stand on congressional term limits, common sense gun regulation, cleaning up the supreme court, reinstating Roe versus Wade, and doing away with tax breaks for billionaires
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 01:35 other posts 
Where I live, ever since our governor put into effect not having to need a permit to carry a gun, we have at least two or three shootings every day since that law was put into effect last July by our governor here in Florida. That needs to change. I believe roe vs wade should be overturned with limitations on how long you can abort b4 it’s too late, and r..e and health of a women is more important and should be decided by the women. I don’t trust the Supreme Court anymore. And I’m for an age limit of congress members.
By Maxwell_93 [Ignore] 18,Feb,24 19:33 other posts 
Idc about an age limit, I want term limits for congress and a ban on trading for the members and their immediate family. Nothing will ever change in this country until those two things happen, imo ofc.

By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Oct,20 01:36 other posts 
I wonder how many lies H. clinton or obama have told...Now that is a good question...༼☯﹏☯༽
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 12:31 other posts 
Every politician lies, that’s how they get elected. Every politician tells you what they will do when they get in office, then when they get in, they do nothing. Look what’s happening in most of our major cities, immigrant gangs taking over, why, because we have a president that does absolutely nothing to stop the illegal crossing at the borders. I say we round them up ourselves and dump them back on the Mexican side after we smack them around a little and tell them if they come back, we will feed them to the sharks
By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 13:16 other posts 

By #709631 17,Feb,24 22:19
Let's all rise and salute our 47th president DONALD J. TRUMP.. We salute you..
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By sherryann [Ignore] 17,Feb,24 23:07 other posts 
There's my President Trump
By #709631 18,Feb,24 00:40

By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Oct,20 01:33 other posts 
Most are just jealous and not just of Trump, but many democrap politicians as well because of their money...༼☯﹏☯༽

By #592419 17,Oct,20 15:22
Mr. Trump’s best ZIP code encompasses much of The Villages, a retirement community in Central Florida. Other strong areas for Mr. Trump included parts of the Houston, Phoenix and Las Vegas suburbs, as well as Orange County in California.

By phart [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 10:41 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 07,Jun,20 23:30 other posts 
Damn,first everyone is mad because Trump won't wear a mask.Then they get mad because he wants to open things up to restart the economy.
When the pentegon sends out choppers to get people to go back home and be safe from the virus they get mad again. Confusing.
Have you noticed we were supposed to be staying at home to be safe and not go to church or eat in or anything.But rioters get special treatment.

By #568769 16,May,20 21:33
That is FUNNY! And so true. Like this person's irony... After looking @ the date (Dec. 11,201 and the few comments since excepting SrCums...Just have to wonder what all this sites trumpians are thinking now? Pushing 90,000 of your fellow Americans dead in just barely TWO fucking months from the dreaded no. 19 and Herr Dimwits lack of management...of EVERY fucking thing that could have saved MANY of them Are any of you trumpites finally AWAKE??
By phart [Ignore] 16,May,20 23:00 other posts 
Just what really could have been done different?
Lets make a comparrison so maby it will be easier to understand.
Lets compare America to a LONG freight train running 70 mph down the tracks. It needs to stop.How long does it take? It can't stop in just a few seconds.
America was running full speed,great economy,stock market Just about to hit 30,000. And BAM, a virus comes. Somehow,someway,it gets from 1 case in the west to being scattered all over the country.And it is Trumps fault.-all the scientist with plenty of money and nothing to loose want the country shut down for however long it takes to get a vaccine that might be 40% effective?
Um. Not really. It is China's fault first for letting it get loose,covering it up and so on. It is also the fault of weathly people that travel to far off places for "bussiness" and bringing back the virus to their workers and familys. And those damn cruise ships,again,rich ass people that could have stayed on those ships instead of bringing it home to different states. I know they let 2 people that tested positive come home to my state.STUPID.
It is also the fault of nurseing home management not keeping things clean,getting the residents sick, staff sick and so on.There is plenty of fault to go around ,I could keep going. But instead of looking for actual fault,let's blame Trump and take another swig of koolaid.
By #188992 17,May,20 07:34
Why compare America to a freight train, in particular?

Why not compare it to a turtle with a glass of water balanced on it's shell? Or how about a Hollywood starlet with 6 months to live? Or a Ford Mustang with half a tank of gas?

You have to have a REASON for drawing an analogy.

As for the substance of your question:

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Just a simple letter to the editor of a newspaper that points out how things could have been done differently. Anything there that you would take issue with?

And that's still without mentioning that your beloved POTUS still refuses to wear a mask when it would seem the sensible thing to do. What message does that give people?

By the way, I take no pleasure in pointing out that Trump is fucking up how to deal with this pandemic and more Americans will die as a result of his in(actions).
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,20 07:54 other posts 
A heavy freight train can't stop quickly,nor can a country running full speed.It takes time to slow down and stop.Sheesh,have you never heard the saying, "it is hard to stop a train?"
By #188992 17,May,20 08:40
"Nor can a country running full speed"

Any evidence for that assertion?

Regardless of whether your analogy is a sound one or not you have totally ignored the second part of my reply. So the answer to your original question ("Just what really could have been done different?") is … plenty.
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,20 13:25 other posts 
Plenty as in what? Answers,give answers,not 1 word replys to make your chest push out.
By #188992 17,May,20 13:47
Do you want more than is in the article I posted? Plus, I see on the UK News today that the buffoon is still not wearing a face mask himself. What message does THAT send out?

I hope, for all your sake's, that this fuckwit is actually right. I fear, however, that Science will (yet again) prevail over blind, baseless faith.

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Looks like being a blowhard runs in the family!
By #592419 22,May,20 09:24
So you know all the truth? More than Jesus and G-d combined!
He's been right in about just about everything else so what makes you think he is wrong now.
When the fake news network gets their scrubby hands on any issue it's for political gain. UK is strong liberal. Just look at all the Muslims pouring into your country with free housing, food, and money while your middle class is one check away from homelessness..They never do cover the homelessness that work and pay taxes do they?
So let's compare. You've got about a 50-50 chance of dying of cardiovascular disease,, the rest is about 49% of any other cause. The rest of the 1% coronovirus is on the bottom list. They put it that if you live in Florida you have more of a chance of dying from lightening then coronovirus. Does your fake news cover that? NO

You are very smart,, however you don't know how to use your tools for the best of your advantage.. Stop being a bullshit politician with stupid crap. start being a man for once. When the truth hits you in the ass instead of rationalizing like the rest of your radical dems start trying to be a man for once and show humility when you are right or wrong..
By #188992 22,May,20 09:53
Yep, makes sense if I imagine your rant scrawled in shit on the asylum walls.

Got a problem with Muslims, SrCums?

Not a nice attitude when you are (rightly) offended when YOUR faith becomes an issue. Personally, I don't care what religion immigrants to the UK adhere to. All that bullshit about free stuff for immigrants is just our right-wing press stirring up shit. You are, clearly, ill-informed about UK affairs.

Die from "lightening"? Are we back to Donald's dubious uses of bleach, or do you mean "lightning"?

And, whilst we're here what the fuck is this "G-d" nonsense. Do your Bronze Age beliefs stop you typing "God"? smh
By #592419 22,May,20 10:29
No, I don't stereotype any group... So what you are saying is that its ok to fuck your taxpayers but not Muslims,, I'm the racist? That's your point of view isn't it. What you are being racist is for the taxpayer..

You don't know my faith.. You don't know Judaism at all as a matter of fact. My faith has nothing to do with the subject. I'm starting to think you are not as smart as believed.
By #188992 22,May,20 10:46
Get to fuck!

"Just look at all the Muslims pouring into your country" - your words, sweetheart, not mine. Why not just "people" instead of SPECIFICALLY Muslims? And why "pouring" - emotive language, huh? YOU made the distinction, not me.

Our taxpayers get a raw deal but not because of Muslims. An inept government is to blame.

You don't know my faith background either. I've told you I'm "godless" but how do you know what faith, if any, I was brought up in?

For all you know I could be a Jew, a Muslim or have parents who are one of each. I know plenty about Judaism, weirdo. I got my information from reading. You should try it - the stuff you can find out, it's amazing!

G-d, you're hard work!
By #592419 22,May,20 10:51
No, not just muslims, illegal aliens that can support the political agenda. So its not them I'm targeting.. Everyone wants a better life. Its the radical left I'm targeting,, that's right .. People like you

You say you are an atheist but you are strong into platonic philosophy.. That's 2 inconsistencies. I'm starting to feel you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.. About anything..Hotpussy and all her fakes you are more suited in determining morality,, To me its just a waste of oxygen but hey,, like what the fuck eh?..
By #188992 22,May,20 11:00
"illegal aliens that can support the political agenda"

So what about Muslims who move here legally?

What about Muslim asylum seekers, fleeing persecution (possibly because of their religion)? You should have some empathy given your strong views on The Holocaust et al.

If it's "not just Muslims" why make that distinction in the first place? Talk about a quick volte face!

Why not just admit that you've been overtly racist, caught out, and simply apologise?

Radical sounds pretty cool to me. Not sure in what way my views are "left" though.

Maybe I inadvertently said that all property is theft, and forgot I said it? Or did I advocate common ownership of the means of production? Hmmm, not in this thread. You may have to enlighten me, SrCums.

As you are adding to your posts I feel I should too:

I described myself as "godless" not an atheist. You can study Plato (or any other great philosopher) and not agree with everything they assert.
By #592419 22,May,20 11:02
Legally is fine.. It is with accordance with constitutional law. I support muslims moving into Israel. Some even volunteer in risking their lives with the IDF.. Isn't that something.

I don't have to enlighten anyone. I'm not here to amuse you.. Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what enlightens you.. This is a discussion forum.. I'm here to discuss,, not dictate to fools..
By #188992 22,May,20 11:15
OK then, a straight question: How are my views in this thread left wing views?

Or can you just say what you fucking like and not explain why?

For all your cute quotes about learning calmness from the lakes and all that twee, pseudo-spiritual nonsense you're just an Islamophobe with a dubious grip on sanity. Hey, it's just one opinion!
By #592419 22,May,20 11:38
Sure,, any retard radical liberal is entitled to his opinion..
1st amendment, right?..
By #188992 22,May,20 11:52
Yep, especially when there's evidence for that opinion!
By #592419 22,May,20 12:47
show it,, this time no fake bullshit from the propaganda media..The tabloids had more validity
By #188992 22,May,20 10:53
Good G-d, look what I found:

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"but Khumra sometimes dictates special care such as the writing of "G-d" instead of "God" "

Strong, circumstantial evidence of ……….

You should join a fucking comedy club too!
By #592419 22,May,20 11:37
Wrong path here dude. absolute irrelevance.
By #188992 22,May,20 11:56
Especially for you, SrCums

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By #610414 29,May,20 17:52
Phart, I live in an area of the country were hurricanes come by. The city and state comes to a halt in hours. Then we stay indoors for several days. No train.
By #610414 17,May,20 09:40
Phart, following your reasoning, we are all to blame for being born.
By #568769 29,May,20 15:48
HI Phart-How about protective gear? How about closing the country few months back, when he should have?...Hope you have been fine and escaped the no. 19 as well as your ain't me that's drinkin' coolaide. Just wait a few years and you finally see the truth of d. trump, who cares not one bit about you or your family...Hell, even I knew of this and took it seriously way back in January.
By phart [Ignore] 29,May,20 17:13 other posts 
What action he did take earlier on,like blocking off china,was met with alot of criticism by the left and mockery."Come to China town" "Ride the Subway".
There was no real play book for this.
No one knew everything.
I was sick mid febuary to first of march,plenty of neighbors sick,my family not. Bad flu from what some said,don't know,got over it and doing ok in that aspect.
By #491031 17,May,20 13:31
Trump is RIGHT because he TELLS them that he is right.
He is their Big, Orange Jeebus, and he must not be doubted.
Trumpers are like a wack-a-do religious cult.
By #592419 17,May,20 14:03
A constitutional cult? Where do I sign...
By #491031 17,May,20 14:47
Trumpers wouldn't know the Constitution if it bit them on the ass...
By phart [Ignore] 17,May,20 18:10 other posts 
liberals never even looked at it,
By #491031 17,May,20 18:13
I've read it several times.
By #592419 22,May,20 09:30
What is the constitution for?
By phart [Ignore] 22,May,20 11:16 other posts 
Apparently to the liberals, toilet paper.
They sure as hell don't like it if it don't apply to them anyway.
Oh they love to use the 1st admendment to bitch about the 2'd 1.
Live and let live. quit trying to violate my rights while abusing your own.
By #188992 18,May,20 10:06
I would, politely, suggest that you're talking bollocks (again) phart.

On the other hand I have found someone (a professor of Political Science, no less) who seems to feel that your current POTUS either doesn't understand the US Constitution OR feels quite happy to trample all over it. What thinks you?

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By #592419 22,May,20 11:35
I agree with phart
By #188992 22,May,20 11:41
I didn't doubt it for a moment, SrCums.
By #592419 22,May,20 12:18
i'm glad,, at least and for the first time you finally started to make sense.
By #568769 29,May,20 15:51
That should be 'trumple' all over it...I think our 'POOTUS' is a nimrod of the highest calibre...I like the English spelling...
By #592419 07,Jun,20 11:13
China killed them..

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