Started by #559941 [Ignore] 19,Jan,19 11:02
New Comment Rating: 0 Similar topics: 1.BIGGEST COCKS BY ETHNICITY 2.dirty chatting 3.TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME DEFINED 4.What do U S citizens think about Trump's comments. 5.What next from Trump the Chump Comments: | ||
I hope 2020 gets Trump back in a second time so the Dems will finally have to accept defeat.
Regardless if we agree 100% on anything politics wise,had all the effort to ditch Trump been spent on dealing with poverty,unemployment,our failing bridges,something productive,our country could be so much better off.
in 2 years, he may set another record, the first president behind bars!
Well, congratulations Mr Donald YouAreADisgraceToThePresidency TRUMP. There was no COLLUTION found by the Muller Report. It doesn't matter that COLLUSION is not a crime. But, obstruction is, and you Sir have done everything possible to obstruct the course of justice while at the same time tried to circumvent the laws of this country. You have no regard to the lawful ways that a President of the United States should observe. The Muller Report shows what a lying cheat you are. What an immoral person you are. What a lowlife joke you turned out to be even to your base. Congress will make you pay.
Why didn't I see this post before?
Fuck... HP... I think I like you now!!!
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I can't help but notice the 1's that want open borders are the 1's that are to lazy to cut thier grass,wash their own cars and yet have a gym membership while the immigrants do their dirty work.It all mounts to the fact that the Repubilicans freed the slaves and the Democrats have never forgiven them.They still want slaves so they want to let them in over the border.
My opinion
I know I am wasting my time as you are totally in Jonestown, Guyana, God. Guzzling what they are selling...If our Dimwit in Chief were ACTUALLY who he says he is, wouldn't he release his taxes JUST to prove it?? Trump the Frump is a huge LIAR. Even you watching just FOX news (liars too. Yeah also CNN, MSNBC but they are at least on to dingaling. FOX is just in this for the money, much like DODO the King wannabe) must know how many daily lies he tells? Don't YOU?
One day soon, you may feel like the biggest, most dopiest idiot when the truth comes out. As stated in The Merchant of Venice...'But in the End Truth Will Out'...It CANNOT happen soon enough as this country is in huge danger. And NOT from our southern border. Did you happen to read that Xi Ping (Chinese Prez)told his Military to prepare for war earlier this month? Or that his top Admiral said they should sink a couple American Aircraft Carriers to settle the South China Sea dispute once and for all? Don't you think those kind of veiled threats are MUCH more dangerous than what our illustrious asshole in chief wants you to believe?...Trade Wars lead to REAL wars. Threats like these are like the Japanese believed about us before they bombed Pearl Harbor. The ONLY difference being were the Chinese to actually sink even one of our Carriers...nuclear war would be the outcome...And then NEITHER of us could sit here sniping at each other and everyone else that each of us sees as NOT seeing the reality of what is happening in our World.
You say he is a liar, ok.. let's hear each lie he has sad so we can debunk each lie objectively to see if what you are telling is the truth. The fact of the matter is the only person that is lying with political spin is you..
Obama is not only a liar of his citizenship, he is guilty of over 2000 lies from day 1 and I can show you exactly which lies and outline them one right after the other.
The democrats are the poison of civilization and you can take that to the bank on every single thing concerning persecution of Jews, Black, homosexuals and every single event of terror.. You can take that to the bank also and if you want to have a debate on this I will gladly give every single even that occurred from before Christ until the present day.
You are a democrat and a republican at the same time,I think you need to clarify that you mean republican and democratic party voters....
That's some pretty snazzy time-travel poisoning of civilisation
Winston Churchill "Left Wing"? Fucking hell, dude. That one stands out in particular.
Get to fuck Skit
When you lose an argument you usually say "prove it" Or Racist or homophobe.. But the real issue here is when it comes to common sense and critical thinking you have given me absolutely nothing...
So, once again you have COMPLETELY missed my point God. What is happening to this country because of the current lyin' fuckhead in chief, is just adding to the bigger DANGER of actual warfare involving nuclear weapons....Trump REALLY truly sucks. Obama sucked on a lower level and he, by doing nothing with China, Iran, etc. set the stage we now find ourselves in. And fumbly trumply will NOT be able to manage it. Xi 'Peeing' and particularly, the POOTER, have his number in spades!
Now what talk?
What should we be discussing, and more importantly! What solutions are you proposing? Do tell!! 🤔
I agree that it makes no sense.. So what's your question? It was just legalized in can kill them even after birth of failed abortion...
I'm not going to fall in the trap of defending my intelligence to you..Since I'm much smarter than you and less ignorant it would only waste my breath and time..
actually hateful little bitch is the best name.. Its not opinion, I just state the facts..
I have my bachelors in business administration with masters in computer DBA... Minor in psychology and unfortunately you are beyond the point of recovery. .. Rest in
HONESTLY my attitutes towards stupid libtards are this.. It makes no difference what your opinion is on this issue.. It is not my responsibility to teach retards.
There were 951 total homicide convictions in Texas in 2015. Of those, native-born Americans were convicted of 885 homicides, illegal immigrants were convicted of 51 homicides, and legal immigrants were convicted of 15 homicides. The homicide conviction rate for native-born Americans was 3.88 per 100,000, 2.9 per 100,000 for illegal immigrants, and 0.51 per 100,000 for legal immigrants (Figure 2). In 2015, homicide conviction rates for illegal and legal immigrants were 25 percent and 87 percent below those of natives, respectively.
Illegal immigrants made up about 6.4 percent of the Texas population in 2015 but only accounted for 5.4 percent of all homicide convictions. Legal immigrants made up 10.4 percent of the Texas population but accounted for only 1.6 percent of homicide convictions. native-born Americans made up 83 percent of the Texas population but accounted for 93 percent of all homicide convictions.
In other words., while illegal aliens commit capital crimes, the numbers do not suggest they are a major or even a minor concern to law enforcement. Yes, even one homicide is a heartbreak for the surviving family. But 93% of all homicides was caused by NATIVE AMERICANS. Perhaps we should deport them.
These statistics come from Snopes, a very well respected entity with no agenda.
MS-13, is an international criminal gang that originated in Los Angeles, California, in the 1970s and 1980s. The gang later spread to many parts of the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, and Central America, and is active in urban, suburban, and rural areas, its origins in the Los Angeles undocumented immigrant community. Funny that this gang was formed in The USA because of the way undocumented aliens were treated there.
. The gang is a core component to Republican Party messaging on immigration policy in the United States. The Trump administration and Republican politicians have argued that hardline immigration policies are necessary to combat MS-13. There is no evidence that weak immigration enforcement or sanctuary city policies contribute to MS-13 activity. Republican politicians, President Trump in particular, have falsely accused Democratic politicians of supporting MS-13.
The premise is to shut the barn door after the horses ran off. Illegal immigration should be regulated, but in a humane way. And a way should be found to let many of these people join or citizens to make the country stronger. They are just hungry. A good neighbor, Christian or Jew, would help.
Yeah. Tell the base all these lies. They are among the most ignorant and bigoted of all the people in the USA. You say you need to hear all the lies Trump is guilty off. Here’s a link to POLITIFACT. Also a very well respected entity. They have a huge list of the lies this President has uttered,
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I won’t list them here. It would take hours to do so.You say president Obama is a lier. He is not know to do so, but, I will admit, we all lie. The thing is this. IT’S ANCIENT HISTORY. Who cares? We are talking about our present President. A person that affects our daily lives IN THE PRESENT. You blame the Dems for all your ills. May I remind you that for 2 yrs they controlled government and could have done anything they wanted. All they did was argue about a former first lady (Hilary) as if her knickers stank worse than the whore occupying her former position.
My opinion
As usual you grabbed the tail of the dog and ignored the rest.
The Obama administration is spending close to a half a billion dollars to build a sophisticated electronic fence along Jordan's northern and eastern borders, a wall which US strategic planners hope will stem the flow of refugees and also wall off the increasingly important American base from the disintegration of Syria and Iraq.
The wall, which began as a $20 million project in 2008 to erect a set of surveillance towers along a 30-mile (50 km) stretch of the border with Syria, has since expanded into a program costing half a billion dollars, according to defense officials who spoke to VICE News. Called the Jordan Border Security Program or JBSP, the wall is ostensibly meant to stop weapons of mass destruction from getting out, but since 2013 has refocused on detecting Islamic State fighters and arms smuggling, as well as refugees, on both sides of the border.
This comes from
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The HBO news service.
This wall was to KEEP ARMED INSURGENTS from overrunning US military bases in Jordan, a key ally in the area. The other reason was the fear that weapons of mass destruction being moved through this area. Quite a difference to the rabbid, heavily armed (I hear they have kitchen knives and matches) hordes overflowing our southern borders.
The cost escalated (it was a working project) to 500 million dollars. Quite a lot less than the monstrosity Trump wants. What's more, that FENCE was full of electronic survailace to make it more efficient than brick and mortar.
You should know that the Fed's spent lots of money in Roswell, New Mexico. They also spent $15 million to buy the Loisiana territory and built walls all over the west to house military establishments. I think they called them forts.
My opinion
That's a whole bunch of crap.. It's all bullshit...They need illegal immigrants in the united states or the demoCRAP party goes bankrupt.. Why do you think they are going all out to keep the wall from being built?? NOT BECAUSE IT IS IMMORAL... But to keep the illegals here... IF YOU ARE ILLEGAL YOU ARE BREAKING THE LAW.. WHAT IS SO EINSTEIN PHYSICS ABOUT THIS?
If you speed or cheat on you taxes, smoke weed, drink and drive, text while driving, throwing trash out the window of your car, lying to Congress, paying off porn stars to keep quiet about your infidelities to rig an election, this is also breaking the law. The Dems don't need the illegals nor do they actually use them to fund the party. More illegals are going back to their country than ever before. What all you anti- illegals seem to not understand is that they are here for THE MONEY. The benefits are something they can't get in their country and they found out a ,long time ago that the American farming community desperately needs them for cheap labor.
My opinion
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what's more, because you enter illegally to this country that does not mean you don't belong here. Just that your papers are not up to date. I live in Miami-Dade county, Florida (Miami). They estimate 50% of the drivers drive with a suspended or expired driver's license. they are breaking the law too
My opinion
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How about hating people that don't believe in global warming???
My opinion
WOW,,a total of 39 individuals where given permission to get a green card for the whole year. Heck, tiny Montenegro has better numbers.
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How do you propose they come legally??
My opinion
Now Omar is trying to get Jews out of United States.. Hates Isreal... I've had enough this,, enough of democraps,,, enough of debating here... Illegal means its against the Law! How can I or anyone get that through your head?
As far as global warming, because it would be hard or expensive to fix does not mean we should ignore it, Let me remind you, that under your own argument, there's a discussion of a "WALL" to fix an expensive and hard problem. You won't ever, change my mind. Sorry, but, I will argue this all my life. The funny thing is that the American Jewish population has always been pro Democrat and one of the most progressive, liberal sections of our community. I assume you are a Jew. I can't believe that you would be so different then your fellow Jews. They are truly one of the most enlightened people in the world.
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My opinion
It appears we are totally on both ends of spectrum.. All you have is "Opinions" I state facts !
My opinion
It's not just this and no it is not,,, yes, no.... Leadership is based on ideas. Ideas that stem from Bestow and egoism. Such as the same as Good vs. Evil.. Defining justice. Justice is not law in most cases such as over-taxing which is what your group does. Over-taxing is put into laws but it is not justice. So with that said I want to know your definition of justice.. I don't want to see links, statistics or examples.. i want to hear your definitions without looking up its definition..
Another thing I'd like you to do is to share your desires on this topic.. What is it that you want to happen and why? And WITHOUT noting trumps lack of character or obama's innocence. I want to know why you are siding with these criminals..Is it because you were brought up this way and will stick with these people no matter how wrong they are or is it really deep in your heart what it represents justice? You won't be able to answer that question unless you know what justice is and how to define it.. Good Luck..
Justice is making sure that people get fair treatment in relation to everyone else. I know where you are going with this. You will assume that abiding or breaking of our national laws comes with a price. I like to believe that God did not know nor would have cared about borders that separate countries. I like to believe that He would say that those that have bounty should share with those that are less fortunate.
You want to know what I want? I want for amnesty to be granted to the illegals that are already here as long as they have led an honorable life in the USA. I want to see these people eventually become US citizens. I want immigration laws to change.
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I want that the quotas for the Latin countries (and allies) to be increased to 4% of the country's population but not more than 20000 per year. I want these green card immigrants be required to meet certain requirements like they used to do 50 yrs ago. They should have immunizations, pass a health exam, arrive with one month's worth of living capital or have a sponsor willing to stake them for a month, and, a return air ticket not refundable for a year.
If you drive through this country, you'll find most of the country is still open land. Anyway, that's what I like to see. And one more thing. Right now none of these things are in effect. So, I say, let these people in. Keep track were they are. Try to get them work so they pay for their stay while we work their respective outcome. If we must deport them, let us do it with compassion and.....oh...yes...
My opinion
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One last thing, friend. You are trying to place me in this group, or that group, or maybe that other one. I am my own group and if I happen to fit in another group (Democrat, Republican, Independent, Conservative, liberal, Christian, Jew, or any other group) is purely by chance. I'm well read, and my opinions are based on what I consider good judgement, fairness, and what I would like for myself.
did you know that with 1 billion dollars you can feed a Burger King whopper for almost 246,000 people one day? Do the math. We have the money to stop hunger. Lousy education? The worst, the very worst, is in states like Alabama, and Louisiana. States that have the great majority of Trump supporters and the states with the biggest number of bigots. Maybe they should hate less and work more to make the basic education of their children a good education.
My opinion
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And the most asinine idea of all, education in this country is not one entity. It's 50 entities (50 states) and everyone does what it wants.
My opinion
Since the JFK assassination the corrupt branch of politics have had their way.. JFK murder was a coup within his own democratic party which did include the deep state CIA, FBI and people you have never heard of including the fake news which has existed for decades...It didn't matter who was republican or democrat. There were a couple of conservative constitutionists but there were not enough.. The midwest believed in equality, education and hard work. Most other blue states had to work hard with using racism and anger to brainwash the public to think one thing while they did the other thing.. Bill and Hillary Clinton were masters of this...
Leadership is not politics,, it is what it is to represent truth and justice for our nation. Our constitution is what our nation represents.. I've told you this before but you go around in circles with your circles of nothing including your ignorance and it does get annoying where I have to repeat myself over and over.. Yet you are the one that challenged my ideas here.. i didn't come to you..
I have my ideas was to what is right. Not everyone agrees with me which is fine too... I told you my rational more than once.. you make your own choices..It doesn't make any difference... My OPINION--- Trump is hated more than any other president is because he is anti-establishment...Not because what he is doing is wrong.. That's my conclusion from stating on my synopsis of current positions and events. !
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My opinion
My opinion
I see your growth potential but not your subjective ignorance that all progressives display..
You are very good at posing,, this is an art,, and since it involves eroticism you don't use guilt to repress this desire...You've opened yourself to new ideas.. Show more spread asshole and labia pics.. Try cervix shots.. I love that... You are good at it..
Stay out of politics.. you aren't getting anywhere and it isn't on your spiritual path..I personally hate politics because it tells me its about power and greed... This is no good for you.. Stay away from this..
Also, maybe you missed this but looking at cock is what women do in these sites. May i recommend the other side, SYC? I just post what i like. It seems to be enough. I get a crap load of men that want to chat and friend me every day. I have to keep getting involved in politics, even if just posting in forums like this one. Someone has to keep you in check.
My opinion
Si soy así
¿qué voy a hacer?
nací hermosa
y embalada para querer.
Si soy así
I speak fluent Spanish (Castillian really)
It's no skin off my nose it bores you, chupete.
My opinion
The history of Islam concerns the political, social, economic and developments of the Islamic civilization. Despite concerns about the reliability of early sources,[1] most historians[2] believe that Islam originated in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century, approximately 600 years after the founding of Christianity. Muslims, however, believe that it did not start with Muhammad, but that it was the original faith of others whom they regard as prophets, such as Jesus, David, Moses, Abraham, Noah and Adam
It comes down to this notion. "Absolute power corrupting absolutely"... Rome tried to take over the world and for the most part it succeeded at least in Europe, Africa, and Asia, It had everything except the Jews who were the only people that refused to convert to their ideology. Keep in mind Christianity never existed and the Jews were exiled out of the land of Canaan.. Eventually Rome fell but a 100 or so years later 2 political movements rose to power which were christianity and islam.. Both religions are guilty of power, torture, suppression, and p_edophilia.
The current establishment has been run by the left since the beginning. even though our constitutional law says our country is entitled to its national sovereignty including putting up barriers to protect ourselves. This is NOT trump's agenda,, it is our law's agenda. The democrats have fucked over our people for centuries by letting in undocumented people come into our land, living off taxpayers and fucking over the middle class... This is NOT what the constitution dictates. It's bullshit.. You following me? Yet those bastards use OUR money to pay for walls of other countries but keep our borders open, kill babies of 9 months of pregnancy then r ape them once they are born.. Both parties are guilty.
I don't care if you like Trump or not.. It makes no difference to me. What I agree with him is that he is the closest leader we have ever had that upholds our law. Our constitution.. You have your opinion and it is well taken.. It doesn't mean I have to agree with you either.. If you want the laws in our land different then do it the right way, legally.. Acting like a hateful little bitch will not resort to getting your way.. If you want to change the law then change it legally.. Trump is well within our constitutional sovereignty..
You are swallowing what trump feeds you about babies, rapes and REALLY? 'kill babies of 9 months of pregnancy then **** them once they are born'?? That makes entirely NO sense.
You are one of the lost that follows our prez with no questioning of what he says or what his motives for saying it might be...Waiting for you to wake up, God, but not holding my breath.
Sincerely Yours
Hateful little bitch
PS Are you still in grade school?
The current establishment has been run by the left since the beginning. even though our constitutional law says our country is entitled to its national sovereignty including putting up barriers to protect ourselves. This is NOT trump's agenda,, it is our law's agenda. The democrats have fucked over our people for centuries by letting in undocumented people come into our land, living off taxpayers and fucking over the middle class... This is NOT what the constitution dictates. It's bullshit.. You following me? Yet those bastards use OUR money to pay for walls of other countries but keep our borders open, kill babies of 9 months of pregnancy then r ape them once they are born.. Both parties are guilty.
I don't care if you like Trump or not.. It makes no difference to me. What I agree with him is that he is the closest leader we have ever had that upholds our law. Our constitution..
Tell me, friend, like you ask us to do, show me the wording of the US Constitution that states these laws.
I'm a Democrat. I'm not a liberal or conservative. I'm a citizen that expects her government to take care of the problems a single person can't. Some of the thing I like are not to your liking, but, political parties change ideology all the time. What personal disaster was visited upon you by Democrats that you are willing to blindly follow a joke of a president and resort to name calling when you can't prove your argument?. Is it a religious thing? You make reference to opressions in history.
It comes down to this notion. "Absolute power corrupting absolutely"... Rome tried to take over the world and for the most part it succeeded at least in Europe, Africa, and Asia, It had everything except the Jews who were the only people that refused to convert to their ideology. Keep in mind Christianity never existed and the Jews were exiled out of the land of Canaan.. Eventually Rome fell but a 100 or so years later 2 political movements rose to power which were christianity and islam.. Both religions are guilty of power, torture, suppression, and p_edophilia.
The current establishment has been run by the left since the beginning. even though our constitutional law says our country is entitled to its national sovereignty including putting up barriers to protect ourselves. This is NOT trump's agenda,, it is our law's agenda. The democrats have fucked over our people for centuries by letting in undocumented people come into our land, living off taxpayers and fucking over the middle class... This is NOT what the constitution dictates. It's bullshit.. You following me? Yet those bastards use OUR money to pay for walls of other countries but keep our borders open, kill babies of 9 months of pregnancy then r ape them once they are born.. Both parties are guilty.
I don't care if you like Trump or not.. It makes no difference to me. What I agree with him is that he is the closest leader we have ever had that upholds our law. Our constitution.. You have your opinion and it is well taken.. It doesn't mean I have to agree with you either.. If you want the laws in our land different then do it the right way, legally.. Acting like a hateful little bitch will not resort to getting your way.. If you want to change the law then change it legally.. Trump is well within our constitutional sovereignty..
Of course, you will not agree with anything I said, but will instead, come up with some idiotic reason from FOX TV (I don't like CNN MSNBC much more. Liars all to some extent) and our TRUE el prezidente, Sean Hannity, that none of what I say is true or makes sense.
Start seeing and thinking for yourself instead of being spoonfed a bunch of dangerous lies that are just so dangerous to the future of this country.
You just helped explain why the wall is a answer to the problem.Let me quote this from your above post .
"True National Emergencies have to do with weather, fires, etc. anything beyond our government's ability to control"
Let me see,wait,let me quote that quote.
"True National Emergencies have to do with anything beyond our government's ability to control"
Ilegal immigration is OBVIOUSLY beyond our goverments control.So you confirmed that Trumps plan is viable!
lolI aint resorting to using foul names,if I can't get along no better than that and still disagree,there is something bad wrong with me.
I can't see how ANY human being can support aborting a child up to before labor sets in.That is sick beyond any words 10 different languages could discribe accuratly. Those are Sick son of a bitches that voted that in.I dont support abortion no way unless it is to save the mother or in case of rap- or insece,how ever you spell it.
Women getting abortions just becuase,oops he didn't pull out or whatever is just plain sorry.
And I can agree our government is fucked up,no doubt.We just need to meet somewhere in the middle as to how to fix it or we are ALL going to go down the drain.
Someone up the thread mentioned abortion and due to the layout of these threads when they get long I just went ahead and responded to that issue as well.
As for the misspellings, that is just simply me not remembering how to spell words sometimes and for whatever reason this computer has no spell check.
When you experiance a TBI it is then you relearn alot of things and learn often by trial and error,your new limitatons. I have decided not to write any bookS! lol
AS for consumption of alcohol, HELL No!. Alcholism runs in my family and I lost a grandfather to it and my dad drank for the better part of my life and it made things miserable for everyone that knew him.I vowed to never touch the stuff and Thank God or whoever anyone else's higher power may be,I have not. When you read my words,they come from a damaged but sober brain.
Take it any witch way you want. I know I can sleep at night knowing that in my tiny way I have opposed this Tyrant that somehow got into the White House. Can you say the same?
My opinion
A plan is not necessarily the solution to a problem. Trumps plan has been discredited by almost all knowledgeable people. If the problem is beyond control then FIND THE RIGHT SOLUTION. A wall to stop illegal immigration is a pipe dream.
My opinion
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