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Started by bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 12:25  other posts
This thread is dedicated to bitch about those members that really piss you off! Is it, in alphabetical order, bella! , what a bitch and the ringleader, Freddy , always in search of the site rats, could it possibly be Skittles , the self proclaimed site muppet smasher or TWOWARMTTS2 , the member who has had multiple names as well as multiple profiles?

Bash whichever member is listed or unlisted. Hopefully admin will allow us to have a dedicated thread that won't be sent to the dumpster. And feel free to post pictures, if that floats your boat!

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By #598172 14,Sep,19 16:08
Seems to me that blacklisting would defeat the purpose of the thread. Unless we nominate Polo Fields and Yimmy.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 16:57 other posts 
Hi candy
By #598172 14,Sep,19 17:32
Dgraff, you sound a lot like Phart. Freddy sounds a lot like Skittles. 2nice sounds a lot like Scorpio69. And Bella sounds a lot like JustWill. So what? I've been told about you people and your theories. I think that asshole, Skittles, even started a thread like that.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

I guess you are trying to make points with the queen B. I thought only Skittles was an asshole.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 19:11 other posts 
Well,I am here to say that I only have 1 profile here,under the name of PHART. No other profiles,no desire to create any more as I am not here to annoy people or cause problems. Ask your freindly Admin if there are any other profiles linked to me if beleiveing that is to difficult.
By #598172 14,Sep,19 19:18
Well, relax. No one is saying you have more than one profile. Although, that is very unusual. Almost all the members I've talked to have two, three, or more profiles.
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 19:22 other posts 
Really that’s against the rules
By #598172 14,Sep,19 19:35
No one pays attention to it. Look at Freddy and Skittles
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 21:50 other posts 
That’s two different accounts I know them personally
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Listen Mandy your in no position to start trouble admin all ready suspects you as being Mandy 658
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Oh what a tangled web we we’ve when at first we practice to deceive
By #598172 15,Sep,19 06:33
Of course you know them personally. You are the third account. It's Skittles AKA Freddy AKA Dgarff. You put your nose into every argument around here.

I am not Mandy. I am not Twowarmtts2. The only reason Admin thinks that is because a bunch of shit heads sucking at the tit of the albino witch, are all taking her suggestions as fact. Even Admin says "suspected". And, before you ask how I know that, Twowarmtts2 showed me the URL to access it outside the site.

And that comes from a poem by Sir Walter Scott. He's not in a bike club
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 06:58 other posts 
Three different accounts three different people your as fucked up as your friends
By #598172 15,Sep,19 08:24
Well, you didn't expect me to be different from you or other members, did you? We are all fucked up. Imagine chatting with shitheads in a porn site as if we were something.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 08:39 other posts 
You have to understand candy has betrayed our trust time after time with different accounts she thinks she is fooling everyone but we can spot her a mile away just like your last comment with three of those things classic candy for sure
By #598172 15,Sep,19 09:50
Ok, just to continue your thought. Why do you consider she betrayed your trust, time after time,with different accounts? Did she use those supposed accounts to target you (that is plural) in any way? Did she trash your pages under the fictitious accounts? Did she cost you points? As I understand it from what I've read, when she wants to kick your ass, she does it in the open and, as far as I can see, with the truth. At least she doesn't show a yellow streak like you are showing. Being nice in one thread and taking the nuts position in other threads. What's more, from someone that is very informed about "Candy" twice she was not part of the site yet you and those other asshats blamed her for other people's actions
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I forgot

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I also forgot
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The day you can prove your position, let me know. I'll be glad to pull my pants down and let you kiss my ass. Till then, go play with your bike, your guns, and your dicks
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 10:35 other posts 
Choco, at least he plays with something instead of peoples minds you know? He has a life that can be defined. Unlike some "members" here that have no life.

The Admin has access to the electronic trail of info refered to as IP address and servers and such.IF he says he suspects something,it may be he does give the benifit of the doubt in case of hacking.But he probably can see numbers that confirm it.
What baffles me,is why anyone,would get a kick out of making a disturbance on a website in the first place.Why not go out in the street and raise hell or bash in windows in town or something so they can actually see and feel first hand peoples reaction to their actions.Instead of hiding behind a keyboard in lala land.
By #598172 15,Sep,19 12:10
Phart, if you mean by playing with people's minds that Twowarmtts2 politics, like gun control and abortion, are mind bending, then you are right. As far as making a disturbance on a website, that, you would have to provide proof. You can't have arguments without at least two people taking part in it. Twowarmtts2 is and has been a very successful member for many years. If you take away the part where she's on the forums, then she's great. Over 200 friends. Considered very friendly. Very active in many different areas of the site. No complaints about her except by the Bella group that you are a part of. Her pics are in hundreds if not thousands of "Favorites" lists. She is friends with many of the same members you and Bella's followers either hate or put down. So, you, who by your own words, "I keep her blocked. I don't want anything to do with the member." You think she gets a kick out of making a disturbance?
I wonder what your views are about someone like Skittles who trashes member's pages. Or, a Freddy with his Rat of the Day blogs.
I believe you and your fellow Bella follower look at what you want to see and ignore all else.
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I am not implying Bella is a ring leader of a nefarious nature. All I mean is that only some of the members that participate or contribute in her forum, are the ones that Twowarmtts2 has trouble with. I guess, by association, I'll be bestowed that pleasure, too.
What I do know, as she has told me, is that not one of you have had the intestinal fortitude to complain or face her in a private message. All of you are very brave in a group.
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By bella! [Ignore] at 15,Sep,19 13:15

TWOWARMTTS2 , uh, I meant to say CHOCONUT , has been all into this thread defending her um, er, landlord, sister-in-law, friend, TWOWARMTTS2 ever since TWOWARMTTS2 blacklisted me, AGAIN.


See what I mean? Innuendos, lies, misinformation. Twowarmtts2 is not alone in starting crap. And, I've been involved without wanting to be.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 13:43 other posts 
Next I guess wet noodle we start speaking
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I’ve spoken to her in many private chats
By #598172 15,Sep,19 16:11
WetNoodle, Candy's husband, can't answer you. He is the other half of the Twowarmtts2 account. He's blacklisted by Bella
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 19:06 other posts 
Yeah sure opinions are like ass holes everyone has one and a few of them stink
By #598172 15,Sep,19 19:41
I can't stop you from going around and smelling assholes. You want to make a survey, go right ahead. I can tell you my asshole stinks and that's for free.
Your good old boy sayings are funny. I guess they are posted in the outhouse crapper walls. Don't forget your corn cob when visiting.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 19:45 other posts 
See right there classic candy and you wonder why we think it’s one person with several accounts
By #598172 15,Sep,19 19:57
Either she's very smart or you all are very dumb. I like to think she's smart. I like expressing myself like her, because, bud, you people are dumb.
By #598172 15,Sep,19 20:42
At the end of the day, nothing has changed. Twowarmtts2 is having fun sexting with a bunch of pervs that she likes. You are wondering if you are right or not. I have my thumb up my ass. Want to smell it?
Good night, Sir. Tomorrow there'll be another dark and dangerous conspiracy. (BTW, ALL ASSHOLES STINK)
By 2nice [Ignore] 16,Sep,19 19:17 other posts 
You know it’s Candy, dude. She ALWAYS has to have the last say in any argument.’s always stupid.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Sep,19 19:52 other posts 
Yep she’s fucked in the head
By #574505 16,Sep,19 19:43
By phart [Ignore] 17,Sep,19 21:58 other posts 
none you would want.

By #598172 17,Sep,19 21:31
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Sep,19 21:40 other posts 
You are starting to unravel, Candy!
By phart [Ignore] 17,Sep,19 21:52 other posts 
The Admin has training that makes him more than qualified to determine who is the same and who is not.HE is also the ONLY 1 that has access to info to prove or disprove anything in a 100% factual way.

By #598172 17,Sep,19 21:26
By Scorpio69 at 17,Sep,19 20:59

Since they put "Choco" in the name, they're probably claiming it to be... Gerome! Just keep your eyes peeled for the next new name to include Beans Or Beaner something or other...


By #202354 16,Sep,19 19:04
OMG I had no idea there was so much drama going on behind the scenes here. I'll never be able to unsee some of the mental images this thread has brought forth.
By #551147 17,Sep,19 18:24
What did you expect with a site chocked full of Real Dicks and several Super Cunts?
By #535529 17,Sep,19 18:41
By mr_blue [Ignore] 17,Sep,19 18:48 other posts 
Super cunt is known as cuntasaurus vexed
No one likes an angry cunt,they are so dry and irritating,be a happy cunt,warm and hospitable
By #535529 17,Sep,19 18:50
Now that's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Thanks for the laugh.
By #551147 17,Sep,19 19:20
Bahahahahaha 😄😆🤣😂 Oh that was a good one Bluey! Thanks for upstaging me. 😉

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 17,Sep,19 16:29 other posts 

By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 15:57 other posts 
LEO is the sickest person on this site after that comment about cuming in food and drinks with out peoples knowledge he belongs in jail
By #551147 14,Sep,19 16:51

See for him and many more like him, we need a thread called... Known Asswipes and Pukes.

I'm afraid "VILLAIN" is TOO much of decent word for that one. Just my of course. 😉
--------------------------------------- added after 32 minutes

BTW Mr.Dgraff

When you said "Leo"
were you referring to this one ➡️ leopoldij,
and is this ➡️ /forum/thread.php?id=22645#23 the comment you're speaking of?
By dgraff [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 19:25 other posts 
Yeah that’s the one it still sickens me
By #551147 15,Sep,19 08:17
I just wanted to clarify to be sure in all fairness.
By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 21:44 other posts 
I was thoroughly disgusted by that too.
Still am!
And no retraction, no apologies, no asking admin to remove it, he honestly thinks it's ok to do that to people.
Really, really sick.
By #551147 16,Sep,19 00:13

Oh you noticed huh? Yeah, he has no shame.
By bella! [Ignore] 16,Sep,19 00:25 other posts 
Fortunately for me, I have blacklisted him. I cannot see, therefore cannot be DISGUSTED by his usual posts.

Besides, why should he feel ashamed? He pays good money for each service his women provide for him.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 16,Sep,19 01:13 other posts 
By #551147 17,Sep,19 16:00
Bella! If you REALLY wanna see it, uh hem, to unno, validate that we aren't being TOO judgmental. I can screenshot it, if you like. 😄
By #598172 16,Sep,19 06:38

That is disgusting

By #569341 14,Sep,19 20:34
a) Schemers and manipulators.
b) Any and every member of any/all of the Crews on here.
c) Multiple dummy and fake account holders.
d) Trolls that stalk you and when you smash them back call you a bully or do something described in the next category.
e) People who hide behind blacklists and opportunities at being vindictive/cynical anonymously or where the person they are barbing will not see it (at least, not immediately) and will therefore not be given the chance to respond.
f) Homophobes, racists, ignorant and bigoted people in general and people who bully the defenceless.
g) Any combination of a), b), c), d), e), f).
h) Occasionally, me - my behaviour/personality is often bullish & too intense.
i) People who are not aware of, or will not admit to, their own negative/antisocial personality traits and/or bad behaviour; or their propensity to fall into any or all of categories a) through to f).

There’s more, but i already have my list of likes/dislikes in my blog...and it’s a sunny Sunday morning.
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 12:41 other posts 
Speak up, say what you want to say and don't pussyfoot around.

I am familiar with the stuff that tecsan posts because I took an opportunity to respond to one of his asinine blogs. Once I posted my opinions and thoughts in his blog, he took that as free reign to post whatever he wanted on my page. And sadly, I see his STUPIDITY all over the place but it is more sad is that these rants are in places that prospective new members might see.
By #569341 15,Sep,19 21:52
That’s why i didn’t name the sad troll, b!
My points speak for themselves. I’m not a “name and shamer”. I fight my own battles and i try to do so “face to face”. However, similarly to you, i am willing to take accountability for the fact that i am a flawed person (as is everyone)👍👍👍

By mr_blue [Ignore] 15,Sep,19 08:45 other posts 
Mr Tiddles

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