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Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris...Which do you feel will prevail???

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Sep,20 03:45  other posts
Trump has been somewhat erratic at times...But look at Creepy sleepy uncle joe...Pence pretty clean, but not totally...Harris, now I wonder like I do with uncle joe...??? (I agree it is about 50/50 with the flaws concerning both parties)...༼☯﹏☯༽

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Nov,20 11:21 other posts 
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President Donald Trump’s re-election campaign has dismissed its final lawsuit against the electoral process in Michigan on Thursday, as multiple challenges the campaign filed have recently been tossed out of federal courts in key states.

Both Mr Trump and Mr Giuliani have promoted false claims surrounding the results of the 2020 US elections, falsely alleging “millions" of votes were “illegally added” to the system without any credible evidence of mass voter fraud.

No court in the US has found any credible evidence of fraud, and the president’s lawyers have even been forced to admit that their lawsuits were alleging instances of fraud.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Nov,20 11:14 other posts 
Why Trump’s election fraud claims aren’t showing up in his lawsuits challenging the results:

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 25,Nov,20 11:10 other posts 
Trump Campaign 'Seeking to Disenfranchise Black Voters' With Election Fraud Claims: Lawsuit.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 23,Nov,20 23:23 other posts 
I do have to believe that Trump has lost and crazy sleepy sleazy uncle joe won...(ignorant though)...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 24,Nov,20 15:25
Whatever you say...

although I am pessimistic by nature, stay positive.
I present to you, ALL you need to know. 

Sydney Powell along with Lin Wood are working diligently. Takes time to amass evidence and they are going as quickly as possible. Have patience and understanding.



The Biden-Harris Nationwide Election Fraud Scheme to Steal the Ballot State by State
Prohibits Them from Winning the Race


State of the Nation

When wholesale fraud and corruption and criminality are employed to steal the quadrennial POTUS election by one of the two major party candidates, the victor automatically becomes the other presidential nominee with the greatest number of electoral votes.

In the case of the 2020 POTUS election, the Democrat ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has been cited for carrying out the greatest election cycle crime wave via fraud and theft in U.S. history.  Hence, the prematurely and illegitimately declared Biden victory is now null and void under the law.

Therefore, President Trump has been elected by default for a second term beginning January 20, 2021.  Neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris have yet to even respond to the countless cases of election fraud currently under investigation, which have been reported to the authorities quite suspiciously in primarily the crucial battleground states.  Biden’s complete lack of response to this weighty matter speaks volumes about his obvious complicity in this ongoing election theft.

As soon as the first court decisions are handed down against the Democrats regarding the extraordinary amount of voter fraud and election theft, the preliminary electoral result will be vacated immediately.  President Trump can then be certified as the President-elect and preparations can begin for his inauguration on January 20, 2021.

The 270 Electoral Vote Threshold

There is a profound and pervasive misunderstanding about the 270 electoral votes necessary to win the U.S. presidential election.

Yes, 270 are required to win, but if a candidate’s campaign engages in a massive voting fraud and/or election theft operation, they have automatically disqualified themselves from the race.  Especially when such a highly organized operation was conducted with the explicit purpose to steal the election have the perpetrators rendered themselves unfit to serve in high office.

KEY POINT: Joe Biden has already proven himself  permanently ineligible to hold any office in the U.S. Federal Government by virtue of his admitted crimes and corruption. See: UNITED STATES CODE: Joe Biden is permanently disqualified from holding any public office in the U.S. Federal Government

In point of fact, the Biden-Harris campaign has, with absolute certainty, committed fraud on a truly epic scale in order to decisively steal this election.  There is now an overwhelming volume of hard evidence that proves beyond any doubt that this election was outright stolen from President Trump by the Democrat Party.

Much of that rapidly growing body of evidence is scientifically based and data-driven; some of it is anecdotal and circumstantial, still other conclusive proofs are being submitted in the form of videos, photos and audios.  Then there are the missing or destroyed or altered ballots themselves which are showing up near or at the numerous crime scenes across the country.  The Democrat’s mail-in ballot fraud is perhaps the greatest systematic crime spree ever implemented.

The stark reality is that it’s now apparent that the Democrat Party was so desperate and reckless and brazen in the execution of their fraudulent schemes and multifarious plots that they now must prove they did not steal this election.  Biden and Harris are rightly on the defensive in the face of so much unmitigated fraud and election-related crime.  They should not be rewarded with a victory in any case; rather, they should be incarcerated post-haste.

What’s the critical point?

All President Trump has to do is prove that Team Biden (which includes the Democrat Party) carried out intentional fraud to steal the election, which they did to a tremendous degree and IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.  The Democrat perpetrators did not even care if they got caught.  Not only that, they barely tried to cover up their criminal activity leaving their fingerprints all over the myriad crime scenes.

In view of their unrivaled 2020 election-cycle crime spree, the Biden-Harris ticket has irreversibly relinquished their Democrat nomination to stand for the POTUS/VPOTUS election.  The key legal axiom and constitutional requirement which applies in this particular regard is as follows:


In other words, once the intentional fraud was committed, Joe Biden and Kamal Harris effectively lost their right to further stand for the election.  That means President Trump will be inaugurated on January 20, 2020.

Really, did Team Biden and the myriad Democrat fraudsters expect the American people to permit them to take the White House via so much naked fraud?  Did they expect Trump to roll over if he could only prove fraud in, say, 20 states not all 50.  As if it’s somehow okay for a fundamentally unfit candidate to be installed in the Oval Office who just perpetrated the most complex, convoluted and criminal election fraud of the millennium!


The perps at the top of this criminal Democrat conspiracy have conned the American body politic into believing that Team Trump must peel away each and every electoral vote that was explicitly won through fraud and/or theft… … …until Biden’s total drops below 270.

This is not the case and the U.S. Supreme Court has set a loud and clear precedent indicating so.  The SCOTUS ruled in a landmark case UNITED STATES v. THROCKMORTON (98 US 61 – Supreme Court 187 that “fraud vitiates everything”.[1]

KEY POINT: By categorically asserting that “fraud vitiates everything”, the SCOTUS affirms that perpetrating fraud undermines the entire endeavor, the whole contract, the complete judgment, the final result … or the election outcome, etc.  Once the fraud is proven, the enterprise in its entirety, such as a POTUS candidacy or campaign, has been irreparably tainted and any result is invalidated.  In order words, if it was only the Michigan vote was stolen by Team Biden, their victory would still have been  nullified since “fraud vitiates everything”. (“Vitiates” in this legal context means negates, quashes, annuls, invalidates, revokes and abrogates) See: Let’s be very clear about the 2020 election outcome: “FRAUD VITIATES EVERYTHING”.

Therefore, once this quite deliberate Democrat fraud took place, the Biden-Harris candidacy was essentially self-terminated.  From that point forward, there’s no reason for President Trump to even acknowledge their presence in the POTUS race.  For they both surrendered their right and/or freedom and/or privilege to stay in this highly consequential contest.

BOTTOM LINE: The Trump-Pence ticket won this election because the Biden-Harris team forfeited their candidacy to stand as a result of committing a staggering amount of voter fraud and election theft.  That this immense fraud was purposefully carried out with an extraordinarily high degree of mens rea (intention and/or knowledge of to commit wrongdoing) guarantees that “fraud vitiates everything” where it concerns the election outcome, and specifically the bogus Biden win.

C A S E    C L O S E D ! 

Keep the faith! 

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 23,Nov,20 20:11 other posts 
Trump's a Coprophagia addict. Lindsey feeds him on the golf course.

By #551147 18,Nov,20 21:44
These TWO!

[deleted image]

THINK they've won...

By #629627 13,Nov,20 17:33
Turmp the loser, is only losing by 5,000,000 votes, and counting. Count every legal voe so we can see what a total loser trump is. Second time to lose the popular vote.
He is the president yet thinks someone else is rigging the election. Just how shit would a president have to be to let someone rig an electio against him.
By #610414 14,Nov,20 10:07
About as shitty as Trumpo
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Nov,20 20:01 other posts 
Listen fuck face I don’t appreciate the comment about me having sex with my dog muggsy that dog is my best friend for 12 years now so let him out of your shit stew you keep trying to stir up
By #551147 16,Nov,20 02:24
Really? The cocksucker brought Muggsy into this? 😠

Unno these fuckers are sick in the brain. I've said it a hundred times... Liberalism is a certifiable mental disorder, they even have treatment for it. I just can't believe he drug Muggsy into the mix. Whatta fucking jack-off!
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Nov,20 05:07 other posts 
He did indeed scorps but he’s just like the rest that have come and gone he will slip up and say something stupid and go poof like that last Jack off you caught
By #551147 16,Nov,20 05:14
You gotta admit, that WAS good...
By phart [Ignore] 16,Nov,20 17:21 other posts 
YOu have to understand,a liberal will stoop to silly name calling,accuasations of sick minded shit to insult and degrade their opponet because they have ran out of ammo.

By brian [Ignore] 05,Nov,20 12:35 other posts 
By #502711 06,Nov,20 19:08
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Nov,20 02:05 other posts 
I think we are going to be disappointed...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 07,Nov,20 02:38
Don't give up so easy, that's what they want. This is bullshit, and YOU know it!

3 points for you to consider:

When you voted, did you pick a mix of candidates i.e. Rep/Dem? OR! Did you, like most people, vote for 1 party down the ticket?

If you voted one party, SO DOES most people! Then ask yourself, how is it the Republicans lost ZERO seats in the House/Senate, as a matter of fact, gained 12 seats, seats that were held by the Dems, and gained 2 in the Senate, yet the Republican President is losing? Does that make sense to you?

Next: How much campaigning was Joe Biden doing? It was hardly any at all, and Kamala NEVER took ANY questions since being tapped. Why would someone who wanted to be President not leave his house 20 of 30 days? Because the crooked fucks knew the fix was in. That's why! What other explanation is there?

Lastly: Why the fuck has it taken SO long to count ballots? States far larger than these others finished like they were supposed to. If it doesn't make sense to you, there MUST be a reason! Gotdamn! Don't give in so easily, your country needs you to trust and believe what you have been seeing going on. They are trying to fuck us just like they've tried to do his entire presidency. That's a fact, is it not? Now these people are suddenly supposed to be trusted after all you've witnessed for the last 5 years? Com'on Man! 😲

Just like when these fucking morons come strolling through here saying he hasn't done anything for America. You know that's not true, so because they say it, do you turn your back and say - oh I guess they are right? Or do you stand strong because you know they are lying to your face?

Com'on Man!
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 14,Nov,20 11:14 other posts 
Just because you write 5 paragraphs worth of content and make bold confident assertions throughout does not make you correct. You do employ effective communication arguably, but often I see you just repeating common conservative pundit talking points. Other times your logic is far from bulletproof.

First, consider that every House seat was up for re-election this year, if I am not mistaken. While the Democrats lost a percentage of their majority, they still did win a majority of the house. If the logic is that Trump votes and Republican House votes were highly correlated, then this data supports the fact that Biden took 5 million more in the Popular vote, and the Democrats won the majority of the House. So far the Senate is about even split. It will depend on the Georgia runoffs of course. Or, if that argument is not strong enough, then one must consider the possibility of voters who chose Republican House and/or Senators but not Trump for President.

Second, why do you think candidates raise so much funding? They use if for TV and online digital advertising campaigning. They also build armies of on-the-ground teams in each state. How many rallies Biden did not have is a weak indicator that he should have lost the election. Oh, btw, you asked what other explanation there could be. There is currently a worsening health pandemic in the United States. Biden is pretty old, he needed to protect himself. Trump in fact caught the virus but fortunately received great health care and beat it.

Ballots take long to count because they do. There were millions. Also, some states attempted to introduce legislation allowing them to start counting ballots earlier this year because of Covid but many of these initiatives were blocked by Republican party efforts at the State level. Also, it is not that all other states necessarily finished counting, but the vote differences elsewhere were more significant to call them for either candidate earlier before finishing the counting.

I have no comment at the moment for your final paragraph. Will consider that your opinion and effort at concluding with a persuasive rallying call.

Thank you.
By kebmo [Ignore] 15,Nov,20 06:07 other posts 

By #502711 07,Nov,20 15:24
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By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 05:26 other posts 
It’s ok Aussie man I accept sleepy old joe as president besides he can’t do enough damage in 4 short years that we can’t bounce back from and I don’t think he can finish this term yet alone run for a second term he’s just to fucking old
By #502711 12,Nov,20 03:39
Guy is about to die of a heart attack any minute. I don't think he's going to do much, i'm more suspicious of Kamala Harris.
By dgraff [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 04:30 other posts 
Absolutely she is a Nancy Pelosi wannabe
By #551147 12,Nov,20 06:05
Stay tuned Aussieman187, it's NOT over yet!

Just because a few dumb cunts around here and the media declared Biden the winner, doesn't make it so. Trust me! Our constitution doesn't give any of them fuckwits OR the media the authority to declare a fucking winner. 😉

The lunatics only THINK they've won thus far. We got TWO states to agree to manually hand recounting and scrutinizing the voting records (auditing). 10,000+ confirmed dead people voted in Michigan alone. Keep the faith!

Just know they are trying their damndest to ruin this country and that's why they Hate Trump so badly. He's standing in their way. If this shit is real and legitimate, then they have no worries as there will be trusted people from BOTH sides watching the counting.
By #502711 12,Nov,20 15:33
Oh yeah i've heard all kinds of things about voter fraud, counting ballots of deceased people, i've heard of postal workers discarding bags of votes, electronic vote shredding, you name it. I think Trump is right to pursue an investigation into a possible vote corruption. I heard Al Gore could have possibly won the presidency back when he was running, but a similar thing happend to him that is happening to Trump & if he took it to court, might have won. So will be interesting to see if this case reveals any undemocratic actions.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 14,Nov,20 10:53 other posts 
Want to put money on that? I wager election results will become official within weeks with Biden as winner.
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 02:39 other posts 
Great shithead sleepy uncle joe pic you posted...༼☯﹏☯༽

By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 01:44 other posts 
We all know now that sleepy creapy uncle joe is the winner...Shows how many idiots we have in the Country...༼☯﹏☯༽
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 03:44 other posts 
"Creapy"? Oh, my! Who helped you with your posts, specifically with your spelling? ༼☯﹏☯༽
By #551147 12,Nov,20 04:19
An even better question...

Who gave him the authority to declare a fucking winner?
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 04:26 other posts 
Because he lives on the west coast? ༼☯﹏☯༽
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Nov,20 02:41 other posts 
I think you...Why are you all so obsessed with spelling here...You all mis-spell on your little devices...How stupid...༼☯﹏☯༽
By #610414 13,Nov,20 12:20
Yeah, everyone that voted for Trump

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 04:36 other posts 
All alleged voter fraud stories are falling apart like a house of cards. It's all bullshit from Trump, because he doesn't want to admit he lost. The republicans know, but they go along with it, because they like disinformation that stirs up their base, infects people with distrust of the elections and distracts everyone from the actual problems with your democracy.

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By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 05:18 other posts 
I seem to remember the same thing happening in the Al gore versus George bush JR presidential race the Democrats bitched and cryed till they got a recount I remember it like yesterday because I was at one of the largest gun shows in the world and the recount was over they announced over the loud speakers that George bush JR was our president and people cheered and threw their hats in the air so I guess now it’s the republicans turn to bitch and complain
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 06:25 other posts 
First, that was a much close race.
Second, Gore won Florida, that was called prematurely for Bush. So he would have won, but he surrendered too soon.
So what your saying is completely opposite from reality.

At least you are recognizing that Trump and his cronies are bitching and complaining.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 07:03 other posts 
Now don’t get me wrong if Trump runs in 2024 I won’t vote for him because he will then be the dottering old fool that Biden is now there just to fucking old but I wouldn’t mind seeing mike pence run in 2024 he’s only 61 and can still think straight
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 12:55 other posts 
Oh common, Pence? He is a religious extremist. He is smart and he can talk, but you need a few voters outside of your bubble to win.

I also don't think the republicans will let him run, because they know he will have no chance in hell to win. He was just the right candidate for vice president, to win over the religious wingnuts for Trump.
Trump was the right republican candidate for the time, but he would still have lost to any other candidate than Hillary.

If you want to win again, you should choose another fake populist, like Tucker Carlson. Maybe Ivanka could win, but Trumps sons have no chance.

By #574505 11,Nov,20 11:41
Recount time from most state's that hide box's
By phart [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 12:36 other posts 
Yea,that 750,000 ballots the Mars Rover found last night will have to be counted,so it will be a while before we know for sure.

By #629627 11,Nov,20 08:18
Democracy. We vote. The most votes win. The loser loses. For 250 years that has worked until you get a fuckwit in the office.
Trump crying like a baby again. Takes credit for things that arent his doing and cries when he fails to perform, it's everybody else's fault, its rigged, they are cheating, the media is against me. Just his usual bullshit. He is bullshit

If America is still a democracy Biden will win.
If America has turned into some shitpot country (Great Again) with no democracy, we are stuck with a fuckwit for another 4 years. He will probably try and do a Putin and get the 2 term rule changed. He's mates with Russia afer all.

Trump lost by 4,000,000 votes - boo hoo. America wont be able to show its face in public if Trump comes up with some bullshit farce with his 3 new stooge supreme court judges.
Can the posters with him pretending to be Rambo and show the reals ones with him suckin on a bottle of baby formula.
By dgraff [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 09:10 other posts 
Then you must be really disappointed in your state of Utah Trump won that state with 58 percent
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 10:02 other posts 
Yes, in democracy, we vote, but if the person with the most votes wins, states like California and New York will heavily influence who our presidents will be. Are you prepared for that?

And as for Donald Trump being "mates with Russia", the alternative, the Big Guy is mates with China.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 10:23 other posts 
Exactly, if the candidate with the most votes would win, you would have elected
president Gore in 2000 and president Clinton in 2016.
By bella! [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 10:46 other posts 
I'm sorry, less populated states, such as Utah, the state that bannon lives in, OR Michigan, the state I live in, would have absolutely no say in who our Presidents would be.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Nov,20 11:15 other posts 
That's true. The only way you have some power is using your vote in the primaries and the democratic candidate for senator.
Did you know that in the swing states all strong progressive senate candidates won and all centrist senate candidates lost, from the republicans?
So next primaries, I would advise you to vote for the most left progressive candidate, because they actually have a chance in red states. Some weak centrist will loose for sure.

By #610414 07,Nov,20 11:32

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 02,Nov,20 21:11 other posts 
The entire world hopes it will not be Rump again. They are not sure the world could survive any more of him
By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,20 13:16 other posts 
As if the country could survive Biden? He has had 47 years to make a positive difference in America and hasn't.As for the rest of the world,it is up to them to survive,not the US.
By #502711 03,Nov,20 15:13
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Hope he wins again! Go Trump, scourge of the Communists, reprimander of the Chinese, extinguisher of Iranian generals, squasher of ISIS, Middle-Eastern peace maker, tamer of the North Koreans, shield of the Taiwanese!
May his powers be extended to bless this world with another 4 years of iron fisted rule!
By #551147 03,Nov,20 16:46
SO nicely put!

I see you noticed none of the sniveling lil bitches say a fucking word about his foreign policy.

He should have this. The nut-jobs are steadily trying to perform the Jedi mind trick on the rest of us.

Trump pulling 20, 30, 40,000+ crowds EVERYWHERE, and I mean EVERYWHERE he goes, 3 to 5 rallies a day with the same results. Biden, Harris, hell even OBAMA can't even get more than 50 or more people to show up. But yeah, Donald Trumps losing they insist on telling us...

And then they wonder why we call them dumbasses. Unfuckingreal how stupid they THINK we are.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Nov,20 06:18 other posts 
I guess if you live in Florida and you are a Biden supporter you are having crow for breakfast
By phart [Ignore] 04,Nov,20 09:11 other posts 
I wonder if they use a air fryer so it is more healthy?
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Nov,20 09:18 other posts 
By #502711 06,Nov,20 19:08
Biden is a Communist! It's a tight election, got me on the edge of my seat. Trump has a shit ton of support, but the propaganda of the Commies is working on those that think the TV & celebrities are the ultimate source of truth & reason.

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