Recent Posts of member Ananas2xLekker


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By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 13:12
I don't live in a country that needs to protect children with armed guards. You are the indoctrinated side in this discussion, to think that this is normal, unrelated, a unfortunate side effect or the reason itself to arm yourselves.

And you are indoctrinated by corrupt politicians and media,
taking money from the military industrial complex and NRA.
You hear your arguments 24/7 from them, and parrot them along.
No one is telling me what to think.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 13:09
The problem is that the communities we are evolved to be capable of understanding is the size of the tribes we once had. We are not evolved to understand a community of 8 billion people. That's what tribalism comes from. People will help their neighbors in a small village, but the sense of community is much less in a big city. Still, if you live in Boston and there is a terrorist bomber, then even in a big city people will help others.
That's even less for people in another city nearby and even less again in the next state. When something bad happens in another country, most people will not consider that their community. If they see that country as
an opposing tribe, they might even consider their suffering welcome.

In any case, humanity has spread over the earth like locusts, affecting every square inch of its surface, the resources below it, every drop of water and every breath of air. There is no going back. If we continue
the way we have done, we will destroy the vulnerable balance of life
that supports our own lives.

The only way humanity can survive is to enlarge our sense of our tribe to the whole global community. Some people call that 'globalism' and consider it a bad thing. That's because they only see corrupt politicians and owners of corporations embrace 'globalism', who are the most selfish and least qualified people to save humanity. They just want to control the global population for their own wealth and power. If we want to save humanity,
we have to all enlarge our tribes and do it soon, or we will all see the demise of our small tribes, sooner than most of you think.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 06:07
Sorry, that would take something between 100 generations and 50,000 years.
Having black skin won't help our descendants survive without oxygen.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 06:05
Sorry to hear that you didn't get to enjoy, one of the few last
absolutely beautiful days.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 05:31
Are you talking about a case like this, when the police has to release someone, with no bail, before officers can finish their paperwork?
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Listen to what he got arrested for.
Keep listening and learn something about your two-tier justice system.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 04:48
We only have one poisonous snake, the Adder. I have never even seen one.
The tall grass is for looking at, not for walking through. Stay on the path.
An adder won't kill you, but a tick might, with Lyme disease.

There are enough spots with short grass for playing and laying on.

However, that video was in the UK. The UK is almost bankrupt, from Brexit.
Cutting the grass in parks in not a priority spending goal.

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How the U.K. Became One of the Poorest Countries in Western Europe
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Lorry Drivers Who Voted Brexit Regret Everything
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What was the main goal of the UK for Brexit? Immigration.
UK migration after Brexit DOUBLED!
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By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 04:41
We have a very small, very densely populated country. Every little piece
of 'natural stuff' is near neighborhoods.

Sure, bird shit can kill you. So can many of the livestock viruses.

You know what is sure to kill everyone? Destroying nature.

Some attribute the following quote to Albert Einstein: "If the bee disappeared
off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live."
I don't know if it's true, but I don't want to try. You lot are trying hard though.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 04:07
Where am I twisting shit then?

but I have heard NO FACTS FROM YOU.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 04:03
Criminals, in my country, are either in financial crimes or in drugs.
Violent crimes with guns are mostly related to the drugs crimes.
People fighting, beating or killing partners, r@pe, etc. mostly don't involve guns. Those are crimes, but not the usual behavior of career criminals. People who commit those violent crimes have no guns.
In my country that is, in your country they mostly do have guns.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 03:55
Idiots are incapable of logical argumentation, like you.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 03:34
Like I pointed out before, you are going back to square one.
This is that basic argument all gun lovers start with.

Being an 'outlaw' isn't in people genes. People become an outlaw when they commit their first crime. For some, that first crime is mass murder with an AR-15. For others, that first crime is shoplifting.
With guns being available to everyone as easy as in your country, it is easy to become a mass shooter or an armed robber. In my country, this is both difficult and expensive. They either have to go through the trouble of taking up shooting sports and getting a silence or they have to buy a gun on the black market. At that point, they have to involve themselves with (other) criminals, which is dangerous.
Our criminals are not in the gun selling business, because that is not profitable in our country, they distribute guns among themselves as their tools of the trade, which is mostly drugs-related. They are not interested in a small profit, because they are making millions in their business. They don't need the risk of the buyer being an undercover cop, a competitor messing with their business or a crazy person attracting attention.

Most mass murderers don't plan that far ahead or are not even mentally capable of planning and executing that. In your country, they just have a gun laying around. Armed robbers are mostly working alone. It is an inefficient crime;
to much risk for its reward. We had 467 armed robberies last year.
71% of them are caught and imprisoned.

In my country, anyone who is searched or arrested by police, having an unlicensed gun carries a prison sentence of maximum 4 years.
In your country, criminals can just walk around with their guns, looking for a chance to us it, without the risk of being imprisoned.

The situation where all law abiding citizens are defenseless already exists, in my country. Almost no one is allowed to carry a gun on them and all other gun owners either have their gun locked in a safe at the shooting range or at home. Of all licenses, 88% is issued for shooting sports. A much lower percentage than 12% (I cannot find the actual percentage) of licenses is issued for justified self-defense.
Even an owner of a jewelry store would need additional justification.
Target sports guns are all limited to .22. Hunting requires a two year course and exam. Any criminal would have terrible bad luck of ever meeting a law abiding citizen who can defend themself.
So, what are they waiting for?

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 02:20
Are you kidding? Being a community is how humans build this civilization.

Your idea just means survival of the fittest. This is what animals do.
Have you seen any animals building a civilization lately?

Humanity only survived and evolved because we developed our brains.
Without our brains we are just a weak, naked ape.
But one brain alone doesn't build a civilization.
We did that by working together as communities.
Every conflict between communities just set us back.
The communities that worked together on the most equal footing
and had the mentality of 'your problem is my problem' the most,
created the most progress.

"why not take care of 1's SELF!?" Because with that mindset
we would have been EXTINCT millions of years ago.

By Ananas2xLekker 31,May,24 02:04
Trump was just found GUILTY on all 34 counts of falsifying business records, to cover up hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, to influence the 2016 election.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 17:05
It has been rainy and gloomy the last weeks, with temperatures between 55 °F and
66 °F. It was a lot warmer before that. We had several high records this year already.

January 23th was the warmest January 23th on record, at 56.1 °F.
February 15th was the warmest February 15th on record, at 59.5 °F.
March 3rd was the warmest March 3rd on record, at 60.6 °F.
March 14th was the warmest March 14th on record, at 63.9 °F.
April 6th was the warmest April 6th on record, at 77.0 °F.

There were no date-cold-records yet, this year. The last date-cold-record is from August 6th 2023, at 60.4 °F. It was the only date-cold-record of 2023 and there were 9 date-heat-records in 2023.

Mind you, The Netherlands is at the elevation of Québec, Canada,
but we have a temperate maritime climate.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 16:30
He's doing average speed for the Rhine delta area, which is the industrial area, where I live. I'm used to the same speed, but only talk that fast when I'm excited.
In the south they are more relaxed and are speaking more slowly.

He's slow compared with Jochem Myjer.
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He noticed that there are lullabies, but no wake-up songs, so he made one:
(wakker worden = wake up)
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By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 15:59
That's funny. Even the Dutch subtitles doesn't know what to make of it.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 14:16
Bullshit! It's their fucking job to arrest them, even if their paperwork takes longer than the detainee is in a cell.

The police is afraid to go to any relational conflict, because there might be a gun involved. Our police officers don't have to be afraid like that.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 14:00
How do you know if people are sexual predators, dumb-ass?
Do you understand the level of GOVERNMENT CONTROL required
for this site to be able to determine if you are 'safe'?

I want to keep this site GOVERNMENT CONTROL FREE,
that's why I checked to allow sexual predators on this site,
because no one wants this type of GOVERNMENT CONTROL.

Right-wingers stood for small government once, Jesus!

We are all adults here. If there is someone being creepy,
just kick the fucker out. Any effort to prevent them from coming here
means you have to sacrifice your right to privacy. Capiche?

Do you ever consider the consequences of your ideas?

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 13:45
There is a record heatwave in Mexico now. It is so hot that monkeys, birds and bats are falling dead from the trees.

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The average global temperature in April was 2.38 degrees F (1.32 degrees C) above the 20th-century average of 56.7 degrees F (13.7 degrees C), making it the warmest April in the global climate record.

April 2024 also marked the 11th-consecutive month of record-high global temperatures.

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“With half the month of data in, its very likely (greater than 95%) that May 2024
will be the warmest May on record, extending the streak of record-breaking months
to 12 in a row,”

We will know soon if the average global earth temperature has been the hottest ever
on record, for every month of a complete year.
Keep lying to yourself that nothing is wrong.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 12:02
You are also claiming that it's the cities where all that crime is,
so why do you need to defend yourself in rural areas?

"According to the survey, firearms were used defensively in 166,900 nonfatal violent crimes between 2014 and 2018, which works out to an average of 33,380 per year."

This data is collected by means of surveys. Are they calling it using their firearm defensively, when they are in an argument and take out their gun to make the other guy back off? That's not a crime prevented, that's what leads to your 43,000 gun deaths per year.

In any case, if there is any truth to that number of crimes and prevented crimes, I understand you wanting to arm yourself. But that's your country being out of control. We don't have that. We don't have your violent crime and murder rates, so I have no reason to arm myself.

In my opinion, your violent crime and murder rates are caused by your 2nd amendment rights. You would be safer if you didn't have them.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 09:22
The Dutch word for 'colonel' is 'kolonel' and we say 'ko-lo-nel'.

I am curious if you are able to pick up anything.
I watch a lot of Americans on YouTube, who moved to The Netherlands or are interested in my country, and center their YouTube channel around it. They are trying to understand or learn Dutch and have a hard time with it.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 08:58
I've heard that Pennsylvania Dutch a few times, but I can hardly understand a word of it. It really sounds more like German to me too. However, I understand German and not this. There are areas in my country that speak dialects that are almost unintelligible for me. We even have one area in the north speaking Frysk, which is recognized as a separate language. For such a small country, our language is very diverse. They can all speak 'general civilized Dutch', but among themselves they have dialects that all sound very different. There are areas close to the border with dialects that sound very German too. I can drive 2 hours in any direction and not understand a word, when people speak the local dialect. All the different cities, sometimes no more than 10 miles apart, have different dialects, but at least they can mostly understand each other. It's the rural parts where it becomes unintelligible. If I spend time with people from Rotterdam, my speaking changes to 'Rotterdams' a lot more too. At the workplace, I try to speak 'general civilized Dutch' to the best of my ability, because big city dialects don't sound very refined or educated. Recently, I've been talking English more than Dutch at work, because about half the employees of my department are expats.

According to the internet Pennsylvania Dutch comes from Pennsylvania Deutch.
"Deutch" is German for German. Dutch comes from "Duitsch" or "Dietsch", which is how we called our language in the late Middle Ages.
Not strange that this got muddled up.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 08:31
I've seen several of his videos and noticed that he shoots his videos outside, but never paid close attention to the maintenance level. However, I see that they are at least cutting the grass sometimes, or it would be hip-high by now.
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There are many plots of land that look similar in my country. They keep the grass low and clean up the trash, but leave it to nature besides that. I don't know about the UK, but we have lots of areas that are maintained far less. It's left to grow on purpose, to provide nature a chance to recover and biodiversity to increase.
Some are not even accessible to visitors, but some are, and then they only maintain the paths. Even dead trees are left to rot. There is not much nature left in our very densely populated country and this is our government giving some areas back to nature. They are called Natura 2000 areas. only registered users can see external links

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 06:29
He invented the word 'fliepeltje' for things like the little plastic strip you pull, to take the plastic wrapper off, from a CD, DVD or blu ray. It could be translated to 'little floppy thing'. He says Germans would call a 'fliepeltje' "ein aussteckende verlengungsüberverziehungsreinsteckstuck".

His name is Ronald Goedemondt. He is one of my favorite comedians.
His thing is turning the absolutely mondain into ridiculous situations.

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Auto-translate to English does a pretty good job.

By Ananas2xLekker 30,May,24 06:21
Lots of them. Some are used the same in English.
"een oorverdovende stilte" = a deafening silence
"publieksgeheim" = public secret
"vloeibaar gas" = liquid gas
"negatieve groei" = negative growth
"virtuele werkelijkheid" = virtual reality
"leedvermaak" = malicious enjoyment in one word

Maybe these are specific for Dutch:
"het radicale midden" = the radical center

Some Dutch words aren't complete without an oxymoron in them:
"boosaardig" means bad-tempered, while "boos" = mad and "aardig" = kind
"volledig" = whole, while "vol" = full and "ledig" = empty
"naargeestig" = gloomy, while "naar" = unpleasant and "geestig" = funny

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 12:48
English speakers trying to learn Dutch tell me Dutch is weird in many ways too. Their problems and learning other languages myself made me realize the weirdness of my own language. It's a very versatile language though. Comedians use the versatility a lot. One once made jokes about how we can invent completely new words, that Dutch people understand by instinct, which he demonstrated with the new word 'fliepeltje'.
We do actually constantly add new words that get added to the dictionaries. About 2500 words per year, which is a lot for such a small language (about 24 million people).

I recognized the points he was making, and probably had problems once with them,
but English was much more easy to learn than German and French. I still have some issues with the 'Phrasal verbs' sometimes, but I don't consider them weird.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 12:28
I noticed. They are not very even in color.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 11:22
That's obviously a park. People are walking by in the background.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 11:04
"but my care is not everyone else's problem."
Yes, it is, that's called 'solidarity'.
The average animal cares more about it's peers,
than you want humanity to care about each other.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 10:10
Is this logic really so difficult for you?

I don't care about your fantasy of defending yourself.
I care about actual risks to my life being minimized.

In 5 years, about 650 people were killed in my country,
mostly by people they knew. Or criminals killing criminals.
We had three mass shooting in our whole history.

The risk that I need to protect myself is incredibly small.
Way smaller than your risk of getting killed, without you ever
having the chance to defend yourself or trying and failing.

Your risk of getting killed is much much higher.
You care more about your fantasy of defending yourself,
than about the actual risk to your life.

I prefer to live my life, instead of being too afraid to live.
I understand which risks are irresponsible and which are worth it.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 09:07
You're right, they don't have a Plan B ready.
You're wrong that they are not 'grooming' people though.
There are lots of strong fighters in the party, ready to go.
The DNC just tells them to not stick out their head, if they want to keep it.
They are g@mbling on Biden and that's massively irresponsible.

There is a difference though; Trump has damaged all your Plan B's. He damaged 'Meatball Ron' and he damaged 'Nimbra'. Only Republicans who hate Trump don't hate them. If Trump keels over, how many of his supporters will vote for them?

Democrats didn't groom any Plan B's, but they didn't damage any of them either.
These Democrats can all crush Trump, or any other Republican, in a debate:
- Sheldon Whitehouse
- Jared Moskowitz
- Jamie Raskin
- Jasmine Crockett
- Pete Buttigieg
- Gavin Newsom
Realistically the DNC will never support a lefty candidate, but the people would.
Only Pete Buttigieg and Gavin Newsom would be 'centrist' enough for the DNC, because their wealthy donors don't like lefties either. The people support their plans
by large majorities though. They are just confusing Trump for a populist.
Bernie Sanders is not the best debater, but if Democrats let him run and support him, no Republican has even the slightest chance of winning.

Another thing is that Trump is raking in all of the money for himself,
leaving no money for the campaigns of governors and senators.
He might win, but he might be a lame duck.

Trump now controls your whole party. The rest of your party
is either a complete numbskull loyalist or damaged by Trump.
Either you hate them or all the other Americans hate them.
That's no good option for when Trump is dead or in jail.

Will Trump be replaced after he fucks up the first debate??
Of course not, because he could be growling like a baboon,
with foam coming from his mouth the whole time and farting,
and you lot would still think he won.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 08:42
You don't do anything to stop white people from killing each other either.
You keep supporting gun rights without restrictions, which is killing tens of thousands of people of all colors. Most mass shooters are WHITE.
And you do NOTHING!!! Do you enjoy it?

It just makes them exactly the same as you. Do you value your own life?
You think healthcare is just for people who can afford it. You can not.
That's you not caring about your own life enough, to do something.

Racism is generalizing people by their color. What you are saying for ALL black people is objectively untrue for lots of black people. There are many black people organizing to solve their problems, working to keep their kids out of trouble and providing them with a future.
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By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 08:35
Another straw-man. Try to understand something, before you knock it.

My socialism is not 'working for the government',
it's the government working for the people
and not just for a few wealthy ones, like your system.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 08:23
The weirdest things about English
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0:00 Introduction
0:17 1 - Weird noises
2:46 2 - Odd questions
4:48 3 - Meaningless do
6:05 4 - Phrasal verbs
9:16 5 - Why no genders?
12:13 6 - Pronouns
14:06 7 - Silly spelling
15:43 8 - Tenses
17:45 9 - Articles
19:37 10 - Things English doesn't have

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 05:59
Yes, I don't care. I accept the risk of not being able to defend myself with the optimum tools for killing, so I'm not under the overall added risk of everyone having the optimum tools for killing.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 05:40
A typical liberal? I am a liberal on personal issues, not on economic issues, as I explained before.

I want everyone to have the freedom to live their lives and have the opinions they want, up to the point that it affects others in a negative way too much. I accept that freedoms have some negative side effects. The right to life, the freedom of speech, the freedom of religion, the freedom to protests, bodily autonomy, the freedom of commerce, the freedom of identity expression, the freedom of movement, and all the others I have forgotten, all have restrictions to protect other people, who have the same rights and freedoms. Those rights are not evenly important, your right to live is more important than some other persons freedom of religion or freedom to protests, and vice versa.

People have a right to defend themselves, as long as that right doesn't reduce the rights of other people too much. Your interpretation of the 2nd amendment does reduce the rights of other people too much. Too many people die (in violent attacks) because of your right to protect yourself against dying (from a violent attack). All your schools need to be protected with many armed guards, for your interpretation of the 2nd amendment. The police is even too afraid to do their jobs of protecting people, because of your interpretation of the 2nd amendment. This is not acceptable. That's why you cannot have whatever tools you want, for your right to defend yourself. Only people who are at risk, because of their service to society, should have better tools to be able to defend themselves. An exception would be shooting sports, but I would strictly license those so the weapons are not used in self-defense, for people who are not at risk because of their service to society.

I am also a socialist, which means I support solidarity. The freedoms I support should improve society or at least not hurt it too much. As members of our society, we should not selfishly demand freedoms that hurt the majority of other peoples freedoms too much. Your interpretation of the 2nd amendment does hurt the majority of other peoples freedoms too much.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 04:55
With who?

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 04:25
Socialism is based on a principle of how I want people to live together.
That is indeed an opinion. There is no science that can show you
that what you want society to be is correct or false.
If you want to live in servitude of some king, that's your OPINION.
There is no science that can deny you your opinion on that.

I base my worldview on solidarity. That is an opinion.
I cannot show you that it is correct or false, with science.

If you want everyone to just care about their own needs and don't care about anyone else, nor the future, then your opinions are logically consistent with everything you are communicating here. However, if you think that makes the world and your life better, then we should first discuss what you think a better life for you looks like. Maybe you just have a different idea of what you want for your life.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 04:15
"You admitted that you are atheist. Thus there is no argument there."
Is that an admission? Yes, I don't believe in ideas that cannot be shown to be true.
Religion fails even the lowest standards of what is required to determine what is true.

I don't need 'proof' to accept the truth of an idea, I just need good arguments in favor of it and good arguments against alternative ideas. Those arguments should be based on evidence and logic, in accordance with reality.

Believers are the ones who won't change their mind, except when it's proven wrong.
In the case of the supernatural, it is impossible to prove claims wrong, because it allows for denying reality itself. If you believe in magic, everything is possible.

By Ananas2xLekker 29,May,24 04:07
Because the 2nd amendment is the only part of it you support.

Right-wing Christian conservatives are getting in people's business,
by pushing your ideas on people who do not share them, contrary to what The Constitution and all the other amendments allow.

Science is an investment, just like education. Every dollar you invest in it comes back many times over.

By Ananas2xLekker 27,May,24 13:07
So what is left from your little quote then?

Are you kidding? I question EVERYTHING, that's the scientific method.
There are no words that I consider golden, that's faith!

Religion is bought and paid for and Tucker Carlson is bought and paid for.
Their arguments only work on gullible people, who are incapable of understanding evidence and logic for themselves.
Science doesn't push anything, they just present their evidence and expects you
to be curious about the truth. You are not, you want to be lied to.

Liberals are minding their own affairs, which is defending The Constitution
and The Rule of Law, while you are supporting a fascist traitor, who wants to be king.

By Ananas2xLekker 27,May,24 12:40
I hate religion, because it churns out stupid people.

See Tucker Carlson being a Creationist Tool on Joe Rogan's show:
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Why doesn't he mind his own affairs, instead of messing up science,
which he obviously doesn't understand. Or it's just an act, for stupid people.

If we should be dependent on no one, we should kick out all the employers
and enact socialism, where people work for their own affairs, and work together
with others in brotherly love, instead of for outsiders, who profit from the work of others.
We should not be dependent on them and they should not be dependent on us.

Why do you worship the people who do not work with their hands,
but let others work for them?

By Ananas2xLekker 27,May,24 10:52
What a depressingly nonsensical story.

"In retrospect, I wish I’d posed a variation of the old election-year question. I’d have asked if their lives are better after the last 40 years, not just four. Then again, they may have given me the same answer I heard over and over: It’s so messed up."

There is absolutely no depth of thinking there. No principles, no analytical capability,
just simplistic gut feelings and thinking anecdotes are representative of the world.
They probably flip from party to party, every time asking themselves: "Did my life become better under this president?". Yes? I'll vote for the same party. No? I'll vote for the other party. If this is how far your understanding of the world goes, stop voting, because you're not able to make a justified decision.

I even have more respect for a principled right-wing conservative, than someone who votes for Democrats over gut feelings. Being wrong is better than not thinking at all.
However, as obvious from this story, Fox 'News' supports those stupid gut feelings.

By Ananas2xLekker 27,May,24 10:17
If old people become a danger to themselves and other people around them, they should not be living alone. What a stupid idea that you can just hand them a gun and they will be fine.

No one is able to defend themselves against "thugs barging in on you in your own home". I'm not a small guy, but I'm probably not able to defend myself against two or three hardened criminals, so why should some old guy be able to defend himself against that? You are saying it yourself: "the folks doing it don't exactly announce their intent". Are you carrying your gun in a holster,
like a cowboy? Unless you have that gun at the ready, you won't have any time in that case.

You are a scared little kitten, for imagining you are in need of protecting yourself against that. And you have illusions of being Rambo, for thinking if that happens you can save yourself. There are almost no accounts of people actually defending themselves against actual violence like that. Meanwhile, there are 50,000 gun deaths each year. The risk of some old man or you dying from an accidental shooting is many many times higher than the possibility of you surviving an assault that you had otherwise not survived. All because of your fantasy that you might one day be forced to defend yourself, your risk resulting from everyone having guns is about 1000 times higher.

I'm sure you are not as stupid with guns as that rapper kid.
But there are lots of people walking around who are just that stupid,
and your ideas put a gun in the hands of all those stupid people.
There are way more stupid people than there are thugs who want to kill you.

Your cause of death will most likely be a lack of healthcare, which is also a result of your own ideas. If a bullet ends your life, it will either be from your own gun, the AR-15 from some lunatic mass shooter, some idiot discharging his gun by accident, some idiot doing target practice on his scrap wood fence when you drive by, or some other random thing you have no possibility of defending yourself against. Those things do not happen in my country,
where random idiots usually don't have guns to play with.

By Ananas2xLekker 24,May,24 17:24
You might be right, but that doesn't make Trump innocent.
He obviously had a media company help him to pay off Stormy and kill the story,
so the voters wouldn't find out about it. Is it a crime? I don't know, but it should be.

The only reason for me to advise people to vote for Biden,
is that they can still vote the next time.
Biden has been a disappointment, Trump has been fucking awful.

The 'winner takes all' system is the whole problem. It is divisive.
It gives the winners too much power and it gives the losers an incentive to only obstruct and destroy. You now have a party that even obstructs their own ideas, because they don't want the other party to get credit for it.

I wouldn't say that the electoral vote system is a scam by itself, but it really causes all sorts of scams. Gerrymandering wouldn't make any sense, without the electoral vote system.

Republicans are intentionally harming people's trust in politics, because then their promise of destroying the government further sounds like a good idea to people.
If you hate politics, you're not going to inform yourself about it. This is what they need, because they have nothing productive to offer.
When did they last promise something that would improve your life?
Without going into vague shit like MAGA. How do you actually MAGA?
They offer nothing but helping the wealthy and hurting the least powerful.

By Ananas2xLekker 24,May,24 16:00
If you are INNOCENT, then you would want to testify.
In every single case, every single thing Trump does, his lawyers do and his judge Cannon does makes it obvious that he is guilty of everything he is accused of.
His defense is based on delay, delay, delay and trying to get immunity. Innocent people can easily take the stand and their defense is based on showing their innocence.
Of course Trump denies everything, but he denies that what he did was illegal, not that he didn't do it. And he denies it in the media, where he can lie without consequences.
He knows that his lies won't survive legal scrutiny.

If Trump has evidence that Cohen stole from him, then I agree.
However, Trump already sued Cohen and he lost that case.
And it's not up to this court to determine that. Cohen is the witness here.
And they are not just trusting his testimony, he has evidence.
And he's not the only witness, Trump's co-conspirator admits everything.

By Ananas2xLekker 24,May,24 15:50
They all bow to the dictator in the end. There is a difference between having a spine and having balls.

Of course I wouldn't believe Trump, but at least if he lies then, he commits perjury. Which is exactly why he doesn't want to testify. He admitted that himself.

I do agree with Stormy having to pay back her hush money.

By Ananas2xLekker 23,May,24 11:03
After weeks of crying 24/7 that he wasn't allowed to defend himself,
Trump didn't testify in the election interference / hush money trial.

His gag order was just preventing him of threatening the witnesses and jury,
from his dog-whistling to his crazy supporters, that these people might get
themselves killed for 'lying' or 'being biased' against their cult leader.
That's not defending yourself, that's stochastic terrorism.

But when he actually get the platform to defend himself, without any restrictions,
the adulterer, mushroom-cock, pathetic, little, shitty-pants cowers away from it.

How much can you disrespect yourself, by still supporting this weakling.

I understand why at least 20% of Republicans keep voting for Nikki Haley,
after she long dropped out. She's 1000x more of a 'man' than Trump.
She's crazy and evil, but at least she would have the 'balls' to testify.

Trump Won’t Testify In Hush Money Trial As Defense Rests Case
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Donald Trump hush money trial recap: Trump doesn't testify; defense rests its case
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Defense rests its case without Trump testifying in his hush money trial
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By Ananas2xLekker 23,May,24 10:15
I said "demented as fuck", didn't I?
Being old isn't a reason, thinking some random kid, the mailman, the neighbor
or your own family is a robber, that is a reason to get your guns taken away.

There is a line between your right to defend yourself
and other people's rights to be defended from YOU.

At some point old people get their drivers license revoked,
to protect the other people on the road. SAME THING!

By Ananas2xLekker 23,May,24 09:49
How? You ask the person at the door! Sound can get through a door.
Then the kid would have just said he was there to pick up his brother.
If he doesn't go away, after hearing he's at the wrong house, then it starts to get suspicious. Still no reason to shoot him, but a reason to threaten him with it.

You don't assume that someone is out to get you and kill them just to make sure.
If you are scared, don't open the door. Or buy one of those brackets that keep the door from opening completely.
If you shoot someone without justification, you should go to prison.

Unless the old man was demented as fuck, but then his family should have taken his gun away. If you are pro life enough to ban people from having sex, you should be pro life enough to take away the guns from people who are a danger to society.

Would you shoot someone just for ringing your doorbell?
If you would, you are not a responsible gun owner, but a threat to society,
and someone should take away your gun(s).

The justice system in your country isn't failing, you are failing!
Crime has been going down for decades and you are getting more afraid
by the day. Your fear is what causes all those murders.
No justice system can solve that.

It requires common sense gun reform and a culture shift.
Right-wingers are a bunch of scared little bitches. MAN UP!