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Started by #623135 [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 10:36
My friend Lix (I can't spell her formal handle name) and Aussie157, Two partners in real life, Left the site. I will miss them.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 03,Aug,21 03:22 other posts 
It was licksipsuckit and and aussie187...But close enough...
By #623135 03,Aug,21 03:29

By #623135 31,Jul,21 11:32
Lukeskywanker, your post
Just because I don’t find that washed up trash can you call a cunt attractive does nae mean I’m a Homo. I just have eyes.

You just have eyes, and that’s all you have. Lix was my friend, so was Aussie. They still are. How much interaction did you have with her? You didn’t like me calling you a “HOMO”? Ok, I’ll change it.

By #644010 02,Aug,21 23:46
Eyes are enough, the site of her made me want gouge them.
By #610414 03,Aug,21 03:10
The word is sight, ignoramus. Must stay cool. I keep forgetting there’s people like you everywhere.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Jul,21 14:04 other posts 
I a pic of Lix, I was just having a laugh with lix recently, making her pic into a cartoon. I wouldn't post it without her permission, but sadly she's gone now. Actually, if she sees it and contacts me somehow I'd be glad to remove it and glad to speak to her.

only registered users can see external links
--------------------------------------- added after 117 minutes

This image belongs to lix.
By #623135 31,Jul,21 15:19
If you use it, make sure you say it belongs to Lix to avoid trouble with Admin
By leopoldij [Ignore] 31,Jul,21 16:02 other posts 
I did. In fact, it is I who created it. Like I did with your images, a few days ago, remember?
By #610414 31,Jul,21 17:51
I remember. I liked it
By leopoldij [Ignore] 01,Aug,21 09:42 other posts 
By notynyt [Ignore] 01,Aug,21 14:15 other posts 
Good one 👍👍
By #644010 02,Aug,21 23:45
How did you get the whale in the tree, a winch of some type?

By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 03:16 other posts 
Any news?
By #623135 02,Aug,21 08:20
None, baby. I don’t think we’ll ever know.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 09:40 other posts 
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 09:40 other posts 
That's unfair. We've been their friends for long time.
By #623135 02,Aug,21 12:44
Lollipop, this is a porn site. There are some members that make friends here, but most are transient
By leopoldij [Ignore] 02,Aug,21 15:57 other posts 
I know. Porn site doesn't mean no friends site though.
--------------------------------------- added after 37 seconds

I'm friends with all women I have or have had sex with, including ex gfs.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 14:59 other posts 
A midget and walrus.. good riddance to this trash. I put them both in the bins and sent them onward

Twowarmtts3! You can't spelling anything right, mongo!
By #623135 28,Jul,21 15:04
If anyone is trash, it’s you, but, this is not the time or the place for that. BTW. Your post says, Twowarmtts3! You can't spelling anything right, mongo!

Have a super sexy afternoon.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,Jul,21 09:45 other posts 
It is spelled wrong? Yeah, that is why it shows up as a hyperlink...

You actually look like a garbage bag filled with soup and door knobs!
By muffmuncher [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 16:54 other posts 
You're a fucking prick mate Lix was a lovely person i guess you are a narcissist
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 17:10 other posts 
Well, mate, I guess you are into fat broads with a face looking like a bucket of smashed crabs!

Don't cry too much mate- the lardo is on Only Fans.
By UnderCoverAngel [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 18:21 other posts 
Surely you are joking about onlyfans........I'd pay money to never seen that nasty bitch again!!!!
By Dev01 [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 18:27 other posts 
They only charging $24.95 au for a month subscription. And zip pay or after pay option 🤣🤣🤣
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 18:32 other posts 
By #574505 28,Jul,21 18:37
Holly crap what happen?
By #623135 28,Jul,21 19:09
I don’t know. Either they closed the account or they got deleted.
By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 19:55 other posts 
She was deleted, Aussieman followed.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 19:57 other posts 
Well we all know they will be lurking somewhere. Best prediction of future behaviour is past.
By #644010 29,Jul,21 09:27
By #623135 29,Jul,21 09:05
So, Sir-Skittles you are that shallow. Only good looking people are good enough for you. You don't want to give other, less beautiful a chance to enjoy the site. I like to say, "Should have known." but I always did.
By #644010 29,Jul,21 09:28
So you admit Lix was ugly, and not good looking? Some friend you are. You think you be spewing some nonsense about how her beauty comes from within.
By #623135 29,Jul,21 09:41
Baby, I said no such thing. I was commenting on Skittles. There are two types of beauty, external and internal. Weather you believe this or not, I'm bisexual, and I would love to lay with Lix...or Aussie....or both at the same time. The way you either twisted my words intentionally or read my post with serious mental blocks, demonstrates what I always believe. There's too much hatred in the forums. Yes, I'm to blame too.
By #644010 29,Jul,21 09:29
You mean she’s on only weighs a ton.
By #623135 29,Jul,21 09:46
[deleted image]

What I mean is that I don't care. You've just joined the site and already you are putting members down. Are you a retread? Your pic above shows a very sexy man. Is that you or is it borrowed? I ask because your first pic, a dick pic, seems to me to be very over-photoshopped.
See how it works?
By #644010 29,Jul,21 09:59
Retread? 😒 Really? I’m old but not exactly a tire.
I’ve been around the block a few times.
By #623135 29,Jul,21 10:01
I meant a past member of the site
By #644010 30,Jul,21 09:43
Maybe you could photoshop yours a bit. That cunt looks like it’s been dragged around like an abused dog on rope begging to put down. I cannae believe the authorities have not been fetched to pick you up and take you to a nursing home to put to pasture.
By #645739 30,Jul,21 13:49
Who was this dude call lix...Sounds like a fat dude...
By #623135 30,Jul,21 15:46
Lix was the undisputed Queen of the site. Very popular with tons of friends
By #644010 31,Jul,21 11:21
Huge, fattest fucking cunt ever.
By #623135 30,Jul,21 15:42
One more MOTHER FUCKING HOMO. It must be the water. All of you taking your head out of the current ass you are licking .
By #644010 31,Jul,21 11:23
Just because I don’t find that washed up trash can you call a cunt attractive does nae mean I’m a Homo. I just have eyes.

By mikeyd270 [Ignore] 30,Jul,21 23:24 other posts 
They will be missed.
By #623135 31,Jul,21 08:21
By #601877 31,Jul,21 10:07
I had just become friends with Lips. I don't know what happened, but I'll miss her. She took the time to give me props and I appreciate that, it made my day a bit better.
By #623135 31,Jul,21 11:10
I can’t replace her. She was truly unique, but if I can be a help, let me know.
As she used to say: Have a super sexy day.

By #623135 31,Jul,21 08:45
I blacklisted Sir-Skittles. To reference my response I copy/paste.

You posted “We'd like to know the details since we have been getting blamed for it. Not that we give a shit. We were told it was a tension with lixand another member. And some unpleasant discoveries were found out about her.”
Yes, you will be blamed by some. Our members are quick to judge but short on reason. I, for one, don’t blame you. Frankly I can’t wrap my feeble brain on who else is involved. Notice I said involved. I’m no less a busybody than anyone else and I too would like to know. Not to put her down. Just for the value of a friendship.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 30,Jul,21 21:00 other posts 
The rumors are true- It was me that made the report on Lix and the midget... and they went poof!!

By #623135 30,Jul,21 21:02
We'd like to know the details since we have been getting blamed for it. Not that we give a shit. We were told it was a tension with lix and another member. And some unpleasant discoveries were found out about her.

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