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Started by Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 02,Nov,22 05:44  other posts
What are your proposals for Elon Musk, to make Twitter that free public square of ideas, that most people hope he turns Twitter into. Do you think it will be possible to have Twitter exist without any rules on what you are allowed to say or post on it? Do you think some rules are 'common sense'? How does the law apply to it? And should it be free (financially) or would Twitter also allow 'free speech', if Elon introduces subscriptions, requiring payment on a monthly basis, for features that used to be free?

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Aug,23 11:34 other posts 
Musk's app reinstates user who posted 'child exploitation photos'
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Elon Musk personally reinstated someone who was suspended for posting child sexual exploitation photos, illegal under federal law, just because the guy was a right-wing lunatic.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 26,Jul,23 07:27 other posts 
Trademark Disputes Could Mean Elon’s ‘X’ Is Already Fxxked
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Microsoft only holds this trademark for videogame-related services; this wouldn't affect Twitter.

However, Meta holds the "X" trademark for "online social networking services... social networking services in the fields of entertainment, gaming and application development..."

But surely Zuckerberg will give Musk that 'X'. They are such good friends.

By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 16:20 other posts 
Someone in the neighborhood posted a video last night of the Star link internet satellites and I got to thinking how it must feel to be Elon Musk and be able to look up at the night sky and Know beyond a shadow of a doubt that 1 man's ideas and his company's employees can change the very skys we look up to.
Most people that criticize Elon Musk are simply jealous of his success and ability to recover from failure.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Jul,23 06:33 other posts 
I'm not that impressed with the successes of SpaceX. It's impressive for one rich dude, but conquering space should not be left to a few rich people. As I pointed out before;
one large meteorite can send us the way of the dinosaur. That's why there should be a large international effort to develop the necessary technology, not just leave it to the hobbies of the ultra wealthy.

Musk has to recover from failure quite a lot. That's just the benefit of reaching a certain level of wealth; at some point you can keep failing UP. Musk started out that wealthy.

I'm not saying he's dumb, he has lots of talents and good ideas.
He's just acting dumb, for your approval, because he wants to sell you cars.

By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jul,23 14:44 other posts 
Hey anal licker what up you been so busy looking at what is wrong in America that you forgot about your own country I understand you are having a meltdown over there maybe you should work on your own country first and when it becomes the perfect country you thought it was then maybe you can work on my country
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,23 15:55 other posts 
Could he actually be our canary in the coal mine?
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Jul,23 16:33 other posts 
Hahaha perhaps
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,23 16:56 other posts 
By sherryann [Ignore] 16,Jul,23 22:05 other posts 

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"anal licker" you make me laugh dgraff
I had three weeks off from work, and didn't feel like spending my time here.
But, when I'm procrastinating, this site gets some of my attention again.

Just because my country has an actual democracy, with less corruption and serves its people a lot better, that doesn't make it perfect, by a long shot. You think America is great, so when some Dutch guy says The Netherlands is better, then it must be perfect. No, that's just your dumb nationalism. America is horrible and The Netherlands is just adequate. I never said The Netherlands is perfect, or great, or even good, it's just BETTER. I told you many times that the right-wingers have been in power for decades and have been screwing up the country a lot. And even if my country was doing pretty good, which it isn't, I would still NEVER call it perfect, because I'm a PROGRESSIVE; everything can ALWAYS BE BETTER.

How can I be satisfied, when nature is being destroyed by climate change and pollution and people are suffering war and poverty.
No one is doing at all enough to prevent humanity from collapsing and you think I think my country is perfect? Are you kidding me?

It's you who are indoctrinated to think that everything is perfect, while simultaneously make you believe that the Democrats are destroying it. That's how they can make it worse and worse and worse, and you never learn how it happened.

But, which specific meltdown are you referring to?

After 14 years of Rutte, our country has many problems. He was turning The Netherlands into America and it succeeded for a large part. However, we had a better starting position, so he has not succeeded in destroying everything. He just made healthcare much more expensive by privatizing it, privatized the energy sector, so prices went through the roof, made housing almost unaffordable by giving investors all the power to fill their pockets, gave our natural gas reserves away to Shell who sold it for cheap to other countries and doesn't want to pay for houses collapsing from the earthquakes, had the tax authorities accuse lots of poor people of child-care-allowance-tax-fraud and take away their house and children. The farmers have almost destroyed all of nature, because the right-wingers covered up the manure surplus and let farmers be exploited by food corporations, making them scale up milk and meat production, while farmers still didn't make any money. Now that's turned into a massive crisis and the stupid right-wingers think they can solve it by just buying out some farmers.

Rutte was turning into the most hated politician in our history for that, from the left to the right, except with his base. He decided to leave, because he knew his time had expired. He's now taking all the blame and tries to absolve the horrible right-wing policies for the problems they created. He probably thinks his successor can just continue to give everything to the rich and fuck over people.
And he might be correct, because people are stupid.

I'm doing my best to make my country better. But, I'll keep investing some of my time to discuss politics with you, because America is the root cause of capitalism turning destructive. The only way to save humanity is for people to come together and fight against their exploitation. People like you will never learn, but there are many Americans who are not TFG and they might read what I'm saying too.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Jul,23 05:07 other posts 
Holly fuck that’s not a post it’s a god damn book 📖 but I read it anyway
So you say this has been going on in your country for 14 years
Well you never said anything about all this crap
You just kept painting us that perfect picture instead
You had all of us ready to pack our bags and move to the Netherlands
And now we find out it’s a shit hole just like every were else
Well congratulations my friend you just learned that government of any kind doesn’t work it should be every man and woman for them selves only the strong survive living off the land
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Oh and climate change is a bunch of shit don’t try to change what has been happening for billions of years the earth is just going through its stages next will be the ice age again
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Jul,23 05:22 other posts 
"Well you never said anything about all this crap"
I repeat; what crap are you referring to?
Because, we have lots of problems, but still not much 'crap'.

I have talked about right-wing policies creating problems in my country many times.

If what I told you about my country sounds perfect to you, that we STILL have so many more rights and social benefits and more personal freedom and less poverty and better education and a better political system and less corruption and less crime and cops who don't kill us, then that is you, NOT understanding that your country SUCKS. Whatever problems we have, yours are worse. Maybe different, but more damaging.
It requires so much more effort and luck in America to live a good life and so much less bad luck to crush your life.

"it should be every man and woman for them selves only the strong survive living off the land"
That's humanity 1000 years ago. That life sucks! It's a life of misery, poverty, illness and lots of early death. Humanity has so much potential and you just want us to be a bunch of primitives. Such a shame.

What has been happening for billions of years, didn't happen in a hundred years. Those periods of warmer and colder climates changed over tens or hundreds of thousands of years, not in one lifetime of people, cutting down half of the worlds forests, reducing wildlife to 4% of animals and emitting 20X more carbon dioxide than all wildfires combined. You just believe what they are telling you to believe. How about looking at what's happening all around you and understand that this is not normal.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Jul,23 08:41 other posts 
Weeeee doggy’s you know it all egg heads sure get testy when someone points something out about your suck ass country
So how does it feel
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 05:29 other posts 
He didn't make any points. You don't either.
My 'suck ass country' still beats yours on everything that matters for people.
Compared with other modern economies, America is dead last on many things.
The only way you are able to deny it, is staying ignorant of the rest of the world.
By dgraff [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 05:37 other posts 
Yeah but my country would beat your country in a ground war hand down
You know why because Americans have the killer instinct
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 05:41 other posts 
Yes, your country is the biggest bully. Congratulations!
It would help your people, if America didn't bully it's own people too.
That killer instinct is apparent, from your homicide rate and school shootings

"Yeah but ...."
At least you agree, that my 'suck ass country' beats yours on everything
that matters for people and that, compared with other modern economies,
America is dead last on many things.

But hey, you kill more people!
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 16:18 other posts 
The way you want things is to extreme.Humans should never have to depend on others for everything. It would be great if humans could work together to accomplish common goals but every one should be capable of as much self sufficiency as possiable.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 19,Jul,23 06:18 other posts 
We have the same goal; people being the most self sufficient, but we disagree on the method. I'm not talking about making people depend on others, I'm talking about lifting up the least successful individuals to their maximum potential.
You are supporting a system where only the people with the best start in life are able to thrive. That leaves masses of people who are not able to escape their difficult start in life. Then they are not pulling their weight. The idea of them pulling themselves up by their bootstraps doesn't work. Helping them is much more successful. I'm not even suggesting being soft about it, but I would look at everyone individually and not ask more of them than they are able to achieve.
Some have more potential than others. I'm in favor of rewarding the people who contribute the most (within reason), but there is a minimum living standard that everyone has a right to. That should be provided by society working together.
There are more than enough resources for everyone, but there is just a small minority that takes too much and exploits the rest. It's stupid that people who are not benefiting from that system are allowing that to happen. I want to change that, that's what my socialist views are all about.

By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Jul,23 23:52 other posts 
He already has made it Better. Really socialist dude.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Jul,23 05:09 other posts 
If falling off a cliff is better for you, sure.

He has allowed people to say racist shit, which I'm sure you agree with.
Meanwhile he's bowing down to authoritarian regimes to do censorship for them.
Is that freedom of speech to you? Jack Dorsey didn't do that.

If he allowed everyone to say everything, then I would have been OK with it,
but he doesn't, he's doing even more censorship. He just decides himself who to censor.
He doesn't have any principles on the matter, he's just a fake free speech absolutist.

"If you don't believe in free speech for people who you disagree with, and even hate
what they stand for, then you don't believe in free speech." (@rickygervais)
That's a real free speech absolutist.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Jul,23 04:57 other posts 
Musk Challenges Zuckerberg To A 'Dick Measuring Contest'

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Are there still people left who think Musk is a genius?
If you do, what are you?

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Jun,23 03:32 other posts 
Jack Dorsey Low Key SHAMES Elon Musk | The Kyle Kulinski Show
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Elon Musk bows to dictators. He's not at all supporting free speech on Twitter.

For the people who do not understand free speech; it's not allowing you to say the N-word, it's allowing people and journalists to tell the truth about their government, even if their government doesn't like that.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,May,23 06:29 other posts 
Twitter’s Elon Musk Defends Decision To Limit Tweets in Turkey During Tight Presidential Election
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“In response to legal process and to ensure Twitter remains available to the people of Turkey, we have taken action to restrict access to some content in Turkey today,”

So he decided to block content that might be damaging to Erdogan,
because Erdogan threatened him to block Twitter. That's what that means.
Who still thinks of Musk as a 'free speech warrior' is an idiot.

By phart [Ignore] 11,Apr,23 12:09 other posts 
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Ye shall tweet no more!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Apr,23 12:53 other posts 
Who knows, maybe that will be the trick needed to turn things around.
Let's see if Elon kept some creative programmers on the payroll,
who can turn his dreams of an 'Everything App' into reality.

Changing the brand name didn't really work for Mark Zuckerberg yet.
It's not like Meta is now doing well. We are still waiting for the Metaverse.

By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 02:02 other posts 
Fire all of the dem/socialist! It will exist if it abides by our Constitution I think.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 07:04 other posts 
Which part exactly? The part that protects democracy and everyone's freedoms,
independent of their political opinions?

But of course YOU think it abides by your Constitution,
because you don't understand the least thing about it.
By #610414 27,Jan,23 10:09
We hold these truths that all men are created equal.... except those that don't agree with Tecsan. Them fuckers need to be set aside until the next revolution.
By tecsan [Ignore] 28,Jan,23 03:47 other posts 
Replace my name with libturd and then you will see the whole picture.
By #610414 28,Jan,23 09:10
Really? After January 6, 2021? After Trump stopped immigrants from certain countries? After the attack on Mr Pelosi? After all the political rallies for MAGA? You are a reasonably smart man. You don't need to be spoon fed the truth.
By tecsan [Ignore] 29,Jan,23 01:43 other posts 
I could present the same argument for the so called 'Maga' people.
By #610414 29,Jan,23 09:14
???? Explain.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 10:52 other posts 
The folks that flew planes into the World Trade centers in 2001, During Trumps time living there.Where did the folks come from that high jacked those planes? A country full of our enemy's .i support keeping our enemys out of our country .
The so called attack on mr pelosi is the result of a lovers quarrel .Didn't you see the body cam footage? Pelosi opened the door and went back to his so called attackers side.
DUH.The ruse you are repeating like a parrot is the democrats coverup to preserve pelosi's image.
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By #610414 06,Apr,23 14:11
Those people were Saudis. Keep them out and they'll stop selling oil to us. Watch your gallon of gas go to $20 per
By phart [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 14:43 other posts 
most ,not all
You see one video and call it a 'lovers quarrel', but you ignore the security cam video where the attacker breaks in, carrying the hammer and the fact that Paul Pelosi called the cops minutes later, with the attacker obviously listening, saying that a man came into the house, looking for his wife, and later the attacker saying to the cops that he was there to interrogate Nanci Pelosi.

Where do you get your idea from and how can you think it, when everything else corroborates the case, that a man came looking for Nanci Pelosi with a hammer?

The one repeating bullshit propaganda, like a parrot, is YOU!
By phart [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 10:56 other posts 
Well, if you wanted to hide the fact you were having a sexual encounter,what better way than have the lover break in? apparently things didn't go right.
And YOU and the MEDIA both seem to forget,When pelosi opened the door,he did NOT RUN OUT OF THE OPEN DOOR into the protection of the armed cops as he very well could have and SHOULD HAVE. And why didn't he leave the bath room door locked once he got in there? That would have bought time if he felt in danger.
You are not thinking it thru either.
It is bad the man got wacked in the head no doubt but i think the situation surrounding it has been blown out of proportion.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 11:45 other posts 
Is that how you would hide a sexual encounter? You ask him to break in
and then call the cops? It's a ridiculous story.
Do you have any evidence this guy was some gay prostitute or something?
Look at him and tell me you believe that shit.

If armed cops show at your door, you better don't make sudden moves.
And he was holding the hammer, to not get hit by it.

"And why didn't he leave the bath room door locked once he got in there?"
That is not a detail shown in the videos. Do you have evidence?

But of course, he would have been pumped full of lead, by any Republican.
Do you think Paul Pelosi is not smart enough to think of doing that,
if that BS about hiding a sexual encounter was real?
Get him to break in, with a hammer, on video and then kill him. EASY!
But no, you get your head smashed in, while standing in your boxers. Sure!

It's as clear as day; a guy comes to a politician's house, in the night, to interrogate
and torture them with a hammer and we see it clearly on video evidence.
But all the Republicans start spreading bullshit stories to shift away blame.
But you don't really believe this shit, or you wouldn't say it was blown out of proportion. You would want this investigated to uncover Paul Pelosi's conspiracy.

What proportions do you expect, when this happens to a Republican?
That would be months of 24/7 crying about violent libs on Fox'News'.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 15:01 other posts 
I can't remember where the details were but somewhere here online,I know I have linked to it before here,it clearly stated he went to the bathroom.
"Paul Pelosi was able to dial 911 himself after telling the intruder he had to go use the bathroom and then calling from there, where his phone had been charging, according to a person familiar with the situation."

So right there he clearly had some opportunity for safe haven and chose not to take it. I still don't see why he didn't go out the door,dropping the hammer would have be logical.

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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 19:06 other posts 
You think a bathroom door is a safe haven?
Most of those doors are made from cardboard.

No one knows how violent the guy was.
You don't here a crazy guy shouting in the background.

Sure, if you only care about your own life, then you run
and let the police kill the guy. Some people actually care
even about the life of a crazy guy entering their house,
knowing that he's just a victim of right-wing mind fucking.
Pelosi was just trying to de-escalate the situation.
Even if he was a 'gay lover', that hammer is just as dangerous.
There is nothing there pointing to either hypothesis.

If Pelosi wanted to hide some scandal, how then? What's the plan?
And why would the attacker not say so, but make it worse for himself?
Threatening a politician is a much worse crime than fighting with a lover.

You're only fishing for details, but there's nothing confirming your story.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Apr,23 19:29 other posts 
nothing totally denying it either.
Why would pelosi care about the guy that had broke into his house if he got shot or not? Hell if your story is 100% correct ,the luny toon was after his wife to harm her.
Yes,I know most interior doors are not very strong.
But the crook was not very smart either. And the fact that no attempt was made to stay in the bathroom,that is the point

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 07:43 other posts 
An analysis about Twitter under Elon Musk, from LMG Clips:
"Elon’s Twitter is an “Inverse Startup”"
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Before anyone starts babbling 'What do they know?!', Linus Media Group Inc is one of the fastest growing media companies in the world and it recently got offered a 9 figure sum for it's purchase, which they slapped down. Linus Sebastian started the company himself and didn't just buy it for 2 times the actual value. Instead of firing lots of people, LMG has been hiring more and more people. If an actual smart person, with experience in the field, is saying that Elon Musk might be trashing Twitter, there's a good reason to accept that assessment.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 08:05 other posts 
Fuck twitter, fuck Elon and fuck social media... I personally hope Elon chokes on a bag of dicks
By #610414 06,Apr,23 09:21
What did social media do to you?
By Dev01 [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 10:43 other posts 
I don't have or need it... for a reason

Understood the ramifications from an early age
By #610414 06,Apr,23 14:12
Really? Why not educate us, less smart, unfortunates?

I'm only commenting on Elon Mush for brains,
because some people still think he's brilliant.
I'm fighting the stupid idea that wealthy people deserve their wealth,
because they are all better than everyone else.
Maybe you already understand that.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 06,Apr,23 10:46 other posts 
Yep.. he dick but like most IT users.

I just hate the cunt... Tesla products are old hat... He is known for much more

By Dev01 [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 07:00 other posts 
Can't we just make Elon and this thread go away .. For fuck sake Elon is shit, this thread is shit and a debate many dont care for. Elon shot JFK done deed Fuckin painful people
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 07:09 other posts 
If you don't care for this debate, no one forces you to take part in it.

It's about the wealthiest person in the world, buying one of the biggest social media companies in the world, and about free speech rights itself. There are major political view differences associated with that. If that is a topic not worthy of discussion, than what is?
If this political topic shouldn't be allowed on this site, because this is a site for dickpics, than all political topics should be deleted.
However, there is no TOS limiting political topics on this site.

But I agree; Elon is shit, even without believing he shot JFK, 8 years before his birth.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 07:36 other posts 
Elon is Not the wealthiest man on the planet nor twitter a great platform. You misconstrued the point. The point is reddit/r for topics like this... Tesla are fucked, twitter is shit and as for the space race well....... No different to Meta... data collections. Didn't relize you even read tos...So as a PAYING MEMBER 🙄 TOS we pay for . I just think this thread is redundant, but you backfoot as a shit succubus. 2+2 = 4 not five.

If your political ad gender is so.. pay the right to have a say on and dick/cunt site. Or Shut the fuck up 😀
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BTW Your google searches are full of
By #610414 27,Jan,23 10:06
I don't know, DEV01, out of the 10 most popular forum threads, politics and current affairs is way up there in popularity. This may seem unusual for a porn site, but, when you are grinding away, telling your partner what a great fuck he/she is, you do it on a one-on-one chat. Skype gives it a twist, but, in a group, how many times can you shout, "Oh, God. Oh, God. I'm there, here it cums."? 🤣
I don't have that many friends here but I do have a good amount, and, believe me, I don't chat about the state of the USA with them. The forums are different. That's where I go to find real life. Ananas, I suspect, does too. 😈
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 12:57 other posts 
It's strange that this dickpic site has turned into a political discussion forum for such a big part, but it's pretty rare. It's not easy finding sites who offer the same. Besides this site, I only discuss politics on YouTube, but those are just comments on the particular video and those discussions die, when the video popularity declines.
I know sites like Reddit, Quora, Discourse and many others exist, but I haven't found any as accessible as this dickpic site yet. It's strength is simplicity.
By #610414 27,Jan,23 14:09
I like it too.
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 15:13 other posts 
This is a diverse group of people so a diverse set of ideas.
I had no idea the netherlands would spend millions to build a road they would have to keep the water pumped out of except reading about here.
That idea would NOT float here in the US. just to cost prohibitive.
As for who shot JFK, The government had him and Marylin killed. period. Otherwise the information would have been released decades ago.
Marylin just overheard to much while her and JFK were together so she got snuffed. Apparently the government forgot where the term "dumb blond" came from.
It came from the Mobsters keeping hot blonds around that would not talk about what they saw or heard.
By #610414 27,Jan,23 18:13
Phart, did you forget about all the tunnels built under rivers or bays or cities? They all require pumps to keep them dry
By phart [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 20:50 other posts 
the tunnels I have been thru didn't have any pumps.
By #610414 28,Jan,23 09:04
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By Dev01 [Ignore] 27,Jan,23 07:39 other posts 
Well the JFK thing was just me seeing if you are paying attention

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