Nice penis with a plump blue mushroom head. I can picture it circumcised with the skin barely touching the Corona and Permanently exposing that lovely glans.
I do have some photos and I want to take more before I get circumcised. I should start an account here at SYD so I can post them. I can email them too. My dick is 6 inches long and average width. My head is more elongated than yours and still moist and shiny, but the foreskin won't close all the way in front.
Ok! I wont get it cut in the summer, I want to swim and enjoy outdoor activities. My foreskin works fine but I LOVE how a circumcised penis looks. A dry permanently exposed head is so damn sexy!!!
Yes I have and I'm very excited about it! I haven't decided how much skin to have removed, I'll have to leave a little bit because I'm a grower. If I have it cut tight I'll have the frenulum removed also, I like that tight smooth look, I cant wait to dry out my glans!!
Thank you, I'm sure that it will go well. I have been doing my research into different surgeons and methods, I don't have a date yet, but probably over the winter. I'm definitely going to take some photos first of soft, hard, foreskin forward and back. I would also like to make a video of my foreskin being pulled back and fourth, preferably by someone else