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does that suck the cum out of your cock

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does that suck the cum out of your cock

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By #607273 08,Feb,20 21:01
does that suck the cum out of your cock
By Bluey51 08,Feb,20 22:03
:-) no it`s an inflatable urethral sound
By #607273 08,Feb,20 22:08

By 2pierced 13,Jul,20 03:13
Must feel awesome, you get to control the amount of stretch!
By Bluey51 13,Jul,20 23:42
Yeah it feels great

By kcorvus 13,Jul,20 05:46
What does that do?
By Bluey51 13,Jul,20 23:31
It`s an inflatable urethral sound
By kcorvus 14,Jul,20 05:29
I know, what does it do? In a sensual/sexual way.

By Orgasmatronic 10,Oct,20 02:23
What happens if u pump it?
By Bluey51 10,Oct,20 19:07
It expands and stretches the urethra
By Orgasmatronic 11,Oct,20 03:21
Interesting!!...How does it feel?
By Orgasmatronic 11,Oct,20 03:22
I'm gonna try it!
By Bluey51 11,Oct,20 19:55
It feels great but don`t over do it and make sure it is sterilised

By Timtriple 06,Aug,22 05:50
Nice Insertion...I ,too, always loved stuffing all possible things in my Peehole..good Feelings..

By kre8tor69 25,Apr,23 19:31
Add some estim to this toy and you have a real fun thing I bet!
By Bluey51 27,Apr,23 19:34
Yeah estim feels great
By kre8tor69 28,Apr,23 17:27
Do you also enjoy letting a guy suck your cock for fun too? I tried that and it was fun now I think myself as not BI but heteroflexible
By Bluey51 15,May,23 16:52
I do and it`s fun to suck a cock
By kre8tor69 15,May,23 19:23
Wish I could find a nice guy with a not too big tool to practice and learn on near me!

By #683522 14,May,23 22:02
If I only lived in LA!
By Bluey51 15,May,23 16:53
If only you lived in Queensland Australia
By #683522 15,May,23 22:35
Thought your bio said LA. Anyway, if I were next-door to you with the sewer all the time. Of course, if you would allow that.
By #683522 15,May,23 22:36
Would love for you to help me with that urethral sound inflator. I just started sounding recently. I’ve gotten it deep. That looks like it goes another three levels higher.

By kre8tor69 15,May,23 19:28
ow long is the tube inside you? How big can you make the end using the bulb to pump it up sir?
By Bluey51 15,May,23 22:52
About 12" before the bulb burst it could get quite large and was a lot of fun
By kre8tor69 16,May,23 15:52
Please tell me you do not burst that inside you?
By Bluey51 16,May,23 18:38
I can`t remember now it`s been a while
By kre8tor69 17,May,23 14:23

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