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Who wants to take me for a walk (CFNM preferred)?

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Who wants to take me for a walk (CFNM preferred)?

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 2


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By slipper 18,May,23 20:30
Yes, you do need your chain pulled... hard, to remove those unsightly nuts.
By Uzbad_T 19,May,23 01:09
Pull it hard to hurt my balls and control me, but when you rip them off you will lose the pieces of control.
By slipper 19,May,23 01:11
I don't think so... exactly the opposite.
By Uzbad_T 19,May,23 03:05
When you removed them, you cannot hurt them anymore. Would it not be more fun to see me in agony every day while you hold my balls in your hands?
By slipper 19,May,23 13:47
No, I'd rather be in total control of your HORMONES and not need anything else.
By Uzbad_T 19,May,23 13:56
Hm ok, I am afraid that I will lose my balls when you get hold of them.
By slipper 20,May,23 17:01
By Uzbad_T 21,May,23 02:47
No risk no fun .... But I still prefer to be sent to agony over and over again.
By slipper 21,May,23 14:12
That's why you could keep your penis intact.

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