Did you change hands for the Internet?

started at 22,May,21 10:15

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Being right handed, I always masturbated with my right hand. Turning the pages of my favourite porn mag was no trouble with my left.
Once Net porn came along, I couldn’t easily use my mouse with my left.
I changed hands, now it’s cock on the left, mouse on the right!

No, I’ve always used the same hand.
Yes, I changed hands for the computer
I can use either
I don’t masturbate. (Sorry. You should really try it)!
I don’t use the internet to masturbate. (Really??.)
I have someone else jerk me while I watch the screen.
I have enough partners that I don’t need porn. (Lucky you).

Total Votes:86
Total Voters:74

This poll was created by Pistonbroke