Which dick is uglier?

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Who took part in this poll:

Sharkie dedon
dedon dedon
mattsjohnson18 both
greatct both
Vita both
xme xsd4547
cuddles1 both
Daniel xsd4547
boanme xsd4547
mikeyd270 both
cockbot3000 xsd4547
Trekkk xsd4547
shackles xsd4547
heine both
Bugsbunny dedon
Rob00 xsd4547
coyote7666 xsd4547
minipassivo xsd4547
Leo037 both
foreskinlover52 xsd4547
arandor xsd4547
Greenman1968 both
PeteWhite xsd4547
willis both
*some1* both
Jim_60 both
JohnRay1122 dedon
wycowboy dedon
Homer33 xsd4547
xsd4547 xsd4547
woody4647 dedon
xmarco xsd4547
ramjam12345 xsd4547
avgdude dedon
Apantyhoselovr xsd4547
chifi dedon
Sirius5500 both
Hrnytoad both
pkwiener both
foreskin78 both
Mistac dedon
Curiousmwm41ga xsd4547
LGA6969 both
BigGermanGuy both
TheDane both
gayguy xsd4547
nakedme xsd4547
berlinschwanz70 xsd4547
Mojoman1 both
Finntom both
Ken62 both
bipantyman xsd4547
racer both
Bobbyd73 both
eyebite4fun both
M1K3rb13 dedon
#643469 xsd4547
4438cr both
Momoney15 both
Playstony both
grower xsd4547
tinyp xsd4547
hair_today dedon
BBUK44 xsd4547
#679491 both
jimbo111949 both
BIGdickRodney dedon
Bonedawgie dedon
#682523 xsd4547
Bicock66 dedon
Rosalinda both
Delbert xsd4547
Ford70 dedon
#689327 both
Inked1234 xsd4547
Just4Fun69 both
Bi7incher dedon
Twinsfan both
daddybear_1975 both
#703376 both
#705295 both
#705735 xsd4547
#706064 xsd4547
#707143 both
#707483 both
#708038 xsd4547
#708892 both
#710331 dedon
#710589 dedon
#710929 dedon
JoyDabang both