Which one would she prefer?

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Who took part in this poll:

Olddude @Max
Sharkie @kevin3
dedon @Max
mattsjohnson18 @Max
pifad @Max
xme @Max
fila1305 @Max
RealScorpio3 @Max
cuddles1 @Max
mikeyd270 @Max
shackles @Max
Rob00 @Max
coyote7666 @kevin3
ejakulator2006 @Max
foreskinlover52 @Max
June44 @Max
nakedjim @Max
wycowboy @kevin3
Anal_Lover4446555 @Max
vitezx @Max
pkwiener @Max
foreskin78 @Max
thisbiguy @Max
Maxream @Max
TheDane @Max
talondp86 @Max
Horatio @Max
Ken62 @Max
footluvr2010 @Max
MilaBoobs @Max
Bonedawgie @kevin3
Ford70 @Max
Bi7incher @Max
Kevin3 @Max
bioldcocksucker @kevin3
CockLoverChub @Max
bicountryboy @Max
Brian_Mansion @Max
#724778 @Max
#726291 @Max