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It's taking a breath after a long hard day

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It's taking a breath after a long hard day

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By Kristof77 25,Feb,25 09:04
That's a really big and beautiful cock
By Alexis91 25,Feb,25 09:05
Thanks partner

By Just4Fun69 25,Feb,25 09:44
Wow that's a great cock pic! What a beauty
By Alexis91 25,Feb,25 10:17
Thank you dude

By stefan123 25,Feb,25 13:19
a wonderful dick
By Alexis91 25,Feb,25 14:15
Thanks partner

By Rob00 25,Feb,25 23:18
MMmmmm Alexis, that is a Beauty
By Alexis91 26,Feb,25 00:49
Thank you bro
By Rob00 27,Feb,25 00:31
Your WelCum

By dickmann 26,Feb,25 04:42
that is big one, you will chek he fits in my mouth ?
By Alexis91 26,Feb,25 07:25
Thanks bro

By Cuthead 27,Feb,25 06:34
That looks heavy
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 09:59
Thanks buddy

By tb1 27,Feb,25 08:48
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 09:59
Thanks partner

By babycok 27,Feb,25 14:01
That obscenely huge!
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 14:19
Haha thank you dude

By anonymous 27,Feb,25 15:15
What a beauty...would love to experience your monster!
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 15:28

By ChicagoRed 27,Feb,25 15:33
It's probably good that you're not gay or bi because as much as I would love to give you a hand and blowjob, I'm not sure I'd want you to fuck me with that thing. I don't think it would fit..... I'd still be willing to try as long as you promised to be patient and gentle.
By babycok 27,Feb,25 15:37
You just can't resist the challenge!
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 15:45
By ChicagoRed 27,Feb,25 16:18
Not with a cock like his, hell no!!!
By ChicagoRed 27,Feb,25 16:21
I would at least LOVE just to know how it feels.... not sure if it would be painfully pleasant or pleasantly painful ....or both.
By babycok 27,Feb,25 18:46
Just imagine the feeling of achievement you would have if you could not only accommodated his entire cock but manage to bring it to a satisfactory orgasm too! It would be worth all the pain and discomfort for sure!
By ChicagoRed 27,Feb,25 20:32
Oooh, I'm not arrogant but I definitely have exceptional skills.
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 15:45
Hahaha Thank you for cumpliment, you are so very nice
By ChicagoRed 27,Feb,25 16:25
I suppose you know that you're in the top 1% to 10% of the male global population, right? I have seen and even had exceptionally beautiful cocks, and I have seen and had exceptionally large cocks. But it's pretty rare that you see one that is both exceptionally large and also as exceptionally beautiful as yours. And the fact that you are also a very beautiful guy makes you an even more rare exception.
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 23:41
You are so very kind and nice, I really appreciate each compliment you gave me but as you said, you had the experience with many BIG DICKS, I say you there is a lot of BIGGER DICKS than mine and even much THICKER... I am a horrible person in my country and for the rest of the population, I never had chances with women because they considerate me an ugly man and that's what I really am, but I appreciate your nice words and remember, there is a LOT of BIGGER and THICKER and PRETTIER dicks than mine
By ChicagoRed 27,Feb,25 16:28
If you ever decide you want to experiment with gay sex and with a bi playmate or lover and you happen to be here in the city of Chicago, for god sakes, PLEASE look me up!!!!
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 23:42

By ChicagoRed 27,Feb,25 15:36
It is absolutely gorgeous and spectacular.... and so are you!!!
By Alexis91 27,Feb,25 15:45

By HarryS 28,Feb,25 02:08
By Alexis91 28,Feb,25 04:27
Thanks partner

By mils77 28,Feb,25 08:21
My ass would take every inch of that beauty. Thanks for the pic, I'll be dreaming about you filling me up.
By Alexis91 28,Feb,25 09:42
Thanks partner

By JackinKing 07,Mar,25 10:32
Nice meaty cock bud
By Alexis91 07,Mar,25 11:34
Thank you bro

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