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Circumcised foreskin and a nice strong head

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Circumcised foreskin and a nice strong head

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By anonymous 15,Aug,22 10:49
Circumcised foreskin and a nice strong head
By WombRaider 15,Aug,22 11:17
Thank you very much I have always been complimented on my head or balls. I guess most agree I have a nice head
By anonymous 15,Aug,22 12:31
You sure do! And circumcised so it can always be admired!
By WombRaider 15,Aug,22 21:13
I'm wearing a cock lock in this picture. I can't take it off 2 females each have a key. I stay with them. For the most part they keep me naked 24/7 I have one pair of clothes they keep n a safe in case of emergencies. But other than that they keep me naked and all I wear is the lock for the most part. Even when they have there friends over I stay naked. They even got other females loving the idea cause they handed them the leash that attaches to the lock and let their friend pull me around by my cock and get things or do whatever for her.
By anonymous 28,Aug,22 17:27
Those girls are lucky!
By WombRaider 30,Aug,22 04:04
why is that

By stefan123 15,Aug,22 13:54
By WombRaider 15,Aug,22 21:13
Thank you

By JudeAlexander 15,Oct,24 13:50
Great looking cock and balls...gorgeous thickness
By WombRaider 15,Oct,24 13:52
Thank you very much appreciate it the more comments the pics I know people prefer or think are better

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