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Some Great Morning Sex

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Some Great Morning Sex

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By anonymous 20,Feb,15 09:06
God, wouldn\'t you love to stick your dick in her hairy pussy in the morning. Or maybe your head between her legs for a little while first... and then maybe for a little while after your cum covered dick comes out of her, too. Every woman should be fucked and then have her pussy eaten to an orgasm before she goes to work at least once in a while. If you were her co-worker... how much would you love to hear about it, if it just happened to her about an hour and a half before she walked in the door. The guys might not get to hear her describe it... but maybe some of her girlfriends will. I\'m pretty sure they wouldn\'t mind it happening to them every once in a while, too. Wouldn\'t some guy that thinks she\'s hot to begin with, love to be hidden and overhear that conversation. You\'d set a record for the number of hours of walking around with a hard-on for a day.

By BobbyKay 20,Feb,15 21:20
Simply amazing body. Wow

By saggyballs67 24,Feb,15 00:21
OMG perfect sexy hot body!

By #311955 12,Mar,16 00:09
Marvelous body. Couldn't control myself beside her. Instant horny forever

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