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Uncovered and covered

<<< Previous   Submitted by cockforcock at 22,Jul,19 06:03   Next >>>
This image was commented 9 times, viewed 179 times.  

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Vote (3 points): [HOT!!!]   Votes: 8

This image is reduced from 2896x2896 to 720x720, full size images are available for PREMIUM members or FRIENDS only
Uncovered and covered

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 8


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By soundsgreat87 22,Jul,19 19:40
Love all the wrinkles on the uncovered one

By stefan123 23,Jul,19 06:57
two pictures different way of looking at each other

By MM_DD 23,Jul,19 07:05
Beautiful both ways.

By lukep 20,Aug,19 07:51
You look really good in both pics.

By bella! 25,May,20 10:46
Hi cockforcock! Thank you for your interest in the BEAUTIFUL UNCUT COCKS! 😁 free theme photo contest by entering this picture. The contest began today, May 22 with 42 natural and beautiful cocks!

I wish you good luck and may the best looking uncut cock win!

By bella! 12,Aug,20 00:27
Oh, so very nice, cockforcock!

Thank you for your interest in the SOFT SERVE! 😁 SYD members only, free theme photo contest! The contest attracted 61, can you believe it, SIXTY-ONE participants and began August 11.

It is apparent from the number of participants that men do enjoy presenting their cocks in their natural state as much as we, the membership, appreciate admiring them. With that said, I bid you good luck and may the best and most sensuous softy win!
By cockforcock 12,Aug,20 23:59
thank you.

By chubbylover 02,Sep,20 01:48
want to play with that wrinkled skin

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