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i am curious are ur erections painful? sometimes with peryon

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i am curious are ur erections painful? sometimes with peryon

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 43


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By #588794 29,May,19 19:01
i am curious are ur erections painful? sometimes with peryonies erections can exceedingly painful u certainly own a stunning cock and then i was wondering if u ever hate the curve in your cock?
not certain if u know an office visit to your uroligist can now fix most Peryonies patients Bill Clinton had his curved dick fixed and he said he wished that the technology was around when he was in his teens to get his dick fixed and ever since i read that statement he made i wonder how many other guys wish they could get rid of their bend...i certainly don't mean of offend u at all...i was just curious when i saw your stunning cock pics
By #155038 07,Dec,19 00:08
yeah that thing looks painful to get a boner on, but looks like he's used to it.

By #475603 29,May,19 23:07

By #553261 31,May,19 00:05
I'm in love 😍😍😍😍

By Irish7X5 31,May,19 17:14
Love to 69 with you

By #565865 31,May,19 18:55
Damn, thatd be a prostate punisher. Fuckin hot cock man.

By Rob00 31,May,19 23:10
A perfect fit for my throat

By cumcouplessa 01,Jun,19 23:59
Having read the previous message about having your curve "fixed", all we can say is PLEASE, PLEASE dont change your gorgeous cock. Your cock is very unique and special, its not often one gets to see such a rare beauty. Wow, we'd give anything to spend some time with THAT. Thanks for sharing 😍😍😍
By #155038 07,Dec,19 00:09
Is not about the "rareness" of it is about helping if there's an issue, if its painful to get a boner, I would want to know if it can be fixed....

By mikeinaz 02,Jun,19 19:56
The shape of your dick is a super turn-on! I love how it presents its sensitive frenulum to the tongue.. Damn it is just hot

By #588373 02,Jun,19 21:29
Forget lining up with his big fat veiny cock, it's designed to go down a cocksuckers' L curve. The hardest are the stell hard erections that lie on a man's stomach; it's almost scary because you don't want to bend it away( kinda curve it) for fear of somehow damaging his cock, instead he has to lie one way and you have to approach from the opposite direction.
The ones that curve downward are perfect for hanging your head off of a bed and getting throat fucked.

By #533479 03,Jun,19 09:19
Wow that really hits the spot!

By #476688 05,Jun,19 18:07
Love the curve.

By soulpioneer 04,Jul,19 16:07

By stefan123 08,Jul,19 06:02
Looks so good

By Dennison 18,Jul,19 14:46
Amazing curve there, and sexy body hair to back it up!! WOW!

By #533873 20,Aug,19 14:36
a perfect curved cock!

By #594251 21,Aug,19 10:25
Love to taste your huge cock

By big11011 03,Jan,20 11:53
Yeah its unique! I have a curve too. Love yours!

By #581488 15,Apr,20 17:10
I want that fat cock shoved up my ass...

By lordice 05,Jan,21 20:41
wow that a nice cock

By WhoreAnnett 02,Feb,22 08:48
love that big curved dick!

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