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Started by bella! [Ignore] 07,Aug,21 02:38  other posts
In my opinion, JustWill is the smartest man on SYD and probably one of the smartest men in the world, just ask him. I've suggested several times that he should open a thread and answer member's questions. He never did that because it would cost 20 points but he's very frugal.

I'm opening this thread on his behalf, ask him anything you like with the exception of plumbing and taxidermy. Yep, as you may have guessed, he gets the two of them confused. Please start your question by "mentioning" his name, don't forget to use the "at sign", one of these things @ before and after his screen name. I will start us off....

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By bella! [Ignore] 06,Nov,21 12:07 other posts 
Hello JustWill , I've always wondered if German Shepherd dogs understand commands spoken in English?
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Nov,21 12:00 other posts 
Dogs don't speak any specific language--no matter where the breed comes from--they just associate certain sounds/tones of voice/gestures with commands and learn to follow those.
Their obediance is not language specific.
All cats, on the other hand, speak Latin. This is why they never follow instructions--very few people speak their language these days...
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Nov,21 17:18 other posts 
Are you "playing" with me, JustWill? Of course dogs do not speak a specific language, dogs do not speak at all!
By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 17:23 other posts 
Yes doggys "speak" You show my pup a treat and say "Sit" He will sit, then you say "speak" and he will "Woof". I then proceed to tell him I can't hear him which prompts the woof to get louder until his turns his head to the side like "what the hell else do I need to do here? " then he gets his treat.
By #574505 09,Nov,21 17:30
My dog wants to speak does kinda sounds and give you a smile
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 18:06 other posts 
Your dog smiles? I want to see that!
By #574505 09,Nov,21 18:21
Yes he show his teeth looks he smiles at us he looks funny when he does it
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

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By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 07:10 other posts 
JustWill , please explain something to me and other curious members.... exactly what is it that keeps everything in its place and prevents important things from sliding out?

By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 08:30 other posts 
Oh gross 🤮 his ass hole is turned inside out
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 08:39 other posts 
I specifically didn't go into too much detail or description because I wanted the element of surprise when JustWill clicked on the picture.
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 09:27 other posts 
Lots of duct tape?

Also (sarcasm alert), thank you so very much for sharing this photo with me. Nothing starts my day off better than a picture of some guy with half of his insides hanging out of his bung-hole.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 10:05 other posts 
Um, you're really not sure, are you? By the way, I didn't notice any duct tape.
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 12:42 other posts 
With a gaping anus like that, how could anyone be sure?
I imagine that the guy has to keep his butt cheeks clenched really, really tightly all of the time just to make sure he doesn't fart his liver out...
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 15:08 other posts 
Fart his liver out? Gee, looks like he should be concerned with losing more parts, not just one organ.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 10:11 other posts 
Oh, I seem to recall that feet creep you out. With that in mind, feet were off limits but you never said anything about bung-holes.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 12:39 other posts 
I’m laughing over here
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 12:40 other posts 
Feet don't "creep me out"--I simply do not find them to be attractive.
Also, it wasn't the bung-hole that I had a problem with, it was the three yards of intestine dangling out of said bung-hole that gave me the collie-wobbles.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 15:10 other posts 
And a bad case of collie-wobbles should not be ignored!
By phart [Ignore] 09,Nov,21 17:21 other posts 
I can't quite figure out why anyone would be proud of having their innards hanging out like that. I mean it is like the kidneys have thrown a hook and line trying to catch a rib before they fall out.

By #652988 08,Nov,21 06:13
How do I find a man to suck my dick
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Nov,21 11:53 other posts 
You could try wearing a sign.
By #574505 08,Nov,21 16:54
good answer

By #574505 06,Nov,21 23:58
justwill why when someone eat something sweet he gets hiccups?
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Nov,21 11:55 other posts 
I've not heard this one before. Usually it is eating something that is very spicy that causes hiccups because the spice makes the throat spasm.
One of the 'cures" for hiccups is to eat a teaspoon of sugar.
By #574505 08,Nov,21 16:28
I have diabetes so sugar won't work for me

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 17:43 other posts 
JustWill , do you recall the unique name you fashioned for the one and only SYC member that you blacklisted? If so, will you share it with us, please?
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 22:28 other posts 
I believe that it was candymandybonbontits.
Or "the Crone"
Both work.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 22:30 other posts 
candymandybonbontits or ......bonbontwits?
By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 22:43 other posts 
I think her id system is like a lottery tub that gets spun and shook and she reach's in and pulls something out for the week.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 23:26 other posts 
That seems plausible!
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 22:52 other posts 
I am pretty sure it was just tits without the 'w'.
At one point, there was a 'charlie' in there, though.

(Of course you know that this exchange will have her talking about me again, right?)
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 23:20 other posts 
Thanks for clarifying!

It may have her talking about you, can you handle it? Back story, about 1 week ago, I asked admin if he could implement a "delete comment" option for the "owner" of a given thread and my reasoning was that I wanted it for repetitive posts (ie copy and paste), rude posts and redundancy which are things that she is guilty of. She's made posts in the STUFF thread that I found offensive and even a post here where she called you a name.

Today, she did a copy and paste and posted the same comment twice and the same comment was posted in another member's blog. Since I felt her post(s) were repetitive, I deleted the comments and that sent her into a spin. If I'm not mistaken, she posted the comment two more times and I subsequently deleted them. To make a long story short, I seem to getting her full attention.
By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Nov,21 10:21 other posts 
To clarify, that member isn't blacklisted because they were verbally abusive to me. I don't give a crap when someone with the IQ of a moldy potato talks trash on/at me.
The issue is that they started posting vile things about my partner (calling him a ped@phile), which was way out of line. When I called them on that--and admin gave them the boot for it-- they made up an imaginary 'friend' and blamed them for the disgusting comments (perhaps it was just one of the many voices in their head).
I know that they keep lying all over the forum, insisting that their 'friend' is to blame and that I am just a big old meanie for not believing her, but let me ask you (and anyone who reads this):
If you compare MY behavior here on this site to THEIR behavior, who do YOU believe is telling the truth?
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Nov,21 11:35 other posts 
Hey, I'm going to send you screen shots of the member's convoluted bullshit "truth".
By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Nov,21 12:20 other posts 
Because admin has changed things, I can now see the lies the Crone posts when she 'mentions' me. Which is ( I mean, one of the many benefits of having her blacklisted is that I don't have to see the nonsense and bile the creature posts everyday.)

Anyway, it seems that 'mandy' (you know, the voice in the Hag's head that she blames for her schizophreniic behavior) is still holding a grudge. What a surprise...
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Nov,21 14:09 other posts 
The member signed out to read our conversation, copy and pasted certain parts of those posts so they could respond with the following; YOU POOR DELUTED FOOLS.

I have since deleted the message because I've made it clear about how I feel about reposting posts within the same thread, I wonder what DELUTED means? Do you have any idea?
By JustWill [Ignore] 05,Nov,21 14:21 other posts 
Deluted? I guess she thinks I lost my lute. Jokes on her: I don't even own a lute.

So, you deleted her rant, but she posted it elsewhere with a 'mention' so I would see it. It is a bunch of bat-shit crazy garbage--as usual, but here is my favorite part:

" If you keep insinuating that I was the one that I posted vile things about your partner (calling him a ped@phile), I will complain to Admin that you are defaming my public character on site."

Right, because admin doesn't already know that she is a lying whack-a-do.

For the record, I am not 'insinuating' anything. I am speaking the truth. She knows it, and all of the voices in her head know it.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Nov,21 15:46 other posts 
Yeah, like I said, the member copied and pasted a portion of OUR conversation and added that comment. I have no idea why the member feels that posts/comments have to appear multiple times, they're not necessary.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Nov,21 16:30 other posts 
"defaming public character"....oh, that's rich! When and where was that posted?

By bella! [Ignore] 01,Nov,21 09:06 other posts 
JustWill , just what the heck is Spam? I know Spam means spiced ham but does it taste good? Can the flavor stand alone or do you need to pour ketchup all over it to mask the flavor? Interestingly, I was at my sister's house last week and she had a can of Spam w/bacon in her pantry. She's beefing up her canned goods in the event that food becomes scarce, she has no idea what it tastes like so I have a suspicion that she's going to be really surprised.
By JustWill [Ignore] 01,Nov,21 11:03 other posts 
Yes, it tastes very good--especially if it is fried until it gets a little crispy on the edges!
The w/bacon suff is also pretty tasty.
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Nov,21 11:43 other posts 
Are you Hawaiian?
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 22:54 other posts 
No, but I am part Shawnee. That has nothing to do with the topic of Spam, but it is a true fact nonetheless.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 23:05 other posts 
It is my understanding that Hawaii has the highest per capita consumption of Spam in the United States, thus I wondered if you were Hawaiian!

p.s., I was just being "silly" when I asked whether you were Hawaiian.
By JustWill [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 23:08 other posts 
Yes, I realize that.
The "I am part Shawnee" thing just came up because I didn't want anyone to think I was being disrespectful of Hawaiians. Folks around these parts get 'touchy' about the oddest things...
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 23:36 other posts 
Yep, they do! I remember that someone blacklisted you because of your WITCHES are to blame for Covid-19 thread. /forum/thread.php?id=28878 Some tight ass folks just do not recognize sarcasm.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Nov,21 12:44 other posts 
spam came about during the first depression as a way to get more "meat" per pound . A ration ticket allowed for say a pound of pork. Well,if the bone was in it, some of your "pound" was something you could not use.There is a entire museum dedicated to spam.

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Somewhere at this place you can get the recipe for "pecan pie" using beans instead of pecans.Damn good,you will hardly know the difference.
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By #610414 01,Nov,21 17:21
It’s rumored that it’s the most popular meat in the world due to the fact it’s canned. It doesn’t need refrigeration. It’s not a steak but it’s tasty enough, especially if you combine it with fried onions, green peppers and mushrooms. Some people like steak sauce on it. When we took our kids camping we would make breakfast with fried eggs on top.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Nov,21 19:37 other posts 
Oh that stuff is GOOD if you fry some bacon,then fry the spam in the bacon grease until brown on both sides. Make some mac and cheese maby to go along.
OR better yet,cook a pound of pintos in the crock pot over night,make up some cornbread in the cast iron pan and fry some spam in bacon grease to go along with it >UMMM UMMMMGOOD
By #610414 01,Nov,21 23:01
By #648364 04,Nov,21 01:58
First ingredients are "pork with ham" so, lips and assholes mixed with a little ham.

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