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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By Dev01 [Ignore] 14,Sep,22 22:11 other posts 
2002 was the last time we had hands on what's called the Bledisloe cup. C'mon Wallabies... New Zealand are the softest they hay been in many years... Ask Andy81 Go the Wallabies

By #578610 04,Sep,19 10:40
I don't know what this was about but, I'm glad COPY/PASTE was around way before I got here,,,
--------------------------------------- added after 34 seconds

Monted must have been a pistol,,
By Dev01 [Ignore] 11,Sep,19 05:45 other posts 
A pistol
By #644010 29,Jul,21 09:38
A tiny dollar tree pistol that breaks after one shot
By Dev01 [Ignore] 29,Jul,21 15:26 other posts 
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 31,Jul,21 15:23 other posts 
Only thing he shot was some weak stream of piss out his window... a site lass!
By Dev01 [Ignore] 31,Jul,21 19:41 other posts 

By #275407 29,May,21 21:47
Admin, bring back annonomous chat, enter at own discretion.
By bella! [Ignore] 30,May,21 01:06 other posts 
cody8789, why didn't you post your request in the "Main Forum" and "mention" admin 's name so he knows that you are making a direct request?
By #574505 04,Jun,21 23:31
Cody that was fun.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 28,Jul,21 22:59 other posts 
Fun??? More of a sport Jamie

By #601496 14,Jan,20 12:28

By bella! [Ignore] 25,Nov,13 14:54 other posts 
In the MEMBERS YOU MISS thread, I mentioned that fairy dished out some crap BUT there was a bunch of crap slung at her. I mentioned that I hoped admin kept an open mind and heard both sides/all sides of petty feuds prior to deleting/banning ANY member. MONTED suggested that I read the site rules, which I did. WE are adults and should conduct ourselves in an adult like manner. And man up or woman up and acknowledge that it takes 2 or more people to have a fight or disagreement, if any party walks away, where is there an issue? That was the reason Public Chat was disbanded and why admin suggested everyone use their own personal chat room so that YOU could be the moderator and ban disruptive members. BAM! That's all I got to say about it.
By #431354 25,Nov,13 15:36
Site Rules Governing Behavior & Interaction with Other Members
By accessing the site, you agree to conduct yourself in an adult manner. This specifically means being polite to all members in chats and in the discussion forums. Aggressive behavior will not be tolerated by any member. If Site Administration is informed of aggressive behavior, we will check the discussion forums and logs. Please ensure that you provide specific examples and remit for review via private message. Site Administration reserves the right to determine what is deemed aggressive behavior on a case by case basis.

If it is determined that your actions are deemed inappropriate or aggressive, action will be taken to restore order to the site. This includes a temporary or permanent ban to the chat room and discussion forums. For flagrant violations, your account may be deleted without further notice.

If your account is deleted, Site Administration will NOT issue refunds for lost points or memberships.
By #196416 25,Nov,13 15:41
And? There was no need to copy and paste, we have read it, but have you,yourself, paid close attention to it?

And have we read this? "The creation and existence of multiple accounts is strictly prohibited by Site Administration. If you elect to create and maintain multiple accounts, you do at your own risk and peril. Site Administration will not be held responsible for any lost points, account deletions, etc."
By #303133 25,Nov,13 15:46
C'mon, daffu! You KNOW you are not going to get an answer to that question (unless, of course, it is from a fake profile and in the form of a semi-literate snarky comment with a bunch of and in the middle! Or...poop on your page.)!
By #196416 25,Nov,13 15:56
I know, I know, a saying I once heard does come to mind "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" it is my humble understanding that a very wise man uttered those words and some would be wise to pause and reflect prior to launching that stone. Is this where I should add some of these ?
By #303133 25,Nov,13 16:06
Ha! Did you see what it did?! It went back and edited its comment so YOU would look like the one who was babbling. How very, very brave!

(Anyone reading this should know that the "Who got deleted and why?" comment was, initially, a copy of the Site Rules for Behavior. Just, you know, trying to keep things fair and honest...) it edited its edit, and put the original back. (Wait. Is pointing that out going to get me deleted?)
By #431354 25,Nov,13 17:03
The true fact is anyone that gets deleted is solely because of thier own actions no one elses...I know reality is hard to except for some.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Nov,13 17:36 other posts 
MONTED, you seem reasonable, wouldn't you agree that a fight, altercation, a riff, a row, cannot involve only one person? Unless somebody forgot to take their medication for the day, I cannot fathom anyone starting shit without provocation. If a member entered a chat room and started some type of shit, it is easy enough to ban them from that chat room. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out. It's kinda sad that petty little shit can't fall by the wayside to allow ALL members to coexist here. When I asked admin why member #409634 was deleted I was told abusive behavior. My next question was the site allows and supports abusive behavior; we can vote pictures down, send a big pile os shit to others and if the recipient doesn't get that message, we can burn their points. Isn't that excessive and abusive? In my time here, I've done it 3 times ( twice in the last 3 months ). Am I proud of that, no, not really but I will own that I have done that as bella!.
By #201583 25,Nov,13 18:51
No fair! Eccl 7:20 For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.

However, 1 John 3:6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

Now I'm confused! You can keep the stones, and I will keep the bat, since baseball post dates the Bible.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Nov,13 21:05 other posts 
OMG! The King James Version? I prefer the NIV, King James Version is like trying to read Edgar Allen Poe.
By #201583 25,Nov,13 21:18
"It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of Annabel Lee; And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me."
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Nov,13 21:51 other posts 
My favorite, and it scared the bajeebers out of me, was The Cask of Amontillado. Oooooo....oooo....oooo....oooo......
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 13,Aug,18 23:30 other posts 
Did you see Play Misty For Me? They used that Annabel Lee piece in the movie.

What is the last movie you saw?
I saw A Quiet Place.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Nov,13 17:18 other posts 
Not right, MONTED, you edited your first response.
--------------------------------------- added after 42 minutes

Thank you, MONTED for putting your original response back.
By #316255 25,Nov,13 17:43
The one, and only, time I was in chat was back in January. It was mainly guys in there and one woman (whom I had introduced to SYC and who has since left, having found the site too distracting and chat quite off-putting) other than my self. I was picked on, insulted, and made fun of. I fought back but the guys in there were relentless and extremely rude. I think the purpose was to run me off the site. As you can see, that worked well I am not sad to see that the public chat room has been disbanded.

Incidentally, after I left the chatroom, several of the guys in there (who kept quiet) PMd me to apologize for the idiots in chat. That was very nice of them but, really, wasn't their responsibility.
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Nov,13 17:58 other posts 
No, maybe not their responsibility to apologize BUT they shoulda said something to the bully or bullies. Which brings to mind one of my favorite-ist sayings;

If you don't stand for something
You'll fall for anything.
By #569341 13,Oct,18 05:22
I like that saying b! - hadn't heard it before
By #562152 15,Jan,19 22:30
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Jan,19 08:03 other posts 
And that's why I will stop and "walk away". If I said what I needed to say, I'm fine with that. It's not important for me to have the "last word" but everyone does not feel the same way.
By #585059 19,May,19 08:44
Hi bella! I've got a question, and I don't want to bother admin about it. You seem to know a lot about this site. This 'play ball' game refers. I'm on the site now for almost a month now. Recently I was passed the 'ball', and apparently had to pass it to someone else. I decided not to pass, and opted to get out of the game. Thing is, I don't play ball, accept with my own (I've got two) 😉😁. I then noticed on my profile an angry (not friendly) icon (avatar) sort of thing. I further noticed that I was blocked by two other members. The problem is that if other members visit my profile, they get the idea that I might not be friendly ect. and therfore not engage on conversation, comment, or like my pics. I comment on other members pics, vote for the HOT ones, add pics to my favorites, ect ect, bit the 'unfriendly' icon still stay. Any advice please ?! 😘🌹
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 09:08 other posts 
Gee, just my opinion, your MEMBER RATING is very odd. No one has added you as their friend. No one has blacklisted you. And you have no one blacklisted. Hmmmmm...... so why the unfriendly rating? I have no idea UNLESS these stats changed sometime after 01:00 EST. My suggestion is that you contact admin directly, I doubt that he will respond to your inquiry in this thread that is in the DUMPSTER.

Aside from that, have you attempted to build a friendship base? It is really odd that no one has added you as their friend.
By #585059 19,May,19 09:17
There was one, but he unfriended me two days later. Good, I will enquire from admin, and in the meantime I will try to build friendships with others. Thanks for your response, that was real quick. 😉😘
By bella! [Ignore] 19,May,19 09:31 other posts 
There might be a glitch in his system or a logical answer to why your rating is such. Please share his response.
By #585059 19,May,19 16:10
Thank you. Will do. 😉😘
By #585059 20,May,19 10:36
admin said the same as you. Someone befriended me, and the unfriended me. The problem seems to be resolved. I'm a happy-chappy now 😉 Thank again 🌹🌹🌹
By bella! [Ignore] 20,May,19 10:53 other posts 
Good to know, at least you are back to a "neutral" rating! Start building up your friendship base and turn your rating into a SMILE! 😊

By #562152 15,Jan,19 22:28

By #569341 12,Oct,18 11:25
What the fuck girls/guys, 5 years since the last post on this thread. What's the dealio?
By JustWill [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 18:02 other posts 
Since admin sent it to the dumpster, most folk don't post in it any longer.
The dumpster is home to many awesome threads of days gone by...
By bella! [Ignore] 12,Oct,18 22:24 other posts 
Yeah, after a 5 year run in the Main Forum, the designated area set aside for members to discuss any constructive adult topic, such as PISSING AT URINALS, doing stuff with their dad/stepdad/uncle or grandad, blah, blah, blah.... admin decided that this thread should be dumpster'd.
By #569341 13,Oct,18 05:20

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 17,Oct,13 18:33 other posts 
Just wondering! Dose anyone else have trouble with an over abundance of Lady bugs this time of year? For the past few years I have had hundreds of Lady bugs appear during this month! (seems to be only in October) I was told it was because of the fluctuation of the weather. I get so many that the only way to be rid of them is to use my wet vac and suck them off the ceiling when I get home from work, only to find more there the following day.

Usally last's a few weeks then they are gone as quick as they appered.

My neighbor said they have the same problem.

Guess I was just wondering if it only happens here in Maine .

I know they are harmless and nothing to worrie about BUT It gets rather boreing vacumeing my ceiling eveyr day!!!
By #164428 17,Oct,13 19:59
Yes!!! And they are not the American version, either. They are Asian Ladybugs, and local communities have them released in order to combat the Gypsy Moths. But they don't die out after summer as the American ones do, and they overwinter in buildings.

I just remove them with a vacuum. If you get pest control, that's a bigger problem. They can die out in the envelope of the building, and they other bugs, like carpet beetles, come to eat them. Carpet beetles eat wood, like termites.

It's such a pain.
By bella! [Ignore] 17,Oct,13 20:15 other posts 
Wow! This thread might contain random posts but some of the information shared is far from being "bullshit". I don't have a problem with ladybugs, just seeing more spiders........ and thankfully, they're not what you and arexa52 have in PA.
By #358797 17,Oct,13 21:20
Lol. Ladybugs are the least of out worries. Just today I took a shower and found a lovely brown recluse chilling on the wall. Needless to say I squealed like a bitch and squirted him with shampoo.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 13,Aug,18 23:19 other posts 
I'm just wondering if nowadays you no longer see any brown recluses in your dwelling. I hope not.

By #409634 07,Sep,13 13:59
Does anyone else think that the show Trueblood is fucking remedial? I dont see how its so highly rated. The books were so much better. Horrible plot, and horrible actors all around.
By #316255 07,Sep,13 14:23
The books (the first few, at least; before the series was created) were much better. Alan Ball has a hardon for Stephen Moyer and is ruining the whole thing.
By #409634 07,Sep,13 15:17
Ugh, he does and you can clearly tell. I loathe the Twilight series. The paper it was printed on isn't even worth wiping my ass on it.
By #201583 08,Sep,13 05:42
Considering the Twilight series was written and marketed for teenie boppers; I would concur that it is no Shakespear, Silvia Day, John Grisham, Mickael Creighton, Steven King...She made $750,000 just for writing her first 3 books of the Twilight series. It took her five years to get the first book written and published. That's not bad for a stay at home mom. Just because her rendition of fictitious creatures doesn't mesh with our dark souls doesn't mean her work should be used as toilet paper. It took far less time to write the constitution. Yes, I am a Twi-hard. I didn't like her rendition of Vampires, but for a young teen book (ten and up)it was written well. I own multiple copies of each book, multiple DVDs of each movie, and have seen each movie in theaters no less than eight times each (except for the first).
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Sep,13 14:30 other posts 
I have not read the books and I have not seen the show. My Direct Dish monthly bill for basic is $ 75.00 per month without premium pay stations. The only reason the bill isn't any higher is because I bitch that I am going to switch to another carrier.
By #409634 07,Sep,13 15:17
Lucky, I pay $130.00 just for basic.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Sep,13 15:24 other posts 
$ 130.00? Now that is some BULLSHIT! I hope that that is some type of bundle price that includes television, internet and phone because there is no way that I would pay upwards of $ 1,500.00 to watch television.
By #316255 07,Sep,13 15:39
I'm not saying what our bill is. I've told HIM to cut cable to basic since we have Hulu Plus and Netflix so he called and was talked into a $200 installation of Internet phone. When we have a Skype phone number and subscriptions AND and actual Skype phone. I cancelled that STAT.
By bella! [Ignore] 07,Sep,13 15:55 other posts 
Holy crap!
By #23212 07,Sep,13 20:14
Hmmm Emm, just a few days ago you were lamenting here about being around some men whose intelligence, shall we say in 'PC Americanese' is 'challenged'. Is there some connection?
By #201583 08,Sep,13 05:50
$147.00 for the works via Direct Tv. I dumped the home phone years ago. Nobody ever called it but telemarketers, and my cell has unlimited talk and text.
By Ravioli_Max [Ignore] 13,Aug,18 22:59 other posts 
Is it still the same price in 2018, bella?

By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 09:13 other posts 
Just my opinion, some men look super sexy with facial hair and some, not so much.

And on the flip side of the coin, facial hair on a woman, NEVER! There's nothing sexy about a woman with facial hair.
By #487013 08,Sep,17 13:32
True but the walrus still got potm, so some probably do like facial hair on women.
By JustWill [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 14:24 other posts 
Too bad that traveling Carnivals no longer have Freak Shows...

"One of us, one of us"
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By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 16:09 other posts 
I was not speaking of anyone specifically, just women in general.

There's a couple of women at work that seem to have a full blown goatee going on and I just wonder why?

Now if I was talking about someone specifically, I would probably say something about the jacked up grill.
By #487013 08,Sep,17 16:42
By #358797 08,Sep,17 18:11
I agree. I always wanted to join the freak show. I still would if I had a chance.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 18:49 other posts 
Just what do you feel your "freakish" quality is?
By #358797 08,Sep,17 20:33
I swallow swords as a hobby. Been doing it for years.
By #536760 08,Sep,17 21:50
I think i love you. more than words could ever say.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 00:24
I'll take that as a compliment.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 23:43 other posts 
Arexa, are you serious?
By #358797 09,Sep,17 00:23
Entirely serious. It's been my oddball hobby for over a decade now.
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 00:33 other posts 
I have to ask, are these smaller than average sized swords or at these the big kind?
By #358797 09,Sep,17 00:36
I've got a small collection of swords ranging from 12-20 inches. They're all pretty thin, the widest one is a little over an inch wide...
By bella! [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 00:49 other posts 
Geez, that's too big for me! Maybe I could do one of those "cocktail" swords but I doubt anything bigger.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 01:12

It does take quite a bit of training and practice. I used to gag, but now my gag reflex is rather weak.
By #517356 09,Sep,17 02:58
Wow ... I am nighty impressed to learn about you swallowing swords!
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 01:46 other posts 
I remember you saying it caused some kind of problem, or made something harder for you...

About facial hair, is that the only other masculine thing you like? I shaved mine off and I look 20 again. It'll be back soon though, in a week or so.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 01:57
Once in a while I nick a tonsil and get a sore throat for a few days, but it doesn't happen too incredibly often. Other than that it's just destroyed my gag reflex for the most part.

I'm OK with facial hair on men... As long as it isn't douche straps, cuz I ha.te those fuckin things.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 02:02 other posts 
I was trying to remember what you called 'em, I knew "douche" was involved... Yeah, they're terrible, especially the really thin ones.

Wait, destroyed your gag reflex? Tell me more, please... I've never had a girl without one.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 02:10
I still have one... It's just not the greatest.
By #537944 09,Sep,17 08:35
There's so many missed jokes on this thread now.
By #358797 09,Sep,17 09:21
By kebmo [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 18:22 other posts 
I've just been "inserting" my own as I read it. I certainly wouldn't ram my opinion down your throat but I don't' think I would get into sword swallowing. Sometimes I get really cocky and my friends get choked. etc. etc. etc.
By RealTitsLover [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 01:57 other posts 
@Will - Freaks? I loved that movie growing up... classic.
By JustWill [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 10:42 other posts 
Directed by Tod Browning--the same guy who did DRACULA. The movie was so reviled at the time it was released that it essentially destroyed his career.
By #487013 09,Sep,17 10:20
I like that freak show a whole lot better than the one with Jessica Lange aka Caitlyn Jenner.
By #358797 08,Sep,17 18:04
I know a lady with a full beard, she's weird about it, and grows it out. Looks like pubes on her chin, but she refuses to trim it cuz it makes her 'unique'.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 19:02 other posts 
The women that I'm speaking of are women of color. I have always admired women of color because they don't seem to show their age like Caucasian women do. BUT women of color do seem to have an issue with hair growth, ie mustaches, goatees, hairy arms and legs as well as an abundance of pubic hair.

One of the gals said that their husband finds her facial hair rather sexy. Oh, well, to each their own......
By #511804 08,Sep,17 20:32
Does Bella pluck?
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 21:12 other posts 
Yes....... I have 5 hairs that I'm very conscious of, but I'm not sporting a goatee!
By #536760 08,Sep,17 21:55
So natural is not for you? Some might call it vain. or just following the rest of the sheep. What do you think?
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 23:46 other posts 
I pluck my eyebrows, I pluck the 5 hairs in my chin, I shave my legs and underarms and I keep my lady garden tidy. If that's vain, call me vain.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 08,Sep,17 21:37 other posts 
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 05:24 other posts 
I am afraid I find facial hair on anyone at all 'yuk' . I could never vote for a man with facial hair. But I reserve a special place in hell for designer stubble. Wtf !!!! But then I am a grumpy old man.
By #536913 09,Sep,17 16:21
I tend to feel the same way, but I find that a rare few look strange without some facial hair. That's not to say it looks good, but that they would look worse without the hair. Some faces are, let's say, 'unique' in that regard.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 09,Sep,17 18:59 other posts 
I suppose there is that to think of.
By #536913 09,Sep,17 16:18
I'm pretty sure I shouldn't say anything, but is there any way to approach that subject with a woman who has facial hair? I don't mean some random woman, of course. There's one who I get along with well who except for the little hair on her lip is otherwise a rather cute woman. I just wonder if there's a way to bring it up without sounding like a total jerk. Even talking about it here feels insensitive.

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