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My multiple SYD accounts

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

Started by #491031 [Ignore] 14,Feb,18 12:46
Okay, I have been caught.

Thanks to the diligent work and keen intelligence of one female (?) member, the world now knows that I am a "multiple account holder".

Though I've kept it hidden for my six plus years of membership here, it has finally been revealed that I, Justwill, have more than one account on this site. In fact, I have tens of thousands of accounts.

That's right--in the current membership count of 20514, 20510 of them have been me all along! BWAHAHA! (The only ones that aren't mine are the pee-in-your-holes guy, the member who found me out, 2nice, and the crazy guy who is banging the member that discovered my nefarious deception.)

Yep...I am EVERYBODY here! (Except for those four I mentioned, of course.)

I'd apologize for this but, since the only real members of the site are me and those four others, there isn't really much point.

Wait! I actually might be 2nice and the pee-in-your-holes guy, too, now that I think about it.

With 20K+ accounts, it gets hard to keep track...

(In case this needs to be pointed out, I am being sarcastic here. I only have one account. Honestly.)

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By #562152 26,Nov,18 18:36
I don't believe you,,,you have 37 accounts. You also are BELLA!!!!! I have my eye on you,,

By #487013 20,Feb,18 15:12
I feel so mislead. You traitor you.
By #491031 20,Feb,18 17:31
Don't blame me, blame the voices in my head. They all wanted to be members of SYD...all 20 thousand of them. It was kinda hard to say no. They outvoted me.
By #549481 04,Mar,18 16:44
By #569341 12,Oct,18 00:31
Sadly, Will - i don't believe you. You're too well-spoken to even attempt to sound like a multiple account fucktard (i don't think your constitution would even allow you to try). Sorry, champ (;
Is 2nice's "fucktard" still in vogue, or do i sound so 5 years ago right now (;?
By #491031 12,Oct,18 12:09
There is one particular member--she's from your neck of the woods--who INSISTS, regardless of evidence to the contrary, that I am a multiple account holder.

2nice's "fucktard" is STILL a thing. When he gets riled up, the "fucktards" are usually reminded of what they are.

By #491031 26,Feb,18 16:40
Today, the ever-changing WHY from the one person who has blacklisted me has changed to: "Multiple account holder, troll and really bad at making up stories."

Forgive me, please, but as the owner of 20458 accounts, it DOES get a little tough to always keep my stories straight.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 01,Mar,18 05:07 other posts 

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,Feb,18 17:35 other posts 
What of the Walrus and the Nadine accounts?

By #460523 19,Feb,18 17:59
so glad you are me and I am you

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 16,Feb,18 09:48 other posts 
I am you and you are me! That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever seen here, and that is a BOLD statement!!!

According to a member here that should put down the fork and knife... too much dinner!!

By #491031 16,Feb,18 12:46
"I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together"

By 2nice [Ignore] 16,Feb,18 12:22 other posts 
I love this man. Good to know that I might be myself.
By #491031 16,Feb,18 12:36
On the other hand, every time someone has told you "just be yourself" they might have actually meant that you should just be ME!

By bella! [Ignore] 14,Feb,18 22:28 other posts 
Ain't that a shame that IT thinks about us so much? And IT wonders why I refer to IT as a WHACK-A-DOODLE! Need anything more be said? Cuckoo! Cuckoo! CUCKOO!!!!
By #491031 15,Feb,18 12:07
"I am Spartacus!" --

By #548364 14,Feb,18 14:24
But I´m me! At least I think i mean I´m not me???? OMIGOD I`M NOT ME AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
By #491031 14,Feb,18 16:53
Sorry to break the news to you, but you are a figment of my imagination. I have been you all along. Now, quit that screaming. It makes my brain hurt.

By #460385 14,Feb,18 12:57
Dammit man. So we aren't really us, we are you. Now that is Twilight Zone shit there. How did you pull that off Will. It's kinda depressing to think we are a figment of your imagination.
By #491031 14,Feb,18 13:21
How about that for a total mind-fuck, huh?
I have a powerful imagination.
Don't be depressed about it. The fact that I imagined such a cool and sexy couple as one of my fake accounts should make you very happy!
By #460385 14,Feb,18 13:27

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