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Started by #578610 [Ignore] 09,Feb,19 13:00
New Comment Rating: -2 Similar topics: 1.Today...in the Star Chamber. 2.And people here complain about being blacklisted Comments: |
See this is nice every one eats and enjoys food XXX thinks this site is just for sex but there's more to life then sex food is one of them
While I don't usually agree with this individual, I do agree about this.
Good sex, good food, good friends equals great life.
My opinion
As the men's popular page currently demonstrates, anyone can buy their way to the top with friends willing to vote for them dozens of times. You can also buy your way to the cock of the month but the one way to judge of what the MEMBERS like is the Free Theme Image Contest. You can't buy those awards because they are based on the quality of the photo.
Another member posted an answer
You can cheat the contests too .......If you have lots of friends or points(money)....you can have influence here,much like real life....
Maybe you should try showitoff to log in and use the site, You can just put your pic on the main page straight away......You can put your pic directly on the main page for 50 points..
No need to have people viewing/voting to get your pic on the main page...you do it yourself..
While this is true, Showitoff is like a travel in time. You post your pic at the top for 50 points, but, as other members post theirs, your pic keeps dropping down the page until it finally disappears. There's no way to keep it #1. In SYD or SYC the votes of other members can keep it in the top line for a long time. I understand those with few "friends" willing to vote for it multiple times would not be able to stay on top, but, that's life. Popular is just that. A favorite of more people than the next one.
My opinion
I just read that some stuff has already been edited or removed from her website because she is catching so much flack from her own party.
Deleting air travel,giving aid to those not willing to work,yes that is in there. Discontiue use of ships and discontinue world trade. Build bridges over the ocean.Yep,that stuff was in there in so many words.\
phrases like "As much as techniclly possiable" were in there,Now it reads like a condensed soup can.Hum.
I'm assuming this is from Ocasio-Cortez. I'm sure some of her proposals are not workable and some people don't like some of the workable ones. All I know is that the world is full of negative people who refuse to listen to new ideas. The current ideas are not working anymore. Why not listen, maybe try hers.
YOu need to find Ben Steins opinion of Cortez on youtube and watch it.By the way,he likes high taxes.But he flat out says, "She does not know her ass from her elbow about investing". Now his opionion counts with me because he didn't get where he is being stupid.
The only common ground I have with her is I am antinuke anything.
Read this and see if you notice any irony.
The Green Deal would shut these folks out entirely from travel.But these folks think it is ok they create a carbon foot print,because they buy some carbon credits from a south pole group?
The Green New Deal proposed today would want to radically expand that bright spot, with a call to "build out high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary." at
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No where does it say that air travel would be stopped. This country is severely challenged when it comes to heavy and light rail service. It's one reason why a 300 mile business trip becomes a plane trip. I find it's a great idea to develop train service.
As far as what happened in Davos, Switzerland, you have to remember that this conference is populated by big company CEOs and special interests from all over the world. They operate on the principle that "I have the money. I can do what I want. I'll pay for someone else to worry about climate change."
Well, more reason to push/support laws to change that. Are Ocasio-Cortez ideas good? Maybe. Some are and I bet some are not. The thing is that many of the dinosaurs in congress, powerful ones, wont listen to the shouts from scientists. We need fresh blood to get this going, even if the new baby steps are wobbly or wrong.
My opinion
Terms and such have been changed to "fix" the points like taking out air travel,I read it in the first "draft" I saw.
Here is another take on it.
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This is a "faq" page,you can tell someone was having fun.But at the same time it shows clearly how hard it will be for us normal people to find and read the REAL deal.Fake news is a real issue that affects both sides.
'Someone emailed it to me with no source' is not a reliable place to get your information and shape your opinion from.
If you read something that's hard to believe, check on a major news site to confirm it.
If you post something here that you want me to believe, back it up with a link to a major news source and don't expect me to search for your "information".
What you posted Phart is someone's opinion, which are like assholes, everyone has one.
This is an answer to Phart from a respected member of our community. I agree with him. Too many times, because the current resident of the White House labeled major news outlets as "Fake News", people think that these news sources are lying. Fact checking the sources proves the news media right every time. It's time for the ultra far right to stop playing the "Fake News" card.
If you only survey a group of people that are already leaning in your direction,the results will support your idea.
Go to a tractor pull or county fair in south carolina and ask the spectators how they feel about taking away guns.
Then, go to a major northern city in the fancy part of town with gated driveways and survey those folks with the same quesions.
You can see the results would be different.A antigunner,will use the results from the second test.A progunner would use the first test results to push their idea.
That is the problem with the specs used to "fact check" the news.
As for Revolutionary people,eh, we are much more apt to have a revolution now more than ever.Is the conscience of all these folks stomping our rights starting to shine thru in the form of fear of revolution?Hum. Perhaps even in their own hearts they know they are in the wrong.You should not fear those willing to fight for their rights.
My opinion
I've heard it through the grapevine that a member who was "affectionately" coined as Candymandycharliebonbontits (hey, you forgot to incorporate Boing49 in there) has created a thread where they extract tidbits of stuff from the Forum after they troll recent posts. I wish the author good luck.
--------------------------------------------------------No disrespect meant with this. Just a heartfelt invitation for you to visit and judge the content and not the author. I like the forums but i don't belong in anyone's particular forum. I made my own to be able to give "My opinion." without giving offence. This does not mean you can't give your opinion here.
I would have thought that most intelligent people fantasise, including about friends and aquaintances. While it stays private it is nobodies business other than the fantasiser.
More difficult to rationalize is when a woman imagines that she is with another man when she is having sex with her partner..... Apparently, this is very common also, bu is hardly just the womans private business.
How much of a double standard is this? A man can dream of licking, sucking, fingering, fucking a woman, but, a woman can't do the same? Does it matter where it happens? After all, plenty of men (and i know by admission) that men fuck their wives or sweethearts while thinking of other women. As they say, "If it's good for the goose then it's good for the gander." and visa versa.
My humble opinion, of course
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes
Extended to them? No. Naming one of man's most priced go to? Yes, the description fits with one or two exceptions. I've been described as a cougar on the prowl. A "friendly" cougar. as far as food, well, that's subjective, right?
"Hot dog or hamburger?"
I'n my opinion hot dogs are better. I like them with cut onions and relish. A bit of mustard but never, ever, any ketchup.
You're SO partially right, he did in fact say that and then DID it! Then the pukes of the Dem party, a.k.a. obstructionist, just made sure it STAYED that way for the duration. Seems you forgot to mention that part... Oh! And the other part where they refused to sign the negotiated bills put forth by the Repubs. SO many seem to conveniently forget that the #1 designated use for tax monies in THIS country, was and is, for SECURITY! Not every fly by night gimme gimme gimme that these dimwits come up with.
The #1 use of tax monies,by far, is Medicare and Medicaid. Yes, in this country. The President sat with one thumb in his ass and the other thumb in his mouth, switching every quarter hour. But he's not totally to blame anymore than the Democrats or the Republicans. The main problem was Mitch McConell who surrendered his power to submit and pass laws in the Senate. He's a coward that was willing to have over 800 thousand good and true citizens go hungry over a pipe dream.
My humble opinion
"Number of American civilians who died in WW2 1700 (one thousand seven hundred)
Number of Soviet civilians who died in WW2 15000000 (15 million)
Number of American soldiers who died in WW2 416000 (400 thousand)
Number of Soviet soldiers who died in WW2 9000000 (9 million)"
I, in a moment of womanly dumbness replied:
Thank the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
The truth is that it's much deeper than that. Many good men gave their all to prevent the evil that the world was in it's grip. Many more suffered injuries to body and soul. I give my simple thanks to these heroic multi-national giants.
However, there's more. What many don't know is that during WWII Germany sunk much more tonnage of allied shipping than we did. The tremendous ability of the USA to build so many merchant ships is what won the day in the sea war. The Liberty class ship was the marvel of it's time.
Now, let's visit the Russian effort of the war. Stalin was a butcher. He did not mind sacrificing his people to save his regime and Rosevelt and Churchill used that to win the war. The allies were not able to invade mainland Europe till 1944 and so they asked Stalin to fight a scorched earth battle. Stalin retreated slowly from the Western front until the Germans were at the gates of Stalingrad. He threw everything he had including millions of military and civilian people. That's why Russia had the biggest number of casualties in the second world War of any country. Thanks to the sacrifice made by Russians we won WWII.
I'd like to say, "My opinion", but it's fact.
It's a good thing we can all express our opinions freely in this country. I think we should become a totally socialist country
It's funny when people vote themselves into slavery. If it was not affecting me, I would just sit and laugh.
See I can be sarcastic to.
After that I used some speed before meeting a guy to suck and served him like a pro.
5 times in 6 hours???? really?????
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