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Started by bella! [Ignore] 14,Sep,19 12:25  other posts
This thread is dedicated to bitch about those members that really piss you off! Is it, in alphabetical order, bella! , what a bitch and the ringleader, Freddy , always in search of the site rats, could it possibly be Skittles , the self proclaimed site muppet smasher or TWOWARMTTS2 , the member who has had multiple names as well as multiple profiles?

Bash whichever member is listed or unlisted. Hopefully admin will allow us to have a dedicated thread that won't be sent to the dumpster. And feel free to post pictures, if that floats your boat!

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By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 14:02 other posts 
Can someone dumb this down for me, please?

This is the picture that TWOWARMTTS2 entered in the Pic of the Month and now CHOCONUT is uploading it on her page?

By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 14:30 other posts 
That’s the old bag 80 years ago coconut is using it in the best image game and ever notice that the two are never in the same game
By #574505 23,Sep,19 15:31
Can they sent each other a gift..🎁
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 15:30 other posts 
I'll take a stab at it. It's a fake pic taken off the internet, here's a link to the original off xhamster. It clearly shows its not the face of the above mentioned whack-a-doodles. only registered users can see external links
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 15:38 other posts 
You are going to get yourself blacklisted for calling her a WHACK-A-DOODLE!

Well, isn't that interesting! A verified member using internet pictures as if they were her own AND having two profiles displaying the same "pinched" picture!
By #574505 23,Sep,19 15:39
That pic worth 50 points
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 15:42 other posts 
50 points times two profiles! Somebody report them, make them go POOF!

How was it that CHOCONUT didn't know that the picture really was not that of TWOWARMTTS2? Golly, ALL those mental cases living in the same mobile home group home.
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 16:46 other posts 
It appears she has a few more net pics on her profile as well here's another example: /yrbt4jnilepspic.html
I posted it to my temporary pics, as she will probably delete it as soon as she sees this.
Here's a link to the real pic : only registered users can see external links
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 17:16 other posts 
She is a Looney Toon! She, WetNoodle, her husband, CHOCONUT,
who knows who she is supposed to be in their multi adult household, want members to believe "she" posts pictures of her, over a period of almost 50 year.
By #551147 23,Sep,19 17:39
Wow! Nice catch
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 15:42 other posts 
Hey, nice to see you again.
By #574505 23,Sep,19 16:04
Funny thing pic is gone on both profile two was long on in two mins and co o in 1 hour
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 16:19 other posts 
I'm not sure I understand, but you do know that admin will remove pictures, too? If the internet pictures were removed when Candy was not online, that had to be admin. That's his way of diffusing a potential problem without the possibility of the member being deleted. Why he is okay and he knowingly is aware that she has multiple profiles, is beyond me.
By #574505 23,Sep,19 16:26
No she remove it from both profiles
By admin [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 18:13 other posts 
I did not delete any images from the site in past 2 days.

Why whould I delete members who pay for the site and bring a lot of fun and joy to other members here? That would be extremely unwise from every point of view. From what I can see you all are having lots of fun with them. They practically live in your own head rent-free and it seems you don't want to evict them any time soon from there. So why should I?

Honestly I never cared about how many accounts people have on the site as long as they don't run scams on other members and don't try to cheat the points system. Couple of accounts from the same location at the same time was always OK since some couples living in the same house open 2 accounts.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 19:02 other posts 
I do believe that you have removed pictures from members profiles in order avoid members from being deleted.

Yeah, TWOWARMTTS, hotpussy, TWOWARMTTS2, WetNoodle, CHOCONUT are barrels of fun. Those looney toons think they've pulled the wool over the eyes of so many.
By admin [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 20:35 other posts 
I may do this when some old member does something stupid and this happens, I don't know, may be twice per year, but still, I did not delete any images from any profiles for any reason in past 2 days.

Overall, you overestimate my involvement in this site's life. Unlike you, I don't live on this site.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 20:50 other posts 
Sorry to disappoint, I don't live on your site, either.
By admin [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 22:37 other posts 
And this means you don't know what really happens and should not run your mouth telling things that are not true.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 22:56 other posts 
Oh, you say the sweetest things!
By #685802 08,Jan,23 12:47
What i don't understand is why you banned my IP when I bring so many. I link my page to a lot of people. You should unban my original IP. I paid for premium too. I have not broken ANY rules.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Jan,23 13:02 other posts 
Are you certain admin banned you and/or deleted your profile? You must be aware that there is an Evaluation Panel that reviews referrals made by members, right? The Panel receives some strange requests from members. One of the memorable referrals I recall was made on a picture of, I believe, a male, in a washroom stall, sitting on a commode. All you could see was legs and hightop sneakers. There was also the referral of a picture that was just lips. In both situations, the person referring the members for deletion was convinced these were picture of people who are under the age of 18. Recently, there was a member who was referred for deletion because he posted internet pictures in chat.

I can only suggest that there are people, other than admin, who are involved in banning profiles.

By the way, do you recall your former membership number?
By admin [Ignore] 18,Jan,23 22:53 other posts 
No one banned "her". "She" consequently created and deleted 2 profiles and now is on the third one. I don't know is it a multiple personality disorder or just some kind of dumbassery. Usually I don't care, but I don't like when people with this kind of behavior start making shit up that relates to me in some way.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Jan,23 23:08 other posts 
Oh, I'm aware there have been multiple profiles in a short period of time. There's been 1) Sarahthesexybeast, which you identified was deleted by owner on December 23, 2022. 2) Sarahthesexybeast2, #685802, 3) anon567, Greengoddess and she's back using Sarahthesexybeast. The profiles of Sarahthesexybeast2, anon567, Greengoddess and once again Sarahthesexybeast have happened all within the last 10 to 12 days. Oi!
By admin [Ignore] 08,Jan,23 13:32 other posts 
I honestly don't know what you are talking about. I can see you had older account "Sarahthesexybeast", but it was not banned. According to the log it was deleted by the user, i.e. you on December 23. If you had some IP problems registering new account, that's just because some proxy and vpn networks are permanently blocked in the registration form, not because someone banned you specifically.
By #600020 23,Sep,19 18:29
This reminds me of Casablanca. "It seems that Destiny has taken a hand!..."
only registered users can see external links

By big9inch21 [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 16:41 other posts 
We've been on a site sabbatical Seriously though, been busy with life and some other projects, so we haven't been around the site much the last year or so. Hopefully now that things are slowing down up here, I will be around some more I'm hoping. Good to see you still around, got a lot of other friends to catch up with as well. I forgot how much fun this site can be, mixed in with a little drama as well.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 17:13 other posts 
Good to know that things are slowing down for you, you have been missed!
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 25,Sep,19 12:44 other posts 
@Big921 = site cunt. You are missed! Call me later bitches!
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 16:03 other posts 
Hey, what can you find on this picture? I guarantee you that it is not TWOWARMTTS2 or CHOCONUT now or 50 years ago. That roadkill sitting on her head is a dead giveaway.

By #574505 23,Sep,19 16:27
Damm I don't to make 50 points
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 16:50 other posts 
I think this one is actually her bella! It looks like her body to me in this pic this time, she just has her hair different in this one.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 17:20 other posts 
No, she admittedly said she has a "hair" issue and that's why she wears that synthetic ponytail that she bought from CVS. She clips it on her head with a "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane" bow to give herself a more youthful look!
By #551147 23,Sep,19 17:43
Now that's friggin funny right there!
By #600020 23,Sep,19 18:36
The problem with that is that you don't believe what you should and believe what you shouldn't. HAHAHA
By #574505 23,Sep,19 19:08
Not another one how many you have
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 19:39 other posts 
Jamie, I was thinking the same darn thing. Like a cockroach, you see one, you know you have an infestation!
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 19:50 other posts 
Hello and welcome to SYD/SYC!

Just joined the site 4 days ago and already a contributor to the Forum. Nice to have you!

I noticed that you only have 37 points and that's not much. Let me know if you need more.
By #600020 23,Sep,19 20:07
Hi. I don't need points. I'm here to look, mostly. I didn't think I'd be compared to a roach. Is everyone that friendly?
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 22:58 other posts 
Where were you compared to a cockroach?
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 01:13 other posts 
600020 went poof!
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 11:46 other posts 
So now the story is that she was unable identify her picture from the internet picture? Yikes! I can see where there would be confusion!

By #569341 23,Sep,19 20:02
If admin isn’t going to boot every single sad fuck with multiple accounts on here; Skittles’ suggestion in my NEW IDEAS thread re branding a conspicuous mark on each of their pages saying MULTIPLE ACCOUNT / DUMMY PROFILE USER should be enacted! ASAP!
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 20:22 other posts 
And you read admin's reasoning but you knew that already because I believe he's said it before.

Heck, everyone needs some backup profiles. Who knows, one day this personality suits you and tomorrow you might want to be someone else.
By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 21:37 other posts 
I tried to open up an account for markis but it would not let me using my email address and my tablet
By admin [Ignore] 23,Sep,19 22:34 other posts 
Skittles would have had such a mark among the first then.

Problem with this, however, is that the system gives a lot of false positives and I can tell the difference only looking at all the data myself. There is a mark indeed, but it's only shown to me and I have to dig deeper if I want to know if it's false or real. And even then I'm not always sure. But in most of cases those are different people accessing the site from some huge ISP, like Verizon or Comcast. They are not duplicate accounts of the same person.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 01:12 other posts 

I have one other profile on here... Admin, can you post what it is please?
By #551147 24,Sep,19 02:10
Looks like a challenge to me...
By admin [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 04:04 other posts 
It would be a challenge if he was as important as he tries to convince others he is. There are even rumors that he is my arch enemy. In fact I mostly don't care about him and sometimes even find him entertaining.
By #551147 24,Sep,19 05:14
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 10:24 other posts 
Agree with Admin.. some think I have some beef with him... and it is not true at all.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 10:26 other posts 
Admin knows I love any negative branding, warning labels, etc on me page. ...
By admin [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 03:59 other posts 
I deleted 2 of your accounts 2 weeks ago:


and these 2 were deleted some time before:

If you opened others, I'm sure they will be detected quite soon. I see no reason to waste my time on it, you are actually way more predictable than you think. Usually I see your troll accounts in chatrooms just looking at them, no detection needed. But I don't visit them recently.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 04:23 other posts 
C'mon skiz is good for site. Like Eveready was, unless they getting wingdings and pizza they get angry lol.
By admin [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 04:35 other posts 
Eveready was a dumbass writting anti-semitic insults in public chat while living in a country where people actually get into prison or become untouchable (lose jobs, etc.) for anti-semitic insults they wrote on internet.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 04:47 other posts 
I was accused of that too. I get exactly what you mean. Just saying. I liked the old days but it's not a business proposition.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 07:11 other posts 
Awww I liked FL grandson that poor boy having hotpussy for a grandma running around Florida showing her 80 year old bits to who ever would look no wonder half the people down there are blind
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 10:24 other posts 

FL-Grandson was a very bad member!
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Sep,19 11:32 other posts 

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