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Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris...Which do you feel will prevail???

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Sep,20 03:45  other posts
Trump has been somewhat erratic at times...But look at Creepy sleepy uncle joe...Pence pretty clean, but not totally...Harris, now I wonder like I do with uncle joe...??? (I agree it is about 50/50 with the flaws concerning both parties)...༼☯﹏☯༽

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By #275407 07,Nov,22 14:54
Not to change the subject: but I really don't care who gets in office, but I DONOT like the man Donald trump because of the way he acts, I've liked some of his policies but not him. Living 30 minutes from him I hear a lot of local news about him and don't like the man. Anyone else but trump is exceptable.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 15:35 other posts 
You don't care who is in office? One party is a bunch of weaklings who ask the billionaires "May we please do something to appease our voters?" and the other party says "Democracy doesn't work for us anymore, so let's kill it!".

So, if you ever liked voting and plan to maybe do it again some day, and it not be just
for show, like in Russia, there is only one choice. And if you don't choose correctly,
then your only future choice will be Trump or some Trump-like figure.
By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 03:53 other posts 
Any choice as long as it is not a socialist democrap, would be a 100% improvement right now.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 19:26 other posts 
at least go vote to do your part to try to make things better.
It is a right so many died for you to have.
Don't dishonor them by staying home and not caring at all.
Everyone is not going to agree, that is why there is no less than 2 parties running for a office. What is missing is the ability of those 2 party's to work together for the common good.
By #275407 07,Nov,22 20:08
I would not vote for Biden either because he's too old to be in office, so if Biden and trump run off against each other, I won't vote for either nor will I waste my time standing in line to vote for an independent who will no way win either. In that case, I probably just go to the casino and gamble, isn't that the same as voting for someone that you won't know the end result
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Nov,22 06:19 other posts 
It's principled, but I would still always vote for the lesser evil.
One hint; nothing is more important than voting in the primaries.
That might prevent you from having to chose between two bad candidates.
By #610414 17,Nov,22 08:35
By #610414 17,Nov,22 08:44
Cody, Ananas is right. We don't always have the option of having a truly great candidate. We still have to vote. There's always one that's the lesser evil. Your vote could assure that the country gets the lesser evil. You owe it to this country that has provided you with a relatively free life where you can pursue your way of life as you like it. Look at it this way. Every two years your country needs an oil change. What does it take? A few hours. It's not a huge ask.
By #275407 17,Nov,22 19:04
I change my own oillol, anyway, I've never been to a polling place because I've always voted by mail.
By #610414 17,Nov,22 21:20
Great. Keep it up
By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,22 21:54 other posts 
Out of curiosity, may I ask why?
You seem to be a very healthy male capable of driving, walking and so forth to a polling place.
By #275407 18,Nov,22 00:04
By #275407 18,Nov,22 00:11
I have so many other things to do with my life, I hate politics and if I am going to do my so called job to vote, I want it to be less time consuming. I've voted for both democrat and republican. I don't like whose running on either side. If I can get someone who will keep social security, and Medicare strong, they will get my vote, that's all I care about. I care about me and only me. It's what I need. Not what's better for everyone else. Seems like there are several republicans that want to cut these two, yes, I've heard them say it, I voted for reagon, George h bush Obama, and Biden only because I don't like trump even though he had some good ideas, his mouth was the clincher. Now I don't know who to vote for, what we need is new younger with different ideas, strong defense, start building things here in the u.s. And help our own people here first. Stop sending money, aid and food that we need for our own to other countries, well you get the point. Space force. Oh, what I forgot, most people don't know this but the u.s. Has more oil under our own ground then anyone including Saudi Arabia, it's a FACT. let's start drilling our own oil and were down to three refineries when we used to have seven producing oil refineries that were shut down because it was cheaper to get oil overseas. Stop the greedy fucking Americans who just want to overcharge us for there own benefit. I can go on, don't get me started,,, I've said too much already.
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

Sorry for the half reprint, I guess technical problems
By #610414 18,Nov,22 09:52
Cody, that was magnificent. So you really do care. 😈
By #275407 18,Nov,22 17:38
I would vote for the devil if he gave me what I needed
By #275407 18,Nov,22 17:39
I would vote for the devil if he gave me what I needed, well maybe not the devil, but you know what I'm saying
--------------------------------------- added after 3 minutes

What's going on with the double postings
By phart [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 08:44 other posts 
sadly there registered democrats out there that if the Devil was running as a democrat and Jesus as a Republican, they would vote for the Devil simply because their great ,great grandpa voted democrat so they have to as well .

The real problem is the young people that could be or are running for office are to radical .Take AOC, not hard to look at, has a college education, and she is in a powerful position right now. but look at how radical her views are. very difficult to support someone that young with those views that are not based on any practical knowledge of how the world works.

That Green lady that ran again and won, she needs to quieten down a bit and just do her job. She runs her trap to much and makes her self look a bit silly.
By #610414 05,Dec,22 15:39
Phart the Devil was an angel in heaven, Jesus was a middle-east Black Jew.
There is a difference. 🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 05,Dec,22 21:00 other posts 
The devil was cast out of heaven, Jesus was Gods son, so yea, big difference. BUT
To a diehard democrat, if the devil ran as a democrat,the diehards would still vote democrat.
By #610414 06,Dec,22 08:15
Same if the Repuckers where running the devil.
By tecsan [Ignore] 18,Nov,22 22:29 other posts 
Have to agree here.
By tecsan [Ignore] 23,Nov,22 02:32 other posts 
Takes me 5-10 mins to vote.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Dec,22 21:02 other posts 
Yea, I live less than a mile from the voting booth in my area. it took about 10 minutes before I was in the cubical with my pen marking circles.
I voted early for the 2020 thing in case i died before election day I would at least be able to do my part and vote Trump to save America.
Voting in person is so easy.
I even hand the lady my license so she doesn't have to ask my name and etc . Saves her time and me having to repeat it all 10 times.
By tecsan [Ignore] 23,Nov,22 01:02 other posts 
You may not like his rhetoric and neither do I, but it keeps people interested. His policies beat the hell out of the puppet we have now.
By #610414 23,Nov,22 16:00
Hitler made Germany an industrial giant. Musolini made the Italian trains run on time. History is full of leaders who had great ideas...............on the backs of their subjects
By phart [Ignore] 23,Nov,22 19:58 other posts 
and the democrats wouldn't think of doing such?
Yea right.
Just look at all the fools paying union dues .
Tesla workers get the same benefits union workers get if not better. and they don't have to pay union dues.
They are just expected to do their jobs to the best of their ability and EARN the money.
And be honest, if people didn't have someone watching over them and encouraging them by whatever means to work, nothing would get done.
By #610414 24,Nov,22 11:19
There are states that have laws against union membership as a condition of employment. These are called right to work states. This means a prospective employee does not have to join a union to work there. This makes it very hard for a union to succeed at a job. Since union membership costs dues and non-members get the same benefits, soon, the union doesn't make money to be profitable (unions are businesses too). The union declares they will stop working for the members at the end of the contract. Employers know this and try very hard to discourage new employees from joining the union. The fools are the employees that don't join. As soon as the union is out, they can lay off whom they want and start paying much less. The union is not there so an employee can be lazy. I've known several union members get fired for not producing. Here's something to consider:
"Oct 14, 2020 — Analysis of the polling data shows that active union members are actually more Republican than non-union members"
Perhaps, they know conservative (like most employers) bosses will screw them without protection from a union.
BTW, you have a piss-poor view of your fellow man.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Dec,22 20:40 other posts 
BTW,you are looking thru rose colored glasses in reference to your fellow man.
I have friends that have worked union jobs. Postal workers and others. Postal warehouse workers move a couple trucks full of mail, go sleep in their cars until another truck comes in. While yet another employee ,that has been asleep for 3 hours while the trucks were being unloaded, comes out and sweeps the damn floor. ALL THE WHILE< their pay check keeps coming.
Fire the floor sweeper and put the damn broom in the freight handlers hands is the smart thing to do ,but no, that's not their job and the union protects them from doing something other than their exact job. Fuck the fact the company is having to pay them a hefty wage to SLEEP.
Look at the recent rail strike threat recently. This country is just barely getting it's head above water after the wuhan virus thing and now the workers want MORE.
I have newspapers here from the 40's and some of the front page stuff ,is in reference to Rail workers wanting more money or more this and that.That is giving the union way to much power over the economy and the country.You know well as I do,if the railroad stops, trucks can't fill the gap entirely. So all those people have to do is whine and threat to strike and they get more and more and we as Americans, wind up paying more and more.
By #610414 05,Dec,22 21:02
A business doesn't have to sign a contract with the union, but, they know they will make some good profits if they do. If you think you have a better idea, by all means, sell it to the unionized businesses.

By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Nov,22 03:51 other posts 
Cody, I really do not like the way little old brandon acts. The difference being that brandon's policies suck and Trump's made the US a better place. Under Trump we led, with brandon we are being laughed at.
By #610414 24,Nov,22 11:27
Led what? We got out of the Nuclear Proliferation treaty. Put down NATO and the UN. Laughed at the organizations to stop pollution. Insulted many world leaders. Screwed up international trade. Insulted several religions. And was friends with some of the worst leaders of the world. More than that, because of his habitual lying, we became the laughing stock of the world.
Give a Biden every time over that Clown. As a matter of fact, if it comes to that again, I will, AGAIN, vote for Biden.
By phart [Ignore] 24,Nov,22 19:10 other posts 
Yea, and look at afganistan. Trump had the plans in place and biden screwed the pooch.
Look at all the wasted military equipment and money we are handing ukraine, only for them to get nuked sometime shortly or be decimated by the destroyed nuclear plant.
Our oil reserves were filled while it was cheap, biden has blown them out our ass, the turkey i ate some of today was over 50 bucks! for a fucking turkey,we didn't pay that under Trump.
And etc.
But folks like you with piles of money aren't being hurt by bidens agenda. Until it takes something off your plate you won't care or understand.
By #610414 24,Nov,22 21:23
You look at Afghanistan. Millions of dollars spent daily. What plans did the Clown have? NONE. The other day you complained the oil reserves were not being used to bring gas prices down. Now you complain because the reserves are being used? We are not rich and we live on our retirement and savings. Inflation affects us as much as anybody. We just don't go around blaming anyone in particular.
By phart [Ignore] 25,Nov,22 09:58 other posts 
So you can't see or won't look at who is behind it all?
Trump had a plan setup ,he also had the enemy informed of the consequences if they didn't do as agreed to. that much I remember.Trump had no fear of reminding people like the taliwackers and north korea that we as in the US had the bigger button. that instilled fear into those people that they best not mess with us.

I will give the taliban credit where it is due, they seem to be taking care of their country and not harming us lately.So long as they stay there and don't harm us, we should give them the same respect. What they do in their own borders is their bussiness. Not ours.
I can't remember complaining, I feel sure I did, but at the time putting out a small amount of oil wouldn't have hurt. But just opening the valve and not closing it has, and the shipping it overseas didn't do any good either .Releasing for use HERE makes more sense than sending it over there.
By #610414 25,Nov,22 10:48
That last sentence kinda makes sense. What do you think of letting an American Oil company drilling for oil in Venezuela?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Nov,22 11:52 other posts 
Well if the company buys the land and drills it,fine. it would bring jobs to those people and oil for us.
We need oil worse than we need jobs right now here in the US. Plenty of jobs,just no one wanting to work.
By #610414 26,Nov,22 10:02
It was not shipped overseas. It was used to bring gas prices down
By tecsan [Ignore] 26,Nov,22 23:51 other posts 
Are you sure??? only registered users can see external links
By #610414 27,Nov,22 08:56
Why does the US not use its own oil?
And yet that same report reveals that the U.S. imported 7.86 million barrels of oil per day last year. That happens because of a combination of economics and chemistry. The economics are simple: overseas oil, even after shipping costs, is often cheaper than domestically-produced crude.Mar 8, 2022
By tecsan [Ignore] 28,Nov,22 02:00 other posts 
In answer to to your first question, you tell me why...think. The one you previously gave does not hold with libturd beliefs. They always slip when they think they are winning. Since when did the democraps let money get in the way of anything?
By #610414 28,Nov,22 18:45
Because, my dear lollipop, at the end of the day, except for a few issues, a Democrat and a Republican are interchangeable.
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Dec,22 01:56 other posts 
But my dear 'lollipop', I do believe that the buck stops at the white house, check history regarding democraps.
By #610414 01,Dec,22 10:42
With inflation that would be $5.37 🤣🤣😈
By tecsan [Ignore] 29,Nov,22 00:53 other posts 
Yes I know many bullies feel insulted when they get stood up to. Most are wimps like you know who.
By #606653 28,Nov,22 00:18
Biden is not of this world. He's from outer space as the alien cunt that gets all sperm slurpings from abductions and swallows it whole..

Just like BJUK.

By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Nov,22 01:28 other posts 
Not to focus on one person, so does anyone think we are being laughed at now?
By phart [Ignore] 30,Nov,22 10:09 other posts 
only registered users can see external links
Yea, I would say so.

By phart [Ignore] 25,Nov,22 11:50 other posts 
only registered users can see external links

Priority's people, think!Everyone else is,the us isn't.

By #610414 24,Nov,22 13:11
I want to wish all my site friends and acquaintances a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving. I hope you get to spend the day with your family and friends. Love you all. ❤️🥰😈

By #610414 13,Nov,22 11:12
Outgoing GOP Gov. Larry Hogan says Trump has cost the Republican party the last three elections
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Nov,22 06:32 other posts 
It's Republican voters who are responsible, for voting in an extremist.
But, your future isn't safe yet, because Democrats fight Republican fire with milk toast.
This fire can only be fought back with fire.
By #610414 17,Nov,22 08:34
I agree but I doubt that will happen. Extremism contains a good dose of hatred and the liberals of this country find it hard to fight with that level of hatred.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Nov,22 21:56 other posts 
Really,after watching the democrats try to impeach our President TWICE we are to believe somehow they can't hate at a extreme level? HAHAHAHAHAH yea right. talk about spewing bullshit.
By #610414 18,Nov,22 07:49
No one suggested they didn't hate that son of a bitch, traitorous insurrectionist. That shame for not finding him guilty belongs squarely on the Senate Republicans shoulders and now you are reaping what you've shown.

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