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Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris...Which do you feel will prevail???

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Sep,20 03:45  other posts
Trump has been somewhat erratic at times...But look at Creepy sleepy uncle joe...Pence pretty clean, but not totally...Harris, now I wonder like I do with uncle joe...??? (I agree it is about 50/50 with the flaws concerning both parties)...༼☯﹏☯༽

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By CountryCouple54 [Ignore] 31,Aug,22 13:52 other posts 
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By tecsan [Ignore] 31,Aug,22 04:25 other posts 
Trump 2024

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Aug,22 17:22 other posts 
Beto O'Rourke is flipping Republicans to Democrats in Texas.
They just want healthcare. Is that too much to ask?
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By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Aug,22 01:51 other posts 
We will see how many ignorant ones flip. I still say NY can send people here to promote the democratic party. All that are on the bus will turn republican and never return. Trump 2024
By #610414 22,Aug,22 11:34
Why would anyone want to live in a state that wants to control all the parts of your life? It's one thing to be a red state. Republicanism is not my cup of tea, but, it's ok. Living in a theocracy with fascist tendencies where people are treated like inferior subjects may be ok to the type of people that inhabit Texas. Most people want out of there.
Here's Beto flipping another one.

'Beto O'Rourke flips LIFELONG Republican in EPIC display'
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She says the Republican party left her, she didn't leave them. I don't know what she ever saw in the Republican party, but I agree that it is even more horrible now.

'They're just mean'
By phart [Ignore] 19,Aug,22 11:20 other posts 
shows how deep the democrats heads are in the sand if all they care about is health care.It is but 1 of many of life's expense's.
By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Aug,22 00:26 other posts 
When is the free EV for everyone going to come into play. Maybe even one of them unsightly windmills for my properties will also be offered for free. Socialist always want things for free except when you tell them how much will be withheld from they're monthly earnings for the services.
"health care.It is but 1 of many of life's expense's."?

Often it's an expense needed to save you life. After, housing and food (and income
to have both), healthcare is the most important for people to stay alive.
It's strange that I should remind you about that.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Aug,22 22:15 other posts 
I went to work for a employer that provided health coverage, and still does, just not the "best" . I would rather had something better but it is much better than nothing at all.
By #610414 22,Aug,22 11:35
That's one of the things they want. Don't tell me it's not one of yours, but, all other problems are just as important
By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Aug,22 06:36 other posts 
I think Robert Francis O'Rourke is running off the dems, honestley.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Aug,22 05:46 other posts 
Winning in Texas as a Democrat is almost impossible off course,
but he's doing better than expected.

By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Aug,22 04:17 other posts 
An idiot democrat advised me last date that the keystone pipeline would not benefit us because all the oil from it was going to go to other countries. He further stated that we have plenty of oil, but we do not have the means to refine all of it. Does this sound ignorant to anyone else?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Aug,22 06:06 other posts 
Who's the idiot that didn't even understand what the progressive said?

The keystone pipeline would increase your supply by only 3%.
It would not lower your oil price, because the oil price is set by the global market.
The global oil shortage is caused by sanctions on Russia and by oil companies ramping down drilling during covid and not ramping it up again. They now make more profits than ever. Adding 3% more oil to the supply of the US would not lower the global oil price. There is more than enough capacity in the US, to increase the supply by 3% today.

But my reason to be against the keystone pipeline is not because of the oil price,
but because Canada is destroying their forests, to scrape away a thin layer of dirty oil.
One cause for climate change is deforestation. Even phart agreed with that.
Canada destroys forests for your gas and you're ignorant about that.

I have never said that you did not have the means to refine all of it.
You either made that up, or you didn't understand. There probably would be
the means to refine it, but it's irrelevant to my point.

By #610414 22,Aug,22 07:09
Oil companies are closing refinery operations for whatever reason
By tecsan [Ignore] 26,Aug,22 03:39 other posts 
No oil to refine.
By #610414 26,Aug,22 07:31
That is total bullshit. Check your facts Tecsan
By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Aug,22 01:45 other posts 
Check it out. Why sell all you have when you can hold on and make more. My comment was mis-leading. But still in the end it comes down to having the oil to sell. Why sell today when it will be worth more tomorrow. Thank your democrat idiots fot that. only registered users can see external links
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 05:57 other posts 
"Why sell today when it will be worth more tomorrow"
Supply and demand, controlled by the free market economy,
of privately owned oil companies, controlling supply and choosing
to not ramp-up production enough, to keep prices high.

That's what I have been saying all along, but it's not the Democrats, stupid.
It's the strategy of the oil companies, who are making record profits.

The Democrats proposed anti-price gauging laws and all the Republicans voted against it, so it's the Republicans who are helping the oil companies, keeping the
oil and gas prices high.
By #610414 29,Aug,22 08:59
So, it's not Old Joe's fault then. Perhaps now you'll realize that gas prices are manipulated by the oil companies. The wild swing in prices is the results of board room decisions in the oil companies of the world.
By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Aug,22 03:55 other posts 
Screw us and save the forests. Nice concept for a liberal to take. Think about it for a moment.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 05:48 other posts 
I have thought about it; I care more about the forests than you having slightly cheaper gas.

How about thinking of solutions for once? Canada has about six billion barrels of remaining oil reserves located outside the oil sands. The US could make a deal with Canada to stop destroying forests and only extract the six billion barrels that is extractable with much less damage to nature. Than you only need to go around the lands of natives, to restart the Keystone XL pipeline project.
Think about it for a moment.
By tecsan [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 22:01 other posts 
I know ecosystem and all that crap. You keep missing the damn point. Phase in your green crap over time. Try 30 years for starters. Why crash the economy over the price of what you call 'petrol'.
By #610414 29,Aug,22 11:12
You can save the forest and us too. Only a person with limited understanding of how things work would think otherwise. Just by realizing that humans have a prime directive to SAVE OURSELVES negates your way of thinking.
By tecsan [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 23:13 other posts 
You still talk crap.
By #610414 30,Aug,22 09:20
But, intelligent, truthful crap

By tecsan [Ignore] 28,Aug,22 00:17 other posts 
The US will be took back by the conservatives in 2024. Any bets on that?
By #610414 29,Aug,22 11:15
Yes. I'm not sure if Old Joe will take it, but, I bet a Democrat will. And if the midterms go red, then, by 2024 people will know how big a bunch of liers the right is.
I would have no idea. The only bet I would be willing to make is that it wouldn't be 'Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris' like the title of this topic.
By #610414 29,Aug,22 18:00
Amen to that

By #629627 27,Aug,22 19:41
Oh my lord are these cretins still spouting their brain dead thick as pig shit know nothing political opinions on a dick showing site?
Do it a bar somewhere
By phart [Ignore] 27,Aug,22 19:46 other posts 
Yea,sadly there are some liberals on here that just can't stand America and want it brought to it's knees.
By #629627 27,Aug,22 19:49
Yep. Thats what I meant.
By #610414 29,Aug,22 08:54
Phart who made you an authority on liberals? Let me remind you that it's you, the conservatives, that are championing MAGA. You are the ones that want to change America. Before that misigionistic traitorous Nazi we call the
ex-president, America was in really good shape. Now thanks to him and all the idiots that follow him, this country is severely divided and democracy is in danger of leaving this once glorious land. There's a lot of things that should stay the same, but, as a liberal, I know this country should get rid of this Chritian ultra right. They are NOT Christians and destroying this country using the uneducated or semi-educated to do so.
By #610414 29,Aug,22 08:42
Cretins, Bannon? The forums have oodles of subjects. Most are idiotic ones like "Am I gay because I like to suck dick?" Why are you questioning this thread's purpose? The forums are like a radio or TV. You don't like the program? Change the channel.

By tecsan [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 00:08 other posts 
Who would like to see a debate between biden or cheny and Trump?
By phart [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 10:05 other posts 
Common sense from Trump, word salad from biden, and back stabbing bullshit from cheney.no gain would be had by anyone from those 3 in the same room debating the color of the sky.
By #610414 26,Aug,22 07:53
Common sense from the Clown? Phart, how much more crap has to come out for you to realize that man has no sense. Even many Republicans say so. As far as Liz Cheney, she is a staunch Republican just like her father. Her only "crime" is that she cared more for her country and democracy than supporting a Hitler wannabe. This country is worse off now that she was defeated by a "the Clown won" asshole.

By tecsan [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 01:14 other posts 
Word of the day in a song. Ananas2xlekker

By #610414 22,Aug,22 17:21
3rd resident of The Villages admits to voting twice in the 2020 election
(They are republicans)

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Well, what do you know. The Repuckers were right. Voter fraud is rampant………..they ought to know 🤣

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Aug,22 16:17 other posts 
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At the end, the presenter said he would love your comments.
There are no right-wingers there commenting on it. Only 'loony lefties'.
One comment that I liked was: "Tis better to remain Silent & thought a Fool,
than open one's mouth & remove all doubt." ~ Abraham Lincoln

Don't you think you need to go set them straight?
By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Aug,22 22:55 other posts 
Not even in this country and yet you follow and argue our politics. Why the interest in US politics? You need more than google to keep up. Try actually living here.

Bet I can guess the interest. Do our politics really affect your country so much?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Aug,22 17:39 other posts 
'Try actually living here.'
There are a lot of countries I prefer over the US, so no thanks.

'Do our politics really affect your country so much?'
The US will decide the fate of humanity in the next (few) decade(s).
Or less, if the worst comes to pass.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Jul,22 06:47 other posts 
Gas prices are coming down, so Fox 'News' is blaming Biden for screwing over “Mom n Pop” gas stations, that are now supposedly not making a profit anymore. This is off course bullshit, because gas stations make consistently like half a penny a gallon on gas.
They only make a profit on people buying snacks, sandwiches and so on, in the store.
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Gas prices go up, Fox 'News' vilifies Biden.
Gas prices go down, Fox 'News' vilifies Biden.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jul,22 09:57 other posts 
I will borrow cat's copy paste idea here.I posted this yesterday.
Oil closed today july 12th at $95.84
Wholesale gas, 3.26
Now, the reason I bring this up is that biden is going over to the middle east to "ask", more like "beg" the arabs to make more oil. note the date of this web article.
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Note the dates of this web article.
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The price fell today, BEFORE biden made the trip.
BUT I am willing to bet, that the media will try to make it appear this is a result of bidens visit, which has not happened yet.thus a destined to fail attempt to save votes perhaps?

And to top it off, the opec folks had already decided to increase production 50% in july.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Jul,22 10:26 other posts 
I didn't even know Biden tried to do anything. As a capitalist isn't this what you want; ask the big companies nicely to not screw the people? Or would you want your government to take control of the oil industry and the oil prices? That's what a socialist would do.

What do you want Biden to do? What would Trump do?

Democrats initiated a law against price gouging by the oil industry. All Democrats
(apart from 4 corporate, oil industry funded assholes) voted in favor of the law.
ALL REPUBLICANS voted against it. So the oil industry can keep price gouging you.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jul,22 14:15 other posts 
Trump ok'd the Keystone pipeline .insuring us oil in the future. and a future of oil independence. Trump filled our oil reserves while it was very cheap,a smart move. Now biden has drained it,sending some of it to CHINA of all fucking places.

biden could withdraw his order on that and it would show the world we won't be held captive to the middle east.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Jul,22 07:34 other posts 
'a future of oil independence'? It's Canadian oil!

Trump could easily fill the oil reserves, because demand for oil was at a minimum, due to Covid. The price of oil was below zero. Any dumb-ass would fill the reserves to the absolute maximum. However, when all the reserves were full and oil tankers filled to the brim and not allowed to unload, oil companies stopped production. That takes time to ramp up again. They are almost back to the previous record production.
The only reason why they didn't ramp it up further, was to increase the price and
recover the loss they made during the crisis. But since then, they made record profits. That is price gauging. No pipeline will fix that.

It was a good decision to lower the oil reserves. You fill them when prices are low
and you drain them when prices are high. That's what they are intended for.

The oil market operates on a global level. Higher prices are the results of changes
to supply and demand on a global basis, not just in the US. Selling oil to countries
that have an even higher demand than the US, will lower the price of oil globally.
If you only listen to right-wing media, you don't learn anything.
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By phart [Ignore] 14,Jul,22 09:09 other posts 
that global crap is what needs to stop.
We should use our own resources and if theirs are cheaper ,then buy from them.
THat would allow us to get the best price.
Letting other country's decide what we pay is WRONG.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Jul,22 07:22 other posts 
I might even agree with that. OPEC is just a cartel. They only exist to maximize
the profits of oil companies. Don't complain to me, because that's capitalism.
Europe is leading the fight against cartels. Republicans are trying to weaken antitrust laws or its enforcement constantly. Remember the baby formula shortage?
The people will suffer the consequences, when the government lets one company (or just a few) buy up all the others or when they are allowed to conspire on supply and price with each other.

But I don't think you are correct that you would get the best price. Your country doesn't own the oil companies, drilling away the oil from under your feet. They will just sell their oil to the highest bidder. When everyone pays the same, there is less incentive to play all the refineries in different countries off against each other.

So on the one hand that global oil price can screw you sometimes,
but on the other hand it could screw you even more when it's abolished.

One benefit of renewables is that there is a whole lot of different technologies, manufacturers and providers competing with each other. It's getting so much cheaper now that staying with fossil fuels is just dumb financially. Sure, the investments are expensive initially, but the return is just awesome. I'm so happy
with my solar panels right now. I'm working on changing our gas hob to induction,
but it's just a little complicated. I want to have it done before my power contract expires, because the next one is sure to be 5x more expensive on natural gas.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Jul,22 18:15 other posts 
I guess you missed that link I posted about the Ford Lightning and it's poor mileage range while towing within it's rated capacity.
But in europes case, solar may be a more viable option than here in the US because of the lack of natural resources at home.
what is a gas Hob?
By #610414 09,Aug,22 11:44
ENOUGH WITH THIS KEYSTONE PIPELINE BS. The pipeline already exists. It's longer than if the "REROUTING OF THE ORIGINAL KEYSTONE PIPELINE PROJECT" Had gone through. Oil is still flowing. Flowing if the Canadian company and the Canadian government wants it to.
Ananas is right. Price of gas goes up and Biden gets blamed. Prices of gas goes down and Biden is trying to screw the Ma and Pa gas owners. Biden has little to do with that.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 12:18 other posts 
Enough of this stop blaming biden shit.
He guaranteed foreign country's control over our energy resources and their cost for the next several years until we can get back on track. biden did that with a ink pen the first few hours he was in office.
The gas prices are going down because everyone has burnt up their credit cards thinking the increase was temporary and they could catch back up later.think about that.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 12:45
And what does that prove? You can buy gas now? So what? The oil companies are still making obscene profits. I asked you once and you didn't respond well. Let me ask you again. Would you prefer for the Frds to nationalize the oil companies?
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 22:12 other posts 
NO, I would prefer the feds got their noses out of the oil business and stopped regulating them and prohibiting them from drilling and running pipelines.
I can understand the need for oversight to make sure pipes can withstand pressure and not leak. This helps protect the losses of profit from oil and protects the environment folks are so concerned about.
but to just flat out stop a pipeline because it is going UNDER a lake or something is stupid. you can bet if it was low income housing and the indians lake was in the way it would be condemed and taken from them for a song and dance and the housing would be built pronto. But since it is for oil,oh fuck that,we don't Americans traveling and enjoying life and being able to get to work any way.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 22:48
I don't think you've been reading the headlines. In order to get this huge bill through, Biden opened up leasing rights in the Gulf and Pacific. You confuse me. You want the Feds to do something about the cost of gas and with the same breath you want them to stay out. Witch is it?
If you want gas to be cheaper, nothing beats complete nationalization.
If all the revenue goes directly back into the treasury, the government doesn't need to tax you, after all the oil executives and shareholders got their cut.

Now you have some strange loophole, where the government decide where oil companies can drill for oil, the oil companies make their profits and pay their executives and shareholders AND they pay your politicians, to keep supporting the system that enriches those executives and shareholders.

Unless you are a big shareholder, you are not profiting at all from that system.
A nationalized system would profit you, like it does for countries like Norway, where the people enjoy a Government Pension Fund, because of their oil. only registered users can see external links
And that oil has also paid for their complete transition to renewable energy.
Now Norway is one of the biggest electricity exporters in Europe, selling via cables to the UK, Germany, The Netherlands and Denmark.
Maybe 'gas hob' is British.
According to google translate, a 'gaskookplaat' is a 'gas hob'.
It's a cooktop on natural gas.
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You might be right that natural gas is more expensive in Europe, but in Groningen, which is in the north of The Netherlands, we have the largest natural gas field in Europe, which is just a bit smaller than the natural gas field in Hugoton, USA. It's just that Iran, Qatar and Russia have much more.
Russia used to provide it cheaply and reliably mainly to Germany, Austria and
the Baltic countries. That deal is not looking as 'convenient' as it used to.
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Aug,22 01:37 other posts 
Any one here care to translate the above?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Aug,22 15:14 other posts 
Translate what? There is one British word and one Dutch word in the whole comment and I explained both.

It's not like I was writing Chinese:
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 04:42 other posts 
By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Aug,22 04:02 other posts 
Another #2 link.
By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Aug,22 03:29 other posts 
Ananas2xlekker::You are sounding ridiculously 'stupid'.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Aug,22 17:32 other posts 
You are the one without an answer to the question.
You can only ridicule Democrats, because you were taught to do so,
but you have no other ideas than the propaganda that is fed to you.
I know, because I inform myself about that propaganda on a daily basis
and understand how weak of a mind it takes to believe it.
By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 01:47 other posts 
Reread what you posted and tell me that is what you meant. You may have a punctuation error here I think.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 05:46 other posts 
It is exactly what I meant.
Gas prices have dropped for 7 straight weeks. Did Fox News give him credit?
No off course not, they came up with some BS story about it affecting gas stations.
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 02:13 other posts 
Ahaa haa. I thought so, now the illustrious question mark appears after the Fox News sentence. REREAD the original as you posted it. Gas prices are coming down, so Fox 'News' is blaming Biden for screwing over “Mom n Pop” gas stations, that are now supposedly not making a profit anymore. This was a little confusing.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Aug,22 07:38 other posts 
That's what Fox 'News' did. They claimed it was bad that gas prices were dropping
and blamed Biden, because it would be bad for 'Mom n Pop' gas stations.

What part of it didn't you understand?
By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 23:42 other posts 
Why are you so concerned about American politics. Hell, has little effect on you.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Aug,22 07:47 other posts 
Are you delirious? Every fart in American politics comes to haunt us.

If the US is not just involved in our politics directly, which is often.
Americans here were debating if Biden should stop The Nord Stream 1 pipeline.
Ever looked on the map where that pipeline goes?

You don't like it when I have opinions about The Keystone XL pipeline, which would make up 3% of U.S. crude oil imports, a tiny part of your oil demand, but a big impact on Canada's forests and your natives. The US oil reserves are large enough compensate for that. However, your oil companies would rather import even more and then export the products to the rest of the world. Understandable, but not indispensable.
However, destroying forests is affecting climate change and thus everyone.

Before the start of Russia's war in Ukraine, 55% of natural gas consumed in Germany was imported from Russia. Germany is the strongest economy in Europe. Any disruption to their economy affects the whole of Europe and potentially loosing 55% of a vital resource is a huge disruption. I am a big supporter of the transition of natural gas (especially from Russia) to renewable energy sources, but we can't do it overnight. Many countries are starting to use coal again, which is worse for climate change.
By #610414 11,Aug,22 08:47
Tecsan, haven't you heard that old saying? When the US gets a cold, the rest of the world gets the flu?
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Aug,22 03:09 other posts 
Can you tell me the difference between a so called 'cold' and influenza. Hmmm. think hard. Duh, I am not sure but think both are pretty much synonymous.
By #610414 12,Aug,22 05:20
'When the US gets a cold, the rest of the world gets the flu'

I have heard that saying before and I can confirm it's true.
European leaders really have their work cut out for them, to change that.
We should be a lot more self sufficient, economically and military.
Because we cannot not trust the USA anymore to protect our democratic values.

There was some truth in the things Trump said. However, he wanted us to pay more for our protection, by paying the USA. That we shouldn't do. We should not just buy arms from the USA, we should make our own. And not by making arms dealers rich, so they have an incentive to keep the world at war, but by public funding of our own arms industry, which would create the arms we need at cost price, provide honest pay to workers, engineers and leadership, but wouldn't enrich an unnecessarily large top management, not any shareholders and off course no politicians.

For a military weapons industry, I support a communist system; fully owned and controlled by our government(s) and directly funded by taxes. And those weapons shouldn't ever be sold outside of Europe. If Hungary keeps electing fascists like Orbán, they shouldn't have European weapons to protect themselves from Russia either. Because they cannot be trusted to use them wisely or might even use them against us. They will need to chose between democracy, judicial independence and human rights or being a bitch for Putin.
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 00:13 other posts 
Socialist trying to explain. SERIOUSLY.
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 00:15 other posts 
Wow, Trump spoke some truth, maybe I am wrong.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 18:23 other posts 
I would love to see the day that europe was no longer sucking on Americas hind teat for military help.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 19:37 other posts 
'military help'? Like starting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Or because the US sells Europe weapons to give to Ukraine?

All your wars after WWII were because of American interests only.
The only thing close to 'helping' is that the US was our friend,
so the other bullies wouldn't dare attack us. But you did want our
lunch money and copy our homework for that.
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Aug,22 03:05 other posts 
Yep, I agree that biden is for screwing over 'Mom and Pop' gas stations. Punctuation really says a lot.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 12,Aug,22 09:28 other posts 
Exactly, blame him for rising gas prices AND blame him for dropping gas prices.
Republicans and their supporters are immune to hypocrisy.
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 01:43 other posts 
Stay with the in crowd and agree like a pawn. Most socialists do agree with the ones around them. I can think for myself.
By #610414 13,Aug,22 10:40
Thinking for yourself rarely means the thinker gets it right😈
By tecsan [Ignore] 13,Aug,22 22:35 other posts 
Any statistics on that?
By phart [Ignore] 14,Aug,22 07:19 other posts 
cat with that statement, are you saying or admitting, liberals are not intelligent and unable to think for themselves? That a supreme being or intellect is required to lead you by the emotions right over a cliff?
By #610414 14,Aug,22 08:39
No. That statement was for one individual but it could apply to the author of this post. People, all people, have prime values. Don't kill, be helpful, take care of your children, give help and shelter to the needy. Yet, for whatever reason, they allow themselves to be convinced to go against or affirm these values. When that happens, that's when we became liberal, concervative, or anything in between. Us liberals don't own smartness, but, by definition, we are more apt to go on our own to seek new ideas. By the same yardstick, the definition of a concervative is "Let me sit on my ass and do nothing to change life, even if it means that the prime value, "Don't kill", is ignored." Listen, Phart, you support a way of thinking that I can't accept and visa versa. I suggest we accept it.
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Aug,22 05:01 other posts 
Brandon is a bitch. Worse president in US History.
By #610414 14,Aug,22 08:42
Maybe, Tecsan, except for Trump. How can you keep a straight face and make a statement like that after what happened this week?
By tecsan [Ignore] 14,Aug,22 22:29 other posts 
The truth shall set you free.

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