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pathetic hypocrisy from our government

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by phart [Ignore] 13,Jul,21 08:13  other posts
The White House is blaming the riots in Cuba on the wuhan virus.
The democrats are showing their true colors now. Republicans freed the slaves in the 1860's and understand still to this day what freedom is and what it means.
But yet,the coast guard is warning Americans to not take supplys to Cuba.BUT YET that same fucking government has no problem sending supplies to the ukraine and the middle east.
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Now I could understand a little concern if people were carrying weapons to the cubans,but medicine? WATER

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 16,Jul,21 16:53 other posts 
Try living in Europ for gas
By #592419 16,Jul,21 19:19
It's a different setup.. The luxory of public transportation makes it easier to choose alternative.. Here in most of this country it is a necessity.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 09:45 other posts 
that is true in cities. I live in the countryside , it takes me 20 min by car to go to work, by public transport it would take me 3 hours
By #592419 17,Jul,21 12:23
If you are fortunate to have PT at all. In USA if you don't live in a super city its forget it you are stranded. Oil is a deal maker or breaker in this country..
By phart [Ignore] 16,Jul,21 19:55 other posts 
Well,I don't know the history on it but it might behoove you to go back in history and see when the price of fuel became so much higher in europe than other countrys.Then we could see what happened.THen the PEOPLE need to take action.IF they can vote in new leaders that will solve the problems of high fuel prices.I have a strong feeling the environmentalist won't let the fuel prices be adjusted.They love to see people suffer.
Seems I remember they even have a horse power tax. that sucks.

As for public transportation.Last time I read something about the new york subway system they had a lady that was going around LICKING all the handrails and stuff. People pee all over the subways and such.Public transportation is filthy and like in new york,is a good example of why public transportation is BAD.IT helped the virus spread faster.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 12:32 other posts 
Good public transport costs money.
That's part of what the infrastructure spending is meant for.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 12:48 other posts 
How long will it stay "good" before it is filthy and unmaintained and no one wants to use it?

By #592419 15,Jul,21 16:01
Are you paying more for gas today than you did during the Trump Administration?
Hotel rooms, flights, car rentals?
Clothes, shoes?
Joe Biden’s America!

Democrats want to ban voter ID more than the Russians want to ban drug testing at the Olympics.

Joe Biden’s America!
By #574505 15,Jul,21 16:04
Yes put gas yesterday it was 3.65 a gallon
By #592419 15,Jul,21 16:05
By #592419 15,Jul,21 16:08
Protestors in Cuba and Hong Kong seem to love the American flag more than some of our Olympic athletes.
By #592419 15,Jul,21 16:09
If President Biden wants to get people back to work, then he should stop paying them to stay home.
With your tax dollars!
By #275407 15,Jul,21 16:30
A Costco membership of 20.00 is all you need for buying their gas
--------------------------------------- added after 5 hours

Sorry about the long list of gas stations printed, I didn't think it would print them all.
By #592419 16,Jul,21 08:47
No sorry's allowed in forum. This is a no holds barred area. Your ideas and thinking involve precisness and accuracy. You are also smart enough and know how to use resource effectively. Nothing wrong with that.
Gasoline was under $2 a gallen, biden closed the pipeline and abondoned his people throwing shit on them in laughter. I can go on and on but what you see here now,, it is going to get worse. A whole lot unfortunately. The only hope we have is to survive untill late 2022, vote responsibly and this time create a voting systeem so that it is not possible to fraudulate our votes.. Ever. I sincerely hope we can because if we don't...... Not to say it hasn't happened already.
By #275407 17,Jul,21 03:02
I don't think that will ever happen
By #275407 15,Jul,21 16:19
I only pay 3.29 for 93 octane, 2.99 for 87 octane here in ft,lauderdale. At u-gas gas station. I'm fine with that, Europeans pay four times as much for gas,,
--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes


3333 University Blvd
Winter Park, FL
Price Reporter Icon annette2119
3 hours ago

Membership Pricing
Pay At Pump
Membership Required


Aug 06 2017
Great station. Only open during business hours. Mon-Fri: 10AM-8:30PM Sat: 9:30AM-6:30PM Sun: 10AM-6PM


Sam's Club

2575 Gulf-to-Bay Blvd
Clearwater, FL
Price Reporter Icon ClwFL
1 hour ago

Membership Pricing
Pay At Pump
Loyalty Discount
Membership Required


Sep 12 2017
if you need gas, they have it. they have employees out directing people to the pumps as well so they are fairly organized in all the craziness.



1890 S University Dr
Davie, FL
Price Reporter Icon mgibby
3 hours ago

Pay At Pump
Membership Required


Dec 24 2016
Lines always move quickly. Usually has the best prices in the area.



2655 Gulf to Bay Blvd
Clearwater, FL
Price Reporter Icon smimach
3 hours ago

Membership Pricing
Pay At Pump
Loyalty Discount
Membership Required


Mar 02 2018
Always clean, little to no lines, and the best prices on Top Tier gasoline.



8712 W Linebaugh Ave
Tampa, FL
Price Reporter Icon DataFeed
2 hours ago

Pay At Pump
Membership Required


Dec 27 2017
Cheapest around! Always an attendant nearby. Very clean, tons of pumps.



26996 US-19
Clearwater, FL
Price Reporter Icon evil16
3 hours ago

Pay At Pump
Air Pump
Membership Required


Jul 11 2019
quick easy and attendant was helpful



6690 Stirling Rd
Davie, FL
Price Reporter Icon enzo3664
3 hours ago

Car Wash
Pay At Pump
Air Pump
Service Station
Loyalty Discount
Membership Required


Feb 26 2019
This gas station is always cheating on the pricing with the cash and credit price. They talk about the station next door Rocket fuel which it always has the best price on Stirling all the time SAME PRICE! They claim Rocket fuel doesn't have good fuel yet they buy fuel from the same fuel company. Makes you wonder that this is all they can do when they can't beat the competitor. I've pumped in many Rocket Fuels not just this one and my car runs smooth and gives me more mileage. That's why I keep coming and it bothers when people put false information!



13363 Beach Blvd
Jacksonville, FL
Price Reporter Icon BRONXBOY127
1 hour ago

Pay At Pump
Air Pump


Aug 17 2019
To all the people submitting prices please stop. This station is under construction and not even open yet! The one you're looking for is on Beach and Central Parkway.



4401 SW 8th St
Miami, FL
Price Reporter Icon kaycee2581
49 minutes ago

Offers Cash Discount
Loyalty Discount


Oct 06 2018
Good visit


By phart [Ignore] 15,Jul,21 18:54 other posts 
The cheapest gas around here is 2.87. Strange how the europeans have been conditioned to pay more for fuel although they are close enough to the source that transportation should be cheaper.
The nearest Costco is 40 miles from here and in a large town with alot of traffic. I go to that town twice a year maby for wood working supplys and while there I eat at a nice mexican resturant.
Since I found pen kits on ebay cheaper,those trips will probably reduce to once a year.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Jul,21 12:38 other posts 
The cheapest gas here today is $7.81 per gallon.
It would be $8.74 per gallon if I needed to tank at a highway station near Amsterdam.
By #592419 15,Jul,21 19:16
Very precise... here is something else..

Joe Biden’s America:
-Crime rates soar in every major city.
-The U.S. military flies illegal immigrants on private jets.
By #275407 15,Jul,21 22:15
Srcums, at the local pharmacy, where I work, I here from the techs that many s. Americans (with a lot of money) fly in from s. America to get their FREE FLU VACCINE (NO INS. NEEDED) and go back to where they live. I've been told by pharmacy employees that the shot is only 40.00 dollars which Americans pick up the bill. They spend 6-8 hundred dollars for the plane ride, don't pay for the shot, (we pay) stay a while on vaca. And go home. Why aren't we charging these people from other country's that have the money.
By #592419 16,Jul,21 00:23
Because they want everybody to have it.Why? and its not to save lives. can't convince me otherwise..
By phart [Ignore] 15,Jul,21 20:01 other posts 
Well oil is droping a bit,I have a shortcut to this site on my desktop and check it everyday. I watch this and then watch the local stations and when the lower price is reflected,I fillup!.
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look at what oil was a year ago per barrel .sickening it has climbed so much
By #592419 15,Jul,21 21:22
That bastard in the white house is destroying this country and he doesn't even know what planet he is on.. Election day and the next day was an organized COUP DE ETAH...

By #592419 16,Jul,21 19:18
Republicans want to make it easy to vote and hard to cheat.
Democrats are too busy flying maskless on their private jet to do anything.

By #592419 16,Jul,21 16:35
BIIIIIG question.. Romor has it that the Covid Vaccine is ineffective because they don't even know what the fuck the virus is so how can they find a vacine for something they don't know anything about? Rumor has it the 3 doses you are taking doesn't actually cure the covid virus but actually slowly sterilizes you more and more with each dose.. Can anyone confirm or elaborate on this?

By #592419 16,Jul,21 09:04
What Did Fauci Know And When?
His Emails Point To Panic, Lies, And A Possible Cover-Up.
Our latest op-ed.

By #592419 16,Jul,21 08:55
Gas is expensive and the Left won’t stand for the anthem.
Joe Biden’s America.

By #623135 13,Jul,21 17:36
Reporters in Cuba are reporting that COVID is rampant, food is very hard to get and meds impossible. These are interviews with Cubans in the island. Repuckers understand freedom like a bad plague. There’s an embargo of the island that’s at least 50 years old. What does the Ukraine or any other country have to do with it?
Good going guys. Diplomats to the core.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jul,21 19:36 other posts 
You are missing the point as always.
Cuba is a few miles off the coast, some food and meds could be spared no problem.
BUT no! can't do that.
BUT Trump got in hot water because the dems wanted ukraine to be sent WEAPONS. see the difference?
By #623135 13,Jul,21 20:20
I see that 1) you are mixing apples and oranges and 2) I live in this huge Cuban community. My neighbors, my friends, even my son and daughter-in-law are Cuban with large families here in Miami. FYI, a big majority of the Cuban community does not want us to give any aid. They believe the regime will fall faster this way. A minority faction wants unrestricted travel to visit family.
Now, granted, since I always miss the point and I’m talking directly to the horse, I’m sure that you, in the mid-west with your fabulous understanding of Cuban politics and your uncanny knowledge of the Cubans, know better.
As far as the Clown getting into hot water, who cares? He’s not the president.
By phart [Ignore] 13,Jul,21 22:31 other posts 
Well for liberals that support killing unborn babies I don't guess letting grown people starve and do without is nothing to worry about either.
By #623135 14,Jul,21 05:30
Ok, the people of North Korea are starving too. How much food do you think we should send them?
--------------------------------------- added after 19 minutes

Central African Republic

All these countries are also starving. How much food should we send them?

BTW, liberals don’t kill unborn babies. You got this thing rooted deep in religion that has nothing to do with a woman’s right. For every woman that has an abortion a man should be castrated. Conservatives kill blacks and other minorities to keep the white, Arian blood pure. Trump is a misogynist who grabs women’s snatches without permission. He’s so dumb he still thinks storks bring babies. Melania pegs Trump every afternoon (he can’t stay up late).
Everyone in America saw the January 6, 2021 Capitol riots LIVE on TV. Now these right wingers are trying hard to tell us that what we saw was not an insurrection. Making all types of excuses like, “the lady veteran that got killed was just observing the votes in Congress” and Trump saying there’s more hidden footage not shown. That must be were the traitorous insurrectionists offered their asses for a love-in.
As for now, Biden does nothing to help Cuba, so your right on that. However let's wait if he actually tries to do something, like sending help or lifting sanctions and then see which sides votes for/against it.

You do know that Obama lifted a lot of sanctions and Trump reinstated them, right? Living under a dictatorship is still better than dying of hunger. Or don't you agree?

Liberals don't support killing unborn babies, they support the freedom for a woman
to choose to end their own pregnancy, limited by time progressed into the pregnancy, if a woman doesn't want to be a mother and can't or doesn't want to give birth.
The principle is that it is worse to force a women to give birth, than it is to kill a fetus or an embryo (which are not babies).
By #623135 14,Jul,21 11:38
My question to you is, “Do you think that ANY administration would be stupid enough to NOT HELP when there’s a good chance of ending hostilities? Having said that, can you imagine the uproar from the right if Biden does extend an olive branch to the Cuban government? Do you remember when Obama reopened the Cuban legation in Havana?
The question of abortion before the end of the first trimester is a religious concern for and mostly, by the Southern Baptists and a direct result of poor education, religious dogma to the extreme, and a talking point for conservative vote getters. Most of these people are DIRTY OLD MEN who should not be allowed close to ANY vagina, let alone a pregnant’ woman’s one. They are the same ones that oppose homosexuality, gender change, and unmarried sex.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jul,21 12:03 other posts 
I vote conservative but have always supported the idea of reopening ties of some kind to Cuba. I think the time has passed for hatred. We still have a prison on their soil. We should at least be able to trade and travel there. They do at least make cigars there that could be smoked here in the US.
By #623135 14,Jul,21 14:43
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Trump was stupid enough to put back all the sanctions, while lifting them finally helped Cuba move in the right direction a bit. Anything mildly progressive that Biden does will create massive outrage by conservatives. He should listen to his own base and the majority of the citizens, who oppose continuing the embargo. If his own voters would by majority even approve of completely ending the embargo, he could at least extend an olive branch.

I totally agree on your abortion standpoint. It is actually a vote getter, because Republicans talk about it, but only do the minimum they can on it, without angering their base. It's a talking point to help them win, that would fall away as soon as it's achieved. The Democrats do the same with medicare for all, a green new deal, $15/hour minimum wage, infrastructure spending, taxing the rich, affordable education, paid vacation by law, etc. The difference is that progressive ideals help people and conservative ideals just hurt women and LGBT people.
By #275407 16,Jul,21 02:47
Sanctions have been lifted, two days ago, they will be getting food and water Monday shipped by over 100 boats.
--------------------------------------- added after 55 seconds

And it's not going to the government, it's being given to the people.
--------------------------------------- added after 96 seconds

The boats are loaded up and leaving sun. Night
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

The boats are loaded up and leaving sun. Night.
By #275407 16,Jul,21 02:42
U.S send food and supplies to country's like Cuba, what happens to that food? It doesn't get in the hands of the people, it goes to the government which charges large amounts of money which the people don't have, so they starve anyway, come on guys,nthis happens everywhere. Try putting the blame on the Cuban government, not trump or Biden, I don't like either one of them, I stay out of politics because there all crooks and lier's.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Jul,21 04:05 other posts 
Maybe it's old news, but according to this article Biden didn't lift any of the about 240 sanctions on them. He sent Cuba some supplies, but they wouldn't need them if the US allowed Cuba to trade.

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The US is starving Cuba. Sure the Cuban government is not sharing wealth and goods equally, but is the US government sharing your wealth equally?
By #623135 16,Jul,21 08:31
Cody, I agree with you. The people never get the help. Only the regime gains.
By #592419 14,Jul,21 14:19
Fuck you.
By #623135 14,Jul,21 14:45
By #592419 14,Jul,21 17:27
Better save up your points. Attacs are imminent
By #623135 14,Jul,21 17:46
And so you dirty homo little Jew, you trash my page with inappropriate gifts. What a man. Hahaha.
By #592419 14,Jul,21 18:43
Look what happened to your pagee..

But at least I included toilet paper.. You never clean ya ass anyway.
By #623135 14,Jul,21 21:52
And, tell me, oh big man, what does it prove? Did you get your jollies? Did you wank as you were doing it? Are you satisfied? Did you show Mommy your handy work? Little secret, asshole, you are still a dirty little homo Jew with hardly any friends other than other losers like you.
By #592419 14,Jul,21 18:44
Look what happened to your pagee..

But at least I included toilet paper.. You never clean ya ass anyway.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Jul,21 22:17 other posts 
would you 2 cut this shit out? We are trying to do the hardest job on earth. trying to Talk some sense into a liberal,and this other bullshit is interfering!
By #592419 14,Jul,21 22:21
You already know the answer phart. The answer of how we can achieve and maintain democracy because you have a common frame of reference. I've read your writtings...Everything is fine.. with me at least.
By #623135 15,Jul,21 08:18
Phart you say stop it you two. Does that include me? Don’t answer that. I’m beginning to think you, Phart, are two faced. You want to convince a liberal to change his mind yet you want to do it the hard way. No time or reason. Well, I’m blocking SrCums. He’s an idiot with no brains.

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