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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 16,Jan,23 13:15 other posts 
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"Older patients taking marijuana or related products may have dizziness and falls, heart palpitations, panic attacks, confusion, anxiety or worsening of underlying lung diseases, such as asthma or COPD, Han said.

just what we need ,more old people getting hurt.

By phart [Ignore] 14,Jan,23 09:11 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 11,Dec,22 09:25 other posts 
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"I know that part of their refusal to even look at me is the way I deliver this information in person: I get worked up. I get defiant. I cannot summon an even-handed or curious tone. Part of it, though, is likely their sense that my statements are rooted not in science or concern about children’s welfare, but in bigotry. They believe this is a political issue, not a health care issue. That’s because they’ve been poorly educated by the left and center-left media about children who feel extreme distress about their birth sex — the condition known as “gender dysphoria” — and how we should help and support them. "
--------------------------------------- added after 10 hours

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By #610414 11,Dec,22 10:08
And your point is?
By phart [Ignore] 11,Dec,22 19:56 other posts 
Things of this nature need to be decided as adults.
Kids go thru phases.
Planned parent hood says kids should not be able to get tattos because they are not mature enough to decide that,but they can elect to have body parts removed and take pills for permanent changes to their bodys that can't be erased with a laser?
Let's make sure our kids are safe and healthy,not being led or miss guided about things during a complicated time in their lives.
By #610414 12,Dec,22 07:06
Puberty comes to all of us sooner or later. Mine was at 10 in the 4th grade. Once you reach puberty, your sexual proclivities start to show up. I knew I was glad I had a pussy. Some teens are not happy with their body. Most will live with it and eventually make allowences for it. Some can't cope with it.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,22 10:14 other posts 
Find out why they can't cope with it and fix that problem. Knives and pills and being led on by other people whose's mental illness was catered to instead of treated is only making the problem worse.
By #610414 12,Dec,22 14:30
Sulside is not fixable
By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,22 21:12 other posts 
but preventable.
And not being a ass but also, check the suicide rate of trans people afterwards.
By #610414 12,Dec,22 21:42
Not an ass. I haven't checked but, life can't be easy after the change either.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,22 21:46 other posts 
I think at least part of "my point" is we need to keep the kids safe, even if it is from themselves or strange doctors.
By #610414 12,Dec,22 22:00
Kids always come first, baby.
By tecsan [Ignore] 19,Dec,22 00:29 other posts 
Really, even it means exposing them to crap you would never would let your own kids see. That is if you have kids. Otherwise I think you are really no authority.
By #610414 19,Dec,22 07:40
Whom are you addressing that post to?
By tecsan [Ignore] 20,Dec,22 02:31 other posts 
CAT, thought I was addressing you. Thought it was obvious. (yes I know grammar with the two words of would)
By #610414 20,Dec,22 11:38
Tecsan, in that case, and I'm surprised you didn't know it, I have three grown children. The youngest is 41. I also have seven grandchildren. Exposing them to crap has never been an issue. As a parent I've always believed that we had to be vigilant 24/7 in the protection of our kids. I've never been afraid of books being particularly dangerous to our kids. I trusted librarians to be mindful that a book like THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY BY OSCAR WILDE (1891) was okay for a highschooler while Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James was not. Now, let me reverse your argument. What makes you or Phart an authority on what's appropriate for my kids, or when it would be appropriate? Life is not the same for all. The most important thing when bringing up your kids is communication. They will be exposed to inappropriate situations and it's your job as a parent to explain to them the situation.
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Dec,22 04:05 other posts 
I think you should back up a little. I have kiddos too you know. So my question to you is the same as yours, what makes you think you are an authority over other people's kids. Send home a permission slip with the child and if signed they can see the crap being presented. Do not assume that all think as you do. I have had words for years now with 3 superintendents. Do not show this woke crap to my kiddos, period and we are fine. What problem should anyone have with this. Do what you please with your kids, I do not care.
By #610414 21,Dec,22 09:19
Woke crap to my kiddos? Define "woke crap". Did you, personally, have the occasion where your "kiddo" came home with the likes of "50 Shades of Gray"? Did they come home and told you that Johnny now can use Jane's bathroom? Or, did they tell you that they have to stick their cute tails up in the air as they pray to Allah during Homeroom?
I'm not an authority on other people's kids and I never said that. If you read my post again, and this time actually read the words, you'll see I said we had to be vigilant 24/7 in the protection of our kids. I also said that I trust the school librarians to be a reasonable firewall against inappropriate books for kids.
While I see your concerns or points of view, I don't think you are a true representation of the school parents in the average school district. As the last word on what's good for your children, I recommend you find a conservative school like a religious school. Most of us don't feel this "woke crap" is really this corrosive as you make it out to be. Your push to change what most of us think is correct just to satisfy your Chistian/Republican/Conservative views is not what we want. And, by the way, you may not care, but, I do.
By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Dec,22 00:59 other posts 
You missed the whole point. Oh, well.
By #610414 22,Dec,22 07:21
Then explain, and please, dumb it down for me.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Dec,22 10:25 other posts 
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I had no idea that high estrogen in a male's body was cancerous.
So will the cancer rate in the trans community increase drastically in 10 to 20 years?
As they say late in the video's, long term side effects are not known yet.

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15 years old, double mastectomy?? What parent lets a dr cut their daughters breast off??
By #610414 19,Dec,22 16:29
THE PATRIOT TWINS? This is the trash you go for information? They give no references. They are not doctors or scientists. Answer this, "If your daughter has breast cancer in one breast and both breast are lumpy or fibrous and the doctor recommends a lumpectomy of one breast but recommends both breasts be removed, how would you react?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Dec,22 22:16 other posts 
cancer is not a mental health issue or a deliberate attempt to alter the persons sex.
It is a life saving procedure.
Boobs can hang there for a life time and unless they do develop a issue, they will be just fine. Yours are still there so what is so hard to understand?
Do you honestly think the Twins are going to blurt out missinformation? They did their research i am sure.BECAUSE of the liberal fact checkers that don't like what they say are always trying to debunk them.

I still think you are missing the issue.
What difference does it make which gender-sex a child is born as until they are 18? They are not supposed to be doing anything that gender is that big a issue and as for sports,they can play in the gender they are born as until 18 and go from there.
Children are NOT old enough to consent to any actions that the "parts" are involved in anyway.That is criminal behavior
IF a doctor is off the clock and talks to a 12 year old about boobs ,that is illegal and sexual and so forth.
How does it suddenly become ok to take her into a room,and explain how it is just fine to cut them off? sick, very sick.
By #610414 20,Dec,22 10:11
"Yours are still there so what is so hard to understand?", Phart, for your information, my whole life I've had fibrous, lumpy, breasts. I was adviced Several times that perhaps I should consider having them removed. Especially, whan I had a complete hysterectomy due to abnormal cells in my uterus. You are the one that doesn't seem to understand. Men seldom have to have a full mastectomy. A mastectomy, for a woman, is far more than a medical procedure to correct or prevent Cancer. Breasts are one of the most obvious defining features that say, "I'm a woman.". This, along with a complete hysterectomy at early age defines the physical part of a woman.--------------------------------------- added after 8 minutes
Phart, have you ever been called a sissy? Most of the time it just a name called out to shame, but, sometimes it's more. There many boys growing up (b4 puberty) that prefer to play with dolls, they feel more comfortable associating with girls and playing girls activities. Those boys, when they are called sissy, have different feelings than those being bullied. They feel they are an aberration. Those are the children that, perhaps, they need more than just being told to ignore the taunts.--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes
Physical fitness in pre-pubesent children tend to be fairly equal IF the physical activities are the same. If that's true, then a boy or girl that trains with a particular gender will tend to have the same abilities. So, you've complained b4 that men over 18 should not be allowed to compete with women because blah, blah, blah. Why should a male wait till he's 18 before he switches to female sports?--------------------------------------- added after 24 minutes
Doctors are never off the clock when seeing a patient. It would be a highly stupid situation if a doctor could not talk to a girl about her developing breasts or why she started bleeding from her vagina. Same if he couldn't explain why a boy's erotic dreams produce ejaculations during sleep. I can assure you no doctor performs any examinations without a nurse present.
--------------------------------------- added after 26 minutes

That last sentence, go to my previous post.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 22:31 other posts 
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It would appear that money and knives can't make these people happy either.
Why not get counseling on how to accept yourself as you were born? would it not be less stressful in the long term than having fake parts rot off and flabby skin where the boobs were?
Sounds like there are some quack doctors out there making millions off these confused people and ruining their lives to boot.
"Things of this nature need to be decided as adults."
They are decided as adults. The only thing kids with gender dysphoria will at maximum get is puberty blockers, to prevent their body making the decision harder.
You don't care about their decision, you just want to force them to stay the gender they were born into. That's not helping them that's denying who they are. You have the same ideology as the people who forced chemical castration onto gay men.
Actually you would support that too, if the US fell back to it.
By #610414 20,Dec,22 12:02
Please, please, Ananas, don't give them ideas.🤣🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 20,Dec,22 22:22 other posts 
You mean that works? Maby we need to taint the water in some of the areas of over population?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Dec,22 05:45 other posts 
Sure, a little eugenics always sounds good to a fascist
Just testing the water
By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,22 16:04 other posts 
I actually have a copy of the book, some of it is to far out there and some of it makes perfect sense.Like don't have a child if you can't take care it. Don't let cousins marry,it will cause problems and so on.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Dec,22 02:45 other posts 
"Like don't have a child if you can't take care it."
I agree, but accidents happen. That's why you need to allow abortion.
By phart [Ignore] 21,Dec,22 11:32 other posts 
that 1 link shows a person that had their tits cut off at 15! 15! Not 18
under 18 can not consent to anything sexual legally. So why can they be expected to consent to REMOVAL of body parts that can't be put back?
Hell,kids can't even decide which happy meal they want at mcdonalds. And you think they can just wake up 1 morning and know exactly what they are?
There is no forcing anything.Simply not catering to what could be a childs phase..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Dec,22 02:49 other posts 
You always find 'that 1 link'. It's either a lie or it only happened that 1 time.
That mutilation fearmongering is bullshit. It's just right-wingers needing something
to distract the masses from actual problems.

Children do not wake up feeling like the other gender one day and get surgery the next day, like your crowd is blabbering about. This is a process of many years and it involves many specialists. If you think there is a money incentive involved, which you are also often fearmongering about, well that's the corrupt system that you prefer. Maybe rethink that idea then. Because that would not only happen for gender care, but for every surgery. I never heard you fearmongering about surgeons removing appendixes or gall bladders, just for money. Don't they do that? Or do they just like to 'cut up children'?

You really have a problem thinking the worst of other human beings. Even in your corrupt system, doctors are still doing the best they can for their patients. That's the whole motivation to become a doctor.
By phart [Ignore] 22,Dec,22 11:08 other posts 
You seem to forget money is the big motivator and parents with kids are being victumized by dr's with less than desirable motives.
It is happening, Dr, Kevorkian rode around in a Volkswagen bus and would help you shoot up and die, that was illegal, but he did it.

By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 22:07 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 08,Jan,23 08:09 other posts 
Ok,I found a good situation here we can discuss as for "punishment"
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If caught,how do you ananas and others feel these men should be punished?
GIve them stock options in the company and a credit card?
20 years prison?
what do you think?

It just urks me that when i go in to this store I have to use the lowes card to save 5% then later pay it,or pay cash for whatever items i need.
And these folks just feel like they can go in and steal what they want.
IF there shouldn't be a deterrent to this kind of action, we should all be able to just walk in and walk out with whatever we want.
my visit to my local Lowes just this morning, cost me 73 bucks to get what I needed. there was about 3 women near the exit, 1 was hardly able to walk, so chances are I coulda made it out the door with a bag of bolts and a gallon of spar varnish but you know what? The fact that I could risk going to jail for getting caught trying to steal, deterred me from running ,or in my case a fast waddle out the door.
What is wrong with harmless deterrents like that? the idea works ?not to mention saves 1000's in court cost and material loss's.
By #610414 12,Jan,23 11:39
I'm surprised that going to jail is the deterrent that kept you from stealing. Most of us are just "honest". Go figure.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Jan,23 13:23 other posts 
I am honest,the thought of going to jail keeps me that way.
By #610414 12,Jan,23 18:22
Whatever floats your boat

By phart [Ignore] 02,Jan,23 23:04 other posts 
This law was written so long ago but still,it can't help the economy. when it was written,i doubt they knew about wuhan virus killing the economy.
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By #610414 12,Jan,23 11:48
Gaëtan Dugas (French: [ɡaetɑ̃ dyɡa]; February 19, 1952 – March 30, 1984) was a Québécois Canadian flight attendant and a relatively early HIV patient who once was widely regarded as "Patient Zero," or the primary case for AIDS in the United States.

Does that mean that HIV/AIDS is really a Canadian virus intended to wreck the US economy?

By phart [Ignore] 10,Jan,23 20:49 other posts 
Boo fucking HOO, stupid is is stupid does.
Stupid woman went overseas to be with isis and says she feels "broken" now that she is no longer a citizen of the USA.
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THere is a old saying around here
"don't shit in your bed ,you might have to sleep in it"
By #610414 12,Jan,23 11:35
She got what she deserves

By phart [Ignore] 08,Jan,23 11:31 other posts 
I wish they had took it on to court and helped make the situation more public.
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By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 04:12 other posts 
One down and two to go.

By phart [Ignore] 06,Jan,23 10:54 other posts 
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environmentalist ,regulations, Recession ,high gas prices, even back then,why didn't anyone learn from all this then?
IT is still happening today.
to hell with the people, the swamp is more important.
By #610414 06,Jan,23 12:33
What, you thought all this is new? 🤣🤣🤣😈
By phart [Ignore] 06,Jan,23 13:56 other posts 
no ,just illustrating that history is not being taught to prevent repeating it.

By tecsan [Ignore] 04,Jan,23 02:13 other posts 
Will the House majority come around tomorrow or are the republicans goning to drag this into a larger show than the 1-6 hearings. I might point out that the 1-6 hearings are a laughing joke.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Jan,23 08:42 other posts 
I have no time at all for Kevin McCarthy, but the way the Republicans are behaving at the moment it is clear that so many of them are just in it for their own particular interest rather than for the country's interest.
Then of course once a Speaker is chosen, MTG and many others are going to want to waste government time and money on witch hunts which will lead absolutely nowhere, just to get back at the Democrats.They should be focusing on making America great again surely.
By phart [Ignore] 04,Jan,23 11:16 other posts 
I can agree with part of that,as much as I would like to see fauchi and all the cronies held accountable,I would rather they work on the economy first and our southern border.Issues that are really hurting us RIGHT NOW. the past is gone.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 04,Jan,23 16:45 other posts 
I am so pleased that you do accept part of what I say. Unfortunately there are members of Congress who don't have your common sense.
By tecsan [Ignore] 05,Jan,23 02:03 other posts 
Which ones? The over 200 or the 18+ or -?
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 06,Jan,23 05:03 other posts 
At the moment the around 20 congressman holding up the nomination of a speaker comes to mind. McCarthy should by now have done the honourable thing and withdrawn his name so someone could be elected.
On a wider level there are certain Democrats who seem to be quite happy to the thwart legislation unless they are bought off in what I think s called ‘Pork barrel politics’
As I say a lot of self interest, rather than putting the country first.
At least you have the right expectations of what the new speaker will do;
- Bullshit investigations into the scapegoat enemies of Republicans
- Complete obstruction of everything Democrats try to do
- Creating as much pain as possible for the American people and blame Democrats, with the goal of winning in 2024

It doesn't matter who they choose as speaker, they will all do the same.

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