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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Feb,23 00:40 other posts 
Any ideas on all these damn balloons we have been hearing about? I see where one of the (D) has said they have been there for five years and we just now caught them. How scary is that?
By #610414 16,Feb,23 15:02
If it's been going on for 5 yrs (maybe more) it doesn't seem scary. I heard that there are 100s if not 1000s of items floating in the atmosphere/stratosphere. Most are loose balloons of different types.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 16,Feb,23 16:07 other posts 
They're communist spies.
By #610414 16,Feb,23 21:48
I think that if they are spy balloons, they are Nazi balloons from that German place in Chile.
By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Feb,23 22:00 other posts 
Maybe they are balloons that say the public launch to have fun and track them. leopoldij is probably more on point here. Hog wash on the Nazi idea. Libtards tend to always lay blame on Nazis or the previous administration.
By #610414 17,Feb,23 11:17
Repuckers always want to label us commies
By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,23 18:50 other posts 
Well with all the new words liberals are trying to come up with ,maby a new word needs to be designed to better describe a democrat that thinks the robin hood system is better for the people.
Take from the rich that invest and give to those that do nothing. and a host of other things.
By #610414 18,Feb,23 08:17
I don't see anything wrong with taking money from the rich and giving it to the poor, after all, the poor made him rich. The rich invest in themselves to get richer. Wake up, Phart.
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Feb,23 23:53 other posts 
THE TRUTH sometimes hurts I guess. Should not though since it is what many libtards like.

By phart [Ignore] 17,Feb,23 21:54 other posts 
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It would appear to me that the fiberglass fibers would be better used in the concrete it's self for strength instead of just burning it

By phart [Ignore] 13,Feb,23 21:32 other posts 
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My Lt Govenor
I voted for this man.
I will vote for him again.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Feb,23 11:34 other posts 
"In North Carolina we spend half of our $26 billion state budget on public education,
and right now we are failing to teach our children to read on a grade level"

"The reason why that exists is because, to a large degree, the education bureaucracy — not necessarily teachers, not the parents, not the students — educational bureaucracy has lost its away when it comes to education, and they have forgotten the true mission of education, which to teach children what they need to succeed outside the classroom that starts with reading, writing and arithmetic. It does not start or include social engineering."

Just someone who wants to cut funds for education, fearmongering about 'bureaucracy' (the oldest trick in the book) and 'social engineering' (a newer trick, but still a trick).

Are you telling me that a red state like North Carolina, where 29 School Districts
were rated “Safe Republican”, teaches 'woke shit' to students? Don't be daft.
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"North Carolina was rated to have the 32nd best K-12 public school system in the nation, based on quality and safety." The 32nd best is the 18th worst, right? (arithmetic )
"failing to teach our children to read on a grade level" Sure, you cut your school budget's 'bureaucracy' and 'social engineering'. You will find out that it 'surprisingly' will impact their reading, writing and arithmetic too.

If your education stops at reading, writing and arithmetic, you will just create employees
who can be replaced by robots in the very near future. I have no idea what they refer to with 'social engineering', but it sounds like something robots have a hard time doing.
Maybe not such a bad idea then.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Feb,23 12:23 other posts 
If the funding was being used to TEACH I doubt anyone would want to cut it.
Our schools have been falling apart before Mr.Robinson was born.
It all started in my opinion when sports were added to schools and money was used to build sports complexes instead of paying the teachers more money that were already teaching what the kids needed to know, reading ,math, writing and so on.
I just turned off the tv news and had heard about yet ANOTHER high school senior foot ball player collapsing on the field during a game .It is happening way to much.
Kids quitting school because they are bored with it, kids graduating with very low scores, but yet the GAMES must go on ,even though kids are harming themselves .
The schools have been failing for decades, and all folks now want is for girls to pee in boys bathrooms and boys pee in the girls. And stuff of that sort, that is the social engineering I think he was referring to in the interview.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Feb,23 11:12 other posts 
"and all folks now want is for girls to pee in boys bathrooms and boys pee in the girls."
That stuff is so blown up. Maybe in one school there are one or two transgender girls or boys that get allowed to pee in the other gender's bathrooms. The tragedy!
At best it teaches kids to not be assholes to kids who are different. If that's 'social engineering', we need it. It would help a lot, if you teach kids to not be assholes to other people. With your crime and mass-shooters every day of the week, don't you think that could help?
In any case, it's a lot more helpful than what your side is teaching.
Hate-filled right-wing rhetoric inspires many young guys to go on a killing spree.
(Buffalo supermarket shooter sentenced to life in prison)
By phart [Ignore] 16,Feb,23 12:47 other posts 
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I will try again and put some words to it,won't let me post just the link.
Here is another method of social engineering, Medicating
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Feb,23 17:36 other posts 
Instead of giving kids anti-depressants, try giving them A FUTURE.
They might not be so depressed, if they knew they had some chances
of a decent life and if they knew the world wouldn't be destroyed.

By phart [Ignore] 15,Feb,23 23:41 other posts 
Some of these prototypes look better than what went into production.
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By #610414 08,Feb,23 10:55
I'm so proud of my President, Mr Biden. He exemplifies what a president should be like. Last night he gave me hope that this country has finally turned the corner from that dark time we all know so we'll. I was ambivalent about him running again in 2024, but, if he does, he has my full support including my vote. I think mr_blue is right. God bless President Biden. 🌹😈
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 13:13 other posts 
You have no idea how well you got it in florida.
You folks are shielded from the effects of bidenomics.
I didn't watch the sotu because I just can't bear to hear any more bs. If I want smoke blown up my ass I will get on a roof and stand over a chimmney
By #610414 08,Feb,23 17:36
Florida is a small part of the land I call my country. I care about all of it, because, even if I have it good in Florida, it won't stay like that very long if we follow the Repuckers.
Under the previous administration, the American deficit went up four years in a row. Because those record deficits, no president added more to the national debt in any four years than my predecessor. Nearly 25 percent of the entire national debt that took over 200 years to accumulate was added by just one administration alone, the last one. There are the facts, check it out. Check it out. How did Congress respond to that debt? They did the right thing. They lifted the debt ceiling three times without preconditions or crisis. They paid American bills to prevent an economic disaster to the country.
Your Clown contributed to 25% of the total deficit in just 4 years.
That is what you don't want to understand. It's not smoke. It's fact.
By dgraff [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 21:28 other posts 
I watched what I could of it he still thinks the economy is strong even though the predictions say we are headed for the worst economic crash in history he said unemployment is at a record low and it is but if you look a little further welfare is at a record high you feel secure we’re i feel unsettled and full of questions that he avoided my hope level is low
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 21:48 other posts 
Unemployment numbers can also be affected by the fact alot of people just plain stopped looking for work,so those people don't show up in the numbers.
If you aint looked for a job in 4 weeks ,you don't show up in the count.

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only registered users can see external links a 70% chance of recession. Biden is so friggen blind
By #610414 08,Feb,23 21:59
So far, Mountain Man, your percentage of correct predictions has been a joke. As I said before, we’ll see.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 00:38 other posts 
My 2 links back up what he said.
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 05:24 other posts 
How are my predictions a joke so far I said way before he even got in office that we would see high inflation high fuel prices higher taxes and a country torn apart so unless you are blind as a bat 🦇 I would say my predictions were spot on the money
By #610414 09,Feb,23 10:01
You had a fifty-fifty chance of being right. Inflation and cost of gasoline happens every few years. The country torn apart was a done deal DURING the Jerk's administration. You didn't do very good with the 2020 election results ok r the 2022 results either
By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,23 10:38 other posts 
If you say so sweetheart but you have the infection and can’t see what the rest of us see seek help
By #610414 09,Feb,23 11:00
"the rest of you" is a blind minority

By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 09:21 other posts 
20 bucks an hour to work in a fast food joint? Yea right, welcome A I to your world. I love this, saves the company 1000's of dollars, no attitude, and will work 24-7 without bitching and wanting a raise. No workers comp, no medical coverage ,no wanting maternity leave ,just simply does the job. "welcome"
This is what computers have been developed to do,so now the lazy people that don't want to work,can sit under a bridge and play poker on their obama phones.
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By #610414 08,Feb,23 17:37
If they have the ability and resources to do that, more power to them, but, I bet you can't come up with 20 examples, let alone thousands
By phart [Ignore] 08,Feb,23 18:58 other posts 
Not yet, but just like a baby, the crawl comes before the walk and before the run.
There will come a day not to far from now, that humans will be BEGGING to do some sort of work, that a machine is doing cheaper, easier and faster. I read a couple weeks ago of little robots rolling around in europe delivering groceries instead of humans. Again, no attitudes, no bathrooms and tampon machines to maintain, just getting the work done.
By #610414 08,Feb,23 21:37
Come back then

By phart [Ignore] 07,Feb,23 13:15 other posts 
I had some aluminum cans in bags crushed, and got tired of them laying around. was about 12 pounds. 4 bucks at the metal yard.
Not worth the trouble to haul them over there. But yet, when I go to get a license plate for the truck ,they can't issue metal plates because of a aluminum shortage I am reading of shortages in industry to. If it is so hard to get, looks like scrap would bring more.?
It is becoming obvious by so many different means that recycling is not as practical as some would like to claim.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 31,Jan,23 04:44 other posts 
Ron DeSantis Tries To Con Teachers After Spending Years Attacking Them
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By the way; Florida ranks at bottom of states on school funding
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By phart [Ignore] 31,Jan,23 10:37 other posts 
How does it rank among test levels though?
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not as high as we would like to see but above average. so perhaps the fact that the US spends more money per student and gets the lowest results of most modern countrys.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Feb,23 06:31 other posts 
Those test levels are fake. It's just a dirty trick.

Florida is filled with the almost dumbest people in the US:
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Florida's schools deliver the worst results in the country.
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The tests showed that their students don't learn anything, so they just replaced
the national standard FSA tests with their own testing system called F.A.S.T..
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The new tests are designed to make the Florida school system look better, but it has done nothing to produce better students. RonDesantis introducted a testing system, with a massively increased TESTING FREQUENCY. That way students just learn the answers to the questions of the tests. It doesn't deliver better students, it just delivers monkeys, who can reproduce the answers to the tests.

Meanwhile teachers have to buy pens and paper for their students,
out of their own pockets, because there is no funding for that anymore.

And you are wrong about the US spending more on education than other countries:
"At 4.96%, the United States spends a smaller percentage of its GDP on education than other developed nations, which average 5.59% of GDP in educational spending."

The problem is not that the US spends the most money on students,
but that American people PAY THE MOST for their children's education.
That's because it's less funded by the government and education has been
turned into just another money-making scheme for the lending industry
and for companies who sell useless but expensive courses to schools.
That's why you pay the most for the worst results.

Just like healthcare, the quality of education sucks, while people pay more
than any other civilized country.
By dgraff [Ignore] 03,Feb,23 09:50 other posts 
It doesn’t matter we all take it in the ass one way or another you pay way more for gas cigarettes and food than we do like i said we all take it in the ass one way or another
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Cat brags about how wonderful their schools and trade schools are and how government has nothing to do with them they are publicly run
By phart [Ignore] 03,Feb,23 09:55 other posts 
Yea, and any positive change to make a difference, a tree hugger will prevent it.
They want us all to eat vegi based meat because of cow farts, yet if we do away with cars,we would have to eat more,thus farting more while walking,so the fart gas would be just as rampant as it is now!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Feb,23 17:10 other posts 
"any positive change to make a difference"
Like drilling for even more oil? What's the change?

And then you are talking about less meat and less cars, which would both be better for nature. Eating a bit less meat wouldn't kill you. In fact, it would be better for you. But just the idea that 'dangerous lefties are coming for your meat' will motivate you to eat yourself into the grave. Right-wingers really act like stubborn little children.

Can you give me some examples of CHANGES that Republicans have proposed that would help society or nature? In literally decades, I haven't heard anything from Republicans that cannot be reduced to trickle down theory or blaming 'the others'.

Maybe you don't understand this, but without nature, people will die.
This is your strategy; I destroy all the arguments made by right-wingers,
to defend their ideas, then your response is 'it doesn't matter, because
both sides suck!'. You're right, but that's no reason to accept it.

Both sides suck, because Americans vote for horrible politicians.
If you vote for the worst lying asshole, out of some idea that all politicians
are lying assholes anyway, so you'd better pick the strongest lying asshole,
then you are creating a self-fulfilling prophesy.
Try voting for decent people for a change. At least then you are not responsible
for your politics sucking.
By dgraff [Ignore] 05,Feb,23 19:27 other posts 
There is no such thing as a caring truthful decent politician my theory is every man and woman for themselves only the strong survive and screw the politicians
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 03:51 other posts 
There are, but because of your corrupt system, created by Republicans saying money=speech, it is hard to find them, I agree.
However, your solution basically means; let's forget about humanity achieving anything and just return to anarchy.

Or maybe destroy this government and start new ones by organizing locally, with your own small communities?
Two arguments about that:
- You can already make positive changes locally now.
- Your government sucks, but the alternative is to be governed by Elon Musk,
Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. The wealthy are already controlling most of your politics. Destroying the government wouldn't turn into anarchy, but into an oligarchy. However, in an oligarchy, the most unscrupulous oligarch takes power, controlling the rest. It will turn into a dictatorship of that one oligarch's choosing.

They have convinced you that your government is so horrible, it would be better
to have no government. And then they tricked you into voting for the corrupt, lying, selfish assholes who destroyed that government in the first place.
By tecsan [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 03:57 other posts 
Damn, you hit the nail on the head but always be aware of the socialist idiots.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 05:28 other posts 
"There is no such thing as a caring truthful decent politician"
That's your own fault, for voting for those assholes, or at least about half of them.
You picked the worst of the worst. Enjoy the result!!
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Feb,23 05:11 other posts 
Believe me I did not vote for Mr Magoo or many of the other idiots.
By #610414 05,Feb,23 18:26
I brag about trade and specialty schools in MIAMI-DADE COUNTY. Each county has it's own school system. They get funded by the state but
To equalize educational opportunities, the FEFP formula recognizes: (1) varying local property tax bases; (2) varying education program costs; (3) varying costs of living; and (4) varying costs for equivalent educational programs due to sparsity and dispersion of the student population.
The property taxes are what make richer counties have more money to build. Also there's a formula that uses the # of students attending classes. I said that THE GOVERNOR has nothing to do with it except when our local jerk decides he knows more than teachers. The funding comes from the state but the use of that funding, as long as they follow the state Education guidelines, is done by the local school board.

By phart [Ignore] 03,Feb,23 12:33 other posts 
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Strange,in 2020 blacks burned and pillaged and were let loose if even arrested. This guy gets arrested for simply holding a sign
By #610414 05,Feb,23 18:34
You do know that there's a thing called bail?
By phart [Ignore] 06,Feb,23 13:31 other posts 
yea,most the burning robbing terrorist during the riots were bailed out by celebs and politicians.
what about this guy? should never have been arrested in the first place.But they had a rule and thought he broke it.
By #610414 06,Feb,23 14:15
Bail is bail. Everyone can get it if they can aff 10% or have collateral.
He shouldn't have been arrested, plain and simple.
One wrong doesn't justify another.

And maybe you didn't know, but many BLM protesters have been arrested,
most of them without having been associated with arson or looting.
So why are you even making this ridiculous comparison?

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