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Started by phart [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:33  other posts
Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.

For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it.

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By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 22:15 other posts 
as for the queen of england, I was told to put my opionons here.so
As for Dev01 saying show some respect,
Here is what I typed and then removed from there and put here.Out of respect.

"American tax payers have "paid" enough respect by funding 400 secret service agents to look after our 'resident, while he paid respects.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 22:44 other posts 
But Phart, Post your script. You made it sound like the UK paid for Bidet's security? That was not the case, And as for a picture of Charles shitting in the toilet well.... It did consume slot of media but she did serve for 70 years. Just asking for a little respect that's all
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 23:20 other posts 
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Really? i mean,they are only humnan,why are they put thru so much hell?
poor fellow,I bet they will make him feel like a real failure instead of understanding the problem.

I didn't mean the UK paid for security,I mean WE as in Americans did.
Maby charley on the toilet was abit rich but lately nothing would surprise us here in the US as to what would be on tv.
By Dev01 [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 23:26 other posts 
All good, We human and misunderstandings happen
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 23:27 other posts 

By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,22 09:57 other posts 
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saint fauci won' t be able to work because he will have to answer for all his lies and wrong doing.
By #610414 15,Sep,22 10:03
The man was genuinely concerned about your health and everyone else's and all you can do is bitch, all the while that asshole Clown destroyed our democracy. Get your priorities straight.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,22 10:11 other posts 
For 2 months ,he said we did not need to wear a mask. That turned out to be a lie. People died. virus's travel by air. He gave the virus 2 months to get the jump on the country, and the world basically. He arranged funding for the very lab the shit came from. he is a accessory to the murder of 1000's of people. Yet he makes ALOT of money.
He is like the fellow driving the car for the bank robbers. He made it possible for 1000's of people to die,he should be held accountable for each and every death.
Trump was being TOLD by people under him what was best and he got a vaccine out in record time. It could be said he saved 1000's of lives.
By #610414 15,Sep,22 11:43
Dr Fauci In 2014, at a time when people were worried about whether the Ebola outbreak in West Africa would become a pandemic, Fauci helped treat and notably hugged a nurse who had been infected with the virus and hospitalized at the NIH. Fauci later said he did this to show his staff that he wouldn’t ask them to do anything that he wouldn’t do himself. That “extraordinary level of empathy” will be difficult to replace, Nuzzo says.
‘I hope you die’: how the COVID pandemic unleashed attacks on scientists
Fast forward to 2020, and Fauci once again came under fire — this time from the president whom he was serving. Dissatisfied with Fauci’s guidance to curb the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus’s spread by implementing interventions such as mask wearing and social distancing, former president Donald Trump attempted to silence Fauci by, at times, preventing him from speaking publicly. Trump also hinted that he might fire Fauci (Fauci is a civil servant in the US government, not a political appointee, so it is not clear how Trump might have done this). Fauci has received death threats and has had federal guards

Phart, stop minding those right wing rags and radio trash talkers. Dr Fauci saved many lives unlike that Clown some of you called a President.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 06:49 other posts 
Doctor OZ saved many lives to but yet he’s called a fraud a sell out so what is your point
Doctor fugie was in big pharmacy’s pocket to
By #610414 19,Sep,22 09:53
Two people begin their journey from the same starting point. Their journeys parallel for a while, then, they begin to diverge. One follows the noble high road. The other becomes a loud mouth bofoon following the mighty dollar. You, Mountain Man, pick the one you like, if you care.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 09:59 other posts 
Well Marcy and I are voting for doctor oz in November
By #610414 19,Sep,22 11:23
I commend you on choosing to vote. If we would all vote this country would be in much better shape.
By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 13:10 other posts 
Thank you both Dgraff for doing your part to SAVE AMERICA.
By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 13:50 other posts 
Just doing my civic duty

By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 13:28 other posts 
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17 years for drug dealing, not to bad,
Maby things will get better between the US and Afghanistan.

By phart [Ignore] 19,Sep,22 13:08 other posts 
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Even as the Allied Forces continued their fight, Eisenhower foresaw a day when the horrors of the Holocaust might be denied. He invited the media to document the scene. He compelled Germans living in the surrounding towns and any soldier not fighting at the front to witness the atrocities for themselves.

You know,there are some folks,like this raisi fellow,that if you told them shit stunk, you would have to jam their faces in it for them to believe it. Sad, very sad,that 1000's of people died and this dumb sumbitch says he doubts it.and democrats think these type people want PEACE?

By phart [Ignore] 16,Sep,22 16:37 other posts 
See what happens when a business trys to make things easier?
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By #610414 11,Sep,22 15:42
Phart you posted:
Well if women understood each other,the divorce rate for lesbians would be much less than 14 % .
The lesbian divorce rate is much higher than the divorce rate between men: in the same period on average 100 women and 45 men divorced per year (i.e., Lesbian divorce rate = 14%, Gay Male divorce rate = 7%)

Almost 50 percent of all marriages in the United States will end in divorce or separation.
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,22 17:02 other posts 
yea,If I aint bad mistaken that is a bit lower than it was a few years ago? Seems I heard or read 60% a few years ago?
Either % is sad that people invest so much into a marriage only to cheat or hurt each other and screw it up.
By #610414 12,Sep,22 17:49
People are not that invested anymore
By tecsan [Ignore] 12,Sep,22 23:14 other posts 
Cat, maybe the lower divorce rate you mentioned could just maybe be attributed to non-traditional marriage is not as popular and still not accepted in some states.
By #610414 13,Sep,22 06:04
I just report the news. I don't know the reason for it.😆

By phart [Ignore] 12,Sep,22 23:18 other posts 
Well, when the folks in san fansisco don't shit on the side walk they actually shit in toilets .And when they flush them, they kill the FISH. I think they need to just charge a tax per turd or ban shitting out right,those ideas would fix the problem right? Or at least that is liberal logic on other issues.

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By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,22 22:49 other posts 
border security.It has sadly become a joke no one can laugh at.
Watch this.
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42 potential terrorist just walked right into the US and the department head has no idea if they are loose or not.
this is the rest of what started on the last link.

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By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,22 18:00 other posts 
Here is what annoys me about democrats.
The government is supposedly going to run out of money soon.
So there will be a measure put on the floor to vote on to keep things running. The dems are going to insert gay marriage stuff into the bill,just to force the repubicans to either "support it" or be made look bad to the media.
Why not prioritize FIXING the problem of the government running out of money? NO, let's keep shit stirred up right before a midterm election. Assholes.
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By #610414 08,Sep,22 09:30
Every year since Washington was president the Feds risk running out of money. That is why there is s budget drawn up every year, and every year, regardless of which party is in power, the budget becomes a political football. Phart, you are too old to not know this.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 17:31 other posts 
BUT are any us to old to want that shit to CHANGE????
By #610414 09,Sep,22 15:55
It's a constitutional process. Maybe if we get rid of amendment 2, then.....
By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,22 19:26 other posts 
The 2 is 1 of the few things keeping Americans free and not under communism.
By #610414 10,Sep,22 10:14
Of course. I forgot that having the most powerful military in the world we would need a bunch of cowboys to protect us from the wandering hordes of communist ready to invade these shores
By phart [Ignore] 10,Sep,22 14:07 other posts 
You tend to forget the military answers to the government, not the PEOPLE. So sure they protect from outsiders, but they don't protect us from their bosses.
By #610414 11,Sep,22 14:55
Wrong. They owe their allegiance to the Constitution.
“I, ____________________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
By phart [Ignore] 11,Sep,22 17:05 other posts 
So you just confirmed what I said. the solider protects the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; BUT what you typed after is what I am saying,
The officers appointed over them, are told what to do by WHOM??? the tooth fairy? NO, government officials or the president.

By phart [Ignore] 10,Sep,22 14:23 other posts 
Big NEWS in the UK. 73 year old FINNALLY lands a job!

By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,22 23:06 other posts 
Well the university won't go broke sadly because of a 1 billion dollar endowment but being WOKE cost them 36 MILLION dollars.
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With that 1 billion endowment,the judge should have given the bakery MORE>

By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,22 22:24 other posts 
I am not able to comprehend what california's government is thinking with their selling "electric cars only" by 2035 and they can't even keep the air conditioner's running.
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By #610414 08,Sep,22 11:08
Phart, you know who you remind me off? In 1993 Miami got hit by hurricane Andrew. The destruction and loss of life was horrendous. What made iieotse was that the previous hurricane to make a direct hit was Dona in 1960. The building codes in Miami/Dade County are one of the strongest in the nation, but, because storms had not hit Ina long time, the codes were relaxed. Preparations were ignored. Then Andrew hit.
What I'm trying to say is that we have let standards be relaxed. Preparations for future problems (some are here already) meet with opposition, like yours. California has many problems. Two of those are major smog in LA. The other is a familiar one to many cities and states. The electric grid has been neglected by the PRIVATE power companies. Electric cars could help with the first. The electric grid would probably entail fining the power companies if they don't bring the grid up to date.
This is a case of corporate greed and you blame everyone else except the power company.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 11:37 other posts 
What you are saying reminds me of a story about volcanoes. No one lives on a volcano that erupts every few years or even every few decades. But there are volcanoes that have massive eruptions every few hundred years like clockwork and every time many people die from it. Because every time people have forgotten the massive carnage that it caused, people start living on the fertile hills again. It's just a period that falls outside people's experience of time. Even if the volcano is years overdue to explode again, people keep living there and governments neglect to do anything. Than the expected happens, lots of people die, scientists say 'we told you so' and the volcano is abandoned. Then after a few years people come back, because the volcano only erupts every few hundred years. And probably in a few hundred years there are too many people living there again to evacuate preemptively, so they will all die again, completely expectedly for every scientist. And no one listened (again).

People only have a time experience of at maximum a few decades,
but politics has a time experience of at maximum until the next election.
By #610414 08,Sep,22 12:01
As an aside to my post, I lived through both Dona and Andrew. Both times living in a house built by my Dad. He made his house with all walls as outside walls, re-enforced concrete blocks, 2x6 rafters anckered to walls with straps. It was still scary but, when it was over, we still had a roof and walls. Our neighbors were not so lucky. My Dad established an emergency kitchen for the whole neighborhood. He passed that same year.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 12:25 other posts 
Your dad was probably someone with a longer than average time experience and/or
a wider than average circle of concern. It's those people who predict and prepare
for things that will actually happen at some point.
By #610414 08,Sep,22 13:59
He was in construction after WWII building for the US Air Force inthe Caribbean. He knew about the forces of hurricanes
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 17:19 other posts 
I understand you feel the power company is at fault for the power grid.I have family that worked on the power grid construction in this area for 30 years.
Back before 1989, it was not that much trouble to build a new power line or substation. the company drew a map, decided a route, bought the right of way, used machines to clear it and dig tower bases and up the towers went and there went the wires and walla ,you had power.
Try that today with all the new Enviromental laws. Where you used to just go on a hillside,dig a big hole,letting the dirt go where it may,now there is silt fence,catch basins and the list goes on.
Relax some of the regulations so companys can get out there and upgrade.
By #610414 08,Sep,22 18:02
Bullshit. Every new subdivision has new lines and new power point/s. In order to serve these, they have to beef up existing parts of the grid. Almost every new homeowner has to pay for environmental fees. And every subdivision, new or old, has Rights of Way designed in their planning when they get submitted to the local property/tax/building department. As they say, "It's the money, stupid." They are too greedy to cut into their profits.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 20:29 other posts 
I can't say you are wrong with what you said except saying bullshit.
I know very well how the system worked as far as putting in power lines, because it kept food on the table when I was growing up.

I am not speaking of the low voltage lines that run along the hwy or into a neighborhood. I am talking about the 100,000 volt,220,000 volt transmission lines that feed all that.
By #610414 09,Sep,22 08:58
Those transmission lines are planned years before any subdivision is actually platted, let alone built. The parts of the grid that fail are the feed points.
I don't buy it either. I'm sure we have much stricter regulations and we have no problem providing power to people.

I do need to admit that we recently had a massive short circuit in the grid, which caused many millions worth of damage. Somehow fuses failed to shut off the power and a big part of the local system burned out. However, it only caused a power outage for 300.000 people from 3:10 p.m until 4:45 p.m., because the system has enough backups. The rail system does have a problem. The repairs on that piece of track will probably take up to 03 October. People will have to take a longer route or take buses in the meantime.

The video from the short circuit and overheating power-lines is pretty cool though.
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By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 20:25 other posts 
Bend over,the feds are after even MORE to bring you down to poverty level.
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By phart [Ignore] 07,Sep,22 11:50 other posts 
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By #610414 08,Sep,22 09:33
How wonderful. A man with A GUN shoots another man. Another man takes out A GUN for defence. That makes it all alright. Fucking assholes.
By phart [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 17:21 other posts 
So he should have just laid there and let his friend's be shot ? That is not smart,1 of the friend's saved coulda been YOU.

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