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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

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By bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 23:34 other posts 
Congrats to Mrs. Jamie1 for being the winner of "Prettiest Woman (Clothed or unclothed)" contest!

By bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 09:03 other posts 
Oh, my! Jamie1 has it "raining" steaks on his page. I wonder what he's got on his mind!?
By #610414 02,Apr,23 09:22
A black eye?
By Jamie [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 09:49 other posts 
I smoke my frist brisket and it was delicious. No cat no black eye.
By #610414 02,Apr,23 10:08
By bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 14:28 other posts 
You live in Texas and you just smoked your first brisket!? Dang, Jamie, beef brisket is a Texas staple! When I was in Texas, a hundred years ago, there were independent brisket restaurants, food trucks on EVERY CORNER! In all your yeays, did you avoid eating brisket, take your family out to dinner OR did you make your better and prettier half smoke the brisket?
By Jamie [Ignore] 02,Apr,23 15:37 other posts 
This the time of the year for cooking out side.

By #610414 02,Apr,23 10:23
Florida remains hot spot for people to move to from out of state

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Guess what? Central Florida could break high temperature records again

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By bella! [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 23:14 other posts 
I moved into my Florida "digs" Thursday and Friday. I'm pooped but it's all worth it, the place is super cute!
By dgraff [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 23:56 other posts 
Enjoy Bella you earned it is that going to be your winter residence and are you going to remember how to get back to Michigan we had a really mild winter but there is a line of strong storms coming across from California we will see what they bring
By #610414 01,Apr,23 20:02
Congratulations. Hope you are very happy there.
By #677384 01,Apr,23 20:39
I'm soo happy for you and hope you really enjoy yourself. I have been to Cocoa Beach for boat races a few times and I loved it there. Give the girls my love too hehe. I'm sure they will enjoy the sun and warm air my dear

By bella! [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 14:43 other posts 
President Biden is getting ready to speak about the shooting at a Metro Nashville Christian school earlier today.

28-year-old woman kills 3 students and 3 adults at private Christian school in Nashville, police say.

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--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

At this sad time of another school shooting, he begins like he's the opening act at the Comedy Castle. "Hi. My name is Joe Biden. I'm here because I came for ice cream." What a dinglefritz!
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 07:09 other posts 
Joe Biden knows all about the shootings because i think he is behind them put nothing past the democrats my theory is all the shootings are done by sacrificial democrats to help with their no guns agenda
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 07:54 other posts 
Sure, you think that. It's bullshit though.

The Democrats don't even have a 'no guns agenda', they have a 'less killing please agenda'. Not allowing mentally ill people to have guns, is a good way to achieve less killing, don't you think?

Or maybe that just hits too close to home for you, because mental illness is more
and more an explanation for your ideas, especially the ones concerning guns.
By #610414 28,Mar,23 08:53
Another Phart wanna be. Ananas, can you imagine extra-terrestrials abducting one of them for research? They'd return him and leave. Never to return to the world of Bizarro.
--------------------------------------- added after 58 seconds

And I said "Simple thinkers". Hahaha
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 09:38 other posts 
I was all ready abducted by aliens they played with my genitalia’s and sent me home it felt so good though their long green slimy fingers on my stiff cock I came instantly
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 10:07 other posts 
You didn't shoot them immediately?
At least you showed some restrained then.
Thanks for not starting an interplanetary war.
Make love not war!
Did you get their phone number?
By #610414 28,Mar,23 10:55
Long distance charges may apply
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 12:50 other posts 
By phart [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 14:25 other posts 
Oh and you know this because your bill was 400 bucks this month?
By phart [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 14:04 other posts 
Strange how you 2 can't even take into consideration that dems might not mind the shootings as it helps their agenda.
Gun gun gun.

Let's think outside of your boxes a moment. Had this mass school killing been done with a homemade bomb using diesel fuel, fertilizer and a Uhaul truck, would you folks be trying to ban them to?
Odd, I can go buy the fuel and the fertilizer without showing a id, and a uhaul is easy had with what could be a fake id .
In other words,the shooter could have just as easy been a copy cat oklahoma city gun needed, many harmed and killed.
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 15:23 other posts 
Timothy micvey i remember him well i have his cook book
By Dev01 [Ignore] 29,Mar,23 03:28 other posts 
of the man who had rented the van. Agents showed the drawing around town, and local hotel employees supplied a name: Tim McVeigh.

A quick call to the Bureau’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division in West Virginia on April 21 led to an astonishing discovery: McVeigh was already in jail.

He’d been pulled over about 80 miles north of Oklahoma City by an observant Oklahoma State Trooper who noticed a missing license plate on his yellow Mercury Marquis. McVeigh had a concealed weapon and was arrested. It was just 90 minutes after the bombing.

From there, the evidence began adding up.

Agents found traces of the chemicals used in the explosion on McVeigh’s clothes and a business card on which McVeigh had suspiciously scribbled, “TNT @ $5/stick, need more”. They learned about McVeigh’s extremist ideologies and his anger over the events at Waco two years earlier. They discovered that a friend of McVeigh’s named Terry Nichols helped build the bomb and that another man—Michael Fortier—was aware of the bomb plot.

The bombing was quickly solved, but the investigation turned out to be one of the most exhaustive in FBI history.

No stone was left unturned to make sure every clue was found and all the culprits identified.

By the time it was over, the Bureau had conducted more than 28,000 interviews, followed some 43,000 investigative leads, amassed three-and-a-half tons of evidence, and reviewed nearly a billion pieces of information.

In the end, the government that McVeigh hated and hoped to topple swiftly captured him and convincingly convicted both him and his co-conspirators.

of the man who had rented the van. Agents showed the drawing around town, and local hotel employees supplied a name: Tim McVeigh.

A quick call to the Bureau’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division in West Virginia on April 21 led to an astonishing discovery: McVeigh was already in jail.

He’d been pulled over about 80 miles north of Oklahoma City by an observant Oklahoma State Trooper who noticed a missing license plate on his yellow Mercury Marquis. McVeigh had a concealed weapon and was arrested. It was just 90 minutes after the bombing.

From there, the evidence began adding up.

Agents found traces of the chemicals used in the explosion on McVeigh’s clothes and a business card on which McVeigh had suspiciously scribbled, “TNT @ $5/stick, need more”. They learned about McVeigh’s extremist ideologies and his anger over the events at Waco two years earlier. They discovered that a friend of McVeigh’s named Terry Nichols helped build the bomb and that another man—Michael Fortier—was aware of the bomb plot.

The bombing was quickly solved, but the investigation turned out to be one of the most exhaustive in FBI history.

No stone was left unturned to make sure every clue was found and all the culprits identified.

By the time it was over, the Bureau had conducted more than 28,000 interviews, followed some 43,000 investigative leads, amassed three-and-a-half tons of evidence, and reviewed nearly a billion pieces of information.

In the end, the government that McVeigh hated and hoped to topple swiftly captured him and convincingly convicted both him and his co-conspirators.

Trained by the US government to kill yet it backfired
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 16:50 other posts 
BINGO! Of course, U-Haul trucks must be banned!
By phart [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 17:38 other posts 
yes, they can be rented to run over people to! Not only carry bombs.
So yes,write your congressman today and tell them to pass the Antiuhaul bill NOW.
Which would also help as property tax values in our area have not doubled but TRIPLED this year.So many new yorkers and californicators have come here that are used to paying high prices they have raised home values. I would love to send them all back to where they came from.

Next time you ride by a local school, really take a look around. How secure is the place? Is there a fence around it? Is it guarded? Are the doors locked? Are those all staff vehicles in the parking lot or is 1 of them a planted dangerous device?
For God's sakes people,think, our PRISONERS on DEATH ROW are safer than our kids. it aint the gun, it is the people.
By #610414 30,Mar,23 08:37
Yes, it is the people. There, are you happy with the acknowledgement? Now, tell us how a mass school student killer carry a vehicle to the second floor of a school or, even the first floor, and kills kids by running them over. The weapon of choice is almost always a gun. If they had a harder time getting these weapons, there would be LESS student homicides. Surely this is not a hard concept to understand.
There are actually two common denominators in every school shooting:
- They are done by people
- They are done with guns
Solution to prevent school shootings: get guns away from people.

But, you don't want to do that, because of the 2nd amendment.

So, to make it a bit more complicated: there is something wrong with people
who shoot up schools. Let's call them 'bad' people, to make it simple.

That results in two options (if you want less school shootings):
1) Fix the 'bad' people.
2) Keep the guns away from the 'bad' people.

Do we all agree, so far?
So, how do you do option 1 or option 2 or both?
By phart [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 11:17 other posts 
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The people just happen to use guns.
The tragedy's are not committed "By the gun". It is a inert object that requires human interaction to work.
That is like saying a fork made me fat.
If you take away the fork,I can get a spoon.

Keep the bad people away from guns.

I am really impressed with the way the Nashville police have handled this situation. They have released as much info as they can early on.
So now as the general public we have access to enough info to determine that the shooter was mentally ill under the care of a doctor. Which means the shooter was on medicine most likely.
When you are on psychotropic drugs you should be on a list of people under constant surveillance.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 15:29 other posts 
It's not just coincidence that most mass murders are done with guns,
it's only logical to use the tool that is most useful for the job.
If American stores sold sarin nerve gas, they would often use that.
It's just your choice of making guns the best available tools in the US for killing. When the AR-15 became widely available, murderers switched from handguns and normal rifles to the better killing tool.

You can blame drugs, but many mass murders are not even linked to drugs.

But look at what system of big government you are ready to introduce, with all the costs associated with it, just to have the feeling of safety, in a imaginary situation where you are in danger and a gun could actually save your life.
At least when I support some big government system, it is to benefit people.

Every cause you are pointing at, as an alternative for guns as a cause, are no different in the US than in other countries. The only thing that makes the US different from any other country, is the availability of guns.
Lots of other countries have drugs, transgenders, crazy extremists and maybe even more people on anti-depressants. Guns are the only thing that is different in the US and the only thing that can explain the ridiculously high mass murder rate, compared to all those other countries. It's the only thing that makes any sense. But, when you don't like the obvious answer staring you in the face,
you deny it.
By #610414 31,Mar,23 08:13
It is comited by the gun. People help it
By phart [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 11:39 other posts 
Ok so what language does the gun speak? or just how does a gun lure a human to use it?
I want to read this!
A gun is a lazy thing,all it does is lay around and rust until someone picks it up.
It is to lazy to even load it's self,much less take a bath in oil.
And pulling it's own trigger,hell no,that takes effort,that spring is so strong.
Shit,by the time I get thru discribing a gun, it sure looks like guns are all DEMOCRATS!
By #610414 31,Mar,23 12:13
Like I said, it gets help.
By phart [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 13:07 other posts 
Yep,it gets help ,just like most democrat voters! just a different kind of help.
By #610414 28,Mar,23 18:19
Okay, tell us how many mass killings have been done with a fertilizer bomb in the last 100 yrs in the US. If it’s more than 5 then, yes, I would want the fertilizer to be manufactured in such a way that it couldn’t be use to make bombs or regulated so you need a license to buy and must show proof of owning a gardening application.
After the Oklahoma City Bombing, regulations to control the purchase of agricultural fertilizer have been put in place.
It was introduced by Republican Curtis Weldon, but cosponsored by 7 Democrats and 2 Republicans.

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So the politicians did something to restrict the availability of fertilizer to be used
for bombs, and they didn't just say 'it ain't the fertilizer, it's the people'.
By phart [Ignore] 29,Mar,23 23:27 other posts 
There was trials and such after WW2 because There was evidence people were aware Pearl Harbor was going to happen before it did and the military could have took action to at least reduce the damage .But didn't .The memo wound up in a officers trash can.
There is evidence that the government knew about 9-11

Now think about those 2 events, and the CONTROL and changes the government was able to take after those events and how the events like the wuhan virus really ripped this country apart.
Did sleepy joe know about this terriable shooting? I doubt it,BUT there is someone out there that could be using spy software or something, that knew this was going to happen.
And did nothing.
By #610414 29,Mar,23 23:40
Phart, you are, truly, handycapped.
By phart [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 11:13 other posts 
How do you figure? I Would say folks like you are the blind 1's that can't see the potential.
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Now you tell me honestly, is there not a good chance that some poor guy out there paid to monitor for key words hasn't screwed up and not let anyone know they were clued into a shooting or other bad thing about to happen?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Mar,23 16:11 other posts 
It's impossible to organize a system of surveillance that actually prevents mass murders. Even crazy people will not use a computer to write their mass murder / suicide manifesto, if they know big brother is watching them.

Are you supporting such a huge big brother system? It would be funny, if you now all of a sudden trust the government, when it comes to full surveillance of everyone.

How do you propose to recognize the actual crazies from people who are just interested in some dark information? Just my Google searches, while doing research for discussions with you, could employ an army of psychologists, to determine if I'm actually dangerous. I was searching for restrictions on ammonium nitrate, mass murder statistics, how often the AR-15 is used in school shootings, drugs, anti-depressants and information about the most recent school shooting.
Imagine the effort of sending all those cops or psychologists to peoples houses to check up on people who are googling dark shit. Or do you propose to arrest all of them for psychological evaluation? Can you make a guess about how many times you would have been questioned or taken for psych-assessment yourself?
How much freedom are you willing to sacrifice, for the freedom to own guns?
By #610414 31,Mar,23 14:42
First there must be words. Second, why would some poor guy be looking for suggestive words. You can't handle a smart phone, now you are an expert on what some poor guy reads?
By phart [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 17:13 other posts 
I don't WANT to handle a smart phone. I could handle it if I wanted to try and sit down and learn the entire thing.I just want a phone. not a pocket computer.If I wanted a pocket computer I would get another radio shack PC-3 like I had in college.
I was learning computers and learning how to write and program them back in the late 80's. Everything is remembered somewhere and can be taped into at a moments notice.
DO I want folks looking at what I do? No. BUT Do I want them coming for my gun and leaving me defensless? No.
Which is better for my safety? Take my gun or a AI program monitoring to see if I ask the exact measurements of a bumb I would need to blow a 10 story building?
By #610414 31,Mar,23 18:59
You don't handle a smart phone and learning is easy. Most is already to go. My youngest is an AI specialist and he loves his phone. No one needs to know what you do. Your present phone is also trackable. It's a shame you are so in fear that you have to carry a gun. I find it useful to check my bank balances, find addresses, see my store specials, and see my pics. It's a shame you are missing out on all the wonderful things a smart phone can do for you.
By phart [Ignore] 01,Apr,23 00:13 other posts 
I carried 1 for about 2 years. Seldom did anything with it.Took up a whole shirt pocket and would fall out sometimes. I use the computer here at home .
Flip phone fits in the shirt pocket and it can buttoned shut.
The camera feature is handy on the cell phone .
But as for all that "stuff" it does, I don't need it.
And I SURE don't bank on the computer or cell phone except with a credit card that has a low limit.
By phart [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 13:59 other posts 
That news article needs to be changed to a 28 year old trans person, not a woman. Just as 1 website said last night, only 4 women have committed mass shootings. This was not a woman.
By #610414 28,Mar,23 18:21
If she walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, she’s a duck. Besides, what does that have to do with the death count?
By phart [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 18:33 other posts 
It may have been what lead to the death count's very existence!
Without the social issues that trans people have the trans may not have wanted to harm anyone or die.
By #610414 28,Mar,23 19:20
Or she simply was angry and wanted to k!ll
By phart [Ignore] 28,Mar,23 23:39 other posts 
I am sure before you reached saint hood you have been angry at some point."I am going to kill that bastard". but did you do it? No,because at some point in your life you knew had some level of sanity.
Anger is no excuse.
By #610414 29,Mar,23 08:35
But people use it as an excuse

By bella! [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 21:13 other posts 
Hey, Jamie1 , so Maturemale opens a new thread asking; Is it legal to post pics here? You and I responded, did you notice that he deleted our posts? What a wanker!
By Jamie [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 21:57 other posts 
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 22:11 other posts 
Yes, you noticed that he deleted our posts OR yes, you agree that he's a wanker?
By Jamie [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 22:44 other posts 
Yes both
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Mar,23 23:03 other posts 

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