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Just acknowledge it. All you did was lost your talking point from yesterday
I've heard that the greys are with him, whether that's good or bad, I dont know!
They were all white.
If they were black then there would have been many more deaths. The security, the police, the national guard, etc., wouldn't have been so careful not to shoot. In fact the national guard didn't have guns. Because the rioters were white. Only 4 died. If they were black there would have been 40 or more deaths.
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My level of political cynicism is very high.
I agree with putting the people back to work instead of steady handing out money and not handing money to Pakistan for gender study, BUT at this moment and time,with the senate at risk for literaly 1 to 2 votes,it was a time to compremise,give the 2000 bucks,maintain control of the senate,and save the money later on the next 2 years.
And don't worry about those $2000 per person. It will be in the hands of the rich people soon enough. It seems like that's all you care about.
That pork on the bills exists because of those rich people bribing your politicians.
It's full of handouts for the oil businesses, the military industrial complex, the pharma industry and just rich people in general.
Pakistan is in the bill 5 times. I agree it shouldn't be in there.
"Of the funds appropriated under title III of this Act that are made available for assistance for Pakistan, not less than $15,000,000 shall be made available for democracy programs and not less than $10,000,000 shall be made available for gender programs."
However the word 'missile' is in there 19 times.
"Government and contractor-owned equipment layaway; and other expenses necessary for the foregoing purposes, $3,220,541,000, to remain available for obligation until September 30, 2023."
How is that involved with Covid relief? Are they gonna shoot missiles at viruses?
It's also 128 times the amount.
There is also $115,745,000 for the wild horse and burro program, whatever the fuck that may be. The word 'horse' is in there 192 times. The word 'patient' is only in there 165 times. WTF, why? Horses don't get Covid.
Your government is fucking crazy. I'm sure you are gonna point to the democrats,
but it was Mitch McConnell who destroyed the $2000 bill, because there was no pork attached to it. It was also primarily the Republicans who made it legal for the rich to fund your politicians with unlimited amounts of money, through loopholes.
That's why your bills are filled with handouts for rich people and corporations and nothing for you.
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Missles, we will need them if Iran and the other middle easterners start their little shit shows again while we are suffering under Harris in a year or 2.
I was also reading yesterday that some moderate democrats do not want all 3 branchs controled by 1 party.Gee,I think those folks need to jump ship so they won't be considered idiots with the rest of the democommies.
I know several people that are not employed by rich people. Both my brother and brother in law are self employed and doing great. In The Netherlands 70% of employment is from small and medium businesses, and it's on the rise. In the US it's 47% and declining.
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Why don't you just leave those middle easterners alone? Do you really think you are making the world a safer place by bombing the shit out of muslims?
A safer world was never the purpose of your wars. You just want them to be subservient and take their oil as cheap as possible. The US likes to overthrow moderate, democratically elected governments, to put in extremist dictators.
That's why they hate you.
Moderate Democrats are just Republicans from a few decades ago. Most of them are rich and don't care who is in power, because both parties work for them.
Why didn't the Iranians just leave that South Korean Tanker alone? Last i read South Korea is sending in war ships of their own. I don't doubt they will take action rather anyone else helps or not.And what has South Korea done to the middle east?Other than buy their oil that they cant eat or drink so they can then buy what they can eat and drink?
Do you really think they will ever be a democracy? And even if they ever have democratic elections, will the US not just overthrow the winner, if it's not a suck-up to the US and might want a fair price for their oil?
Why do you think your news is talking about Iran messing with a South Korean oil tanker? Because you are friends with their enemy, Saudi Arabia. That's just because of lucrative oil and weapon deals with the donors of your politicians.
It's not that Saudi Arabia isn't just as bad as Iran. Saudi Arabia is doing a genocide in Yemen. You don't care about that, because your media doesn't talk about it. And that's because they make ridiculous money of commercials for Raytheon. Why are cigarette commercials banned, but commercials for bomb manufacturers allowed?
It doesn't work! You don't need $3,220,541,000 available for missiles and it surely has no place in your Covid relief bill.
Vote out those corrupt politicians. If you don't want to vote for the democrats,
at least vote in the republican primary elections for the least corrupt candidate.
THat money may have been made avaiable to make sure payment could be made on obligations for missles under contract.
YOu wouldn't want a company to be stuck with a big bill and missles in THEIR warehouse instead of the governments would you? COuld get in to the wrong hands?
As for bombing the hell out of them,well,if you come accross a nest of rattle snakes,and you kill all of them,none of them will bite you later will they?
I read something the other day about Iraqi intelligence warning Iran of a false flag incident as a precursor to a declaration of war from the US.
I know many small business owners that employ one or two people, even if it's a delivery driver. The big enterprises do employ many people but it's the little businesses that power this country. The profits stay local and not sent offshore--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
phart This is from the Small Business Administration
Small businesses comprise what share of
the U.S. economy?
Small businesses make up:
99.7 percent of U.S. employer firms,
64 percent of net new private-sector
49.2 percent of private-sector
42.9 percent of private-sector payroll,
46 percent of private-sector output,
43 percent of high-tech employment,
98 percent of firms exporting goods,
33 percent of exporting value.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, SUSB, CPS;
International Trade Administration; Bureau
of Labor Statistics, BED; Advocacy-funded
research, Small Business GDP: Update 2002-
2010, only registered users can see external links.
I hope the next couple of weeks remains calm… but I doubt it will. If we’ve learned anything from Donald Trump it is that he does not do calm. Every time we think that it couldn’t get worse in walks Donald J Trump.
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So many rioted and looted and burned over a dope head getting shot at a wendys drive thru but will anyone give a damn about this poor woman? I doubt it? YOu know why I doubt it? 1,she is white,2, she was conservitive. Sad,very sad indeed that such a double standard is present in our once great nation.Dope heads and criminals are given more prestige than patriots.
Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran from San Diego who served 4 tours with the US Air Force as a high-level security officer was killed today.
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Again we are United
Btw how did the other 3 people die?
I'm not smarter than yo u.. The only difference that keeps you in the cage is your own egoism.
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