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Started by kebmo [Ignore] 19,Jul,18 05:03  other posts
I'm sure a lot of people here don't want to talk about the US President. I am also sure that there are a lot of people that do want to so let's do it here so they won't have to "listen" to us if they choose not to.
I watch a LOT of news, Canadian and American. I don't get Foxx News but I do get CNN and MSNBC which are very left leaning. The two Canadian news networks, CBC News and CTV News are more middle of the road. I watch the late shows too and I especially like Seth Myers' "A Closer Look".

Let's talk Trump!

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By kebmo [Ignore] 18,Dec,20 01:21 other posts 
I predict Mitt Romney for Attorney General. No I’m not drunk. 😀

By Dev01 [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 21:07 other posts 
I'm wondering who now will be a superpower... Will Biden flex or just a soft cock. The world is watching now and to be honest, Felt safer with Trump. Yep... the roll on effect is tremendous and China already trying to fuck Oz. NO hater remarks just a simple question.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 21:14 other posts 
If we were to compare Biden to a cock or dick or pecker,he would be the limpest,shortest little thing on the block.
Our military strength will dwindle. Obama placed no value on military.Instead of being in a postion to defend against the enemy,He apologized to them all.Biden is Obama 2.0 with a dose of Alzhemires.

Trump will have a tough job rebuilding things in 2024.
By #592419 14,Dec,20 22:44
china would be..

By kebmo [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 00:21 other posts 
It’s over SrCums. A “landslide” win for Biden / Harris. I await your weak retort.
By #202354 15,Dec,20 04:33
They will NEVER admit anything. The dirty Yankees (i.e. Biden supporters) have have disrespected their right to their president terrorizing the world for another four years. Let's see how this plays out, but it didn't turn out too well for the South (i.e. Trump supporters) the first time.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 09:56 other posts 
As far as power and wealth perhaps yes China,but with North Korea no longer having snyone with gonads willing to stand up to them,I feel like they will grow to a point that even CHina will be in fear.As North Korea does not value life either.Much less than china.
By #610414 15,Dec,20 08:52
First, I hope that clown never runs for more than a bathroom. Second. When you are vice-president, you have to support your boss, but, now he is his own man and four years later. I say he will be alright
By #629627 15,Dec,20 18:42
Trump is history. Apart from the corruption, and tax evasion, once ghislaine maxwell testifies, bye bye. his mate epstein had more money and it didnt keep him out of jail for trafficking children into sex abuse. The Republican party have dropped him. There was a limit to just how ludicrous his pathetic cry baby loser blubbering could go. Still yet to see the 7,000,000 fake voting papers.
Can you imagine Putin supporting a pathetic cry baby like him.
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 05:22 other posts 
I am very uncomfortable with joe Biden and his friend ship with China I just hope he has enough mind left to remember what the Japanese did to us in 1947
--------------------------------------- added after 22 minutes

And I hope he remembered China was the backing force behind the north Vietnamese and is now the backing force behind North Korea
By #610414 15,Dec,20 08:44
If you are referring to Pearl Harbour, the Japanese attacked on December 7, 1941. As far as China is concerned in Vietnam, were we any different? We involved ourselves in a civil war because the C I A said the domino effect would get Communism entrenched in SE Asia.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

North Korea and Vietnam is well within China’s circle of influence. They have as much an interest in those two countries as we have in Canada and Mexico
BTW. If you can’t get your facts right, GOOGLE IT
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 09:47 other posts 
Fuck google if google shut down their would be 20,000 members that are as dumb as a sack of hammers including you and i
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 08:56 other posts 
What did the Japanese do in 1947? It will be 70 seventy years in 2021, on December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the United States when they bombed Pearl Harbor.
Would it be a bad thing if China and the US became friends?
By bella! [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 12:12 other posts 
What is the current relationship between the UK and China?
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 13:20 other posts 
It was ok until early this year. Probably not as bad as between USA and China though.
By phart [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 12:42 other posts 
To a point no,it would not be.BUT from my observations,they take or some folks say steal, alot from us.But similar to what we and other countrys did to Nazi Germany after the war.We stole rocket tech and jet tech,medical knowledge and so forth that Jewish doctors and scientist had worked hard on for Hitler without any credit to the drs or Hitler for that matter..But we haven't been at war yet with China,they just started stealing on their own.
By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 13:28 other posts 
Not been at war with them in the traditional sense, but some would say there's been an economic war and a war for influence in Asia for decade.
By #629627 15,Dec,20 18:45
What did the Japanese do in 1947 two years after the was finished? Impregnate Trumps mother? Couldnt have done much worse.
China and Japan aren't really similar. They sort of don't get on and arent really a comparison.
Just becasue they all look the same?
By dgraff [Ignore] 15,Dec,20 19:41 other posts 
Hey little girl glad you came back to post your communism ways go back to mommies basement and tap on your computer you commie bastard
By #629627 16,Dec,20 07:48
not fascist doesnt equl communist. I run a business.
By dgraff [Ignore] 16,Dec,20 11:42 other posts 
So do I so what
By #629627 17,Dec,20 18:54
Quite the opposite. Like fat cunt cry baby loser trump, communists dont believe in democracy.
Stay in your shack in the swamp with your dog. Keep reading up on your history.
By dgraff [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 19:24 other posts 
My little shack is a big mountain home 5 bedroom living room dining room large kitchen large bathroom full basement under house garage all sitting on 22 acres of mountain top all bought and paid for
--------------------------------------- added after 36 seconds

So what is your story little girl
By kebmo [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 19:36 other posts 
Nice “shack” phart! 👍

By #592419 12,Dec,20 12:00
Donald J. Trump
54m ·
The Supreme Court had ZERO interest in the merits of the greatest voter fraud ever perpetrated on the United States of America. All they were interested in is “standing”, which makes it very difficult for the President to present a case on the merits. 75,000,000 votes!
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Dec,20 15:02 other posts 
SrCums, Certified votes:

81,282,376 Biden
-74,222,576 Trump

Canadian math, not Trump math...

The Supreme Court and many others, with LOTS of Republican appointed judges, have decided that the cases have no merits. That's why they keep getting thrown out on their asses.
By phart [Ignore] 12,Dec,20 16:01 other posts 
as posted just below.This no merits shit is just that,shit

posted below and reposted to save typing.
"Do the anti Trumpers honestly think that 100's of people would have made sworn statements testifiying what they saw,did and heard ,that were false and risk going to jail if there was NO truth at all to what they were saying?
Do you think there would be MILLIONS of dollars dontated to help try to get the votes simply counted and verified and so on if there was no proof to be found?
The courts have turned their backs on this to maintain status quo.Their jobs in other words. They are sell outs"
By #629627 12,Dec,20 18:56
Yes. I think shitheads will complain because they lost. Trump, shit head No1. Cry baby loser. Not as much of a fuckwit and the ones sending him money he uses to pay off his debts. MILLIONS of DOLLARS of fuckwits money. Fuckwits.

Article from The Bulwark Conservative activist hub. Sums up the cry baby loser trump bullshit. Anti Democracy. Trump should be going to jail for sedition, additional to his mainstream misdemeanors.
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#diaperdon - 7,000,000 vote defeat - fuckwit
By phart [Ignore] 13,Dec,20 08:51 other posts 
The "shithead" democrats whined for the last 4 fucking years,trying impeachment and so on to get rid of our president.So expect ALOT of problems going forward.Hunter Biden making sure the Big Guy got his 10% will be a big start in bringing down the house of cards the democrats have put together.IF you cheat,it will come back to bite you in the ass.
By #629627 17,Dec,20 18:59
blah blah blah, trump is a pure crook. Setting up deals with Putin, Americas enemy. I can see why you swamp dwellers like him. Trump dosent give a shit of there is money in it somewhere.
By #629627 17,Dec,20 19:04
trump claims he got 75M votes. Moron that he is.

By #592419 11,Dec,20 12:19
Donald J. Trump
Now it turns out that my phone call to the President of Ukraine, which many, including me, have called “perfect”, was even better than that. I predicted Biden corruption, said to call the A.G., who perhaps knew of the corruption during the impeachment hoax?
By #629627 12,Dec,20 03:13
WHat is it with you fans of the undemocratic cry baby fat loser trump and having photos of dogs and your other animal boyfriends on your profile?
Do they critters know they arent supposed to have sex with you?
By #592419 12,Dec,20 11:40
Or fake dicks like you? You are a fake ,, flawed,, fucking fuckface talking to someone you don't even know...
By #629627 17,Dec,20 19:03
Take a look at your own profile ducky. "NOT Show your Dick"

I rate you duck - poor
Your opinion doesnt count
By kebmo [Ignore] 12,Dec,20 03:22 other posts 
Better than perfect. More Trump math?
By #592419 12,Dec,20 11:46
Fuck You

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Dec,20 05:34 other posts 
Trump threatens to shut down the military, by vetoing the NDAA, as leverage to force republicans to repeal section 230, which protect tech companies from being held liable,
if someone on their platform posts anything illegal.

That means the tech companies will shut down all comments, because they don't want to be sued to oblivion. The thing they will probably shut down first is Trumps twitter, because Twitter surely doesn't want to be liable for Trumps lies and racist remarks.

[deleted image]
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 09,Dec,20 06:01 other posts 
they're already migrating to newsmax and such. newsmax is hilarious. the early evening host looks like a mercenary delivering the news
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 09,Dec,20 06:40 other posts 
I've heard Fox News isn't following Trump on his election fraud scheme anymore (or at least not full-heartedly) and therefore Trump diehards are leaving them.
So it's Newsmax now? Didn't Trump want to start TrumpTV? How's that going?

However, without section 230 there is probably not much future for sites like we are now posting on. One wrong picture, that someone sues them over can end sites like these.
By Strongmember# [Ignore] 09,Dec,20 07:02 other posts 
Trump can totally launch a media empire. I imagine that will be his next act. He has more of a following than Hannity, Rush, any. He will take people like Hannity with him
By phart [Ignore] 09,Dec,20 15:15 other posts 
We need a news source that will simply report what happened.Not try to steer our minds 1 way or the other.
I would like to see tech companys have to fix computer programs to be compatiable with previous editions and not be allowed to censor content.
By #592419 09,Dec,20 16:57
These 2 fakes spread lies and propaganda..
By #592419 09,Dec,20 16:57
Did you find out the supreme court is getting into it also... You're days of stupidity will soon be numbered...
By #592419 09,Dec,20 16:54
Supreme court has ordered states in question to respond to lawsuits issued by texas and 8 other states that are suing to respond by noon tomorrow..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Dec,20 06:50 other posts 
"The Supreme Court is going through standard procedural protocols, placing the case on its docket and giving the four battleground states until 3 p.m. ET Thursday to respond."

Is there any precedent?
"In a nutshell the President is asking the Supreme Court to exercise its rarest form of jurisdiction to effectively overturn the entire presidential election," said Steve Vladeck,
a CNN Supreme Court analyst and University of Texas Law School professor.

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Of course you will think this is also fake news, but just wait and see how it will turn out. The supreme court has declined much less extreme cases of Trump, so I wouldn't hold my breath.
I would love to say your days of stupidity will soon be numbered, but I can't imagine you will learn anything from it.
By #202354 10,Dec,20 08:57
These people are inconvincible, trying to convince them is pointless. I'm sure everyone remembers that Leonardo DeCaprio movie "Inception". In a sense it doesn't whether any of these wild claims of fraud are true, truth hasn't really mattered that much in the last four years. I think Trump's main goal is to plant the idea of fraud into his follower's minds. This has just been one big inception. Unfortunately, I'm afraid, in that he has been successful.
By #592419 10,Dec,20 09:05
Texas started this suit with 17 states joining on the fight.,,, do you know legal process? 18 states are claiming not only fraudulent but criminal allegations. Why do you not state this? Because you are BIASED! ..
For someone that claims to have a college degree you really don't get the simplest of anything do you? In response,,, if you have a corrupted and paid off state rotten to the core of course the courts are going to deny trump... Think!!!! can you?
The supreme court has demanded these 4 states reply to the charges implicated by 3PM today.. so far not one has replied.. If and when ruled the votes on these states would be thrown out based on unsanitary conditions. The electorates would then vote and in all 4 states is ruled by republicans. NOW THE PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING BACK... we just had to see what their game plan was,, now its crush time..You had your chance,, now it's my turn to play.. It won't be even close.
Your Kung Fu is not strong.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Dec,20 17:28 other posts 
All 50 states have now certified their election results and the electoral college will be voting on Monday.
By #592419 10,Dec,20 19:58
that doesn't matter. Study the constitution and get back to me
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 12:26 other posts 
So Texas’ lawsuit was presented to the supreme court and they threw it out.
Didn't I tell you not to hold your breath.

The supreme court threw the case on two counts:
- "Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections,"
- None of the judges (not even Trump's appointees) indicated they saw any merit in the lawsuit.

“Let us be clear,” attorneys for Pennsylvania wrote in the state’s reply brief. “Texas invites this Court to overthrow the votes of the American people and choose the next President of the United States. That Faustian invitation must be firmly rejected.”
“It’s clear that the attorney general is abusing his office and therefore abusing official resources in the form of state employees and state funds in an effort to overturn a national election,”

So what did the supreme court mean by that; Paxton tried to shit on the constitution, for selfish reasons. He's fishing for a pardon from Trump, because he's under investigation for corruption.

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By #592419 14,Dec,20 14:46
So what's your point. The game hasn't even started yet.. The supreme court didn't want to get involved but the legislators are. Big deal..
The game hasn't started. Not even the first quarter.. Let me know at half-time..
If biden wins its because he cheated and corruption goes into its core.. If Trump wins its because the constitution won.. Whether or not something changes or not the truth shines. Keep in mind that over 110 million people know the election was fraudulent. Not just republicans but 30% of democrats knew they cheated... The entire world is watching.
By #592419 14,Dec,20 16:21
It appears that a lot of iterate idiots here can't read. No wonder I have to spell it out 2-3 times and still English reading is a hindrance.. This is the 12th amendment of the constitution.. So lets just calm down and fuck off..
To the people that know more than the 5th grade, this is the constitution 12th amendment..

IF THERE IS A TIE,,, OR IF evidence is presented that election was not done in transparency or conflicted with constitutional law then the choice of who wins any state, no matter what rules are stated locally is done by the legislation of each state until a victor is declared...
By #202354 10,Dec,20 12:58
See what I mean?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 12:52 other posts 
I'm not here trying to convince any of the TFG's, but I could convince some others. I might give some ammo to the light side and if it's all pointless, it just good philosophical exercise, to identify and destroy all the fallacies of the MAGA crowd.
By phart [Ignore] 14,Dec,20 15:50 other posts 
Come back in a couple years and see if you feel the same way. Naturally it is difficult to find but Dominion soft ware is not entirely owned by a US company.400 million dollars was handed off shortly before the election,alot of stuff to look into,even after the election.Even if it does not bring about a change in who is in office.If the truth can be put out there to be undenyable,perhaps some of you will learn.
100's of people can't be wrong that signed their names with the possiablity of jail etc.
By #592419 14,Dec,20 20:13
Donald J. Trump
YetnrtmsottSeerdlfgpauonsye oaoSt nr5dosf:5ni6e PndM
Swing States that have found massive VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them, CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes as complete & correct without committing a severely punishable crime. Everybody knows that dead people, below age people, illegal immigrants, fake signatures, prisoners, and many others voted illegally. Also, machine “glitches” (another word for FRAUD), ballot harvesting, non-resident voters, fake ballots, “stuffing the ballot box”, votes for pay, roughed up Republican Poll Watchers, and sometimes even more votes than people voting, took place in Detroit, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, and elsewhere. In all Swing State cases, there are far more votes than are necessary to win the State, and the Election itself. Therefore, VOTES CANNOT BE CERTIFIED. THIS ELECTION IS UNDER PROTEST!
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Dec,20 13:21 other posts 
If they would have found massive voter fraud, how completely inept are they that they cannot prove any of it.
They have won 1 of 50 lawsuits and that one was peanuts.
If you can't prove it, it didn't happen!
By #629627 16,Dec,20 18:44
Obviously it didnt happen. There is no evidence to find. America can run an election.
Trump is just full of shit. Boring cry baby loser. Desperate to try and stay out of jail. What utter shite the whole thing has been. Nyeh Nyeh dead people voting nyeh **** people, Its all bullshit.
Georgia counted by hand 3 times. Same result. No 100,000 forged ballots. Trump is just a fuckwit trying to undermine democracy becuase the majority of people think he is a stupid, divisive, nasty, selfish, petty, childish, bitter, jealous, lazy, slob ass moron.
He is clever enough to realise he wont win an election. So he makes up rubbish.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Dec,20 18:37 other posts 
How do you explain the videos that were and may still be available of people bragging about harvesting ballots and driving around with back seats full?
By #629627 17,Dec,20 18:52
Trump voters

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