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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By #610414 23,Oct,20 10:23

Did you read (WHY?) I blacklisted him? (referring to aussieman, Lix's boyfriend)

Reason: A window licker on the sunshine bus! Nothing more then an 5'3" OUTBACK ASSWIPE! 👍 Bwahahaha! 😜

And while I'm at it, this is (WHY?) I blacklisted her.


Once again Bella! is showing her irrational jealousy and bitterness. Bella!, whom we all know is AKA SKITTLES, again shows her hypocrite personality. She complains of other members trolling her pages and she does the same. What a BITCH. She is obsessed with licksipsuckit. With me too for that matter yet she's always mentioning us. I think we know who the whack-a-doodle really is.
It was funny, one of her posts had her, her alter ego, SKITTLES, and that site king of conspiracies, Phart.
By the way Dgraff, keep that shit stained thumb in your mouth. We all know how your precious Bella! cocks her ass for your tongue. Bitch, bitch, bitch

By #610414 20,Oct,20 10:13
Bella! and her henchmen run around going to the evaluation panel to throw dirt on this member and that member. She swears she does it to prevent unfairness but, did you notice she's the one trolling both sides of the site hoping to catch a lawbreaker?. She's also so curious about what happens in other threads. Can't stand ANY criticism. I like how she makes fun of my age when she's knocking on my back door. And lets face it, that bag of wrinkles wouldn't stand a chance of winning a beauty contest, even against a 68 yr old. I admit going over to her thread. She's obsessed with me and always mentions me. She still calls me Two-warm. Well, her other personality, Skittles, gets to be a horrible member and she comes off as a cock sucker only..
By #485312 22,Oct,20 15:02
obsession is when you only come here to make sure the person you have elevated to the top, is still here *lix*
By #610414 23,Oct,20 09:52
Here here

By #610414 20,Oct,20 09:41
Bella! is loosing her touch. Her STUFF, JUST STUFF is running out of steam. She's strugling with the color of emogies. Her group of ten (maybe?) Are discussing brother/sister hook ups and the old girl is photoshoping her...........I guess you call them tits.
By #485312 21,Oct,20 15:16
yeah come and read all about it in my 800 groups, they are all dedicated to running down cunts and exposing their lies *lix*

By #610414 20,Oct,20 09:35
Bella! posted in her thread

The old girl "mentioned" me today, in one of her posts. You know, one of her posts, in her thread, the thread that she talks to herself because no one visits that thread but her. She thinks I am you.(talking to herself as Skittles)

Angel1227 Denial doesn't make it true. You and your band of worms drilled it into me until blue in the face. You are Skittles and were also Huxley 999.

By the way......you visited.

By #610414 28,Sep,20 08:55
Trump is gonna win a landslide victory first go.


I think you are practicing mental masturbation
By #502711 28,Sep,20 19:51
Well Trump does get me excited
By #610414 28,Sep,20 20:42
By #485312 12,Oct,20 01:20
yeah, you just like his 'grab it on the pussy' line, gives all men some false sense that maybe they will be able to grab a pussy too, just like the man *lix*
By #502711 12,Oct,20 16:52
In a perfect world.
By #610414 14,Oct,20 12:34
The difference between decency and indecency is "May I fondle your beautiful pussy?"
--------------------------------------- added after 28 seconds

In any world
By #502711 18,Oct,20 17:05
An indecent guy wouldn't ask permission.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,20 18:22 other posts 
I can't help but wonder about the type of woman that puts herself out there to be touched also.
By #610414 18,Oct,20 20:06
phart in your Bizarro world I understand that comment
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,20 20:36 other posts 
Casting couches, and women that know their assets will move mountains,nothing new.
By #485312 19,Oct,20 02:09
women usually don't 'put themselves out there to be touched'.. men just touch without permission, men have never treated women like equals. and in my opinion, never will.. casting couches don't get women what they want, they get dirty, ugly rich guys a cheap thrill.. ask Harvey how that worked for so many years.. *lix*.
By #610414 19,Oct,20 10:05
right on but getting these pee pee heads to understand that is a huge undertaking. Probably impossible.
By #610414 19,Oct,20 09:46
Nor illegal or stupid. You use what you've got
--------------------------------------- added after 7 minutes

But, as usual, you bring an extreme, barely germaine topic to the converrsation. Why are you making this the fault of a woman? How would you feel if your mom was in the super market and Trump came by, grabbed YOUR MOM'S PUSSY, and kept on going. Are you going to tell her she's a whore?
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,20 16:37 other posts 
My mother if she were still with us,would have slapped the living hell out of him and and went on with her life.I don't know what happened to women dealing with situations as they happen.Man grabs you,knock hell out of him

Btw, read this,from 1 of your heros that ran for Pres.
One remark attributed to Mr. Bloomberg went like this: “If women wanted to be appreciated for their brains, they’d go to the library instead of to Bloomingdale’s.”
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By #502711 20,Oct,20 03:29
Well I don't have much of an imagination so if they wear something that doesn't leave much to it, i'm cool with that
By #610414 18,Oct,20 20:05

By #610414 19,Oct,20 09:58
I thought Bella! was also SKITTLES. Lately, I also think she was Huxley999. She's still, two weeks after Sir HuxleyoftheLittleBalls disappeared from the site, defending him. I think she'll bring him back soon.

By #610414 15,Oct,20 15:30
On the male side of POM the current leader has posted the same pic all over the site for several yrs
By #485312 16,Oct,20 20:48
nothing wrong with that, at least theyre not photo shopped beyond being human... since all the rule changes for the whiny side of the site, and the whinging that went on over it.. its a pretty redundant part of the site. only 30 or 40 people care to vote unless theyre BEGGED TOO. shows how popular it is. *lix*

By #610414 15,Oct,20 09:41
William Barr, a Republican Attorney General, has cleared Obama of any wrong doing. To all you Obama bashers. He's bending over waiting for your kiss.

By #610414 13,Oct,20 18:15
In January, 2021, I will have maintained this profile, bella!, for nine consecutive years. I can't imagine anyone, other than a fruitcake, believing that I am twowarm or that twowarm is me. That's such a stretch.

angel1227 yikes!!! Who came up with THAT dilly. OMG, it's actually scary

By phart [Ignore] 08,Oct,20 10:37 other posts 
I can't help but notice I have posted some links the past couple of days that should have really stirred you and Hux up and but no replys.
By #485312 09,Oct,20 16:04
maybe he prefers one trolls page over anothers, maybe he's choosy about the trolls he associates with... like any school yard battle, most pick the side they think has the upper hand because its not cool to hang out with others, its always easier to pick on the weakest, like most of these trolls, they feel better if theyre bashing old ladies, and all have those 'beer goggle' on, they only see what they choose too. *lix*
By #610414 09,Oct,20 18:00
Phart, he won't post on my thread. Imthe crazy lady in the forums
By #485312 09,Oct,20 20:42
I think he left the building .. probably another multi account. you can see similarities to some "prominent" members. when you have the same dislikes of mistakes, grammar, same long winded answers about stuff no one cares about, same attitudes, and trying desperately to keeping their visible profile 'clean' of how they REALLY FEEL .. OLD habits are hard to break.. *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 09,Oct,20 22:46 other posts 
Please reveal your latest conspiracy theory for this site...

Cuz people get accused of being others all the time here...
By #610414 10,Oct,20 02:58
Im sick of conspiracy theories. I will have my thoughts privately and will not share them. If I'm friends with someone, I don't care if they are Martians with a second account. And if they think like that of me, they can kiss my beautiful derrier.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Oct,20 04:47 other posts 
If people have no proof of something ,they usually assume,and their little ego blows things up to ridiculous proportions..
If I'm throwing shit,I will say what I need to,to that person directly,with no filter....and not put up a comment that doesn't name the so called trolls..

By #485312 10,Oct,20 06:21
whats been blown out to "ridiculous proportions"? what I said ??? must be slow in forum town tonight... I open my mouth, and you have to dissect it for all the slow people to understand. or would you just like me to not have an opinion at all??? *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Oct,20 06:38 other posts 
Did I mention your name? If I wanted to say something about you,I would use your name and direct it towards you as I said in my post I threw a generalized statement out.....so if you want to include yourself as having a fragile ego,so be it... and I'm a free speech advocate,so say what you wish,I might not agree with you,but I'll always defend your right to free speech and having an opinion.
By #610414 10,Oct,20 10:28
mr_blue I,too, am a stickler for revealing the identity of the recipient the shit is aimed at. Most like to hide behind the ambiguities. I gues it's the practice of plausible deniability. There's a few times I've done that too and I'm not proud. But most of the time I do it "face to face" if you know what I mean. I believe it one of the main reasons I'm labeled the crazy old saggy titted lady of the forums. But the main reason I'm getting into this thread is that I agree with my friend, Lix. You seldom come to the forums, and that's ok with me, it's your choice. But, why here? Why now? Mr Huxley was an intellectual bully who belittled several members that engaged with him. And that was his forte. The name calling was not needed. To belittle someone for having poor grammar and an opposing idea is poor form. Here comes my nast side coming out. It seemed his only champion was Bella!. Enough said and also my two cents worth for Saturday.
By #485312 10,Oct,20 05:57
you don't interact with me for years and if I say 'probably another multi account holder', and youre here to stand up for 'everyone' that's accused for being a multi account holder?? interesting?? ... why do you want to know what I think all of a sudden?? *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Oct,20 06:14 other posts 
I asked you to share who you are talking about!!!?
There's not a single person here who hasn't had multiple accounts...so you got me interested in your conspiracy

And I stand up for what I believe in,like most people.
I've stood up for lots of people here,some against my better judgement,just cuz I have principles.. doesn't make me better than anyone...I just did what I thought was right.
By #485312 10,Oct,20 06:27
ok, I think someone that comes to forum, is rude, nasty and calls peoples names, a troll, and you come here to say I have an ego problem, when I say, someone left the building after they spoke to people like second rate citizens, corrected their grammar, called them stupid?? but that's ok, and when I point it out as what I think, someone using another account to talk down to people, and than leave because theyre arseholes, Im the one that needs to explain myself??? really??? well you got me fucked ... I guess I need to rant and rave like a lunatic to fit in here... *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 10,Oct,20 06:45 other posts 
So we are all trolls then lix,cuz we all have acted in the way you describe....do you think I go around here giving myself a pat on the back ,for some of the crap I have written over the years here? We all get caught up in trivial crap here....

I just wanted to know who you were talking about,who the account holder actually is/was....

As for fitting in, everyone finds something different to suit their interests.....
By #485312 10,Oct,20 17:58
3 times a treat., ok, just for the record, YOURE ALL TROLLS, that's because, I HATE HAVING WORDS PUT IN MY MOUTH BY OTHERS, and now for your broad statement claiming Ive called everyone on this site a troll, well now I did, just so while youre not making stuff and putting words in my mouth, I'll just say it so you feel good about yourself, while youre patting your own back...
Ive written this 3 times and the net keeps cutting out, so its not as long winded as the last two answers, and just for all the STUPID PEOPLE, WHO CANT READ THE WHOLE THREAD, I'll take you back to the statement that started the thread...
phart said, and I QUOTE!!!!! '''''''''I can't help but notice I have posted some links the past couple of days that should have really stirred you and Hux up and but no replys'''''''' THE SUBJECT OF THE THREAD IS HUXLEY....
if you didn't get that ,, here it is again..... the thread is about Huxley.... *
to which I answered.... and I quote """"""" maybe he prefers one trolls page over anothers, maybe he's choosy about the trolls he associates with... like any school yard battle, most pick the side they think has the upper hand because its not cool to hang out with others, its always easier to pick on the weakest, like most of these trolls, they feel better if theyre bashing old ladies, and all have those 'beer goggle' on, they only see what they choose too. *lix """"""
so lets dissect it,,, first line, 'maybe he prefers one trolls page over anothers.... meaning he doesn't like candys thread right here, and preferring a thread full of trolls that pat him on the back for being a cunt...
quote maybe he's choosy about the trolls he associates with... meaning he can spew his shit in one thread and everyone cheers him on, he can be as big as a cunt as he likes there.... and again, this is MY OPINION...
Since ive written this so many times, I'll just keep copying and pasting the bits that you seem to have so much trouble dissecting and understanding and since you want to know how I feel about every word ive already posted, heres another 2999 words that are useless and meaning less to anyone eslse here.... but here goes... """"""like any school yard battle, most pick the side they think has the upper hand because its not cool to hang out with others, its always easier to pick on the weakest, like most of these trolls, they feel better if theyre bashing old ladies,"""""""" Huxley liked to pic on people with back grammar skills, wow, that's a great thing isn't it.... pick on uneducated people and call them stipud repeatedly and if you've been reading the bullshit in every other thread, as im sick of copy and pasting to dissect my last post... and which I must also say, I didny see you asking him, what made him believe and thinks and spew it out and I didn't you asking him to repeat, explain and dissect his feelings to you... but since your have trouble reading and understanding a few little comments... lets keep going...

beer goggles, these are imaginery glasses, that we wear here in Australia, when we get drunk;.. they make us see things that might not be there, or that might be there, or might be a wild dream.... you can make your own pick as to what pair of goggles you want to wear while youre reading this dribble... so, while the leader of the thread is wearing these said goggles, they can see others making shit remarks, but not him, all because they were too scared to get into a fight of words with him//
now do you want me to dissect the rest of my posts???? as I don't really have time to tell you how I really feel .... but Im sure if you to the stuff just stuff thread, there will be many in there, that can tell you, how im feeling, what Im thinking, how much I weight, and how many pimples I have on my arse... and if you bother to read all this bullshit, you really are starving for some human attention... *lix*
By dgraff [Ignore] 10,Oct,20 08:24 other posts 
I understand Huxley deleted his account
By #610414 10,Oct,20 09:56
Sir HuxleyOfTheLittleBalls is gone? I’m gone five days and the chicken shit scoots. Going to have a heart to heart with Charlie

By #623135 10,Oct,20 15:16
It looks like Biden has the votes. I can’t be any happier

By phart [Ignore] 07,Oct,20 18:30 other posts 
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By phart [Ignore] 07,Oct,20 08:47 other posts 
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another item up for your opionion.
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Hicks is a compulsive mask wearer and got sick. And everyone at the debate tested negative.

By #610414 02,Oct,20 10:54
The president and his wife tested positive for covid 19. Let's hope they recover well. Politics aside, no one deserves to be infected. Let's pray for all infected with this killer.
By phart [Ignore] 02,Oct,20 11:15 other posts 
I hope everyone feels this way.
By #485312 03,Oct,20 16:24
we were discussing the simpsons/reallife parallels, how they predicted the current president, aussieman said a women took over after trump, to clean up his mess, and how would that ever happen... after hearing trump has corona, what if he's given it to sleepy Joe, and it will kill him, and America could have a black woman president before a white one, if he carks it ... so that still follows the simpsons story line, just better ... and nothing would surprise me in the least right now . I think Joe knows in his own mind, he's not up for the task, he just wants it to get his name in the history books, as he's definitely past his best.. I cant believe you have two geriatrics running for president... don't you have any young and vivacious members to choose from??? why did they choose such old farts in the first place??? its like the country didn't care in the beginning and this is what youre left with *Lix*
By #610414 03,Oct,20 16:29
Pretty much so
By phart [Ignore] 03,Oct,20 19:57 other posts 
Well,I know I ask the question of people sometimes,even here I think,Who would be a good president?
And the crickets are LOUD.
No honest man or woman wants the job because it takes alot of sacrifice and you have to take alot of bullshit from the haters.
Would YOU be able to cope for 4 years with all the shit that has been flung at the last 2 Presidents?
By #485312 04,Oct,20 04:00
yeah, I don't get how your system works and it rules out good candidates, mostly because of lack of money? to drive a campaign?? so its really up to the highest bidder gets a go at the top job and no way in hell would I want to be a leader of a country. I don't even like being the head of a house. having the weight of a country on my shoulders would be a torture worse than any other to me lol.. yeah trail by media and being a woman also puts another mountain of responsibility, as men are just waiting to cut you down every chance they get. I see what happens to these people and no wonder the crickets are chirping *lix*
By #610414 04,Oct,20 10:16
Campaigns are very long and very expensive. Their gains come later as a private citizen. Public speaking for a fee is very lucrative. The candidates are usually normal with all the foibles that brings. We are not much different from your country or Germany or India. Just the procedures are a little different. Head of a government needs a hedonist
By #485312 04,Oct,20 17:49
we don't have a president, we have a prime minister, totally different set up, it is compulsory to vote here, so they don't need to campaign like in America, everyone has to turn up, whether you want to or not, and if you don't, they fine you, if you don't pay the fine, they take your drivers licence off you till you pay the bill... also, most the campaign money is government funded here, so everyone gets a more equal chance to get their word out. we don't vote for one man, we vote for a party, the prime minister is the leader of that party, I don't think our prime minister has half the power a president has.. here they don't need another job after having the top job, the pension for being a former prime minister is huge!!! they never need to work again, we've had primeministers so rich here, the pay to them is lousy, and if they knock back the money, theyre still free to earn there own without question. the nations capital, has the loosest laws of the country, youre allowed to smoke pot there, have fire works, all the good things the rest of the country cant have, and sex shop galore!!! I did notice that on my trips there *lix*
By #610414 04,Oct,20 21:07
My bad. We need that here
By #485312 06,Oct,20 17:40
I like being part of the Commonwealth, like the name implies, common wealth, two good words in my books, why not have the backing of many other countries joined by England, having many close friends in this age is a good thing to me, with china sitting on our door step and stomping around the region, I love this system, and hope for my family in the future, it provides them with some added protection from forces far larger than Australia, we are pip squeaks in the big scheme of things and having friends in big places counts when war breaks out, which it will again, as history just keeps repeating itself, and countries want more land and resources to feed their own.. I just hope I'm not around to see a war torn country.. having lots of big heads working together rather than one big head wanting power is safer I feel *lix*
Of course I hope Trump doesn't die, but I also hope he gets a good scare, so he doesn't ridicule Corona anymore. If he took it seriously afterwards and promote masks and keeping distance, it would save many lives, because some people only listen to him.
Of course I also hope it screws up his campaign a lot, because he really needs to go.
By #485312 06,Oct,20 17:55
you cant fix stupid and if people follow a presidents word on looking after their own health rather than a doctor or health expert, than Darwinism WORKS.. are americans really THAT stupid? says a lot about the education system than doesn't it?? I was taught to wash my hands before eating or touching your face, to use tissues to blow my nose and toilet paper to wipe my arse.. are people really that stupid in America??? you cant teach people the basics of SELF CARE and SELF HYGEINE??, most of this wouldn't have happened if PEOPLE did the right thing for themselves, I don't know, Ive been more crowded in shops since this epidemic broke out, I loved being socially distanced before this started and now I feel more caged and put at risk than ever.. I lived with a suppressed immune system for years and what I see now is people being stupid, not one person telling everyone to be stupid, just stupid laws that made things worse for many, rather than better, I checked the world death rate and we're not worse off this year, than last.. about the same percentage of people per head of population are dying, no more or no less that any other year .. only this year instead of dying of the common cold and infections caused by it, we have a new cold, and the lack of other deaths from the road toll are taken up by suicide from loneliness and sadness that this has caused.. This on a whole hasn't put a dent on population from deaths, but more from births I think, no one wants to get pregnant and go hospital while this is going on and they predict a birth reduction in the future... which I dont see as bad ... the population of the world needs reducing .. and why not start NOW??? *LIX*
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Oct,20 07:56 other posts 
That’s very nice of you candy I must admit I under estimated you that’s not near the statement I thought would come out of your mouth
By #610414 04,Oct,20 10:20
Dgraff politics is rough and tumble and we all get a black eye occasionally. There’s also our humanity. I may not like Mr Trump as president but I as a human being he deserves our best wishes.
By dgraff [Ignore] 04,Oct,20 10:57 other posts 
I sometimes forget there are real people behind the profiles on this site
By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,20 10:22 other posts 
There is a human behind the profile. Even behind my profile.We all just don't agree on everything.
I joked with a couple folks back in about 2000 or so that I would run for President.at that time I did a little reading here on the net just so I could "sound" a bit like I was being serious. It cost over a million dollars at that time to pay the fees to be on the ballets,IF YOU are approved to be on the ballets.
It is a very difficult process if you try to run without being in a "party" .
The process does prevent the average Joe from working their way up.

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