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Started by #610414 [Ignore] 14,May,20 02:51

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By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 19:42 other posts 
Trump comes face to face with arch-enemy Michael Cohen in court!!!

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I love it.

Donald Trump "arbitrarily" inflated the value of his properties on financial statements, the former president's fraud trial in New York has heard.

Where'a the succesful businessman that all his supporter
are swearing about?

Nothing. Nada.
He's a falure.

He had asked Cohen to lie. lol

>> On the witness stand in the Manhattan court on Tuesday,
>> Cohen said one of his responsibilities was to
>> "reverse engineer" assets to increase their value
>> based on a number "arbitrarily elected" by Mr Trump.

Mr Trump sat with a stony face and folded arms as Cohen entered the court.

He appeared to look in his now-disbarred former attorney's direction as he took the stand, but said nothing.

By #681164 24,Oct,23 14:35
[deleted image]


By #610414 24,Oct,23 08:27
Dgraff used to get poked by a young Puerto Rican guy. Now, his new wife PEGS him.
By dgraff [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 10:13 other posts 
Let’s have a circle jerk and your in the middle we will cover you from head to toe in cum
By #610414 24,Oct,23 10:18
As long as it doesn’t include You, Cody, Pitbull, Skittles, “ The Hubby” or toad face, I don’t care.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 13:14 other posts 
He has been blacklisted by me for many years now.
Is he still a subordinate of bella's?
By #610414 24,Oct,23 13:30
Not really. He's a tough guy wannabe.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 13:38 other posts 
I thought he was one of her minions.
As for tough, I really doubt that!

By #610414 24,Oct,23 13:33
I keep getting this PM

"24,Oct,23 13:30 smoothtony1966: I'd love to fuck your wife and cum inside her pussy"

I keep telling him I'm the "wife" but he just keeps sending PM's

By #610414 24,Oct,23 10:14
This is a comment from Dgraff to me

“How about you get on your knees and let us all piss on your head I know you like pee play”

Dgraff, you’d have to sit on my head to do that. A gurl like you doesn’t have much, if any, dick to aim a piss.

By #610414 24,Oct,23 09:59

By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Oct,23 13:02 other posts 
Top 10 Countries with the Highest Gender Equality (2021 World Economic Forum)

Iceland — 89.2%
Finland — 86.1%
Norway — 84.9%
New Zealand — 84.0%
Sweden — 82.3%
Namibia — 80.9%
Rwanda — 80.5%
Lithuania — 80.4%
Ireland — 80.0%
Switzerland — 79.8%

No, the US and the UK aren't in.

But what's more interesting is this.

10 Countries with the Least Gender Equality (and Largest Gender Gaps):

Afghanistan — 44.4%
Yemen — 49.2%
Iraq — 53.5%
Pakistan — 55.6%
Syria — 56.8%
DR Congo — 57.6%
Iran — 58.2%
Mali — 59.1%
Chad — 59.3%
Saudi Arabia — 60.3%

Most of these countries are Muslim. Islam is one of the worst religions when it comes to gender equality (and education). Moreover, many of these countries are dictatorships or theocracies. Too much religion is dangerous. Too much of this religion is even more so.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

P.S. Afghanistan used to be in much better shape in the 40s and 50s in terms of education and gender equality. But then, first thanks to the Soviets and, later, thanks to the Americans and Europeans, the country was fucked up. It's the worst country now, even worse than North Korea in some respects.
By #610414 23,Oct,23 13:03
Religion, clear thinkers, and freedom don't mix well.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 23,Oct,23 13:05 other posts 
There are differences between religions too. Islam seems to be the worst.
By #610414 23,Oct,23 14:32
It depends on the era. Christianity has not been a Godsend to many people.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 24,Oct,23 00:04 other posts 
Yes, true. I'm talking about now.

By #610414 22,Oct,23 13:57

[deleted image]
By phart [Ignore] 22,Oct,23 16:44 other posts 
Rest assured, if he gets put in jail,democrats will have a hard time getting anyone in office.
By #610414 22,Oct,23 17:34
Wanna bet?
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 22,Oct,23 19:37 other posts 
YeS! Mop around the Clock
By #610414 22,Oct,23 20:19
I'd pay a lot to watch that "Elvis" moment🤣🤣🤣😈

By #610414 22,Oct,23 09:51
In PITBULL‘s blog on 19,Oct,23 18:47 he posted the following:

“Clerk of the Court; The Justices of the SYD Court have decided to move the case of the plaintiff, CAT
to the Holly Counsel. The Holly Counsel has already sent attacks on the defendant's page. Once the case is
sent to the Holly Counsel more attacks will follow.”

Then TheWife+Hubby on 21,Oct,23 19:22 posted in the same blog, the following:

“Well its about time someone did something about this member CAT. She is a outrageous liar,
mentioning in her forum thread that she administers:
“And it’s my opinion that members like Bella!, Tecsan, Phart, the Obnoxious Duo,
and the Plastic Sex Doll account, and me, is what brings many members to use the site”.
I'm afraid she is completely wrong, any new member that comes here & stumbles across
her wall would be reaching for their delete profile button quick smart. Further more, in that
same Forum, she has made this outlandish claim about my wife "semi frigid or totally frigid".
Her & her a ledged husband Limply Woody ( woody58 ), have without any provocation
blacklisted this account. Together this pair of trouble makers, bully & harass many members
here totally unprovoked, even making up dodgy forum threads dedicated to the harassment of
established individual members here.
We @ W&H are looking forward to the outcome of "The Holly Counsel" findings, regarding
this a ledged member CAT”
OK…….now we know…..TheWife+Hubby is/are uneducated slobs. Their grammar is subpar.
Their sentence structure lacks cohesion, and, judging by what they got out of my posts in Bella!‘s
thread, they failed miserably in reading/comprehension. All that, was just to start the ball rolling.
Now, let’s get to the real reasons I’m answering these “Holly Counsel Hypocrites and Liars”. Let’s
start with this: “she has made this outlandish claim about my wife "semi frigid or totally frigid".” I didn’t
make this up. When “the Blair” account came on board, Hubby reached out to me with PMs.
In those he told me he was doing the Sex Doll thing because his wife was no longer that much into sex.
This makes me believe that Hubby is either a liar or he’s using his wife as a crutch for on-site
popularity. That’s neither here nor there. It’s the way it is.
And that brings me to this: “Her & her a ledged husband Limply Woody ( woody58 ), have
without any provocation blacklisted this account. Together this pair of trouble makers, bully &
harass many members here totally unprovoked, even making up dodgy forum threads dedicated
to the harassment of established individual members here.”
1) “Her & her a ledge husband Limply Woody”…. should read She and her alleged husband, Limp Woody
2) “have without any provocation blacklisted this account.”……….Not true.

This is my list of blacklisted members.

Nick of the Member to be banned:
PITBULL Reason: PITBULL is a botched abortion with no brain in evidence.
Sir-Skittles Reason: Sir-Skittles and I don't get along. It's best to not interact.

And this is Woody58‘s list.

Nick of the Member to be banned:
SixInchCock69. Reason: He's a HOMO who likes only certain cocks.

3) “Together this pair of trouble makers, bully & harass many members here totally unprovoked,
even making up dodgy forum threads dedicated to the harassment of established individual members here.”
That’s rich coming from you and a group that make up or participate in blogs that continually harass me
or my husband. You that befriended two Botched Abortions, Pitbull and Sir-Skittles and
participate in their full-of-hate blogs. You that trashed my page and Woody58 also. You are the bully here.
You are a liar and a cheat and a back stabbing, two faced coward, and, in my humble opinion, a piece of shit.

This duo, and I’m assuming the wife is party to this, have, for some reason, decided to go after me on site.
Fine, I can’t stop them. The best I can do is either ignore them or…………… I’ll have to think about that.
It’s been a long time since the last fight.

By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Oct,23 13:57 other posts 
This article exposes Britain's support to a new génocide. Britain is responsible for the eradication of millions upon millions of peoples.

The article also discusses how the terrorist organisation hamas was used as an experiment towards its people.
The whole thing reminds me of Mengele.

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Lawless In Gaza: Why Britain And The West Back Israel’s Crimes
By #610414 18,Oct,23 09:12
The siege of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, imposed by Israel in 2007 following the election of Hamas to rule the enclave, allowed for all sorts of experiments.

I think, Leo, that if I was an Israeli, I would support anything that would keep the Palestinians down after they elected an organization that promotes death to Israeli people. Right now there's a huge voice condemning Israel for wanting to destroy Hamas at the cost of many Palestinians. The Palestinians brought this on themselves.
By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,23 11:21 other posts 
Thank you Cat for explaining it so well.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Oct,23 12:44 other posts 
The problem with this argument is this.
Sometimes people vote out of ignorance or desperation.
Take, for instance, Trump. People voted for him our
of ignorance (e.g. phart) or out of desperation.
Same thing happenned in the 30s Germany.
The true face of what you vote for appears only in hindsight. If, say, Trump had nuked some country and then the country retaliated against the US, would you say "well done to us, we voted for him"?

Maybe you would. And so do many Palestinians.
They hate hamas.

Also, how do we know that Palestinians wanted Hamas?
Palestinians have been divided in 2 factions, on purpose.

You must also take into account that Hamas was created
with the help of Israel, because Israelis wanted to get rid
of Arafat. Israeli officials do admit they helped start the Hamas group even though the Israeli intelligence knew very
well, even more so than Palestinians living in the ghetto,
that hamas was a terrorist organization.

They were hedging their bets. You create a monster in order
to use it, the monster turns against you.

There are many examples like this. Take, for instance, Sadam Hussein. He was put in place, essentially, by the US. Eventually, he became a monster.

But the bottomline is that there is a disaster now. A humanitarian disaster at all levels. The killing of innocent women and children and men by hamas is a crime of the worst kind. And so is the bombing of people in the palestinian ghetto by Israelis as a retaliation.

In WWII the Germans fucked up the world. Worst criminals ever. But what about the bombing of Dresden by British and Americans, a bombing that targeted civilians? Was it not a crime?

What abut the bombing of Laos? From 1964 to 1973, the U.S. dropped more than 2.5M tons of ordnance on Laos during 580,000 bombing sorties—equal to a planeload of bombs every eight minutes, 24 hours a day, for nine years – making Laos the most heavily bombed country per capita in history. It is said that the bombs were dropped to clear US planes returning from Vietnam (a plane flying with unexploded bombs is dangerous to the crew, so the easy solution was to drop them over Laos).

But as I wrote above, the main culprit for the mess in the area is Britain. That country committed many war crimes and attrocities that are not well-known. The gentle face of Britain hides a monster who, for 200 years, has been fucking up the world in ways much more brutal than those of the US. They stirred up things in the Middle East and went against the then agreements of the US for British think that "divide and conquer and fuck everyone up" is the true way of progress.
By #610414 20,Oct,23 15:40
"And so is the bombing of people in the palestinian ghetto by Israelis as a retaliation."
That, Leo, was and is an appropriate response from ANY country who's populace is threatened with death. What do you suggest? A show of Palestinian hands of those that are Hamas terrorist and execute only those? How?.
And, yes, if Trump had, somehow, orchestrated some evil plot as you described, I and many fellow Americans would say "We had it coming". But that's the difference between a third rate country with old laws and no reasonable checks and balances and the US or the UK.
My country, during the cold war (and Vietnam was part of that) did lots of harmful things in order to keep the "The Domino Theory" alive. Your country helped in this mad endeavor. Was it right? Well, it did bring down the USSR. It was done at the expense of many people's lives. No one is happy about that, but, if you are asking me if I'm glad the USSR is no longer around, than I have to say "I am".
Baby, history teaches us many things, some good, mostly bad, but, the most accurate one is that SURVIVAL will always win out, no matter what.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Oct,23 17:13 other posts 
I don't suggest anything.
I'm just saying two things:
First that Israel should
not have helped create hamas.
Second that killing of innocents should stop.

As for Britain, I agree fully.
Read my post again. I said that
Britain has been barbaric.
They have caused huge problems
around the world.
And, what's worse, is the these
crimes are being erased from history books.
I do everything I can to expose
its crimes.
By #610414 20,Oct,23 17:26
Honey, killing of innocents will never stop. The best we can hope for is for more education and less religion.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Oct,23 17:39 other posts 
I feel disgusted by humanity.
I don't want to be part of it.
By #610414 20,Oct,23 21:52
The point is, Leo, that either you are part of humanity......or you are nothing at all. Fight the good fight. Not for this government or that government. Not for this idealism or that idealism. Forget race, religion, wealth, or birth rights. Fight for the good people everywhere. We will, someday, overcome.❤️❤️❤️😈
By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Oct,23 23:31 other posts 
That's exactly what I'm saying.
We're all human, regardless of
nationality, sex, religion, etc.
We're all the same and nobody has the right to claim domination over others. If my country is in the wrong I'll be the first to recognize this.
By #610414 21,Oct,23 07:54

By leopoldij [Ignore] 20,Oct,23 17:14 other posts 
Donald Trump fined $5,000 for violating gag order in New York fraud trial and warned twice about imprisonment

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Why don't they lock him up?
By #610414 20,Oct,23 17:26

By #610414 20,Oct,23 16:50
Couldn't have happened to a bigger asshole.

Republicans drop Jim Jordan's US House speaker bid after third failed vote

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By phart [Ignore] 16,Oct,23 22:24 other posts 
Welcome to Bidenomics. Where your money doesn't make cents
By #610414 18,Oct,23 13:25
Where were you when other inflation/depression hit? How did you cope? Did you blame the Repuckers when it happened in their watch?
When did your money last make money?
I can hardly remember a time when the interest rate was higher than inflation.
Except for NOW. Inflation is down to 0.2% in my country, but my savings interest rate
is 1.6%. I cannot remember that happening at any time after 2008, Bush's crisis.
Maybe once in 2016, inflation was low, but so was the interest rate.
It looks like inflation was 0.3% and interest rates were 0.8%.
That was at the end of Obama's presidency. Any credits from you for Obama?

Then in 2017, inflation was 1.4% and interest rates were 0.4%.
That was the first year of Trump.
Interest rates went to ZERO AND EVEN BELOW ZERO under Trump's presidency.
The stock market was also no safe haven, because it crashed several times,
due to Trump's actions. Trumponomics was very irresponsible.

The 7 Biggest Failures of Trumponomics | Robert Reich
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By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 11:05 other posts 
Why is it everything around me is slowing down, laying off workers if the economy is so damn good?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 20,Oct,23 10:54 other posts 
That you think that is probably due to your confirmation bias,
because nothing shows that is happening.
Or you live in a particularly horrible performing state,
because I only see the national averages going pretty well.

The unemployment rate is 3,8% in the US at this moment.
Wages are rising and inflation is going down.
So, unless you have numbers to back up your claim, I believe you are wrong.
By #610414 20,Oct,23 12:28
South Carolina is in good shape. The economy is equivalent to the rest of the country and the state is ranked at 21 place for state rankings. Phart’s perception of the economy may be tinted by the area he lives in, local politics, or just downright stubbornness. The state has low unemployment. The inflation has slowed, and it’s GDP is very favorable.

By phart [Ignore] 18,Oct,23 21:15 other posts 
Well What do you think of this?
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By #610414 19,Oct,23 07:39
I support the right of people to demonstrate for whatever. I don’t like a government building being overran by demonstrators. They are not a college’s dean’s office.
If protesters don't use any violence, destroyed property or obstruct the formalization
of an election, protesting is part of your free speech rights.

Protesting is a human right:
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However, the United States has failed to ratify crucial human rights documents, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and the American Convention on Human Rights (Pact of San José, Costa Rica).

The Netherlands is signatory to all relevant international human rights instruments such as European Convention on Human Rights, Rome Statute (for the International Criminal Court) and the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, European Convention on Torture and the European Social Charter.

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"People can legally protest without a permit anywhere that falls into the category of a traditional public forum. Public streets, parks, and sidewalks are all traditional public forums."

However, you cannot just protest everywhere and whenever you feel like it.
Some locations require permits to be allowed to protest.
The Capital is one of those locations:
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As I understand it, you can protest where ever you want,
until the cops ask you to leave, for a good reason.
If you then don't leave, you're breaking the law.

It's the same in my country; we can protest whenever and everywhere we want,
(limited to public places and not on private property)
but we do have to make an official notification to the municipality. "In some cases,
the government may restrict or ban a demonstration if this is necessary to protect health, in the interest of traffic, or to contest or prevent disorder. The government should not restrict or ban a demonstration too quickly and never solely because of its content."
By #610414 19,Oct,23 14:16
We have similar laws. Demonstrations CAN be planned and a permit may be given. Generally speaking, if the demonstrations are peaceful, they are allowed with a few restrictions like excessive noise past 10pm or no alcohol. Some places are a no-no, like government buildings, although, small demonstrations may be allowed for a few minutes in those buildings. Like your country, any danger to the public or property will get the cops involved.
We believe and our country was formed in the principle that it’s ok to defy the country’s laws IF IT’S DONE IN A PEACEFUL WAY
By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 17:48 other posts 
Ananas, how in the world is it ok to block streets where people are trying to get to work and school and such?
Commerce is done by vehicle, you shouldn't be blocking roads. Due to the fact these "protest" seldom remain peaceful and quite, some states tried to fix it so you could if need be,run over protestors to escape the riots and violence. i find it very unnerving to potentially be trapped in traffic blocked by burners and looters when they decide to cut loose. Have you saw what they do to peoples cars and such? destruction, that is NOT covered by insurance. Protestors have no right to damage any one's property ,government or private owned.but insurance does NOT cover damage commited in riots..
By #610414 20,Oct,23 06:53
Phart, destruction of property is wrong. Holding up traffic to get a point across is not wrong. It’s an inconvenience to the drivers, but, sometimes, it’s necessary.
Didn't I adress this exact point in my last comment?
"In some cases, the government may restrict or ban a demonstration if this is necessary to protect health, in the interest of traffic, or to contest or prevent disorder."
Look, right there: ' the interest of traffic...'.

Blocking streets for days is pushing demonstrations too far. It's still being condoned occasionally, from our farmers driving slowly through the whole country on their tractors and blocking the roads with hay bales, and of course Extinction Rebellion blocking the A12. The government allows that a few times, but if they are doing it too much, they send the police to remove the protesters and unblock the roads.
Extinction Rebellion kept blocking the A12 every single day for weeks and every day the riot police came in with their water cannons and arrested the lot. Some of them get some community service, for breaking some minor laws, and that's the maximum a democracy is allowed to do. Most of our protesters don't use violence and don't destroy any property. One farmer crashed trough the door of the provincial house in Groningen, with his tractor, another crushed some barriers, one drove into some police horses, they probably got some tougher verdicts and they will have to pay for the damages.

The farmers and Extinction Rebellion take it too far. Demonstrations should call the attention of people and politicians, but if it annoys to many people, it can have the opposite effect of what is intended. I have joined several protests, where we obstructed traffic for a while, aided by the police blocking the roads for us,
but I'm sure that they didn't even have to sweep the streets after we left.

Still, the farmers are getting looked after pretty well now, so that looks like a succes for them. They even have their own political party now, which looks to be successful next elections. Almost none of the measures against 'nitrogen' pollutants have been implemented yet. I don't think it helps them much, because it only delays and worsens the actions that will eventually be needed.
The actions of Extinction Rebellion did result in some action by our government, which encouraged them to stop blocking the A12, until at least Christmas. It doesn't look that they hurt their cause, because still three-quarters of our people want the government to do more to combat climate change. The A12 getting blocked is annoying, but floods, heatwaves, droughts, water shortages and massive future expenses to prevent those things, like raising dikes are also annoying.

By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 21:14 other posts 
Trust the mail for ballots? Can't even trust it with checks!
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By phart [Ignore] 19,Oct,23 21:13 other posts 
I could not help but laugh, the lady gets 2 packages!
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