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Trump/Pence or Biden/Harris...Which do you feel will prevail???

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 09,Sep,20 03:45  other posts
Trump has been somewhat erratic at times...But look at Creepy sleepy uncle joe...Pence pretty clean, but not totally...Harris, now I wonder like I do with uncle joe...??? (I agree it is about 50/50 with the flaws concerning both parties)...༼☯﹏☯༽

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By phart [Ignore] 01,Nov,21 19:33 other posts 
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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 09:15 other posts 
Wow, he closed his eyes for several seconds.
What does it matter, when Manchin and Sinema will not vote for anything that will help decrease carbon emissions?
He can sit there and look engaged, or he can give a nice speech, but that is going to do nothing. He should go home and kick Manchin and Sinema around, until they approve the climate budget, or what's left of it.
By phart [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 10:57 other posts 
Well you know as well as I do there is more text in those "bills" than you or I can access .Perhaps they know this and are trying to prevent problems .Perhaps imagine this ,doing their JOBS?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 03,Nov,21 11:15 other posts 
Manchin is making $500.000 a year from the dirtiest type of coal plants. That's why he's against doing anything on climate change. And his daughter was price gouging EpiPen products as the CEO of Mylan.
Sinema is cashing in huge donations from the pharma industry, so she's against drug price negotiations too.

They're not thinking about the public, they're thinking about their own wealth.
That's not their job, that's them being corrupt assholes.
And they are also fucking liars, because they campaigned on the exact policies
they are now killing, especially Sinema.

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By #592419 24,Oct,21 15:23
Things should be picking up in the next week or so.. The people in jail for the 1/6/21 bullshit nothing happened are considered political prisioners not criminal..
By phart [Ignore] 24,Oct,21 19:00 other posts 
and this is where? I would like to read about it.
I think most have served to much time already even if they did break a window. Hell ol orange juice simpson got away with double murder and wrote a book on how he woulda done it, if he did it!. And then they hold a bunch of people in jail for months that broke some windows and carried sticks and flags into a public owned building.

100's of people burned entire city blocks, bankrupting 100's of business's and very few are in jail .But all that was just a peaceful protest. Yea and I am a space ship pilot.

By 7uncut [Ignore] 20,Oct,21 10:02 other posts 
Deeze nuts

By phart [Ignore] 13,Oct,21 20:08 other posts 
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Shared bank account? money laundering?
Could this be the straw that breaks the camels back?

Stayed tuned.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 14,Oct,21 03:49 other posts 
If there's fraud going on, they should start impeachment.
However, you didn't care about the unprecedented levels of fraud and nepotism
when Trump have his kids run the country and they enriched themselves from it.
Hunter Biden doesn't have any position in Joe's administration.
By #610414 15,Oct,21 07:12
Big deal. I have a shared bank account with my oldest son. He’s 49. You think we are laundering money?
That fucking NEWSMAX is a troublemaker news outlet. The Feds should investigate them.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 08:56 other posts 
Newsmax, OANN and Fox News are just propaganda outlets for the Republicans.
They disgrace the concept of 'news' within their names. Their sole purpose is lying and inventing disinformation, to prop up the Republicans and damage the Democrats.

However, they have the right to do so, under the first amendment. You can still fight them by calling out their advertisers and boycotting the products of the advertisers (which is difficult in case of Boeing or Raytheon), just like right-wingers do for Nike, Coca-Cola, Budweiser, etc. Democrats could start an action committee that sues the right-wing media for every time their lies are causing harm, which they often do.
But that will not help much, because they will just lie a bit more careful. They will only keep raving lunatics like Mike Lindell and Sidney Powell off the screen.

But there is still also corruption and nepotism in the Democratic party. You can either be honest about it and judge all information about it on it's truth and harmfulness or you can be satisfied with them being just a bit less corrupt, dishonest and partisan than the Republicans and Newsmax, OANN and Fox News.
If people who like democracy do not call out their representatives and news providers for being corrupt, dishonest and hypocritical, they will just become worse and eventually you won't have any decent choices left.
By #610414 15,Oct,21 09:11
First, I have the same rights as they do. I know all about the first amendment. I don’t need to fight them. They do a very good job of shooting themselves in the foot practically every day. I’m satisfied just commenting on it.
Two, corruption and nepotism is not just a Democratic thing. When the caveman, Grog, needed an assistant, he picked his son Frog. I trust what’s reasonable, proven, and germane to what I’m interested in. The ballot box is where we call out our representatives but, these days, between misinformation and down right ignorance, it’s getting harder to throw out the clowns.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 15,Oct,21 11:13 other posts 
Nepotism is as old as humanity. But it is harmful for a society of equal chances, which for most people is the best society to live in.

According to you and me, right-wing media is doing a good job of shooting themselves in the foot practically every day, but to right-wingers is the one and only truth or at least the best source of truth out there. Studies have revealed that Fox News viewers know and understand less about reality, than people who are not interested in news from TV, internet or papers at all. The right-wing media is actually very effective, in distracting people from what is really hurting them and making them angry and fearful about 'the others' who want to take things from them and who want to destroy the country (even though they live there too). Easy scapegoats for people who are actually really suffering, because they are exploited by rich people failing upwards, treating people like cattle and poisoning their air, water and food, selling their useless overpriced products to debt-ridden over-consumers. Everyone working their ass off for almost nothing, until they die of diabetes or obesity, from the crap they get fed, because they don't have time and money to eat right, so they spend the rest of their money on overpriced medicine or they die early, saving their employers retirement money. But the orange buffoon will save them, with deregulation and tax-cuts for the rich and multinationals; the anointed job providers.

I don't know how they do it, while shooting themselves in the foot practically every day, but you can't say they are not VERY EFFECTIVE.
By #610414 15,Oct,21 13:05
The great unwashed masses of, oh, let’s call them Republicans to make it easier, exist in their own reality. And their handlers use these right wing “news” outlets to feed the lie of a better life if they conform to their diatribe.

By phart [Ignore] 12,Oct,21 20:28 other posts 
The “leaders” of our Country have gone crazy! Everything is falling apart, our Military is in shambles, the shelves of our stores are empty, COVID continues to rage at levels higher than last year, we have no oil, we have no courage, we have nothing. Our Country is a laughingstock all over the world

Who said this?
Trump of course

Who says this? I say this.
Trump was the last decent leader America will have in history.As what we have now and what will continue to be rammed down our throats thru cheating and violence and so forth will never be any thing but anti American democrat economic terrorist.
By #610414 13,Oct,21 07:33
Nixon, Reagan, the Bushes Sr and Jr, all GOP presidents not good enough for you?
Your military is in shambles?
What the fuck are they doing with that $ 750 Billion per year?

"COVID continues to rage at levels higher than last year"
Because people don't want to vaccinate or wear masks!
Do you want Biden to really force them?

"Our Country is a laughingstock all over the world"
You were with Trump. You're just back to being a major disappointment now.

"cheating and violence and so forth"
That's what the Republicans did and can't wait to do again.

By phart [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 13:42 other posts 
local farmers are gathering their corn with the combines. Then mowing the stubble to bale for cow feed.
Making 100's of corn maze's all over the state for old joe biden to tour!

By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 05:54 other posts 
With all the libturds in the country, the next potus will probably be harris...
By #623135 16,Aug,21 09:30
Good choice
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 10:20 other posts 
please enlighten us as to why?
She is conveniently black.
By #623135 16,Aug,21 10:37
So she's black. Does that make her inferior? She knows Federal law. She's a lawyer. She's been in Congress. She's a WOMAN (that alone should get her And she's a Democrat.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 11:16 other posts 
Kamala Harris had at maximum 13% support in the Democratic primary race. It would be very unwise picking her for candidate in the elections of 2024. I know she has some name recognition, but she's not popular, she's invisible as vice president and her policy ideas are inconsistent at best. I hope a better candidate presents themselves soon, because you wouldn't want to rely again on anti-Trump votes.
I don't think Trump will even run again. He doesn't even like to be president, he only likes doing campaigns. He's probably too demented by then, even for Republicans. He might be dead, considering his health. He might be either in too much legal trouble or even serving time. Probably count on Ron DeSantis for their candidate.
You would think that's good, but it's not. The Democrats can get votes campaigning against Trump, but they are incapable of effectively campaigning against some other fake populist. Unfortunately Democrats suck at presenting themselves positively.

If Biden doesn't deliver on some promises soon, you can also forget about winning in 2022. And then Biden wouldn't be able to do anything good anymore. It's already hard enough with Republicans like Kyrsten Sinema and Joe Manchin infiltrating the party.
By #623135 16,Aug,21 13:19
Biden is on a skate board. Unless he fucks up royally, he's in in 2024. As far as Harris, I'm talking 2028. It's not how well you are know at the beginning. It's where you are at election time
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Aug,21 15:47 other posts 
Biden said he was not going to run in 2024. And he will probably not be able to.
If Harris is your best choice, I hope Biden steps back a year from now and let Harris be president. If she then doesn't fuck up, she will probably win. I don't think Harris is hated as much as Hillary, but she also doesn't have people who really support her.
People want a fighter, not another mealy-mouthed centrist. They voted for Trump, because he's a fighter. Too bad he was only fighting for himself.
By #623135 17,Aug,21 18:24
You really don’t know politicians do you. The only way Biden won’t run in 2024 is if he’s pushing up daisies or he becomes totally demented. I think Harris would be a good president, but it’s too early to say as she won’t run until 2028. By that time the American public will be tired of Democrats and she’ll loose. She might run in 2032.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Sep,21 16:23 other posts 
Even if Biden wants to run in 2024, you shouldn't let him, because, I'm sorry to say, he will have declined to much by then to not totally humiliate himself in the debates. That's just being realistic. I think he would still be capable of being president, but his brain works to slow for what is expected during debates.

I also think Harris would be fine as president, but not as candidate. She would first need to win the election and I think she can't. Unfortunately most people are not voting for who they think will make a good president. You might do that and I know it sounds weird, but think about it. Do you think people thought Biden would make the best president, from all those candidates? Than what are democratic voters looking for in their president?
By phart [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 13:46 other posts 
If biden is on a skate board,he best be careful,he can't even step up to his airplane!
By #623135 18,Aug,21 16:12
You should see him do flips…
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 17:18 other posts 
I agree with alot of what you have said. I have only voted for 2 democrats since I started voting 20 years ago.
HOnestly,I support Trump.But his age is a issue.I would rather a younger member of his family run for office and he travel and support their running for office.
1 of the younger Trumps for vice ,along with Desantis or even that wonderful governor of Texas, running for President ,would be a good plan.

Frankly,what sane person wants the job? you get punched like a pin cushion from all sides.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 17,Aug,21 15:28 other posts 
Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are killing their own citizens right now, because they are pandering to the 'own responsibility' people, who do not take responsibility.
But it's apparently demanding too much, if you ask for SANE politicians.
There are politicians who actually want to make the world a better place, but you don't want them, because they are communists.
If you think that's safer, stick with the insane, selfish bastards.
By #623135 17,Aug,21 18:06
Come on. Commies are not the only ones that want a better world.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 13:39 other posts 
Everything left of Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott are communists to phart, so I'm pretty much saying that. Can you point to any politicians with the political affiliation of phart, who are actually trying to protect people from Covid and for instance trying to prevent global catastrophe from climate change?
Maybe some of them are doing something small and temporary to improve people's lives, but not a lot and what's the point, if they're simultaneously causing a massive death-toll currently and in the future.
Being ignorant is no defense for politicians. They have the responsibility and opportunity to inform themselves of the truth. If they don't, it's malicious.
By #623135 18,Aug,21 16:06
Mr Phart is in a unique class of citizens. If it was up to him, Americans would still be in the 19th century.
By phart [Ignore] 06,Sep,21 21:21 other posts 
NO we would be in the 21'st. I would love to be President and have a supporting party majority behind me.

We would be using our own oil, there would be oil wells along the east and west coast with refinery's in each state. This way interruptions in our supply would be limited. We would willing use overseas oil if it was cheaper than our own.Save ours for later.
Coal burning power plants would be using up to date filters and the ash would be used in concrete as arrogate as it used to be in several states so it is NOT a disposal issue.
Solar and wind would be options for citizens and company's to use at their discression.
If you work,you will eat,if you can't work,you will eat,if you can work and won't,then you might be rubbing your belly and looking for a job.
Loose your job,get a little help as you look or a little help while working a lesser job.But none of this Sit on my ass until a Ceo job comes up shit.
Oh yea,there would be suttle differences,but if you worked your 30,you earned your retirement you would be able to live happy..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Sep,21 16:26 other posts 
I'm glad to hear there is some socialism in your preferred system
By phart [Ignore] 10,Sep,21 09:55 other posts 
I don't consider it that,as much as a hand UP in a time of crisis, instead of a hand OUT to keep a person in crisis complacent and content being in the quagmire.
By #623135 09,Sep,21 12:15
For years environmentalists have been fighting oil development in our shores. Sooner or later a disaster happens and a huge section of our coastline becomes polluted and unusable. Having refineries close to deep water ports makes sense. Easy to import easy to export. Oil pipelines and tanker trucks eliminate the huge cost of building and maintenance of a refinery and the pollution too.
--------------------------------------- added after 9 minutes

Even the best chimney smoke scrubbers can only do so much. Burning coal is dirty, but, the mining side of the operation is way worse. Ask the coal belt population how good is it to work the mines. And the tremendous pollution from the processing by products is a challenge not yet solved in present day coal mining. During the industrial revolution in England, in the 1700’s , all this was true. Not much has changed in the last 200 yrs. Think about this, the US sits on a supply of coal and we don’t want it
By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,21 15:03 other posts 
The US sits on a supply of coal, and SOME of "us" don't want it.
The rest want it to be used to keep the country moving and working and enjoying life.
All the while folks are worried about coal smoke and so forth,the Taliban and others are planning our demise in ways our feeble minds can't imagine.
DEAL with Terrorism then worry about cow farts and coal smoke.
By #623135 09,Sep,21 15:08
Phart, coal is a fool’s dream. It won’t happen to South Florida. If the rest of the country wants to pollute itself to death, have at it.
So, how are they going to kill us? No idea? But, you're more scared of them, than of dying from air pollution or from climate change induced catastrophe (heat exhaustion, wild fires or the smoke of wild fires, hurricanes, floods,
riots over food or just plain old hunger).

If our feeble minds can't imagine, the Taliban must be pretty smart.
To me they just look like violent idiots, who want to live in the stone age, because of their stupid religion. I can't imagine they have a brilliant plan
to kill us all.

Do you think they drive your hummers to your door and shoot you with those guns you left them? There's an ocean in between you. Did you leave them any boats?
Or are they going to spread misinformation about vaccines on the internet, so you will kill yourself?
Or are they burning fossil fuels at the rate of the US, so the whole world turns into a desert, and everyone dies of hunger?
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Sep,21 04:30 other posts 
Stay off the climate change BS...
By #610414 21,Sep,21 07:44
Tecsan I’m surprised at you. Climate change is BS to you?
By phart [Ignore] 15,Sep,21 13:47 other posts 
Gee, perhaps you need to google 9-11?? and kinda read up on a tragic event that happened 20 years ago. 1000's of people killed by those "violent idiots" of yours?
Never imagined they could be TRAINED to fly a JET airplane eh? No hump in the middle to sit on? No sand blowing around in the cockpit??
Those people are NOT DUMB> Just warped. Along the lines of Hitler for example,WARPED genius.
Never thought they might get past the pitching rocks thing?
And you know the US has friends and citizens on THAT side of the ocean you mentioned. A American marked Humvee, could carry a bomb right into a military base in Italy. A Helicopter could be flown right into the Vatican.
And who said the Taliban is to stupid to use the INTERNET?
How do you think they recruit radical Americans to do their dirty work? BY carrier pigion?
Hell fucking yes I am more afraid of the Taliban or other terrorist groups than I am about a bit of smoke. Hell, wear a mask if you are worried about some soot.
You think it is fine for a virus.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 28,Sep,21 10:44 other posts 
I understand fear is irrational, but you take it to the next level. Your chance of dying from a terrorist attack is way smaller than dying in traffic.
And you're much more likely to get shot by your neighbor or some crazed lunatic than get killed by a Islamic terrorist.
If your secret services cannot protect your vital infrastructure from the hacking skills of Islamic terrorists, you better go back to pen and paper, because you're not ready for the modern world.

Fire kills more people than 9/11 every year. With temperatures over 120°F for long periods, you see around the same number of victims of heat stroke. The official count according to NOAA is 2,981 in 2021. True, that peanuts compared to Covid. If you're not worried about a virus that killed a 9/11 of people per day, you wouldn't fear climate change, when you don't accept it's just starting. The next 2 decades, the leading causes of death will probably continue to be Heart disease, Cancer, Accidents, Chronic lower respiratory diseases, Stroke, Alzheimer’s and Diabetes, but then it will quickly be taken over, by heat and disaster related deaths and later by violence and hunger related deaths. Sure, dying sucks, but it's gonna be the life before the dying that will suck the most.
By tecsan [Ignore] 30,Sep,21 01:22 other posts 
Fuck your climate change bullshit...You cannot prove it...However, you do have some valid points, which I think most of them kill more than the bullshit climate change...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 30,Sep,21 12:10 other posts 
I cannot prove it to you, but no one can.
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 02:09 other posts 
Because it is a fucking lie anasslicker...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 03:05 other posts 
So you think it's normal that it was 121.3°F in Canada?
Or was that also a lie?

You are the one listening to lies, from the people who are all bought
by the oil and coal industry. If it made them a profit, they would make you believe the earth was flat. Or do you think that already?
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 03:14 other posts 
That sounds like good reasoning...Do you think it was right when it was below zero for three or more days in the south last year...Global warming my ass...
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 11:10 other posts 
Extreme weather of any kind is a result of climate change. The global average temperature goes up, but the extremes get more extreme. More heat trapped in the atmosphere by CO2, makes the atmosphere more dynamic. It increases hurricanes and extreme weather. In one place you can have drought, while in another place their are floods. While in Canada they had heat records, In The Netherlands we had the mildest summer in years. Only a few hundred miles further (Germany and Belgium) they had crazy showers and floods, while another few hundred miles further (Spain, Italy, Greece, Romania, Turkey) they had heat waves, drought and wildfires.

That's why the record of 121.3°F this summer in Canada is 5 degrees higher than the previous record, while the global average is just 1.5°F higher than it was. It also causes extreme cold sometimes, even though that is more unusual. Still, that cold wave in Texas hit −2°F. The lowest temperature ever measured in Texas was −23°F, recorded on February 8, 1933 in Seminole. So it was very cold, but by no means a record.
Weather isn't climate, averages over decades are climate. If records get broken almost every year and the average temperature is rising for decades, that is climate change.
By #610414 10,Sep,21 10:03
Phart FYI only registered users can see external links
This comes from Wikipedia

US energy independence is the idea of eliminating the need for the United States to import petroleum and other foreign sources of energy. Energy independence is espoused by those who want to leave the US unaffected by global energy supply disruptions, and to restrict reliance upon politically unstable states for its energy security. Energy independence is highly concerned with oil, the source of the country's principal transport fuels.

In total energy consumption, the US was between 86% and 91% self-sufficient in 2016.[1] In May 2011, the country became a net exporter of refined petroleum products.[2] As of 2014, the United States was the world's third largest producer of crude oil, after Saudi Arabia and Russia,[3] and second-largest exporter of refined products, after Russia.[4] In November 2019, the United States became a net exporter of all oil products, including both refined petroleum products and crude oil.[5]

--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

Phart FYI

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Pollution from coal-fired power plants kills communities and cooks our climate.

The biggest coal companies in the U.S. have gone bankrupt in the past few years because coal is so clearly a bad investment for people and the planet.

Communities across the nation are already seeing and feeling the impacts of climate change, driven by carbon pollution, from increased health risks like asthma attacks and lung disease to devastating extreme weather events like Superstorm Sandy and wildfires across the American West, and the world.

BIG News: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s New Coal Policy
Coal companies, and the banks that finance them, have felt the immense pressure from communities that are impacted by coal plants, and public health threats, and our own campaigns and partners. The science is clear: inaction will only increase these deadly and costly threats.
In the United States, coal mining also involves a process called mountaintop removal (MTR). MTR destroys some of the most biodiverse ecosystems in the U.S. The first step in blowing the top off a mountain is clear-cutting the forest off the top of it—some of the most diverse forests in the United States.

MTR debris is very toxic. The rubble that’s left after the coal gets picked out of it is full of mercury and heavy metals—and all of it gets pushed into the valleys and streams next to the blown-up mountain. And there is no coincidence to what communities feel the most impact of coal mines and the pollution they bring. People who endure the detrimental health impacts are primarily Black and Brown folks and poor, working class communities.

Coal mines are also an extremely dangerous place for workers. Countless, senseless, tragedies have occurred at coal mines, due to coal outbursts and fires, resulting in many lives lost. These disasters expose the horrific cost of “cheap” and dirty energy. Miners’ deaths such as these are preventable. And then there are the long-term impacts. Every year, more than one million people die of air pollution that comes from burning coal. 150,000 more die from extreme weather events aggravated by climate change–and coal is the single biggest driver of climate change.

We must not continue to make these sacrifices in order to produce energy from such a dirty and unsustainable source. Coal is a dangerous and outdated fuel, and in the 21st century, we should not be using it to power our homes, schools, hospitals, and businesses. It is past time for us to shift our energy production to clean, safe renewable power. While coal is being phased out in the US, around the world it is still a huge piece of the fossil fuel industry that needs to end.
By leopoldij [Ignore] 17,Sep,21 12:42 other posts 
You made a typo.
You mean: 18th c.
By #623135 17,Sep,21 17:46
I meant the 1800’s or 19th century
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Sep,21 03:21 other posts 
Hope you are right about harris...
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 17:15 other posts 
From what I read she did a lot of racist things as a lawyer.
And until she ran for office,she considered herself "indian". don't you find that odd that she would start to use her other half race for political gain?
By #623135 16,Aug,21 18:37
No, not at all. It’s a well known trick to steal an election. Blacks are blacks. Some people whine about some trivial problem with a small minority of the black race that has no respect for law and order. This is due to the crooks in our government. I want to thank you for opening my eyes to the truth of our “elected “ government. I did not know that crooks wanted to destroy our way of life and even our life. From this point forward my motto will be, “ Down with the crooks in government . They are responsible for all the ills of this country.”
I wonder if the election brought in a new batch of crooks or we kept some of the old ones?
By phart [Ignore] 16,Aug,21 19:06 other posts 
felchy,I mean fauci, hung in there.
By sherryann [Ignore] 09,Sep,21 15:09 other posts 
Here's another thing to read phart: she supported no bail for someone now charged with murder. Don't know how to link but think it's on Fox.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Sep,21 20:50 other posts 
yea,she aint much of a woman as far as doing the right thing.
By sherryann [Ignore] 10,Sep,21 00:40 other posts 
i agree 100%
--------------------------------------- added after 136 hours

Angel, hi. It said you replied. Not sure what President Trump has to do with it.
The reason I mentioned this case is because he was a wife beater and should have stayed on the inside locked up. As someone who has experience with men who like to kick around and beat women, I am livid that he was out on the streets to murder someone.
By #610414 16,Sep,21 17:15
I can’t really comment, Sherryann. Sometimes I shoot from the hip and it’s wrong. Trump is not involved here.
My take is that in some crimes, like murder, the suspect should be denied bail. In most cases, in most states, the trial is held many months or years after incarceration. If the defendant is found innocent then he should be recompensed for the disruption of his life.

This part goes to Phart. Mr Phart makes statements that denigrate a public figure WITHOUT presenting proof or circumstance
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,21 03:04 other posts 
I am undecided here...But, what if the person is really innocent and we keep them in jail for years awaiting trial???That is cruel...I agree I think if the latter happens then they should be compensated in the millions of dollars range...This would stop prosecutors from jumping so quick to charge people...
By #610414 21,Sep,21 05:42
According to the Constitution a defendant is entitled to a speedy trial. I believe it’s 6 months, but, if they can talk the defendant to allow them more time, it’s feasible they can be in for more time.
By tecsan [Ignore] 21,Sep,21 06:01 other posts 
But, still six months for the state to file its case...That is ridiculous...But none happen in six months....Sorry, but why do I feel that I am arguing your side here...???
By #610414 21,Sep,21 07:24
There’s no “Your side” here. Let’s start at the beginning. Bail was established in this country (and probably in other countries) so an accused would not disrupt his life waiting for trial. There are rules. For instance, if you are rich and can flee the country then you may have a very high bail amount. The other big one is if the court believes you would be dangerous to society, you don’t get bail. Murderers, terrorists, deranged people, don’t get bail. Here is where we get to our discussion. Because of the large populations of big cities the justice department of these cities have huge backlogs. So, say you are charged with murder, a case like that may take 2 or 3 yrs to collect all evidence and get to court. You go to trail after 2 yrs and are found “INNOCENT’. You are free, but, you lost 2 yrs of your life. Now, if you want someone to pay for that you have to sue the city. Sometimes, because they know you will sue, they’ll make you a settlement offer, but, it’s not warranteed. I would not want a possible murderer or terrorist to walk free, but, if found innocent then there should be a formula to calculate what you lost in wages plus any other hardship. How do you feel about it?
By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Sep,21 01:55 other posts 
You made your point...This is where I disagree with conservatives...The justice system is not perfect, but it is all we have for protection right now...I hate it when innocent people are charged with a crime or even worse convicted...They should be compensated 4X or more for what they lost, because they not only lost money, but a part of their life...
By #610414 22,Sep,21 08:01
We, Sir, are in agreement. Wow, did I just say that?
By tecsan [Ignore] 23,Sep,21 01:11 other posts 
Yes you did babe...
By phart [Ignore] 23,Sep,21 19:57 other posts 
so those poor souls locked up regarding Jan 6 should be able to get bail and be treated fairly to a speedy trial instead of held for months to no end.
By #610414 24,Sep,21 08:44
This is from WUSA channel 9
“Of the hundreds and hundreds of folks who have been arrested in the Capitol riots, the majority of them, most of them have received some sort of bail,” Rahmani said. “But the folks that engaged in the most violent acts, they are being detained without bond.”

The total was, I believe, 539 defendants total but only a few are being held without bond. Here’s the reason why from the same source.

In the case of United States v. Munchel, a three judge panel ruled those who “actually assaulted police officers and broke through windows, doors, and barricades, and those who aided, conspired with, planned, or coordinated such actions, are in a different category of dangerousness than those who cheered on the violence or entered the Capitol after others cleared the way.”

I’m good with that. They are considered dangerous to the safety of the public. This is Constitutionally permissible. Remember, if they are found innocent at their trial, they can sue.
By tecsan [Ignore] 24,Sep,21 23:43 other posts 
I wonder how many of them are libturds impersonating conservatives...???
By #610414 25,Sep,21 09:37
Hot, damn, Tecsan. Why couldn't they be Little Green Men from Mars impersonating Earthlings?
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

Besides, you are missing the point. A murderer can be conservative or liberal, Republican or Democrat. Maybe, independent. He or they are still murderers or insurrectionists. Personally, I don't care. I'm leaning towards Trump supporters. Hang them all, I say. Ayy, mateys, hang them all, I say
By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Sep,21 03:29 other posts 
That is right, but you are missing the point...If two libturds infiltrate the conservatives then them two can make all of them look bad to you, thus your idea of hang all the conservative with the two libturds...
By #610414 27,Sep,21 05:35
What? Didn’t I say if they are murderers hang them. And if they all where at the Capitol on January 6, 2020 taking part in the insurrection, then they deserve the same punishment as the others. You think 1/6/20 was political? Only the pre-amble was. The act itself was a disgrace, it was an attempt to stop an election and it destroyed public property. That’s the only things to consider. Libs. Conservatives, little green men? All the same. And each made their family and friends look bad
By tecsan [Ignore] 28,Sep,21 00:23 other posts 
I get it some reps and some conservs disgraced the Country...But look back in HX, who brought more disgrace...The dems or the reps...Hmmm, as far as I know the reps did not support slavery but fought against it...
By #610414 15,Sep,21 15:14
Like Trump, hey?
By #610414 15,Sep,21 15:14
Bail for a possible murderer? How about a one way ticket to Mexico?
By tecsan [Ignore] 15,Sep,21 03:32 other posts 
Just because you are democrap, a lawyer, she is black, she has been in congress and she is a female...Hey, look at the qualifications for being elected VP and maybe POTUS...
By #610414 15,Sep,21 15:17
The one thing that grates on sensibilities. Only requirements for president or Vice President is age an born in the USA. I guess that explains the last Clown.
By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Oct,21 03:02 other posts 
Nice one...
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Sep,21 04:47 other posts 
Worst choice...There may be a surprise for you though...
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 13:04 other posts 
Keep eating Putin's shit, and Chase it with a Clorox cocktail
--------------------------------------- added after 442 hours

you little naziboy buttfucker.
--------------------------------------- added after 541 hours

Too bad you haven't died from COVID-19, or cholera, from sucking down trump's diarrhea.
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Sep,21 04:50 other posts 
Go drink bleach or ethelen glycol...Rumor has it that it cures all...I can almost guarntee it...
By #623135 15,Sep,21 17:00
Tecsan be nice. Let Gntlmn drink from your spout like I like to drink from yours.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 18,Sep,21 22:55 other posts 
Go fuck another caged dead baby, little trump ass-sucker...
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 18,Sep,21 22:57 other posts 
You can't even spell, Mrs shit-sucker!
By #592419 06,Sep,21 19:58
Trump is running in 24
By tecsan [Ignore] 07,Sep,21 03:22 other posts 
I also hope you are right SrCums...
By #592419 07,Sep,21 13:51
He already said so. I also hear they military is working with him on certain issues including over 1500 arrests.. Stay tuned..
By #610414 18,Sep,21 21:26
Tecsan, why is Harris so unpalatable to you? Same for liberals?

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