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"Russian warship go fuck yourself."

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Started by tecsan [Ignore] 26,Feb,22 23:54  other posts
This should resonate with everyone in the free world...

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By phart [Ignore] 06,Nov,22 20:24 other posts 
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Look who else is pissed off at russia.
Now what do we do? do we support the taliwackers in the taliban or?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 07,Nov,22 05:26 other posts 
The US used to support the Taliban, when they were against Russia.
The US loves selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, which are Islamic extremists too.
So, good question; do you keep selling weapons to people who hate you?

By tecsan [Ignore] 01,Nov,22 03:32 other posts 
Think we all realize that little russia has shit for an army.

By tecsan [Ignore] 27,Oct,22 03:32 other posts 
Fetterbum is a winner right. oops, spelling, sorry. Wiener is what I meant. How many of them have we seen?
By #610414 27,Oct,22 08:01
This from an Oscar Mayer site? 🤣🤣

By DJS [Ignore] 29,Jul,22 01:28 other posts 
Its seems the orcs are not just murdering civilians,but also pow,and in the worst possible gratification unknown to the majority of mankind,am not going to post it,but just seen a Ukraine pow being castrated hands tied behind his back,like me probably some on here have been in battle but me personally if you catch your enemy(pow)you treat them well,These orca need wiping off the face of the earth..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Jul,22 06:04 other posts 
That's what 24/7 propaganda can make people do.

The Russian people never asked for this, but they are fed 24/7 fearmongering
about the Western Imperialists, trying to corrupt all their former allies.
In Russia, they don't know what we know. A Russian mother doesn't even believe
her own daughter, living in Ukraine: only registered users can see external links

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I hear Putin is at the end of his life and he wants to be remembered as the great leader who reunited the once great Russian empire. He can do what he does, because he controls the media to constantly brainwash all the Russian people, he silences all opposition and he pays off the families of all the dead Russian soldiers.
Putin is a fascist, plain and simple.
By DJS [Ignore] 29,Jul,22 09:34 other posts 
First off I wouldn't call it propaganda & western imperialism,even tho you like to politicalize every thread,its called the Geneva convention,Why did he do what he did,instead of just putting a bullet in his head,I know why just like the Mujahideen did with the orcs.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 29,Jul,22 13:32 other posts 
Since when do dictators prefer to die themselves over dealing death unto others?
It takes a psychopath to make an empire. But he is not getting his hands dirty.
Dictators need lots of loyal followers to commit the atrocities and spill their own blood just as willingly as the enemy's blood. That takes some convincing.

Putin is using his media apparatus, to lie the Russian people into doing that.
How would you call that, other than 'propaganda'?

The Soviet Union did not sign the Geneva Convention, but Putin wouldn't give a crap anyway.

True, I do like to politicize every thread. However, what is more political than international war?
By DJS [Ignore] 29,Jul,22 16:18 other posts 
My 1st post,doesn't mention putin or any other leader,I only stated the fking barbaric attitude of the enemy,yet both your post go way of tangent,the cunt who do these things are not loyal followers they get paid a
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Aug,22 07:28 other posts 
Why did you feel the need to communicate that opinion?
Do you think that anyone would disagree?

It seems like you have a point on the barbarism preformed by mercenaries:
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But that Russian warship that started this post are just Russian soldiers.
By DJS [Ignore] 29,Jul,22 16:22 other posts 
My 1st post,doesn't mention putin or any other leader,I only stated the fking barbaric attitude of the enemy,yet both your post go way of tangent,the cunt who do these things are not loyal followers they get paid just like when they were in Syria,if someone offered them more cash they probably swap sides,
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 01,Aug,22 07:31 other posts 
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By tecsan [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 03:37 other posts 
You stated something that I have suspected all along. 'I' think putin has been given some devastating medical news and no longer cares about anything. That would make him the most dangerous man on Earth.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 08,Aug,22 05:51 other posts 
There is just one problem; it isn't over when he dies, because he is lining up successors who are just as dangerous or even worse.

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By tecsan [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 02:09 other posts 
You keep making my points for me.
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 09:11 other posts 
Yep,just like when we kill 1 terrorist with a drone, another terrorist gets a promotion.
It won't end until they are ALL taken out.
By DJS [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 12:51 other posts 
Doubt it will make any difference how many come after putin,if this place goes up,there be millions dead.plus the planet fking gone for ever.
This is the biggest nuke plant in Europe
Yesterday, russian invaders once again shelled the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, nearly missing the dry storage of spent nuclear fuel. If that storage were to be damaged, it would cause a catastrophe on a planetary scale
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 13:06 other posts 
Climate change is a much worse threat, nukes are nothing to worry about.
Said no body.

Yea, but meanwhile be sure to not charge your electric car during peak hours and eat your veggies.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 13:10
By phart [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 16:00 other posts 
that will be your response 1 day in the near future when you are waiting on your electric car to charge up and there is a huge mushroom cloud on the horizon.
And then ,as the last few minutes of your life pass by ,you will think, "you mean I ate healthy, sold my mustang, gave up luxury's for the environment and then some asshole has to blow up 1 of those things? This sucks!". and your flesh will start to drip from your bones and you will pass away.
all the sacrifice, all the arguing for climate change action will be for nothing.

Live your life to the fullest, there very well may not be a tomorrow.
By DJS [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 16:28 other posts 
By the time everyone driving a electric car I be pushing up the daisies as I will never by one,has for the nuke station he got it all mined plus also he using it as as a arms dump,seeing a hell off a lot around the country are being blown away,by the Ukraine military,they also letting off various kinds of projectiles knowing they cant/wont retaliate,if he does decide to blow it up,going by reports the wind flow to Russia but that doesn't the rest of Europe & the world will get away with it,armageddon maybe,but if everything I said we will all soon find out,The funny thing is,they be people watching from above(the space station),who will see the destruction of the planet & knowing that they never get back to earth and in time will die up there,
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 10:42 other posts 
Transportation is 27% of the US CO2 emissions. Cars make up 41% of that.
So electric cars are only 11% of the solution and not all of them need to be electric to reduce catastrophic climate change. A lot of other progress is necessary to reduce the 25% of CO2 emissions by electricity generations, 24% from industry, 13% from buildings and 11% from agriculture. Ever heard anything about that or are you just listening to media that is only focused on cars, to distract you from the actual problems?

I don't know when a Russian or American president decides to end the world.
I just know that I have no influence to stop them, so I don't worry about it.
It might be tomorrow and then everything we do now is useless.
It might be in a few years and then at least I did my part to be productive.
Or it will never happen. Maybe someone decided not to listen to his superiors.
As far as we know, the world was saved twice before by people like that.
It would then be a pity if humanity still perished due to climate change.

Strange how you feel sorry for those astronauts in the space station.
How about people on earth? Looking death in the eye is worse than dying?
They are not the only ones who will see the destruction of the planet & know in time they will die. Many people will not die in the blasts immediately, but know they will die of radiation poisoning. There might be some rich assholes in a nuclear shelter, who might survive longer. But even though I loved the Fallout game series, I find it unlikely they will ever repopulate civilization again.
Fallout is just a game, nuclear war isn't.

But it is useless to be afraid of something that might never happen and you are powerless against to stop.

Climate change is different; it is already happening and we are not powerless to stop it. It just takes a lot of effort and money, from rich and powerful people, who don't want to use their money and put in the effort, to save humanity.
Most of them are old and therefore don't care. They can shut out the suffering of everyone else, in their air-conditioned mansions or on their super-yachts.
And then they buy a Tesla to ease their conscience. Because they know...
By DJS [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 13:35 other posts 
As for your 1st paragraph( mr copy and paste)I didn't mention anything about% far from it,I stated I wouldn't buy a EV,yet you like to come across like some fking einstein going of tangent,
3rd paragraph,They will be the only person to see it,but you always want to take you perspective on it,so people in say Amsterdam will see the destruction say in Eindhoven,no they wont,those above see this little planet in a vast space,the guy who dropped the bomb on Japan was never the same man ever again knowing what he done.
4th paragraph,couldn't give a fk,always been like that and will always be the like that,no one will change that ever,
But just like to add seeing you know me so well(well you do think I listen to the MSM and take the bs they serve us)..well surprise I've got a brain & it thinks for it self,AUB
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 16:45 other posts 
I didn't copy and paste anything in that piece, I just looked up some data.

I'm not going to buy an EV yet either, because they are too expensive to buy and I don't drive enough to make that investment rewarding. However, I just drove an electric car and really liked it. They drive very quiet and smooth, but they accelerate fast. Electric motors are just better. The batteries are the only problem, but if that's improved, why would you still be against them?
Just stubbornness?

I don't watch or listen to ANY of your corporate media, because they are all owned by rich people. It would be a pleasant surprise if you don't watch that shit either, but that is no guarantee that you are capable of recognizing real information from lies and propaganda. There is a lot of that on the internet.

(A tip; you can recognize fake news websites from the banners all over them, advertising bogus medical products, telling you 'the pharmaceutical industry wants to ban this, because they will lose millions' and then they try to sell you some jar of berry extract for $59. If you trust information from websites like that, than you don't have a brain capable of thinking at all)

However, I do see you worry about ACTUAL problems, unlike phart who is fearmongering over the earth spinning a few milliseconds faster. So I agree with the problems you bring to the discussion. I just don't see how you can come to the conclusion that climate change isn't real, without consuming and accepting a lot of horrible lies. Now, I understand that some lies are pretty elaborate, but most of it can be destroyed easily with critical thinking and some are just childishly stupid. And when a claim is also supported by childishly stupid, obviously false arguments, why would you even trust the more elaborate arguments? Just recognize on which side the liars are.

I tend to trust the claim that is consistent with everything I researched on the subject and that just matches with my personal experience of winters without snow and ice and fucking hot summers, with grass turning yellow everywhere and people being asked to conserve water, while in my youth I was used to freezing my nuts off in winter, inclement weather in spring and fall and having summer holidays ruined by weeks of clouds and rain. It's just so obvious.
By #610414 09,Aug,22 17:28
C’est la vie
By DJS [Ignore] 09,Aug,22 13:35 other posts 
There are hundreds of dangers with the power to destroy us all.
There is only one way for humanity to survive; not enable those dangers.
You are promoting several of the dangers that could destroy us all.
Maybe not promoting those dangers is a good idea?

There is no reason to fear dangers. Fear paralyzes people.
I prefer to engage those dangers and eliminate or reduce them
or at least support the people who strive for that, instead of the people
who aggravate those dangers.
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Aug,22 02:53 other posts 
None that will destroy ME.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 11,Aug,22 07:01 other posts 
I'm sure you are immune to nuclear explosions.

Many people just like you died in hurricanes, floods, fires and power outages during cold spells, so you are very fortunate to be indestructible.
By tecsan [Ignore] 11,Aug,22 22:25 other posts 
It cannot be fixed over night or in several years is all I am saying, wise up and get real.
By tecsan [Ignore] 16,Aug,22 01:37 other posts 
Hey, I forgot about climate change being our worse threat. I bet ananas2xlekker likes his little EV. Charge it all you want using fossil fuel as the means.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 14:53 other posts 
Stop with the EV bullshit. It is not the solution to the problem yet.
When you need to solve a problem, you start with the low-hanging fruit.
That's transitioning away electricity generation from fossil fuels to renewable alternatives, which are also much CHEAPER. And the most cost effective method to lower CO2 emissions at the moment is just insulating houses. Especially in Europe, where natural gas is scarce and very expensive.

I have a very fuel economic petrol car and since covid, I drive it at maximum
3000 miles per year. It would be throwing money in the fire to buy a EV now. However, I drove an electric car not so long ago and liked it a lot. My next car
will probably be an EV, because I'm sure they will be much cheaper then.
I just commented about the media turning everyday life into zombie survival.
But that's really how life feels to you, isn't it? Everyone is coming to get you.

It's not like I don't care about the nuclear threat.
But people have been living under that threat since 1947.
The doomsday clock has never been farther from midnight
than 17 minutes to midnight (in 1991). We are still alive.
They want you afraid, because your fear serves them.
Release your fear. It's used against your life.
And it is used against doing anything productive in the world.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 11:02 other posts 
and you know why the nuclear threat is still here?
Because no one actually does anything to eliminate the feeling that we are in danger. Nuclear weapons in and of themselves are never meant to be used again. Japan suffered horribly and even the lowest of people don't want that. Putin even said there is no winners in nuclear war recently. The nuclear weapon is meant to be a deterrent against aggression. Ukraine was foolish and gave up their nuclear stock pile and you see first hand what is going on in your back yard. Do you think for 1 minute Putin or anyone else would have invaded Ukraine knowing full well they could push a couple buttons and take them out?

Eliminate the feeling of danger.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 11:14 other posts 
'no one actually does anything to eliminate the feeling that we are in danger'

I just said, they want you to be afraid.
'They' are all the politicians who get rich of donations from the military industry
and media stooges that think of war as 'good ratings'.

The 'feeling of danger' is in you. Eliminate it yourself.
By phart [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 12:15 other posts 
How? when folks like you are more worried about stoping cows from farting than taking apart nuclear weapons? You "solve" a big problem by "just not worrying about it". That is not a viable solution for the population.
Sit down with Kim Jong Un and ask him point blank. "sir,why do you feel you need nuclear weapons"?
Trump,the man you and other's hate so much,is the only President to take a moment of his time to actually SPEAK TO north Korea's leaders in decades.
Why do I feel afraid? Because I know in Iran right now,and probably afganistan, that there are folks planning attacks to kill possibly me or my neighbors.Instead of solving that problem by blowing the hell out of those places, we played patty cake for 20 years and left afganistan 1 of the best militarys on earth,at NO COST TO THEM>!Those people are fanatics,YOU Ananas,are the very kind of people they like to blow up or injure ,naive, unprotected.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 10,Aug,22 15:40 other posts 
True, I am more worried about climate change than about nuclear war.
Because, climate change is 100% guaranteed and nuclear war is just a risk.
There is no gain for anyone to use nuclear weapons. Remember, the US is the only country to ever use them, because you were the first. Now all sides have them, no one dares to be the first, because no one wants to be obliterated.
I am actually most worried about the US using them first, because you seem to pick the dumbest presidents. Putin is evil, but he is much smarter than your presidents. He played Trump like a violin.

There is no 'solving' the nuclear threat. The US chest-thumping is not going
to make them cower away. Everyone is already doing sanctions.
What is your big idea to solve it then?

The US created the terrorist threat in the first place, by overthrowing governments and installing religious fanatics, just to steal the oil from under the feet of the people who live on top of it. You are also arming Saudi Arabia, that scared Iran into wanting nuclear weapons and then slash the deal the whole world made with them. Afghanistan was just the country that Osama bin Laden fled to. There was no reason to do a genocide there. The only reason it's now a terrorist hellhole, is because of the US. I cannot see how the US could have created a bigger terrorist threat, if it was your goal from the start.
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Aug,22 22:57 other posts 
How stupid, putin is playin brandon like a violin. Brandon does not even know it. Yes this coutry screwed up by electing a democrat that would support socialist thinking. Climate change my ass being our largest threat, how ridiculous. Let us get rid of the farting cows and forget about major threats. Nuclear weapons do not have to be used for others to know how dangerous they are, thankfully we led the way there.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 15:09 other posts 
You don't seem to understand the difference between a deadly risk
and certain slowly building damage. Maybe this clear it up for you.

What would you choose of the following options:
a) 1 round of Russian roulette with 1 bullet in a 10 bullet revolver.
b) Having a finger amputated each year, then next two toes each year, then one foot each year, then one remaining hand each year and after that each year a bullet aimed at your dick by a poor shot at 5 feet.

Lets say option b isn't optional, unless you pay $5000,- each year.
Care to pay or take the punishment?

That's the situation with climate change. I'm not saying it's free to prevent it, I'm saying the alternative will be worse. Maybe 'a finger' is worth $5000,-
to you, but it will keep getting worse.
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 15:32 other posts 
your analogy is a bit confusing but I think you are missing the point entirely.
If you remember, in the Bible, there was a fellow by the name of Noah, He started building a ark. People told him he was crazy, it wouldn't rain.40 days later, They all drowned. Fable or fact the point is that We are trying to tell you that a nuclear bomb in the hands of a psycho is a much greater threat to us at this time in which WE are living , than a few cow farts.
as you glow in the dark drinking your last morning coffee, don't forget to charge your electric car during off peak hours.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 06,Oct,22 06:08 other posts 
You're giving me an example about Noah preparing for a climate disaster,
but you think it applies more to Putin using nukes than climate change.

Do you understand the difference between a CHANCE of absolute death and destruction and the CERTAINTY of slowly increasing death and destruction?
You are missing that point entirely.

I told you before that I completely understand the threat of nuclear war.
Putin can assure all our deaths tomorrow, if he so pleases.

And is this incredible threat any reason to not fix any of the other threats?
You are the one denying threats!!! AND THOSE ARE PREVENTABLE!!!

And maybe they won't affect us NOW that much YET, but it will affect us more each year. However, we all have to start doing more NOW, to prevent the damage and suffering becoming worse each year.
I'm not the one living on a hurricane coast or in an already fucking hot area.

I'm not interested in useless fear, I am talking about SOLUTIONS!

You and I will not be on 'the ark', when the 'rain' comes.
Last I checked, we were not called Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos.
Do you have a super-yacht to hide out on, in the safest places?
Or a space program and plans for a space station?
Do you want to drown or stop 'god' from 'drowning' everyone?
By tecsan [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 02:39 other posts 
Ananas2xLekker I am actually most worried about the US using them first, because you seem to pick the dumbest presidents

ananas2xlekker said this. What about joey, obummer, carter, clinton etc.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Oct,22 10:17 other posts 
All of them are way smarter than Trump.
And they are all carefully considering their plans.

Trump just does something and then keeps doubling down,
even when it explodes in his face.
And he is way too arrogant to listen to anyone.

By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 16,Oct,22 12:44 other posts 
TecRat has been very quiet since his was neutered for his spamming
By tecsan [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 00:58 other posts 
You were spayed for the same damn thing. Skittles has been quiet, no silent since it got spayed. You all know the rainbow rat.
By phart [Ignore] 17,Oct,22 10:23 other posts 
Neutered? hows does that happen?

By phart [Ignore] 04,Oct,22 10:34 other posts 
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Elon Musk has bent over backwards trying to keep Ukraine online and that has helped it's citizens and military greatly.
BUT when Elon proposes a way to save Ukrainian lives, he is told to Fuck off?
I think I would just take them off line a while if I were Elon,
Seems quite ungrateful of them for all the Americans have done for them thru this horrible invasion.
It is quite obvious they would be under Russian rule already had it not been for the US and others helping them.Being they didn't have enough sense to keep their nukes.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 04,Oct,22 12:02 other posts 
Basically, I agree with you and Elon that Ukraine should accept Russia's claim over Crimea, to save a lot of lives. However, it would not be enough to stop Russia at this time. Russia already occupied Crimea, they had the opportunity to take it forever, but it wasn't enough for Putin. Giving in to Putin now, will not stop him. It might even encourage him and Russia again, to keep going. I see no justification for why it would lower the hostilities or the threat of nuclear war. The only way out is waiting for Russia to kick out Putin or Putin to give up and come to the negotiating table. Then it would be justified to give him Crimea, to save face, if there's reason to believe that he won't try the same shit again.
By DJS [Ignore] 04,Oct,22 12:38 other posts 
Seen the tweets earlier,must admit find it a bit strange what he proposing,he doesn't come across as the brightest bulb in the room,would rather take Garry Kasparov views over him any day,the man is more clued up probably than anyone else,
Its seems musk has a habit of interfering which he knows nothing about but gets the response by clicks,maybe he likes to think he's important and make potus one day who knows,
For me Ukraine should never give up this war,until every fking orc who invaded are fking burned alive,blown to bits,throats slit the murdering rapist shower off cunt to walk this planet,fking slaughter the lot of them orc cunts..
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 06:19 other posts 
Elon Musk has some skills, some intelligence and some creativity, but strategy
is definitely not his greatest strength.

Right-wingers just think everyone who is incredibly wealthy must be absolutely brilliant. They are not, but they like everyone thinking that. It's very easy to keep making money, when everyone keeps blindly following them, even when they are obviously fucking up
a lot too. But most of the very wealthy either started out already rich or they were just lucky to make it to some wealth. On a basis where everyone thinks you're brilliant,
it's not that hard to become even more wealthy. Narcissism is what you need most.
Just fuck over your workers, funnel the losses of your mistakes to your customers, suppliers and the taxpayer and you'll be (one of) the richest people in the world.
Just look at the top 10 wealthy and think: "Which one is actually that smart?"
By phart [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 10:16 other posts 
When it comes to ukraine, to many people have died, there is so much destruction, some city's are not in a shape to even bother rebuilding.
You can't help but wonder,what if they would just give putin a couple areas and maby,just maby the sumbitch will die before he trys to take any more and the new leader will have some common sense and more respect for life.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 05,Oct,22 11:28 other posts 
Yes, too many people have died. And you think just giving Putin what he wants will stop him? He will not even say 'thanks' and continue killing more people to take the rest of Ukraine. Maybe Putin will die soon. The only way to deter the next Russian dictator from trying to retake their former glorious empire, is showing them it's a big mistake. Ukrainians are winning lots of territory and you want them to surrender?
Did you think of that yourself or are you parroting Russia-funded right-wing grifters?
Don't you still understand those guys will say anything for money?
By DJS [Ignore] 06,Oct,22 03:00 other posts 
If someone was to invade your property what would you do,phart?.welcome them or try to throw them out?(but what would you do if they were armed)?..you wouldn't let them have the lower level and you have the upper level would you,
No difference what's going on in the Ukraine now,
If they didn't invade they be peace so doesn't matter if more die hopefully the murdering rapist orca,Ukraine are fighting for their families and land,
Has for musk your views saying Ukraine are being disrespectful,there seem a lot of reports that he was paid by usa government for his starlink..and not him personally.
Who knows

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