| Hello World.
HERE will be the NEW HOME of all the strange and odd things I have feelings about. You could consider this, Phart's Brain Farts regarding world or local news.
There will be freedom of speech here.Just don't violate someone elses.
For starters,
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Really now? Well what is really despicable is the mess at the border with folks coming in willy nilly bringing their dope and their virus's and diseases we have eradicated decades ago. Instead of putting all your air into denying it, PROVE THE THEORY WRONG.
There is overwhelming evidence of a problem brewing,and unless democrats can gain from it,they would be otherwise trying to stop it. |
I recommend NO network.
Get up from the recliner and venture out into the real world. See the suffering,see the problems with YOUR OWN EYES and not thru the biased lens of overpaid talking heads trying to sell 60 second commercial breaks.
Totally agree. So never again refer to anything Fox 'News' has said.
They only exist to do right-wing propaganda and know they are doing it.
But you probably do not want to hear about all the evidence that supports that.
And you certainly do not hear it from right-wing sources.
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Bill O'reilly
But, I think at least Bill believes most things he's saying. Tucker doesn't.
That doesn't mean that he's objective. That's a rare thing on the 'news'.
Here is a pro trump youtube and I believe this is down to the point in truth.. only registered users can see external links The central banks rule the world. the columm here is called DAVERadioX #3047A
No, I don't think he's quite intelligent. Tucker is way smarter.
But the smarter they are, the better they lie. Because that's their job.
MSNBC is also not trustworthy. But Fox'News' lies 90% of the time and you think they are more trustworthy, because they 'dare to say things'. They sound anti-establishment a lot don't they? And MSNBC doesn't. However, MSNBC only lies about 30% of the time, but doesn't 'dare to say things'. That's true! They are corporatist, bought and owned by corporations, so they don't anger their money providers. But they are more trustworthy on lots of other subjects. They are not trustworthy enough for me to listen to them, so I have better sources.
Fox'News' is ALSO bought and owned by corporations. And you think they are anti-establishment, because they sound like it, but IT'S A TRICK!!! They sound like that to gain your trust and then have a wealthy guy crying about estate-taxes five minutes later. Have you never noticed that?
Tucker is their grand master. He really is fantastic at fake-populism. His only job is creating fear and anger about culture and the 'deep state', but then FULLY SERVING THAT DEEP STATE, because the 'deep state' are THE WEALTHY! Tucker himself is fucking wealthy and you believe he's anti-establishment?
Tucker understands very well what idea's are popular, but hue uses it all to gain your trust and then make you believe ideas that are very favorable to the establishment. Do you think the establishment wants higher taxes and regulations? Tell me what they want and why and how Tucker fights against it. Or at least think about it.
I think you are smart. It gives me hope that I can make you see how they trick you.
When I listen to your channel, I hear just one claim after another, like fire, fire, fire, without any justification. I don't hear them explain how, why, who. It's all conspiracies, to make you afraid and distrust everything, without giving you a real reason. Do they hit on some truth? Sure! But they just pass along some of the truth, mix it with bullshit and I'VE LEARNED NOTHING!!! They start out, with 'the deep state', 'the corrupt politicians', 'the world central bank', 'the world economic forum'... And nothing gets explained. I HAVE HEARD NO ARGUMENTS! NONE!
Lets get into your claim; 'The central banks rule the world'.
- Who controls the central bank? Some very wealthy people.
- How do they control the world? Money? Who pays the corrupt politicians? The central bank? No! A lot of corporations and super-PAC's funded by more corporations, private interests, foreign interests and wealthy people. Then the politicians have meetings with all those donors asking them what they want to have done. They all meet at Davos (the WEF) too. That's true. The donors of the politicians are there too. Is that the central bank controlling the world? Or is it the wealthy controlling the central bank and the politicians?
- Why would the politicians listen to the central bank? Because it's the system, set up to protect the money of the wealthy, doing the bidding of the wealthy.
And that's something that your right-wing talk radio doesn't say. Because they are owned by corporations and get donations from the wealthy too. Follow the money!
Their only job is telling you that you cannot trust anyone but them, because they are the 'truth tellers'. Sure, they speak some truth, to get you hooked, but they leave out so much information. They do that intentionally, so you cannot verify what they say. You will find your own information and justify their message for them. And every right-winger does that, with their own ideas. And then the right-wing media fill in what THEY WANT YOU TO THINK.
Do you really listen to lefty YouTubers? Do you notice a difference between them and your radio channel? Who only makes claims, without substantiating their claims? Who uses arguments more?
If you say right-wingers, you don't understand what arguments are.
O'reilly says things I agree with and don't agree with but he says hard truth such as "out of all due respect" You're wrong.
You know about the fake electors that were standing by to vote for trump and turn over the election, right?
"out of all due respect" is a hard truth? What?
What are you talking about?
--------------------------------------- added after 47 hours
Oh, the things that Bill O'Reilly says are hard truth.
No, they are not, they are just fear-mongering for gullible people.
You privately say that media lies 100% of the time, except O'Reilly?
You are picking the wrong media to trust. Fox'News' is one of the worst.
They just admitted they were lying and settled for $787.5 million with Dominion!
Sure, some, most about the Roman empire.
"what's the difference between the 3? How is this different from the central banks? Nothing.. Its the same agenda"
What? I assume you are referring to all three being empires?
The central banks are not in power. They are ruled by the wealthy.
Does your understanding stop at the central banks?
Why would anyone listen to some bankers?
Who controls those bankers and how? Think further!
You are cutting through to some good ideas further on, but there is no consistency to it all. Sure, religion is used to keep people submissive to power and the powerful do fucked up things, because the people let them.
Yes, educate yourself, reason and start understanding the world as it is.
But, I see you put pieces together like a rambling mad man. Start understanding that the biggest evil is just plain selfishness. People want power and money for themselves and nothing for anyone else. It takes a lot of lying ans dogmas for the other people to give it to them. I see no sign that you understand that part of it. Pe.do.phe.lia is just a symptom of letting fucked-up religious morality rule the world unchecked. Only people who's thinking is messed-up with dogmas can allow that to happen. I think that your 'hard truths' are based mostly on some very crazy conspiracy theories. Those are also dogmas and when you don't shed them, you are no risk to the real powers who control the world. In fact your ideas only serve them, because they can be directed to any enemy they want you to attack.
I can't dismiss it entirely as there is as much evidence of it being real as there is of it being fake.
The Masonic Lodge is probably the closest thing to it that is real and trust me, years ago that was a powerful group of people but the younger generations have not took up to it and they are getting a bit relaxed and showing themselves a bit to draw new members.
George soros has made up a system that will allow him to run things long after his death. He bankrupted 2 countries and works hard to ruin others.He is a pinocle of the enemy from behind
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Not an organization that was operating in the shadows, going back to Babylonia, the Roman empire or the Ottoman empire.
There are lots of powerful people influencing politics. The 'deep state' is a good name for them. Most of them are incredibly conservative though. You keep pointing to George Soros, because liberals are really hard to find in that club.
There are at least 100 billionaires donating to Republicans, controlling politics. Here are some of the more known donors, who are the most active: The Koch brother(s), Sheldon Adelson, Richard Uihlein, Harlan Crow, Peter Thiel, Leonard Leo, Barre Seid, David Horowitz, Farris Wilks, Robert Mercer, Andy Beal and Phil Ruffin.
It's true that George Soros is the biggest donor in name, but the next 3 are conservatives, donating to Republicans and give more combined than Soros. But, that's IN NAME! Way more is given to Republicans through 'dark money' organizations, which means they are not transparent about their donors. At least Soros funds Democrats by a transparent methods.
And here are some organisations that some of the founded, to 'make up a system that will allow him to run things long after their death':
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Soros bankrupted 2 countries? Are you referring to the Bank of Thailand and the Bank of England?
"According to sources who had knowledge of the Quantum Fund’s positioning at the time, Soros bet just under $1 billion of his total war chest of $12 billion against the baht. By selling the Thai baht short in January 1997, the Quantum Fund managed by my investment company sent a market signal that the baht may be overvalued. The bank eventually broke, the baht devalued and Soros profited."
"In 1992, Soros shorted the British pound and reportedly made a profit of $1 billion. He sold billions of pounds during the days preceding the British government devaluing the pound sterling in September that year. Much of it was on borrowed money. Afterward Soros bought back pounds, repaid the money he had borrowed, and made a killing"
Didn't you say that Soros was some kind of socialist or communist? I told you that Soros is a capitalist, remember? This is how capitalists make their money. Especially hedge funds make profits over the demise of others. Soros funds the corporate Democrats, who deregulate Wall Street, so he can keep raking in the billions. Not a cent of his money goes to progressives. Sometimes Democrats even donate to Republicans, to stop a real progressive from winning.
Again you resort to bullshit no good hollywood fake fake news. Stop using bullshit links because it is NOT proof,, Stick with factsl... you are a admitted socialist which means you seek to control.. You think a one party state has no politics? Think again
Alex baldwin is a hypocrite if there ever was 1.Claims to be antigun, but was working on a movie that uses guns,and literally, physically pulls the trigger and kills 1 person dead and injurs another,but yet,the antigun people don't seem to hate him for it.Why? Double standard.
I'd suggest you study the congressional and senate judicial hearings
I asked you on numerous occasions who those bad people are, but I see a few answers now. Lets get into it:
The Biden Administration, for 'sex slavery and forced labor'.
And that is happening mostly in Republican controlled states, where Republicans are relaxing laws against child labor. It's Republicans who work against the legalization of illegal immigrants who have nowhere to go and it's Republicans who don't want to inspect employers who exploit illegals and punish them. So why are you blaming Democrats, while this was already going on under Trump and while Republicans don't support any laws that could improve the situation?
European Union terror groups? What the fuck are you talking about?
"European Union a branch of the swamp" The US government is way more corrupt than the European Central government. They caught a Greek female politician (Eva Kaili) for illicit lobbying in favor of Qatar. She's awaiting her trail in jail now. In the US that's LEGAL (if you register as a foreign agent). However, Trump did not register as a foreign agent to Saudi Arabia, but as President, his illicit lobbying broke records. He was getting paid by Saudi Arabia through his hotels and business deals, for selling them weapons which they used doing a genocide in Jemen and for being silent about the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. Clear 'quid pro quo', but it's not even one of his many indictments.
"destroying private business" is just another claim without any substance.
What are you talking about?
At least I provide links and provide substance with my claims.
You just spout absolute bullshit, without any justification.
The one who should stick to the facts is you!
A socialist seeks control for all the people. That's not a one party state.
How many times do I need to tell you that socialism is not communism.
Damn, I thought you had some brains, but you're just another stupid
right-winger, who only consumes propaganda of the dumbest type.
What are you talking about"
I have no idea what the other fellow is referring to,but regulations the government passes,such as tighter emissions on trucks that just went thru ,small trucking companies that run 2 trucks, are put at risk of being to far in debt for a new truck they don't really need.
Regulations similar to this are hitting my home town as we are staring at a million dollar debt for a new fire truck,we don't need. But regulations have not been modified since they were written for gas trucks that were in place 40 years ago. a deisel fire truck built in the last 20 years, for our rural application is still in good shape and could last another 20 easy.
But no, we have to damn near give 1 away and go 1 million in debt for a new 1 we don't need. Thanks to uncle sam.
regulations are what cost alot of money to comply with,that is how they distroy small bussiness. keeping them in debt they can't afford, and then the ecomony goes flat,and they loose it all or sell out for fractions of their original value.
Remember Palestine Ohio?
There have been regulations on car manufacturers for 55 years.
Are there now no more car manufacturers?
Regulations don't destroy businesses at all, they help them evolve.
Tighter emission standards only resulted in more jobs for engineers.
Small businesses have way better innovation potential than big ones, in my experience.
I know you don't believe it, but climate change will be devastating.
It already is affecting people in hotter areas, giving them drought as early as april now. Your farms are also feeling the effects and it will only get worse. A hurricane or wildfire affects small business more than large ones. They often have more locations compensating for one that is lost by a 'natural' disaster and they have better insurance.
The rest of the world has a responsibility to act, before ostriches like you finally recognize the problem, and it will be too late.
It's true that the energy transition will take a lot of effort. Maybe some companies will not be able to adjust, but that's their fault for not being able to compete when every company is facing the same regulation.
Many more companies will be started because of all the chances that the innovation creates, like solar panel installers, heat pump engineers, energy transition specialists and consultants. It does cost a lot of money, but that will only create more jobs and grow the economy and the demand.
And even if it costs a lot of money, I care more about surviving.
Corporations were created to destroy small business.. Survival of the fittest.. Taxcodes,, who puts them in place? Certainly not the people..
Who might I be?
It you cannot show any substance or consistency to your claims,
I have no REASON to even consider them.
“That which can be asserted without evidence,
can be dismissed without evidence.”
(Hitchens's razor)
Just because some bullshit website contains the same bullshit claims,
doesn't confirm your bullshit claims.
I can find thousands of websites with all different claims about some sort of 'deep state', some that I might agree with, some that are the psychotic ramblings of mentally ill people. Unless you clarify which 'deep state' description you support, you cannot use it as an argument for anything.
I am not saying that the only thing that exists are what I can hear, taste, touch, smell or see, I say that for me to BELIEVE those things, I need good evidence. There are lots of things that I see as a possibility, but UNTIL there is EVIDENCE or LOGIC to accepting those possibilities, I DON'T.
Accepting what's true, based on evidence, that's called logical reasoning.
Accepting what's true, based on beliefs and revelation, that's called religion.
If you think adding 'extreme' to 'leftist' makes some sort of point, you're again not providing any SUBSTANCE.
I'm a member of a legal political party and everything the party does is permitted by the law and fully transparent. The SP is the most democratic party in our country, while the 3 'parties' on the far right (FvD, PVV en JA21) are the least democratic. They do not even qualify as a political party and are breaking laws consistently. That is 'extreme'!
Every system can not work for everyone.
A herd of sheep would be happy in a socialist state.There is no need to think,no need to worry ,no need for self improvement,no need to work,no need to -----fill in the blank.The government provides. They somehow pull it out of their ass's I guess.
That's true, but it can respect the rights of everyone
and it can at least work for the large majority of the people.
Your country only works for a small minority; the wealthy.
And you are blinded by propaganda from those wealthy people
telling you that giving them everything they want is good for you.
You cannot win an argument, so you show your colors.
What you are doing is called 'false dichotomy'. That's a type of fallacy.
Someone who has critical thinking skills would know that.
Would they make small tribes, like thousands of years ago?
Or would they form a 'government', because that's more efficient?
The constitutions also says 'government of the people, by the people, for the people'. Sure sounds a lot like socialism to me. The founders were wise people.
That's not even democracy, that's socialism.
Are you really talking about your nation? Where 88% of people support background checks on all gun sales, Medicare for All, earns 70% support, even 91% of Republican voters want to empower Medicare to negotiate drug prices and a strong majority of Americans favor doubling the minimum wage to a living wage of $15 an hour?
If the US is ruled by the people, why aren't those policies implemented today?
The US doesn't even have a real democracy and you think it's ruled by the people!
You're ruled by corporate interests, bribing your politicians.
That's not a nation ruled by THE people. That's a nation ruled by a representative government.
You don't rule your country, you just get to vote every few years.
The political system which is the most ruled by the people is socialism.
In socialism, power is distributed over as many people as possible. It means bottom-up influence constantly and people are encouraged to participate as much as they want.
And not just power, but also ownership is distributed over as many people as possible. But of course, that's only possible if the current capitalist system is replaced. As you might understand, ownership means power too.
If you knew what you were talking about, you would be able to correct me if I was wrong. You're not doing that. You just say that I don't know the meaning of terms for political systems and don't know what I'm talking about, without any further explanation. And you do that a lot.
No wonder it is a system that fails anywhere it is used. The least productive people are ruling the 1's that do produce.
That removes ALL incentive to be productive and to improve 1's self.
But, it's amazing how you think of 'homeless dopeheads', when I'm just talking about normal citizens. You're listening to elitist pricks, who shit on the common people, too much. Understand that your life means nothing to them.
The most effective system is the one that produces the least 'homeless dopeheads'. A system that makes the best use of those 'least productive people', needs to spend the least of hard working peoples money.
Would you not have any incentive to improve yourself, as soon as your basic living standards are met? It's sad how low you value other people.
Race is not relevant.
If you are sleeping on the ground and hungry, if you gave a damn,you would not need any more incentive to do something. take a bath in a creek, and make a sign, "Will mow grass for food" or something
And in Iceland there are the least people who don't value themselves?
As you know Iceland has the least people sleeping on the ground and hungry. They must be the hardest working people on earth.
It seems they are not: only registered users can see external links
Strange how people in all those poor countries are working their asses off.
How about those incentives? Has Iceland provided the most incentives to work, by taking away social security, making people pay for their own private system of education and healthcare, stripping all food programs, not providing public housing, privatizing all government jobs and public benefits and public infrastructure and minimizing government spending and taxes?
No, in fact, Iceland is one of the strongest social democracies in the world.
How can you be so wrong consistently and never change your mind?
"Demokratia (Greek: δημοκρατία dēmokratía) is a direct democracy, as opposed to the modern representative democracy."
"Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so.", "In a participant government, citizens who wish to have a say in government can participate in it."
But take note that it was only intended for 'adult male citizens'.
So, they excluded women, people younger than 20 y.o. and everyone who was not a 'citizen' (born in Athens and owning property). That means, even that original Demokratia was 'representative' for everyone else.
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When societies grew bigger than just Athens, even that became impractical.
It is not possible to have a direct power system for millions of people.
That's why the term 'democracy' stands for a representative government.
There are lots of representative governments around the world.
If none of them comply with you idea of 'democracy', than it's on you to explain what characteristics you are missing. The large majority of the people defines 'democracy' as to include the USA, which is only the 36th on the list of Countries Ranked by Quality of Democracy.
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instead of being massive hypocrites 100% of the time, like Fox'News'.
There is no corporate 'news' channel who is consistent like that.
There are only some independent YouTubers who are consistent.
That doesn't mean they are NEUTRAL, they are OBJECTIVE. That is different.
It means that they are transparent about their principles and judge everything
and everyone by those principles, no matter if they are talking about Democrats
or Republicans.
I have only seen them on the left though, never on the right.
Find me one right-winger on YouTube who is consistent and objective and not a hypocrite or an outright grifter, and I am sure to watch that person or channel.
- Muddying the waters makes lefties less of a threat to the wealthy.
- Voting for Democrats, because they still need votes from their base, even though they hardly deliver on their promises.
- Culture-shit doesn't cost anything for the wealthy. And it's a good way to make lefties lose in the general debate. It's a good way to trick them into the bullshit culture-war.
(When I say culture shit, I mean extreme-'woke'. Human rights are not culture-shit!)
So sharpen your critical thinking skills, teach yourself how to recognize false arguments and lies and don't believe anything, until you can follow along the logic from data, to arguments, to claims and ideas. Not even accept arguments and data on face value, check for yourself and know where to find trustworthy sources.
It's all 100% twisted propaganda.
CNN is mostly trash too and only rarely will you see anything useful on MSNBC.
Then there are about a million grifters on YouTube, a billion fake news posters on Facebook and a zillion trolls on Twitter, including Elon Musk himself.
So basically, there is not much that you can trust. Sorry!
I would say 'do your own research', but most who think they do that find even worse garbage. That's the people who buy dried scrotum powder.
To anyone who used Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine to prevent Covid;
you're a dumb-ass who is incapable of discerning facts from lies. Better stop trying to inform yourself about anything ever again, smash your TV and cancel your internet subscription. First read some schoolbooks on logical reasoning and fallacies (I can also recommend the book 'Intuition Pumps And Other Tools for Thinking' by Daniel C. Dennett), learn the scientific method and maybe then you will be responsible enough to use the internet and watch the news again.
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