| It seems some members think their points number is a meter of their importance on this site or something like that. Well, I don't really know what happens in their heads. But the fact is - some members hoard points and never use them. I personally do not care because if members do not use points they mean nothing. But this annoys many paying members and I have to respect their feelings. So from now on unused points will be converted automatically (happens overnight during all other points distribution calculations) into treasure chests for all non-paying members with points balance over 700. The chests can be converted back into points without any loss, but only if the current points balance is less than 200 or the member recently purchased points or membership. Big chests stays forever since I still respect the efforts some members took over many years to gather huge amounts of points, but small chests will vanish after 60 days if not used.
If I did not screw up with the coding you will see first results of this tomorrow. |
When used, that feature was a lot of pain in my ass. Because usually it came down to two paid members clashing with each other and both demanding that I stand with him and not with his opponent, otherwise they quit the site or stop paying. It was very annoying. I'm no diplomat.
As night went on I felt bad so I gave them all back + some 🤣🤣. Credit card had a stretch and I felt better. Oh and there was no cooling off period then so it was excellent 🤣
They put the points into the system for you to take out!!!
Call it jealousy,you get stuff for free......and you said it yourself,you take advantage of the points system.....
You participate within the rules but not in the spirit!!!!!! Just accumulating points in itself is pointless.......play candy crush instead
You pay taxes,you have a say in how things get run where you are!!! paying members are essentially paying taxes here!!!!!!
Yes the points are "free" but earned. All we do its take advantage of what is there.
The trouble with a lot of people is that they feel that they have the right to control others to conform to anything they want. You think I should play Candy Crush. I could, but choose not to. And I dont feel the need to tell YOU how to play or behave (unless you're bad). I think one might find it better to be tolerant. Its called freedom. And I support yours as much as mine. A live and let live approach is usually better.
I can agree with your point on paying members can be considered the ones paying the taxes here, but also keep in mind that without the nonpaying members there would be no site at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just try making everyone pay and see what happens.
I will abide by whatever administration decides, they own and maintain it. But the abrupt change in rules after over a decade (been here 8 yr and several yrs prior)of membership here is a bit over the top. But I will likely participate less. That's my choice too.
Would love to know what made this issue crop up now when it didn't seem to be one in the previous decade.
You got your chests. Do you think it Costs Admin nothing to run and maintain the site?
Have a cry and get over it! You pay for your internet, electricity, food... Yes they don't come for free either.
Why is it the people moaning and crying about this new system are all 1. non paying members and 2. The ones that "state" they don't care about points, are the ones butt hurt about the change
What were you going to do with those virtual points in the end !!
Points are supposed to be used here not sat on, that's why they were implemented....as a way to get revenue to admin,the guys has overheads to cover,and seeing how people just do nothing with them makes people not bother being here....and not support the site...
This ain't Facebook/Instagram...
Cut admin some slack...
Fancy being on a social networking site and not being social!!!
Still amazes me that people don't know what to do with them or cannot think of how they would use so many points so quickly...
I mean basic maths tells you seven globes sent is 1400 points...
But I guess people don't want to spend their virtual points on virtual friends
Why would other members be jealous of a members points??
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes
Shiver me Timbers 🏴☠️ walk the plank Mattie
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