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I'll honestly comment of your cock-pictures

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by #188764 [Ignore] 30,Jan,12 06:05
A couple other guys have posts like this, but since none are on the first page I'll dive in with my own.

I consider myself a good judge of cock-appeal (check out my "favorites" album), so post one or more of yours here, and I'll give you my honest opinion of your cock and the photo quality.

Edit: Pissed about the typo in the subject line ("of" should be "on"); can't correct it.

New Comment       Rating: 3  

By #233619 29,Feb,12 09:35
[deleted image]
By #188764 01,Mar,12 05:54
Cock: Attractive powerful shaft, but slight curve detracts a bit; head is proportional to shaft and (so far as I can tell) is attractively shaped; strong erection; deduction for weak composition. Grade: A-

Composition: Difficult to see your cock clearly because image is small and focus is quite soft; good lighting and ok angle of view. Grade: B-

By #233797 28,Feb,12 14:14
[deleted image]
By #188764 01,Mar,12 05:39
Cock: The shaft seems to widen from base to head, which detracts a bit; attractive head, but it seems to take a downward bend from the shaft, which also detracts; otherwise a nicely proportioned cock with a good strong erection. Points-off for fuzzy focus. Grade: B+

Composition: Focus is way off; lighting and cropping are fine; more of a side-angle would show you better. Grade: B

By #201367 26,Feb,12 09:22
I really enjoy this thread because you give a very descriptive and honest opinion of each dick that you rate, including mine. I thought it only fair to return the favor and give your dick a rating. My rating is based on your last pic in the eighth row and as a bonus for your hard work, I will also rate your balls.

Cock: Very attractive and nicely rounded head. Well defined rim that stands out nicely from your shaft. Skin texture on your glans is smooth for a circumcised dick. Strong erection with a very nice angle. Length of your shaft is average which would make it great for sucking. No bulging veins on your smooth shaft. Grade: A

Balls: Very nice set of symetrical balls. Your balls hang tight to the base of your shaft and look ready to ejaculate at any time. Each ball looks to be the same size. Your ballsack is smooth with a well defined seam running down the middle to neatly separate each ball. An overall great set of plump balls that should produce plenty of delicious sperm for any cock lover. Grade: A

Composition: Excellent focus and angle. Very well lit and shows excellent detail. Grade: A+
By #188764 29,Feb,12 06:49
You do this better and more thoroughly than I do!
By #201367 29,Feb,12 19:46
Well thank you!

By #208348 28,Feb,12 09:55
[deleted image]
By #188764 29,Feb,12 07:03
Cock: Powerful shaft, smooth and attractive; head is nicely shaped but a bit small in proportion to the large shaft; good strong erection; bonus for trimmed hair. Grade: A

Composition: Lighting, cropping, and angle are all good; focus just a bit soft. Grade: A

By #152487 28,Feb,12 12:03
Thanks for the review Balt (on Page 6) As requested:
Does this alter the review???
By #188764 29,Feb,12 07:00
Much better!

By #112589 26,Feb,12 09:49
Do me!!!
By #188764 29,Feb,12 06:58
Cock: None of the pics show you particularly well, but you seem to have an attractive and nicely proportional shaft and head when you're erect; bonus for the hair trim; deduction for composition and lack of full erection in all but one shot. Grade: A-

Composition: A mixed bag; focus is the main issue on many. It would be great to see a well-focused, tightly-cropped picture of your cock with a full erection. Grade: B

By #152487 19,Feb,12 06:49
Hi Balt- I've been reading your honest reviews and would love to get an evaluation of my own cock..... Thanks!!
By #188764 19,Feb,12 07:22
Cock: Good strong shaft, nicely-erect in some of the pics; veins just a bit to prominent for my taste; nicely-shaped and proportional head. Grade: A

Composition: A mixed bag; most are good, none are excellent. A couple of really good ones (e.g. 4th row, far-right) are spoiled by focus issues. All are nicely cropped. I'd like to see one in sharp focus from a side-view with a firm erection and the foreskin fully retracted. Cumulative grade: B+
By #152487 28,Feb,12 12:02
Thanks Balt for the review!! As requested:
Does this alter the review???

By #235598 20,Feb,12 05:24
Wow, I'm actually really curious about what you think about my cock !
I'm just new on this site here and I'm 18 years since a couple of months and right now I'm really shy about my own cock, I saw in real life on my school wile swimming class I never had the biggest or the thickest..
AND YES, I know size doesn't matter but.. I'm just curious about the fact what men/women over here think about it..

I already had some nice comments that really gave me some kind of 'boost' .. But if you find some time, I would love to hear your 'thoughts' about my cock !

ps ; when you've answered, i will immidiately add you
By #188764 20,Feb,12 07:10
Cock: Difficult to say because the focus is so soft. Looks like a handsome and proportional shaft with a strong erection; can't really tell about the head (is it covered by foreskin, or just not have a prominent ridge?); composition detracts. Grade: A-

Composition: Lighting, cropping, and angle are good, but focus is way off. Grade: B-
By #235598 20,Feb,12 07:37
Thanks !
By #235598 20,Feb,12 07:42
I posted some new ones, I only cant fix my focus.. I'm sorry ..
By #188764 20,Feb,12 07:51
Thanks, but still don't have a good view of the cock-head.
By #235598 20,Feb,12 09:40
That's because you missed the last pictures I've posted ..



Sorry for asking you that much.. but thanks alot ..

By #192567 20,Feb,12 07:10
keen to know what you think of my cock....

By #188764 20,Feb,12 07:49
Cock: Attractive smooth shaft; nice head that's proportional to shaft; strong erection. Minor quibble: the top part of the cock-head ridge looks just a bit rough. Grade: A

Composition: Excellent lighting, focus, and angle of view. My only issue with the cropping is that you should exclude the toilet-paper roll. Grade: A+

By #235338 20,Feb,12 01:22
What do you think?
By #188764 20,Feb,12 07:06
Cock: Classically handsome and well-proportioned; smooth shaft is very attractive, but a deduction for a slight amount of side-curvature; very attractive head; bonus for shaved hair. Grade: A/A+

Composition: Excellent lighting and angle of view; cropping on the first could be a bit tighter; focus is a bit soft. Grade: A

By #224405 19,Feb,12 18:23
Following previous comment on my pics, please find a dick photo as per your criteria on my album page. Score me a C- and I'll cry...
By #188764 20,Feb,12 07:01
This refers to the pic in the second row, secon from the right.

Cock: Nice smooth shaft with subtle veining; head is attractive and proportional to the shaft; the bunched foreskin detracts a bit, as does the natural-growth hair. Grade: A-

Composition: MUCH better! Lighting and angle-of-view are both quite good; cropping could be tighter; focus is too soft. Grade: B+

By thunder_black [Ignore] 10,Feb,12 17:24 other posts 
Wonder what you think about mine, i really like an objective opinion

And some older pics of it

By #188764 11,Feb,12 07:03
Cock: Classically handsome; good size and proportions; attractive head; bonus points for trimmed hair in the first pic. Grade: A

Composition: Lighting and focus are a bit off in the first one, and the shadow and background in general detract; the last of the "older pics" is much better composition. Cumulative grade: B+
By thunder_black [Ignore] 13,Feb,12 09:14 other posts 
Thanks. What woud make it an A+?
(besides being shaved in all pics)
By #188764 19,Feb,12 16:13
You come close enough to an A+ that I should have given it to you.

By #224405 19,Feb,12 15:14
Would be interested to read your findings on my dick. Pics on my album page.
By #188764 19,Feb,12 16:04
Another instance of the pics not showing your cock clearly enough to make a judgment. Post one with an unobstructed view (preferably side-view while standing/kneeling, fully-erect) and get back to me. Sorry!

By #225710 19,Feb,12 15:00
What about mine, pics are on my page.
By #188764 19,Feb,12 16:01
Composition flaws make a judgment difficult.

Cock: Shaft appears to be smooth and nicely proportioned, but the sideways curve detracts; head is good, but perhaps a bit narrow at the ridge; firm erection in some shots; bonus for trimmed hair; deduction for lack of a clear picture. Grade: B.

Composition: None of the pics do justice to your cock. Focus is generally bad, and the angles of view and cropping in some pics are not worthy of posting in your album. Sorry! Grade: C-

By #183153 19,Feb,12 07:29
I would love to hear what you think. Just pick one from my profile or all of them and tell me what you think
By #188764 19,Feb,12 07:42
I'll pick the 4th row, far-left pic.

Cock: Attractive smooth shaft; very nice head; perfect proportions between the two; firm erection; bonus for shaved hair. Grade: A+

Composition: Lighting and focus are good but not quite excellent; nice side-angle view, but it would show much better if you were not lying on your back (take the side-angle shot while standing/kneeling); could be cropped just a bit tighter. Grade: A-

By #190140 19,Feb,12 07:13
so what do u think..... /yntppd8wnlr6pic.html
By #188764 19,Feb,12 07:30
Cock: Robust shaft, nicely smooth with interesting veining; deduction for the head being hidden in this pic (in another of your pics it shows as attractive but the ridge should be more prominent for proper proportion with the thick shaft); trimmed hair a plus. Grade: A-

Composition: Lighting is excellent as are angle-of-view and cropping; focus is a bit soft. Grade: A

By jocstfr [Ignore] 19,Feb,12 00:04 other posts 
Hi Balt! Can you rate my cock?
By #188764 19,Feb,12 06:37
Cock: Excellent proportions between head and shaft, and both are quite attractive; good firm erection; bonus for shaved hair. Grade: A+

Composition: Perfect lighting and focus; good angle of view, but side-view while standing/kneeling would show it better; I would crop it a bit more at the top. Grade: A

By #2694 18,Feb,12 20:35
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
By #188764 19,Feb,12 06:32
Cock: Excellent powerful shaft with an impressively firm erection - very attractive; head is too small to be proportional and isn't a classic shape. Grade: B+

Composition: Excellent lighting, focus, angle of view, and cropping. Grade: A+

By #207399 18,Feb,12 12:46
what about my one....???

[deleted image]
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
[deleted image]
By #188764 19,Feb,12 06:27
Cock: Impressive dimensions; a smooth sturdy shaft with subtle veining; head is attractive but seems to have a slight downward tilt; bonus for shaved hair. Grade: A

Composition: Very good lighting, focus, angle of view, and cropping. Grade: A

By jocstfr [Ignore] 04,Feb,12 10:29 other posts 
Balt here's another with it hard. Looking forward to your evaluations!!
By #188764 18,Feb,12 11:49
Cock: Classically handsome and well-proportioned; strong erection; a definite winner in the medium-size category. Grade: A+

Composition: Excellent focus; lighting is good, but a bit of glare; angle is good, but more of a side-view would be better; should be cropped a bit tighter. Grade: A-
By jocstfr [Ignore] 19,Feb,12 00:13 other posts 
Thanks Balt! I value your opinion! I posted one more hoping you will move me out of the medium sized category
By #188764 19,Feb,12 06:20
Can't change it, and it obviously wasn't meant as an insult. "Medium" is, of course, relative. I'm happy to call it "big".

By #223213 18,Feb,12 10:51
By #188764 18,Feb,12 11:09
I wish there were better-quality pics, but I'll give it a shot.

Cock: Nice smooth shaft, powerfully erect; head has an ok shape, but is too small in proportion to the shaft; weak composition detracts. Grade: B+

Composition: Deficient in all the elements I grade. Sorry! Grade: C-
By #223213 18,Feb,12 11:21
But you can see i'm not good in taking pics 0.0
By #188764 18,Feb,12 11:37
Go on Amazon and buy a cheap (perhaps used) point & shoot digital camera - Canons are uniformly great - that has at least 3 mega-pixel resolution and a time-release shutter. Read the instructions! Set the camera on a stable surface at cock-level and take LOTS of side-view pictures of your boner. Post the best 10% of them.

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