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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by bella! [Ignore] 02,Apr,13 18:51  other posts
I encourage and welcome you to say what you want to say about whatever you want to, right here. Anything/Everything goed, say something.......

WARNING: You, your views and/or opinions may be attacked.

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By #423718 01,Apr,14 21:59
I Cdnuolt Blveiee Taht I Cluod Aulaclty Uesdnatnrd Waht I Was Rdanieg. The Phaonmneal Pweor Of The Hmuan Mnid, Aoccdrnig To A Rscheearch At Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, It Deosn’t Mttaer In Waht Oredr The Ltteers In A Wrod Are, The Olny Iprmoatnt Tihng Is Taht The Frist And Lsat Ltteer Be In The Rghit Pclae. The Rset Can Be A Taotl Mses And You Can Sitll Raed It Wouthit A Porbelm. Tihs Is Bcuseae The Huamn Mnid Deos Not Raed Ervey Lteter By Istlef, But The Wrod As A Wlohe.
By #23212 02,Apr,14 03:00
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 02,Apr,14 03:19 other posts 
just the biggest proof that this is not so important when you write some words incorrectly
By #435701 02,Apr,14 14:53
It took me an hour to read your psot!!! But I think it was that your sanke carhmnig dcik had me mesmerized!

By #428387 01,Apr,14 19:08
All smoke and mirrors .
ʇʇoƚiwoʜƨ no ƨbnɘiɿʇ ym llɒ oƚ iH
⊥µ!ƨ !ƨ wʎ pɐⅽʞwɐƨʞ!uɓ ʇʁɐⅽʞ ʇo ʎo∩
Hobө ʎo∩ ɐꞁꞁ ⅽɐu ∩uqөʁƨʇɐuq booꞁpoʎ

[deleted image]

Hope you can see this OK
By #23212 02,Apr,14 03:00
Wow, thank you 'poolboy_' for the 3D pic. It's the first time I've seen one on a computer screen, not just a print. She almost 'leaps' out.

By andrew999999999 [Ignore] 01,Apr,14 16:44 other posts 
Nostalgia, it's not what it used to be.

By #435701 28,Mar,14 13:43
I am so tired of the human race NEVER learning from experience!! And now we seem to be repeating both the 1930's (Hitler's march thru Europe & WWII) and possibly the Cold War...AGAIN!!! Except this time instead of playing with 'TNT' as in the 2nd World War...we are playing with nuclear Mega Tonnage that would likely destroy humanity. Ever heard the phrase 'the living will envy the dead?' How stupid are we?
By #23212 31,Mar,14 03:15
Hmmm, yes people have been 'repeating history' for a long time.
But, as far as I recall, there were no mass celebrations, fireworks, etc. when Hitler marched into Poland, etc., as there were in Crimea.
By #435701 01,Apr,14 14:34
I have wondered about why that was and can only assume Crimea's long history as both Russian and Soviet territory as the reason...However, I could counter this by saying Hitler went into Austria in March 1938, also to cheers...Is Crimea the end of Putin's march? Or will he continue as Hitler did a year later and take his own 'Poland'? And will this apparent lack of forceful response by the West mean that China will be emboldened to take back Taiwan?

By bella! [Ignore] 28,Mar,14 13:25 other posts 
Today is March 28th and it is Something On a Stick Day, yep, Something On a Stick Day! Enjoy a popsicle, a Dove Bar or get freaky, eat a corndog!
By #428387 28,Mar,14 13:31
I'd like a cold glass of bear screwed to a broom handle that's called a drink on a stick .

Ha Ha you got there before me Bella 287
By bella! [Ignore] 28,Mar,14 17:23 other posts 
By #428387 28,Mar,14 18:13
And we both had to do a bit of editing in our text.
By #451552 29,Mar,14 01:50
I had a hotdog on a stick, and a cheese on a stick earlier. So good but not healthy. I made up for it by slicing some fresh fruit and made skewers out of them. I tried to be creative and arrainged them into an edible bouquet.
By bella! [Ignore] 29,Mar,14 09:49 other posts 
Cheese on a stick? Do you mean a toothpick?
By #23212 31,Mar,14 00:57
OK, my dear 'poolboy_', I'll take up this fun gauntlet: Your "editing"?--You changed 'beer' to 'bear'?
By #428387 31,Mar,14 08:58
OMG I can't believe I put that .I had to write that on the fly the original post I put became instantly redundant so changes where hastily thrown together .
Any guys out there care to help me screw a bear to a broom handle.Reward one nice cool bear ooops sorry "BEER"
Hey thanks S for being ole eagle eye
By bella! [Ignore] 31,Mar,14 18:29 other posts 
Yeah, but the funny part was that he was so intent on pointing out that my post/SMART phone recognized 287th when I was attempting to say it was March 28th........

By bella! [Ignore] 19,Mar,14 10:18 other posts 
What are your thoughts with regard to Malaysia Airlines flight 370? Was the Boeing 777 hijacked and diverted with the 240 ( give or take ) passengers or is it somewhere in the bottom of the Indian Ocean?
By #428387 19,Mar,14 11:32
If it got hijacked then there gonna have to do a lot of feeding entertaining and toileting 240 disgruntled passengers. If its flown on since it lost contact with ground control it could be any where . could even be in area code 51.
By routemaster [Ignore] 19,Mar,14 13:55 other posts 
I wouldn't be at all surprised if the politicians or whoever's remit this is know more about this than they're letting on
By #68656 19,Mar,14 14:09
Dear Routemaster.
That is one theory as the event in question does have some characteristics of what is known as a "psy-op" (psychological operation).
A psy-op always has a patsy, in this case being the pilot.
By #435701 19,Mar,14 15:13
Agreed. The Captain is not involved. He had a self built simulator because he loved flying. That there were deletions from it's computers means nothing. Cannot keep all flight plans forever either because of boredom or lack of disk space...The Boeing 777 aircraft also could not have reached 45,000 ft. in the incredible manner people on CNN have been reporting. It's Absolute Altitude (max possible depending on atmospheric conditions and weight) is 45,000 ft. but it's Service Ceiling is in the 43,000 foot range. Any altitude gained above it's SC to it's Absolute Alt. is at 100 FPM (feet per minute) or less. The CNN idiots said it reached 45,000 from it's cruise altitude around 35,000 ft. in a minute and a half. A physical impossibility for any aircraft but a fighter! A 10,000 ft. altitude gain at 2,000 fpm (very high rate, except for fighter planes) would take 5 minutes. And as I said, it would be down to 100 fpm above it's Service Ceiling and nowhere near 2,000 fpm long before it got there even. The last 2,000 ft. by themselves would take 20 minutes at 100 fpm!
CNN is a collection of idiots that has hired too many supposed 'experts' reality just money grubbers and 15 minute 'famers'. CNN pays big $$ and apparently does not do much vetting of just how expert these hirees actually are... There are very few Aviation experts on CNN that should be listened to. Just sickening the way CNN has gone. Commercials and 'yellow sheet' reporting. What happened to the CNN that World leaders used to look to for important news first?
By bella! [Ignore] 19,Mar,14 15:40 other posts 
Just a coincidence that his wife and **** moved out of their family home the day before the flight?
By #435701 20,Mar,14 14:24
I had not heard that. But, as I said, I take EVERYTHING being said about this disappearance with a ton of salt. There have been so many things said that were just entirely untrue. And that is always the way with plane crashes. We just will not know for sure for quite a while, if ever. I obviously cannot say the Captain did not have a major psychological implosion of some type and wanted to commit suicide. However, I do not think he would have been the type of coward that required 238 other souls to die with him....Barring that, I say again, he was NOT involved except for the fact that he was sitting in the left front seat...The man that built that flight simulator LOVED flying and living his life in the air. The fact that he possibly had some small island runways in the Indian Ocean programmed into it, simply meant he loved experiencing the thrill of hand flying an airplane into REALLY challenging runways. (even just virtually) Just to see if he had the ability!...Hand flying is all too rare in the everyday life of an Airline pilot. And it makes that life boring as hell. And more dangerous for the passengers as we have seen from the Asiana SFO crash. Also a Boeing triple 7, coincidentally...Flight offers an other worldly life that has to be seen on a regular basis to appreciate...'Groundlings' never get to, even if they fly as passengers everyday. You have to be on the pointy end for that pleasure...I am really sorry he cannot defend he is quite certainly dead.
By #132188 20,Mar,14 06:31
Well I have my own theories but apparently some debris has been found. Just want closure for the family/s . Any one remember Air France debacle... Took a long time to find that Shit... Just saying

--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

And for the record I don't believe any media in 2014 is anything but propaganda and has been around a long time. Like.reading the Sunday telegraph against the Sydney morning Herald... and media is a big player on instilling fear and that said I hope this thread will be closed with a good result... Closure

--------------------------------------- added after 4 hours

Yeah not a pessimist just a realist lol... And.really it didn't take 4 hours to add ffs
By #435701 20,Mar,14 14:55
Me too! (realist) But people always say I am a pessimist!...Well, maybe...Air France, thanks for reminding me, is another example of how pilot's have lost the ability to hand fly an airplane. They 'flew' that airplane into the ocean from cruise flight in a full stall attitude at flight idle (wings were generating no lift, engines no thrust). Given, they had an electrical failure at night that meant they did not have the 'Glass Cockpit' or natural horizon anymore, but they still had the 'steam gauge' backup attitude indicator (past generation flight instrument driven by vacuum pump or electrically) that should have told them all they had to do was advance the throttles and lower the angle of attack to have a flying airplane again...Didn't it take 2 years to find the 'black' (it's orange) box??
By Sickboy [Ignore] 20,Mar,14 19:31 other posts 
O....k, this is proper wrong but anyone thinking that they crashed on a island and that they are dealing with, polar bears, udders(other's) and the,black smoke!..............I know I'm sorry , it's just?? Come on don't tell me it didn't cross your mind?!

On a serious note, I hope that they find the plane and the families can finally know what happend. And get some peace
By #23212 24,Mar,14 05:18
And how long have the polar bears been there in Southeast Asia?
By Sickboy [Ignore] 26,Mar,14 17:51 other posts 
Since the Dharma Initiative put them there!!

By Ray10754 [Ignore] 26,Mar,14 17:20 other posts 
It is a tough toss up for me between maplewalnut and Dutch chocolet almond chip! But for my apple pie I have to have good old vanilla with home made whip cream!!!

By bella! [Ignore] 26,Mar,14 07:38 other posts 
Today is 'MAKE UP YOUR OWN HOLIDAY DAY'. If it were up to you, what would the holiday be?
--------------------------------------- added after 9 hours

Haha! It's I GOT A 5% BONUS DAY! Woo hoo!!!!!!

By bella! [Ignore] 21,Mar,14 15:42 other posts 
It's the first FULL day of spring and the day is amazingly beautiful! Woo hoo!
By #449850 21,Mar,14 22:29
So no more snow? Or perhaps only if another cold snap? Hopefully for you Bella just beautiful Spring days leading into a glorious Summer.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Mar,14 12:46 other posts 
Where I live, 80% of the snow has melted but our cold days and nights aren't completely over. Just knowing that Spring has officially arrived and there is the certainty of summer with warm days and pleasant nights is all I need!
By routemaster [Ignore] 24,Mar,14 05:48 other posts 
Not a single snowflake in London this past winter but just when I thought that spring had sprung, I woke up this morning to a heavy frost and had to turn the central heating back on, bet the gas board is rubbing its hands with glee. Its beautifully sunny though and the frost soon dissolved but it ain't half bloody cold again - no good for a full-time nudist like me, or as full-time as its possible to be
By #23212 24,Mar,14 05:56
'Conspiracy' thinking again?? No 'gas board' or any other energy or water delivering regulated public utility, as far as I know, is 'happy' if one uses more of their product.
By routemaster [Ignore] 25,Mar,14 02:17 other posts 
Why then do the utility companies in the UK ALWAYS put their prices up just as we go into winter when everyone will be switching on their lights early and central heating too. Just a lot of greedy bastards

By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 24,Mar,14 12:58 other posts 
You have the ring, and I see your Schwartz is as big as mine. Now let's see how well you handle it.
By #428387 24,Mar,14 15:05
Hi Odin this is from Spaceballs .Can I just ask did you not want this in great film one liners ?
By Odin_york_pa [Ignore] 24,Mar,14 22:06 other posts 
oh man, I should of put it there. I forgot about that thread. Gonna put it there now. Thanks.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Mar,14 22:50 other posts 
Odin_york_pa, your RANDOM thought, the one liner was just fine here as well as in the other thread. poolboy, do you have too much time on your hands?

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Mar,14 11:05 other posts 
The Affordable Healthcare Act is such a farce. If you aren't offered health insurance through your employer, there's nothing affordable about the healthcare you must have.
By #444014 17,Mar,14 06:16
That sucks.
By #23212 17,Mar,14 23:21
But hers is only one opinion, of many, that differ.
By bella! [Ignore] 18,Mar,14 02:40 other posts 
Yes, just my opinion. We will wait to see how Americans feel about the Affordable Healthcare Act in 1 to 2 years, sometime after it's up and running ( properly ) and sometime after penalties and the multiple taxes are realized. What is your opinion, coming from a country with socialized medicine?
By #23212 20,Mar,14 01:49
It is my understanding that the term, 'socialized medicine' has generally meant a system in which the government runs the health care systems, and professionals are its employees. Canada does NOT have this kind of system. The 'right wing' in the USA has come to use the term meaning even a private delivery system, but with government involvement, like rate setting, taxing etc., as is the US Medicare System. The term perhaps most fitting is 'Universal Health Care', which virtually all major nations, except the USA, have, and is considered a 'normal' government function, just like building/maintaining roads, schools, etc.
By #201583 24,Mar,14 18:48
It sucks ass. Roughly 5 million people have signed up. The US has an estimated 370 million people. Most peoples health care premiums have doubled to more than tripled. That is one hell of a cost for just 5 million people. The cost doesn't justify the means, or is it just me?

So in other words: the whole country is paying double to triple so Los Angeles, and San Jose can afford health care. (The two cities add up to about 5 million. Just using them as a visual for 5 million. )
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Mar,14 20:08 other posts 
The monthly premium plus the 5 or 6 taxes on top of it. OYE! The commercials make it look so wonderful and affordable. Insurance is age banded now and the cost will go up with your age. In one of the commercials, why not showcase a 40 something year old with a spouse and 3 to 4 chil.dren. Let's see how excited they are about their monthly premium.
By #201583 24,Mar,14 20:35
Yep, with pay raises every year, and all of the increases along with the taxes, I am bringing home what I made about 5 years ago.

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