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Started by bella! [Ignore] 20,May,18 18:36  other posts
Please feel free to post miscellaneous subject matter, aka STUFF in this thread.

Please attempt to remain somewhat respectful to other members, ninnyhammers, dummies and folks you just don't like. Thank you.

New Comment       Rating: 11  

By #610414 28,May,20 11:52
Rogerdhat in another thread to Bella.

Btw your rack is fucking nice make me wanna squeeze them

Bella, do you let them get squeezed?

By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,20 08:48 other posts 
Yesterday, a member by the nickname of qwerta was banned for spamming and solicitation. According to admin's "detecto" device, she's already returned as margosha .

Heads up, if you desire to gift her or are inclined to comment and vote on her only picture, please do so before she goes POOF!

I give the member credit for posting such an eye catching picture. So many to choose from the internet and she chose a juicy one
By admin [Ignore] 28,May,20 10:13 other posts 
It's a spammer promoting other site. They get paid for it, so indeed they know how to pick pics to attract attention.
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,20 10:36 other posts 
Only one SYD/SYC, Showitoff member had an opportunity to gift her at the time of my post however two members had blacklisted her.

The one posted picture was good but in my opinion, good pictures often seem to scream "fake" at me.
By DeepThroatThis [Ignore] 28,May,20 10:56 other posts 
agree.. a single hot pic is often reason for suspicion

By JustWill [Ignore] 27,May,20 16:59 other posts 
Here is a random thought:
I like peanut butter.
A lot.
That is all.
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,May,20 17:06 other posts 
JustWill, if you also like Cheez Whiz, they make a GREAT sandwich together!
I eat peanut butter all the time. I like it with Ritz Crackers, with a cream sauce and cashews on chicken, in cookies, by the spoonful, and of course in sandwiches.
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,May,20 21:28 other posts 


I have mentioned it here before, but my all time favorite is a peanut butter and dill pickle sandwich. Seriously! Very tasty.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 17:24 other posts 
Gee, thanks for that update and regarding kebmo's post, keep in mind that kebmo is from Canada. Cheez Whiz and peanut butter? Although I never had it, it does not sound appealing.

Makes me think about a hundred years ago, my friend was 1 of 9 children in a good Catholic family. The mom was a stay at home mom, the dad a mechanic. Bottom line, lunch for the kids was peanut butter and Miracle Whip sandwiches. Peanut butter was cheap and Miracle Whip was less expensive than jam or jelly and had a sweet taste to it.
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,May,20 17:34 other posts 
Bella, anyone who likes Cheez Whiz and peanut butter should try this!
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 20:10 other posts 
kebmo, have you ever seen a dog when he/she gets peanut butter in their mouth? I fear that would be me with peanut butter and Cheez Whiz. The only difference might be that I might start heaving, too.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 20:13 other posts 
And besides, don't you Canadians like poutine? It MIGHT be good but the name, the name does not sound appetizing!
By kebmo [Ignore] 27,May,20 20:34 other posts 
Poutine is primarily sold and eaten in Quebec. It's fries, cheese curds and gravy with what ever toppings an imagination can come up with. I don't like it because I don't like fries or cheese curds. I went to Quebec City to see AC/DC about five years ago and in the four days I was there I didn't eat any. I think that might be illegal.
By JustWill [Ignore] 27,May,20 21:31 other posts 
I am just going to pretend that you did not disrespect the edible delight that is the peanut butter and Cheez Whiz sandwich.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 21:49 other posts 
Are you joshing me, you've had peanut butter and Cheez Whiz together? YACK!
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,May,20 06:04 other posts 
I like cheese whiz and I like peanut butter I’m in I will try them together
By bella! [Ignore] 28,May,20 06:50 other posts 
I like beef liver and I like Brussels sprouts, and you know I also enjoy an occasional scoop OR TWO of ice cream. Maybe I should dice up the Brussels sprouts, liver too, and sprinkle on top of the ice cream!

What's the matter with you guys???
By dgraff [Ignore] 28,May,20 07:07 other posts 
Hahaha sounds good I might try it

By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 19:50 other posts 
While on the site this morning, I noticed there was an Abuse referral. I popped over to the page to find that a "new member" who hadn't posted any pictures, had referred a member who she claimed had posted her pictures.

What was unique about the matter was that she provided her(?) name, an address, telephone number, email address and a link to her website claiming that the pictures posted on SYD/SYC, Showitoff was an unauthorized use of her image.

The first member comes along and votes to delete but acknowledges admin should be involved. The second member votes ABUSE NOT VALID and agreeing that admin should be involved and the third member comes along and also votes ABUSE NOT VALID agrees admin should be involved and freezes the voting. Okay? Did anyone contact admin?

So I jot a quick message to admin asking him to review the report and out of curiosity, I send a message to the guy who froze voting and asked him if he had.

Apparently, when admin saw my message or perhaps reviewed whatever paperwork is generated when a referral is made, he quickly deleted the fake profile established under the nickname of RandyRaz and kindly responded to my message advising me that that was how a real DMCA Copyright stolen report should be filed and he hadn't dealt with a "real" concern like that in 5 years.

So the person that freezes the report and voting gets back with me hours later and asks me what the freeze button was for. In his message he said basically it is not his responsibility to follow through with regard to touching base with admin. Really? Your not responsible? How long would the personal information be available to who knows whose eyes? If you think you are allowing people time to "react", what reaction did you want and from whom?

One of the things admin made clear to the voting members of the Evaluation Panel was, there were no rules however he did stipulate, "If you do not have any common sense you should not participate here!"

By #610414 21,May,20 07:43

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By bella! [Ignore] 21,May,20 11:43 other posts 
I don't own a gun, I don't like guns but if I did, that should be my right, my privilege.
By #610414 21,May,20 13:50
It is at the moment and for others too. That's why this country has so many tragedies enabled by the second amendment.
By phart [Ignore] 21,May,20 15:20 other posts 
Enabled not by the second amendment,but not keeping nut cases away from the public,not keeping criminals off the streets,not teaching the value of life to the young and so on.
To blame the gun for a bad event is to blame a hammer for a out of square house.Or to blame a fork for a fat person.
The PERSON using the gun is the guilty 1.
No need to continue as I am singing to the deaf without alot of animated signage!
By #610414 21,May,20 18:07
I said it enables. The hammer enables the carpenter to drive a nail into the wood. The gun is a tool to maim or kill. No tool no damage.
By bella! [Ignore] 21,May,20 18:39 other posts 
And conversely, a gun will offer protection when you're in danger.
By #610414 22,May,20 15:48
It’s hard to know who to listen to. Some say keep it under lock and key. Others say carry it all the time and shoot to kill. Well?
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,May,20 20:18 other posts 
If we let you dems get away with rewriting the amendments laid out by our forefathers what next maybe you would like to rewrite the 10 commandments
By #610414 21,May,20 20:55
You mean like the one that says “Do not covet your neighbor’s wife. “?
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

You do know that amendments have to be ratified by states in an election?
By dgraff [Ignore] 21,May,20 21:13 other posts 
Politics is not the answer if we give them an inch they will take a mile it goes back to my thousands of tyrants in my back yard thing again
By phart [Ignore] 21,May,20 22:55 other posts 
When folks like Huxley sit over there near the throne shiver in fear and dail whatever it is for emergency, they get a "bobby" with a stick and pen and notepad.And he is happy about it.
When we call a cop,when they get here 20 minutes + later,they at least have a gun to level the playing field if not put the situation to their advantage to gain control. And of they also bring the pen and note pad.
By #188992 22,May,20 05:55
I hate to shatter your illusions, phart, but I haven't shivered in fear for a long time.

How the fuck did I get dragged into this anyway?

If you think all is hunky dory in the US, with the amount of gun deaths and your rates of incarceration, who am I to lecture you?

I asked you a question in a previous thread that you failed to answer, so I'll try again:

Who do you think is more likely to be killed with a gun? Me or you? Still happy with your system?

Now, fuck off mentioning me in something that I have very little to add to.
By admin [Ignore] 22,May,20 08:25 other posts 
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Brazil has 4 times higher amount of firearm homicides than US, Venezuela - 5 times higher. Both have very strict gun control. In Brazil you can be arrested even for carrying a screwdriver if you are not a professional in need of carrying such tool.

Also, you can see that gun-related deaths in US are mostly suicides, not homicides while in Brazil and Venezuela suicides by guns are almost non-existent i.e. guns are mainly used for murder, which is natural, considering that they are used mostly by criminals.

This shows that just taking away guns from law-abiding citizens does not lower gun-related homicides by itself. However, it opens more opportunities to government to establish a dictatorship. Which has happened in Venezuela relatively recently.
By #188992 22,May,20 09:22
No problem with your source, or your first 2 paragraphs. When you (without caveat) go on to say what you have in your third paragraph I do disagree.

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Venezuela is certainly authoritarian. Dictatorship? Maybe, depending on your definition. You have, however, failed to show a causal link between "taking away guns from law-abiding citizens" and establishing a dictatorship.

PS. if I were a US citizen I would be more inclined to compare my Nation to other developed, mature democracies. On that reckoning the US does terribly when compared to Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy (need I go on?).
By admin [Ignore] 22,May,20 17:41 other posts 
I'm really not that motivated to present you a thorough thesis that would tie up all possible arguments and questions. This would take many pages and many weeks of work. I suppose that someone already did all that job, I'm sure it's all in this book - only registered users can see external links (I did not read it, but it must be, judging from the digest)

You seems to be smart so you should be able to figure out how they are connected from history of 20th century. The only reason you don't is that you don't like it. Ok, name me one dictator who was pro-guns for everyone (not just elites or pro-government paramilitaries). Even Pinochet, who was right-leaning and whom I rather respect was for gun control.

As for linguistics that left seem to like so much - it does not matter how they call it, it does not matter how it's theoretically classified. It may be Gerontocracy or whatever, technically not dictatorship, but they all look like oriental despotism from inside. Linguistics won't ease your suffering if you happen to occur inside of one unless you will be one of the ruling elite class, indeed. only registered users can see external links
By #188992 23,May,20 05:42
Interesting approach:

1) My "proof" is in a book I haven't read!

2) Shift the onus on to ME to disprove you, and then

3) Hair-splitting over what we call things.

How about I name you liberal, mature democracies that aren't "pro-guns for everyone"? That's surely the flip side of the same coin. In other words: you can have a "free" society without absolute freedom to bear arms.

However, I would point you in the direction of Article 10 of the Mexican Constitution of 1857. A right to bear arms that wasn't changed until 1917, 2 years after the death of dictator Porfiro Diaz.

Secondly, although you may shout "Godwin's Law" at me, the Nazi approach to private gun ownership is more nuanced than you might think. They loosened some of the aspects of gun regulation that existed under The Weimar Republic. The Wikipedia entry below gives a more rounded picture.

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I'll pick out one quote for you:

"law professor Mark Nuckols says Nazi gun control hypotheses are part of a "shaky intellectual edifice" underlying "belief in widespread gun ownership as a defense against tyrannical government."

I like my edifices built on something less shaky!

Having said all that: are there despotic regimes (Oriental or Occidental) that don't like the citizenry having access to firarms? Of course. I would still contend, nevertheless, that you have failed to prove that causal link I previously referred to.
By #188992 23,May,20 14:11
I almost forgot to add: Pinochet was an irredeemable cunt of the highest order. Your admiration of him is troubling, to put it mildly.

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By #610414 23,May,20 09:39
What you don't say is that Rio and Sao Pablo have the huge Favelas or shanty towns were even the cops won't go in. The only time they do is as a vigilante group to kill major drug lords.

By the 1980s, worries about eviction and eradication were beginning to give way to violence associated with the burgeoning drug trade. Changing routes of production and consumption meant that Rio de Janeiro found itself as a transit point for cocaine destined for Europe. Although drugs brought in money, they also accompanied the rise of the small arms trade and of gangs competing for dominance.

Maybe the average Brazilian goes with these laws but th drug gangs don't. Since they operate mostly in the Favelas no one really cares.
But, most South American countries are not gun happy like the USA. We are known as the 'cowboy buckaroos". Venezuela was somewhat americanized because of it's oil. We've been in there since the early 20th century until Perez Gimenez was overthrown. And Cuba, this country's **** and brothel during the 20th century, not to mention helping liberate the island from Spain
By phart [Ignore] 22,May,20 11:29 other posts 
The fact you have so little to add,but think you are so smart is why I pulled you into this.
Not being mean persay,but using you as a example since you bragged about your "law" enforcement not carrying a gun.
You are likely to have acid thrown on you or a knife put in you as much as I am to get shot. Minimum risk really. I doubt you go into trouble spots and I avoid them as well.
Evil is everywhere,and anything can be a tool used by evil. Ban bricks,ban knives.
Don't you realize the human brain is the most dangerous weapon we have folks?
If it can think it,it can make it happen.
If I don't like someone bad enough , I still don't want to kill them.PLay with them like a cat does a mouse.IF I want to mess with them, I can buy stump rotting chemicals at the hardware store,put it around the foundation of their house and cost them 1000's of dollars ,breaking them money wise. I can poison thier garden soil so they can't grow food. I don't have to shoot the bastard,just make him miserable.Never went that far and don't want to.
By #188992 22,May,20 11:48
How the fuck do you work out that I'm as likely to have acid thrown on me or a knife put in me as much as you are to get shot? ANY shred of evidence? ANY statistics to illustrate that (number of stabbings in the UK, number of acid attacks etc etc)? Nah, thought not.

"Trouble spots" doesn't quite cut it though - does it, phart?
Remind me of where some of the US mass shootings have been. Those notorious "trouble spots" like schools and cinemas?

If you really believe that an evil person with a brick can do as much damage as an evil person with a semi-automatic assault rifle, I'll leave you to wipe the dribble off your chin and cherish that flawless 2nd amendment.

The routine for the club is taking shape though - "persay" is comedy gold!!
By #610414 27,May,20 10:26
Phart do all those things and you'll probably get shot. Will you then consider gun control?
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,20 14:08 other posts 
No,I have a right to bear arms, and I have a choice as to rather or not to carry them. I have no desire to infringe on others rights.Just as they should not want to infringe on mine. IF I do something for revenge on someone and get shot,well that is me,not others.If justice is done correctly,the person who shot me will be in jail. But to read what some people think,the person pulling the trigger should walk away and the gun be put in prison? Strange logic.
But no,regardless of happens around me,I will not support gun control.Guns are the only option most folks have to level the field and be able to protect themselves.
By #610414 23,May,20 11:52
Phart, it seems member 188992 does not like to be mentioned in a chat. He will ask you to fuck off. It begs the question, "Why is he here? Is he a perv that participates in the forums to imply he's above the SYD/SYC PORN?
By #188992 23,May,20 12:21
Calling someone a "perv" on SYD/SYC is like calling someone who watches the Superbowl a football fan.

Plus, didn't I tell you to fuck off?

Oh well - fuck off again, weirdo.
By #610414 23,May,20 12:26
Yes, Huxley, you did. But, Huxley, I'm so attracted to you I can't stop saying your name, Huxley.
By #610414 22,May,20 08:00
Call a cop and end up like Ahmaud Arbery?
By #188992 22,May,20 07:17
If you think amendments can't be rewritten you don't need help with politics, you need a thesaurus.

With that logic you would still have the 18th amendment in force, thanks to your wonderful forefathers.
By #610414 22,May,20 08:10
Our Congress, just like your House of Commons, is not always operating with a full deck. The repeal was a cause for celebration
By #188992 22,May,20 09:10
I don't think you have understood the point I'm making, ANGEL1227. Why am I not surprised?

PS. if you ever hear me bleating about how UK Politicians are so much better then elsewhere in the world, my SYD account has been hacked.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 10:02 other posts 
So that's what points to your account be hacked?
By #188992 22,May,20 10:07
Another clue might be if I start agreeing with phart!
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 10:09 other posts 
You are so silly!
By phart [Ignore] 27,May,20 14:09 other posts 
I can promise you,IF you see me agree with Hux more than once in a blue moon, something is WRONG somewhere!
By #610414 22,May,20 15:35
I don’t know Hux and, frankly, it’s not important to me, but, all I meant to say is that legislators in all the countries of the world occasionally create a law that turns out to hurt the voting public. Perhaps, with your infinitely more superior mind and grasp of the English language, you might explain why and how I missed the point
By #188992 22,May,20 15:53
The point I was making was that any Constitution can be amended (ie. altered) - that's why they're called amendments. To set one up as a sacred cow is to turn a blind eye to the fact that times change and nobody can, at this remove, know for sure what your Founding Fathers intended for 21st Century America.

One of many interesting takes on the matter:

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By #610414 22,May,20 17:15
I thought that was understood and I don't remember saying differently. Although none is beyond change, some should not. The second amendment has no place in our society anymore as it exists. It should be changed or removed.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,20 09:58 other posts 
Who said they haven’t been rewritten or can’t be I said they shouldn’t be if it was up to me we would go back to the Wild West days
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 10:03 other posts 
You want to wear a six-shooter on your hip and shoot first and ask questions later?
By #188992 22,May,20 10:07
Cool. At least you're honest about your motives. I disagree,but at least you don't dress up your views with bullshit arguments and false equivalences.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,20 11:27 other posts 
Thanks I’m a straight shooter no pun intended
By #610414 22,May,20 15:41
If guns are so good then the law should read; all citizens will carry a gun and use it when trouble arises. No one will be prosecuted for maiming or killing. I would be happy with this. Those of you that miss the old West would have it back. Us that hate gun violence would have one less gun toting citizen to worry about
By phart [Ignore] 22,May,20 11:33 other posts 
Wish we still had it,because of it,we have alot of the other problems like drunk driving,and gun deaths.
Sober people are less apt to kill because they have a consceince.
By #188992 22,May,20 12:02
Ah, the good 'ol Prohibition days, huh phart?

The golden age where organised crime disappeared and nobody ever got shot. Wait a minute …
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 12:31 other posts 
I really don't believe that liquor fuels shootings. People are just plain ol' messed up. From my two European holidays, I believe that European people and possibly Canadians, do not view American folks in a favorable light. Why? Because we tend to be demanding, unbending, quick tempered, opinionated, rude and probably more.

So reflect upon some of the stuff that happens in OUR COUNTRY. You piss me off when I'm driving, I'm apt to run you off the road or shoot at you. I'm admiring your designer glasses or jacket and I want them, so I rob you at gunpoint or slice you with a box cutter. You are a student and another student talks smack, the teacher doesn't have any control, in fact they need to be careful not to put themselves in harms way.

Drugs are more prevalent and parenting just isn't a priority any longer and guns seem to be really accessible for our fucked up world.
By #188992 22,May,20 12:46
Some of my fellow Europeans certainly have a dim view of some Americans - particularly tourists. It's a very sweeping generalisation, but tourists from the US do tend to come across as quite demanding and rude. Culturally, I think Europeans are more inclined to say "please" and "thank you".

Even on the TV, and in movies, Americans in restaurants etc. when asked what they would like seem more likely to say "Black coffee" rather than "Could I have a black coffee, please?". If two Brits bump into each other they are both likely to say "sorry" no matter who was at fault.

Having said all that - from personal experience individual Americans can be delightfully hospitable, generous and gregarious.

To ignore that the US general populace having "a right to bear arms" does not contribute to the alarming gun death rate seems, to me, to be incredibly naïve.

Most UK towns are a bit "Wild West", to borrow dgraff's phrase, when the pubs and clubs shut at the weekend. If a proportion of those revellers were armed I dread to think what OUR rates would be. Combine being armed with the rates of recreational drug use and poor parenting (both valid points) you have a recipe for … well, what you see in the US. Add to that the levels of inequality the US has, the strange penal system, the materialistic society, the sense of entitlement - I wonder how, as a society, you will ever find a way of bringing those numbers down. Enough to make you weep.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 12:52 other posts 
This question is taking the conversation sideways, in your opinion, what is it that you find strange about our penal system?
By #188992 22,May,20 13:05
A few things:

The fact that you have prisons run as private companies. Making a profit out of incarceration seems perverse to me.

How much of your economy relies upon the cheap labour of those incarcerated.

The harsh (in some States) application of the "three strikes" law.

Life without parole has always struck me as a blunt instrument, as well.

It probably goes without saying that I'm also vehemently anti-death penalty.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 13:22 other posts 
Ah, I understand why you feel like you do.

Again, I've watched more TV and YouTube over the last 9 or 10 weeks and I made a comment the other day regarding CAN'T PAY? WE'LL TAKE IT AWAY and the High Court agents that execute a writ for collection or eviction.

I get the impression that the court system in the UK is confusing. I could Google but I wonder if you know how many court systems you have and what their jurisdiction encompasses?
By #188992 22,May,20 13:50
Ahhh, I have a friend who is a JP (Justice of the Peace) who could probably give you chapter and verse but I'm not that cognisant with our Court system. You're right though - it IS confusing!

Magistrate's courts for less serious stuff (traffic offences and the like).

County Court for more serious stuff then I think we progress to Crown Court, High Court, Court of Appeal.

That stuff on the TV where the "Sheriffs" take goods to settle debts is something I have never seen or heard of - EXCEPT on TV!?

Like most systems, it's far from perfect and we have a lot of people incarcerated for crimes that are NOT offences against the person. There's quite a push towards restorative justice in this country, but it's definitely in it's early stages.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 15:22 other posts 
I thought I understood what was going on in this particular program, but not really.

There was an episode where a couple were evicted from their home that they allegedly owned 30% of, the other 70% was owned by the Council, which is still a term that is murky to me. The couple was evicted for falling behind on payments and were evicted by agents who appeared to be late 50's early 60's. The agents impressed me by being so polite under such a stressful situation. There were a number of episodes that were about people who failed to pay rent, for various goods and services, cars being repossessed. What I was able to ascertain was that there were court proceedings prior to the High Court and it was the creditor that ramped up the decision rendered and pursued the matter further. This was done at an additional cost to the creditor and effectively sped up the process of collection, eviction, repossession, etc.

What I found rather sad was that cases involving the Council, the Council may have advised the debtors that they had several weeks until bailiffs would come to put them out, but because the creditor didn't want to wait weeks, they paid "x" amount of money, their case was heard probably immediately and provided them immediate resolution.
By #610414 22,May,20 15:43
We could have a National holiday honoring Frank Nitty
By #551147 23,May,20 04:09
I'd much more prefer honoring Samuel Colt or Horace Smith and or Daniel Wesson OR William Church and or George Wingate or even Wayne LaPierre.
By #610414 23,May,20 08:43
Those are manufacturers. I rather see Baby Face Nelson, Dutch Schultz, Dillinger.
By #610414 23,May,20 09:14

So you think licensing drivers to drive cars is too much? How about mandatory seat belt use? Why can't we operate a tracked vehicle like a tank through the streets of your town?
Should we allow people to carry Japanese katana's? Maybe allow an Indian swamy to play with live cobras in the sidewalk of a busy Detroit downtown (if I was the snake I'd be petrified. Rough town. )
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,May,20 13:08 other posts 
People cannot kill so easily if they do not have guns. Yes they can kill in many other ways but nowhere near as easily and efficiently.
By #610414 22,May,20 15:45
And that’s the whole point.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,May,20 16:22 other posts 
What, the whole point of allowing gun ownership is that people can use them to slaughter innocent people more efficiently.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 22,May,20 16:23 other posts 
How about with an airplane? Stupid libTard cunts.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 16:37 other posts 
Please be nice. Andthisisme's posts are always respectful.
By #610414 22,May,20 17:19
I meant, do away with guns
By #610414 22,May,20 17:20
OMG, I better get back to my thread. A Bella admonishment to Skittles. What next?
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 18:14 other posts 
You were butt-hurt that I didn't say anything to Skittles when he unleashed on you, the other day.

The reason I don't give a gawd damn is you are bold, you are brash and you like to stir shit up here. That's not enough for you, when you're finished here, you take things over to Aussieman187's thread that you hope will encorage lix and/or leopoldij to comment on with the anticipation of them insulting me.

You're on your own, here and is your life really that dull?
By #610414 22,May,20 19:25
Thank you. Even left handed compliments are.........compliments,?
But, I'm overstepping my welcome.
Not only do I hate guns, I think they should be outlawed.
Arrivederci, baby.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,May,20 20:14 other posts 
Whatever you choose. I think we can coexist but you really need to examine your motives.
By #610414 23,May,20 09:03
We Can coexist but why the burden? I had every intention of not returning but there are times that I can't keep from commenting. You are welcome in my thread any time.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,May,20 10:24 other posts 
I have not recently asked you to move along, I've only asked if you would not stir the pot in this thread, with regard to lix and leopoldij. A leopard cannot change his spots, but don't whine about me not asking someone to be thoughtful with their responses to you. You get what you give.

I recognize that you enjoy taking snippets of posts, some that I make to Aussieman187's thread. This is done in malice in order that lix and leopoldij have an easier opportunity to insult me. So, exactly what is your motive?
By #610414 23,May,20 10:37
You are dead wrong. I like to take snippets to as many threads as I can. What I enjoy is seeing the responses. Aussie's thread is one of the ones i can, but, what he thinks or doesn't is his business.
Is this with malice? Yes and no. You have a bigger audience and because of your posts about me, many ignore me. My motive is showing what you and your friends are all about. Four years of your put-downs are hard to wash off
By bella! [Ignore] 23,May,20 12:17 other posts 
I really don't and have no need to post anything about you. People can see for themselves that you are an angry woman, a true looney tune at that!
By #610414 23,May,20 12:28
If I may answer that. Huxley,Huxley, Huxley,Huxley. I love that name.
By dgraff [Ignore] 22,May,20 20:28 other posts 
They can take all my guns I don’t care but they are paying me the amount I have them insured for it don’t matter I can make my own
By phart [Ignore] 23,May,20 00:37 other posts 
Ghost guns,um, "why all those metal shavings laying on the floor around your milling machine?" "Oh just making candle holders".
I sure didn't know our prison system here in the US was run by private companys? Wow,being the state has prisons in each county just about and state employee's work in them and the state retirement covers them and state provides insurance,doesn't sound like a private company to me.
Hux,for your viewing,
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Note the suicide use of the gun is larger than the "killing" use numbers.
A suicidal person might use a gun because it is a simple point and clic but if it is around,pills ,bridges,run in front a car as my neighbor tried to,and many other ways.Gota do something about the root problem,lack of desire to live!
Ok,HUx, can you kinda see where I got the acid thing from?
I remembered it but oh my god I didn't post a link in the original post to back myself up.And being you are IN EUROPE supposedly, you are alot closer to all that mess than I am.
Sad you can't remember something that was in the news just a few years back.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 23,May,20 09:49 other posts 
Her life is WAY PAST DULL!!
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 22,May,20 18:25 other posts 
I do appreciate that this is a very divisive topic and people hold strong views. I am not sure abuse really furthers you’re argument.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 23,May,20 09:50 other posts 
Don't really give two pounds of crap what some POM cunt says about anything mate.. Piss off
By bella! [Ignore] 23,May,20 09:56 other posts 
He didn't address you in that way, please don't talk like that to him.
By Andthisisme [Ignore] 23,May,20 10:59 other posts 
You really are a star. Clearly abuse is all that you have..
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 26,May,20 12:06 other posts 
Yes... the elegant gentleman He says his shit in PM... a coward.
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,20 12:41 other posts 
You win, you win! You are the roughest, toughest keyboard warrior to date! You come fully equipped with a pocket full of coins and will trash a member's page on a whim!

Why do you continue to go after members that are not insulting or abusive to you? Andthisisme's only downfall was that he didn't share the same views as you. Please stop.
By #610414 26,May,20 18:55
That's why insulting this little girl is the only way to handle her. Followed by blacklisting
--------------------------------------- added after 11 hours

I meant Skittles. Please, did you forget co-existence?
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,20 19:39 other posts 
I beg your pardon?
By #610414 27,May,20 06:36
I meant Skittles. Please, did you forget co-existence?
By bella! [Ignore] 26,May,20 12:46 other posts 
And if you hadn't noticed, your Activity Meter rating is 12, his rating is 0. I doubt he's saying "shit" or anything else via PM.
By Sir-Skittles [Ignore] 27,May,20 08:14 other posts 
yeah.... fake accounts are never used here... This info was shared to me by a very reliable member...
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 08:20 other posts 
A reliable source meaning your momma?
By #610414 27,May,20 10:37
When Skittles isn't sucking Daddy's dick, she's sitting in the basement sewing room with Mommy. She comes out after sundown.
By bella! [Ignore] 27,May,20 08:43 other posts 
So a "reliable source" has shared with you that Andthisisme, who you described as being an elegant gentleman, and by the way, I agree with, is a fake? Perhaps being quarantined for so long has contributed to your paranoia.

Has your "reliable source" really convinced you of something as stupid as what you suggest? Hey, just my opinion, I would use your points and trash the page of your unreliable "reliable source".

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