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New Comment Rating: 11 Similar topics: 1.Food stuff 2.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF 3.A Forum Topic 4.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF II 5.NEW STUFF, OLD STUFF, ANY STUFF III Comments: |
I had the same concern and messaged admin directly. This was my response;
Jun 8, 07:09 admin: You brought to my attention that it's too easy to flood someone with the same message. This was never meant to be, I simply missed that this is possible. So I have corrected it.
I just tested this by commenting "Nice jewelry" on new member bbwsub and received no points and typed gibberish on new member LilKyle and received four points. "Nice jewelry" is something that I have never said to a new member so I will assume that the message was too short.
Admin, are there rules to this that we should be informed of? Are there words that will trigger your system not to give points.
I believe your idea to both welcome new members and keep current members interested in doing so may be an exercise in futility if it's difficult and has unclear or no directions.
--------------------------------------- added after 81 minutes
Sissyclit has since read my posting and posted a public message on my page. He got it but the computer didn't. Surprise, surprise.
If I'm meeting someone for the first time and in person, I will most likely say, "it's nice to meet you" and in my opinion, that was very sincere and meaningful. If the person that I just met has something unique that grabs my attention, I MAY comment on that. Women are tricky and this is just an example; I have complimented women on their purses, a unique piece of jewelry, a hairstyle or the color of their clothes (I would love to meet someone like Queen Elizabeth II and tell how much I like her choice in colors. That woman's stylists are not color shy. I love the fact that this "granny" is not afraid to be BOLD). For men, it might be their necktie, I recall complimenting a man on his socks, the socks were yellow and had a paisley design on them. And recently, I was at a funeral home and one of the young directors there had the most gorgeous AQUA eye color. Was that the proper setting to go goo-goo over a young guy? I think not. But when meeting someone either face to face or even online, it is important to present yourself as being sincere WITHOUT sounding creepy. Without hearing a person's tone or seeing facial expressions, words COULD come across as sounding creepy and in many cases, get you blacklisted especially SYD members who creep out the new SYC member.
I just wonder if we have a member that will be able to think of a greeting that is unique and different for each or any new member.
And as for the women, they get lots of comments here without any points rewards.
Your site is filled with a number of men that identify themselves as being "straight" and something like those comments could be construed as being creepy.
Totally unrelated: Bella, Queen Elizabeth wears bright colours so people can pick her out in the crowd that is often ten deep and know that they have seen her.
I still like the fact that she wears and she rocks the bright colors. She's 92 years YOUNG and she looks GREAT!
And, I agree...I really miss Peach around these parts and I hope she is doing well. She was a genuine class act.
--------------------------------------- added after 18 hours
never mind. Just had to get even more creative.
One thing is that you won't get points for welcomes less than four words. They must be four or more words in length.
Now this is my curiosity, those living in the southern hemisphere, are your school years based on closing during your warmer months, the months of December, January and February?
Yes, OZZY45100 , this post is about you.
What has me curious is toward the end, the TSA officer takes some type of wand and rubs it across her gloved hands and then across the wheelchair. What is that all about?
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In nine days, when the winner is revealed, not only will he/she get an attractive trophy but will also receive a substantial amount of points. Sincerely, admin, thank you for creating a new contest concept that is cost effective so most anyone can join and also for point sharing with the winner.
It is time to get your face outta his ass, YOU are not as smart as you think you are!
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